The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, July 03, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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tern of Stanley's Experience With
the African Natives.
The natives of central Africa are de
scribed l.y tho lute Sir Henry M. Stan
ley In bU autobiography at being In
credibly stupid. He tells, for exam
ple, of one uutlve wbo, with a not hot
tun ii, wus scut la a cant across a
river to fetch a company of men to
ramp. After waiting an hour Stanley
vent to the river, where he found the
two papillitis each la an opposite direc
tion and blaming the other for hU stu
pidity. They were in a passion of ex
MtMincnt and quite unable to bear the
id vice of the men across the river, who
were bawling directions to them how
to manage their ennoe.
Another stupid fellow was generally
saved from punishment because bis
mistakes were so absurd. One day we
were floating down the Kongo. Near
camping time, as he happened to be
bow man, I bade him stand by and
when I called out seize the grass on
the bank to stop the boat In a little
while we came to a fit place, and I
crh-d, "Hold bard. Klrango"'
"Please God. master," be replied and
forthwith sprang on shore and seized
the grass with both bands while we, of
course, were rapidly swept on down
The leaf's crew roared at the ridicu
lous sight Nevertheless his stupidity
cost the tired men a hard pull up river.
for not every place was availuble for
Twice as Large as Alt Europe Is the
South Polar Continent.
The antarctic continent has been es
timated to be at least twice as large
as Europe. The evidence of paleom
tology Is to the effect that Antarctica
was once connected with the more
northern lands, at least with Sooth
America, and that In prehistoric ages
some tremendous convulsion of the
earth's crust resulted in the sinking- of
the "submarine" floor, until In some
places it Is now 4,000 fathoms, or
more than four miles below the sur
All around the great land mass of
this continent there Is a deep ocean
bed cutting It off from every other
land of the earth and setting It apart
as a region more unlike the rest of
the globe than any other continent or
Explorations have proved that In
times before the advent of man upon
the earth this most southern land bad
a temperate or even a warmer ell
mate. There are fossils, both animal
and vegetable, which Indicate this.
The formation of the rocks In Antarc
tlca also Is of volcanic origin and vol
canic activity, notably in the case of
Mount Erebus, which is not yet ex
tinct A vast mountain range, per
haps at one time a continuation of the
Andes, exists in Antarctica. American
Ilevlaw of Reviews.
An Indoor Attack and a Cavalry Charge
on a Naval Force.
At the battle of Monterey, In the
Mexican war, our troops were able to
command the streets of the city with
their artillery, but they experienced
much difficulty in driving the Mexicans
from their bouses. Accordingly, as the
city was built of stone or adobe, the
Americans broke through the walls
from one bouse to another, fighting and
driving out the enemy as tbey proceed
ed. Thus, it appears, the battle of
Monterey was largely fought Indoors
In the time of William the Silent,
when the Netherlands were fighting
the Spaniards, a number of Spanish
vessels became frozen In on the Zuy
der Zee. Out came the Putcb on horse
back on the ice to attack the Span-
lards. This Is probably the only battle
of record wherein cavalry was em
ployed directly against a naval forca
There have been battles fought lj
dergrouud Chlefect of these was the
fierce encounter iertaltjln to the
lege of Haarlem In the Dutch wars
The Spaniards mined and the Dutch
countermined with equal Industry, and
below the ground a terrlUc conflict en
sued. When, after the commune, the Ver
sallies trxsjps took Paris they chased
certain of the communist forces to the
great sewers of the Trench capital, snd
In these more than one sanguinary bat
tle occurred New York Press.
rmrlna: tLese days of deep snows In
northern U:Uu.1m tVm who appreci
ate the service rendered by the birds
thiit Lave the hardihood to Hjiend the
winter, or a part f It, iu the north can
do them a klndiy turn by putting out
food for them. The birds will eat por
tions of m-rups from the table and In
some cases wheat or cracked corn, but
there seems to be 'thlng that they
relish more than a pi 'it lef suet.
This can 1 placed on t st!f or hung
necurely lu a tree out of tltt, uow, and
the birds can have access 10 It when
ever they like.
The planting of a tree Is often an en
tirely unselfish act, for the chief value
of It along the line of both fruit and
hade rendu a maximum when the
one w ho planted Is tins gone to his re
ward. It Is so with the frees that used
to mean so much to us ns children, and
It may l true of the trees wo platit
now, which will furnish fruit or shad
for our children and their children.
Make Arbor day something Upsides a
pretty sentiment this year by actually
ctttng out a tree or trees. The plant
lug of trees requires faith, and that Is
one of the features that make It o
much worth while.
If you are gong to take a trip you will need a prood Trunk.
We have anything you may need in thi line and at a good sav
ing over what you will have to pay elsewhere. Look them over.
! 5
9 I f m'?f.. rmf ii ""as aiiu
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tun fl ( JU
I ,-jV y, I PCI I r
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b vmw, mm mm
1 AW&
"isil2,rJtan, your choice
CopyriiM Hut ictxtfnet U"
What started ns no. Innocent prac
tical joke nearly had serious consequent-en
Thursday evening when a
larjre crowd of HIh School jjlrls,
mostly Sjphoiuores, went on a pic
ulc and held a catnplire party on the
banks of the river.
Ihree boys wbo learned of the pic
nic decided to play a joke on the
L'lrls. With their rifles thev stalked
close to the party, which was unth
ered about the tire, and then started
a fusillade of shots. One of the njlrls
had just beeu relating K)W t'lty
Marshal Iewls had leen looking for
a suspicious character lu the same
nleifhborhood that da v. When the
gliots were heard the girls supposed
that a so-called desperate character
was In the neighborhood. A stam
pede of screaming, terrified girls rc
A couple of older members of the
party finally quieted them, but only
to flud that one of the girls was
missing. Several of the party broke
down and became hysterical.
A few minutes later the inl-sinu
girl returned from town with t'lt.v
Marshal Iew ls and a small, voltin
teer posse. Explanations were then
In order and the three bovs who
started the scare came In for a severe
The undersigned committee believe
the welfare of Mood Klver county
generally and of the apple growers
particularly depends largely on the
cooperation of the different nssocla
tlons and companies marketing np
pies, as well ns that of the growers
producing them, and that personal
acquaintance between the man.'n;ers
of the dlflierent assttclatloiis Is most
In consequence a public reception
has be n arranged for Saturday
evening, July ith, at " o'ebx-k, to be
heli In the Commercial Club rooms
In order that all may have an early
opportunity to meet Mr. Wllmer
Sleg who comes here to take the
management of the Mood HlverAp-
pie Growers' 1'nlon. Kveryone In
terested In the welfare of Mood Klver
county, whether n apple grower or
not, Is most cordially Invited to be
present. Kespectfully,
I . K. I IK KM.
Till MAN Hl'TI.KH,
V. ('. 1H K,
W. K. Krvo.
It. W. I'HATT,
The pljrs are surely In "clover" when
they have the run of an alfalfa pnoture.
.Sot only do they relish the green food.
but it doe idem good and puts flesh
on their ribs.
Asparagus rnst, a fungous disease
thut was Introduced Into this country
from Europe twenty years ago and
which for a Ion time was given little
heed. Is today the most troublesome
pest that truck gardeners have to con
tend with.
What Is said to be tho largest milk
yield and butter fat record ever made
by a grade dairy cow Is held by Henu-
ty, a grade Guernsey cow belonging
to a Wisconsin breeder. Fhe produced
In one year 12,ir4 pounds of milk,
which contained 777 0 iiDds of but
ter fat Kurely tils Is no scrub per
forma oce.
Men's Suits
e have had a most satisfactory
season in fcuits tor men and boys,
as is always tne case we nna tnat
have more or less broken lots that
wish to close out before our line
fall suits begin to arrive. So we
marked them down in price from
uuv. t,vS(t V7 'I n.c urn i n t e. 11 Lilt III
regularly. Included in this lot
All good fresh clean stock nothing
that is out of date and undesirable in
the lot. Not a full run of sizes in any
one pattern but all sizes in the bunch
reduced from 10 to 50 per cent. Come
in and let us show you what a fine
suit we can sell you
little monev. There
now for just
are surelv
good big values in the lot that we
offering. You do not have to buy
we w'" not e angry wit
ith you if
Men's uarantppn Hat-Hnsp . .
riere is a cnance to buy a good
value guaranteed half-hose, black
Keporting favorably upon the
county's connection with the Shell
Kock Koai), following an Investiga
tion, and recommending that the
state speed laws lie strictly enforced
In this county lu order to prevent In
jury to the roads, the grand jury
brought In Its report to Judge l!rad
shaw yesterday afternoon.
The Investigation Into the Shell
Kock project was following certain
complaints by those who thought
the county was assuming liability lu
connection with the railroad and
who thought that the county was
assuming an unwarranted expense.
The grand jury's report dispelled
these Ideas. County Judge Cast tier
testified before them yesterday morn
ing. They reported that great Injury Is
being done the roads on account of
City Engineer I. M. Morse Inspect
ed the work U-Ing done on the big
dam across the river the last of the
week. The first of three tunnels In
the rock sides of the White Salmon
river canyon, through which the
(low of the stream Is to be diverted
from Its regular bed while the big
dam of the Northwestern Klectrlc
Company Is building, wns completed
last week. This tunnel Is tietween
PHI and li'i feet long. Is l.'i feet wide
and eight feet high.
Except for a few days In the recent
Industrial Workers' strike nt the
dam, which took L':r men off the Job
temporarily, work has been carried
on In this tunnel for a month, day
atid night. With Its completion,
double shifts are now driving the
two other tunnels. One of these, up
stream from the one just finished
will be 170 feet long, and the other.
lownstream, will be about "HO feet
The tunnel gangs make about four
feet a day through the rock, with
Irlllers working from both ends.
Some of the most expert hard-rock
men In the Northwest (ire engaged In
this tunnel work.
Vfterthe three tunnels have been
completed, which probably will lie
within ,10 days, a wood Hume 1J feet
u Me and six feet high will be built
through them from thecofferdam up
stream by which the river Is to be
forced out of Its regularr channel, to
the lower end of this water ' port
age." The Hume Is necessary, for If
the current were permitted to How
against the rough sides of the tunnel
the jagged rock projections would
act as so tunny obstructions and
beck the speed of Its flow.
A the White Salmon Itself Is much
wider than the tunnel, In order to
get the same volume of water through
the narrow Hume as Hows In the
river high s-ed Is necessary. The
nglneers of the Northwestern Elec
trie Company expect to force the
si renin through the tunnels at the
rate of 1M feet a necond, nearly twice
as fust as Its regular How.
After the tunnels and Humes are
completed, work will be started Im
mediately on the huge concrete dam
The News for good printing.
Now that the camping season is upon us we want to call
your attention to our excellent line of Hammocks. There is
nothing that will add more real pleasure to your trip than this.
SI.OO, $1.40, $1.75 and up
SPECIAL-Shirt Waists, $1.50 and
$2 values, slightly soiled,
bargain. All at one price,
Ladies' pure silk Waist in colors light
blue and light pink, regular $3 sellers.
These are very pretty waists and are
truly bargains, but the silk is not as
good as it should be and you take your
own chances as to the wearing. Qfl
Your choice OUu
Ladies' ChitTon Waists in colors cream,
light and dark blue and brown. Good
values at &5. your choice to 1 nn
close them out 0 1 1 30
Ladies' Sailor Hats, white and
straw, values up to $1, special to
close them out
Washable Skirts for Ladies'
You can hardly afford to miss
at this clean up sale on these
prices from 8,"e
to $5, choice...
auto speeding and urged strict en
forcement of the law.
The grand Jury returned one true
bill and five not true
They made a report on the expend
itures for couuty roads and bridges
so far this ye'ir.
They reported that there have been
no complaints ns to violation of the
local option law In the county.
The grand jury was made up as
follows: J. L. Carter, Foreman; M
A. Moore, I. K. Koblnson, J. I
Thompson, W. A. Lockman, S. B.
famine and K. A. Ke.ivls.
Court convened Monday. As there
were no jury cases, the panel was at
once excused after the grand Jury
was drawn. Monday and yesterday
Judge Itradshaw heard technical
point, no cases being called to trial.
A Wild West show Is coming to
Mood Klver on Thursday, the 11th
Their press agent says:
"Something absolutely new, some
thing never before carried with a
Wtlil West show Is but one of the
many features of that most noted of
all American amusement enterprises.
Kit Carson's lluffalo Ranch Wild
West. We refer to the excellent and
most complete menagerie of trained
wild animals Intxlstence today. Car
ried simply ns an added feature for
your Inspection and no extra charge
for viewing same. I Miring the course
of the performance animal acts of all
description are presented for your
approval. This with the fancy rid
ing, roping ami other traits of ex
pert horsemanship displayed by the
Cowboys, Cowgirls, Cossacks and
Mexican Vanqueros constitutes but
part of the two hours of solid amuse
ment. A Welser, Idaho, paper says of the
"Lovers of genuine amusement of
Welser and surrounding country,
were very pleasingly entertained to
day with two performances given by
the Wldcmunn Itros. shows, which
arrived this morning from a success
ful trip up the I. & I. N. and pitched
their big tents on the Pleasants
tract. The attractions are consider
ably out of the ordinary Inasmuch ns
they consist of splendid wild west
and circus features combined, and
more than any other one. thing their
square dealing with the public. In
fact the Wldcmunn shows are the
very Is-st attraction that has visited
Welser this year, am) were greeted
with big crowds at both perform
ances. The shows are a marked Im
provement over last year."
Robert J. Mi'Murpliy and family of
'ugene came up on Saturday for a
few days visit with their uncle, J. I'.
jim-mi jo hiiimiii .(q nitu.H nitmnu,
J(iiIIjj jo aiio ..tiis .ij iimp osoiljtid
J.iqiO A'llH 4J KS.llMIM Xll.)).lljd
q O) ppiH OJII A''l Jtiq 'Xjnod tllJ
jo fliiii )ii.i pun snspuojd oiJ joj KMp,i m ppio.w JIMJ flop
jo .i.i.hN b joj pucis pnoM ptinoq
n!l iiij.i) nij JU'II 1"l'l I'l!'11 0,,O
The News tells It all.
Men's Hats in soft and stiff styles. Stiff
Hats value up to $3.50, black, tan rflp
and grey, your choice uUu
Another lot of Men's Hats, colors black,
brown, and neutro, values up to 1 nn
$2.50, your choice 0 1 lUU
Men's Hats, Conqueror brand, colors
black, brown and grey, your CI IQ
choice Oli40
Men's Work Gloves, regular $1 and $1.25
values drummer's samples. If you
want a dandy good pair of Gloves for a
little money you do not want to miss
this opportunity. Your choice yg
Ladies' and Misses' Hose, splendid 25c
values in black and tan, plain and lace
effect Armor Plate and other r0
brands your choice, the pair 3u
Misses' and Children's Hosiery full
seamless, in colors black, white and tan,
pretty lace effect, values up to 25c r
Your choice, the pair Du
but at a great
12 price.
this chance
Skirts. All
The chief of the I'nlted States Ilu
reau of Plant Industry, Dr. 11. T
Galloway, has called to the ntten
tlon of the Secretary of Agriculture
the Incraslng need for disseminating
Information which will be helpful
to the thousands of city people am
others who are being encouraged to
put their savings Into various lam
selling, orchard growing, crop pro
duclng propositions. Owing to
the extensive advertising propngan
da, many people with little or no
knowledge of agricultural matters
are being led to Invest money In
projects which by no reasonable
chance can Is? be made to pny the
profits claimed for them. Secretary
Wilson Is very much Interested In
this matter and has Issued Instruc
tions that full data be gathered In
order that the department through
Its publications and correspondence
shall be In dlrt-t position to aid
those who have been attracted by
the promise of good Investments,
but who would like to obtain reliable
facts before taking action.
Individuals or conipfi nies that bar
apples In storage wot Id do well to
keep close truck of the markets and
not be led to hold their stocks too long
for n high price. Prices which have
prevailed on retail markets for some
weeks past h.ive been so high us to
greatly reilm-e consumption of this
fruit. The result of this situation Is
that the total supply of apples avail
able is fast nppronching the point
where they will lie adequate to meet
consumptive demands, it follows from
this Inevitably that price tendencies
will be downward and not upward
whenever the point mentioned Is reach
cd. Should present supplies be kept
In storage for several months longer
the law of supply and demand would
In all probability tern to operate more
rigorously and prices would tend to
slump more violently. In view of the
above it would be far better to market
apples In the very near future nt good
prices than to hold them several
months and encounter a serious slump
In prices at n time when stock on
bund exceeded the demand.
A prolltlc source of many millions of
bad eggs that get through to tho con
sumer and upset his stomach at break
fast Is Indicated in a case which was
brought to the writer's attention not
long ago. The Indhidual In question
lives on a farm, and the merchants in
the town near which she lives have
noticed that her big flock of hens seem
to quit laying from May until Octo
ber, but from that time on during thn
wluter shell eggs out at a great rata
when the prevailing prices are twlc
or more what they were during th
summer months. These eggs are mar
keted In lots of six or seven dozen at
a time every other day, but never two
baskets to tho nnmo grocer In succes
sion. It In tho consensus of opinion
on the part of ho grocers who get
these eggs that sho Is by all olds the
worst offender against the pure food
law which prohibits tho marketing of
stale eggs that there Is In the territory
ribntary to the town.
Tho sweet peas may bo planted as
soon ns the frost Is out of the ground
and will stand dry weather tho Is'tter
If they are put In to n depth of from
four to six Inches. After they come
up tho surface soil should Is? stirred
frequently, and later on tho pens should
Ik watered If tho weather turns very
It pays to advertise
Special prices on Summer
bargains we are offering you
5c, 7c, 8c,
values up
values up
the pair
Shoes and
children in
patent, box
tne lot,
one kind.
to $5.00.
A quiet, but pretty June wedding
was held Sunday afternoon at :i
o clock when 1111am I . Stewart am
Miss Alta Ordwny were united In
matrimony nt thebome of the bride's
parents, Mr. ami Mrs. R.W. Ord way-
Rev. J. R. Margreaves of the I '.apt 1st
church performed the ceremony' in
the presence of the Immediate faml
lies ami a lew friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart left Sunday
evening for Portland, where they
will spend a short time before going
to Vuncotiver, Wash., where they
will make their home on Mr. Stew
art's ranch.
Roth Mr. am Mrs. Stewart have
many mends here. She Is a young
woman of many attractions, while
Mr. Stewart Is an Industrious and
capable young rancher. The Is-st
wishes of a large circle of friends will
be extended to the happy couple.
A very pretty home wedding was
solemnized on J une L'.'i when Arthur
A. Raid win and Florence P.uchanaii
were married at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. V. Ru
chanan on Avalon Way.
Rev. J. R. Margreaves of the Rap
tlst church olliclated.
The bride was attended by her sis
ter, MIh-i Avis Riichanan. A. E. Lofts
acted as best man.
The home was tastefully decorated
with ferns ami roses.
The ct remony was witnessed by
I he rt-lat Ives and a few friends, nud
amid a shower of rose petals the
happy couple departed for a wedding
trip to the bench, after which they
will be at home at Aurora, Ore.
First Christian Church.
There will be a free lecture given at
the Christian church on .1 uly Mh at
s p. m by the national lecturer .'ti a
subject that will Interest everybody
In Mood River and you cannot afford
to miss this treat, not because It Is
free, but because you seldom ever
hear In a place like this city hik h
men. You will meet a large audience
of people that will appreciate your
presence and we will give you tht1
glad hand always. No admission
and no collection, so come to bear
something worth while.
The value of beet sugar nnd its by
products for the past year was $!K),
000,000, while the value of cane sugar
was Consumers of sugar
paid during the same time for tho pro
tection of the home sugar Industry In
lilt it-s on the vast quantity of sugar
Imported more than the combined
value of the domestic output This,
taken together with tho fact that a
great majority of tho beet sugar fac
tories over the country are owned by
the American Sugar Rellnlng compa
ny, does not put the consumer In a
religious frame of mind when he
plunks down his dollar for eleven or
twelve skimpy pounds of sweetening.
A fellow might be pardoned for
trading Jackknlvcs "unslght and un
seen." but If he knows which side his
bread Is buttered on he will draw the
line In the use of this method when It
romes to getting n wife or a piece of
land. Hardly ft day goes by for the
country ns a whole but sntno unsus
pectlng victim Is sending his good
hard ensh to some promotion com pun;
for land which could never produce a
crop, owing to the absence of water
or the opposite condition -so much wn
ter that the soli could never be drain
ed. It Is n bit expensive to travel hun
dreds of miles before buying a piers
of land, but It Is the only safe or sen
flblo thing to do.
Dress Goods. Just see what
on our bargain tables, for the yd.
1 Oc and 1 5c
and Children's Shoes and Slip
pers in kid and canvas, values up
to $1.75, your choice
Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Slip
pers in kid, patent and box calf leathers,
to $2.00, your choice
and Misses' Shoes and Slippers,
to $4.00, your choice
SI .47
Slippers for men, women and
Tan, Russian calf, gun metal,
calf and kid, about all sizes in
out not a lull run oi sizes in any
Values in this lot up
Your choice
We have some extra big bargains in
Men's Heavy Shoes, Igger and Cruiser
Shoes. We bought a job lot of these
and having bought them for a good bit
less than they were worth, we are giv
ing you a chance at the same big saving.
About all sizes in the lot if you buy them
now. Let us show you what they are.
You do not have to buy if you do not
think you want them just now, but we
would like to let you see just how much
we can save you on this class of goods.
The Oregonlan quotes G. A. Young,
president of the Columbia Klver
Power Eight Company, as follows:
"Our company will develop l.luo
horsepower by the completion of the
big new Hume that has been begun
from the rapids of Merman creek.
We have been serving t he cltletis of
Cascade E.icks, near which our plant
Is located, with electric lights since
last Thanksgiving by means of a
temporary system we constructed.
"It Is probable that within a short
time some business enterprise will
come to Cascade Eocks and make use
of the surplus power we are develop
oping. Several companies are now
considering our offers "
The other otlieers of t .v-i I v-1n-corporated
company a! .,.'olllns,
manager, and R. W. Eang, srrctary.
The following sales of real estate
are reported for the past week:
fames I'. Mason and wife to Cora
E. cinrkson, lots, :!0, -J-Jt, i.t, block
i, Idlewllde.
George T. I'rather mid wife to A.
O. Ilershey, lot 7, block 1. P.lowers'
Addition, $l.Vl.
W. A. Schafner and others to C. P.
McCan, lots 1. 2, 7, block 10, Second
Addition West.
C. P. McCan and wife to W.T.
Schafner ami A. I". Adams, lot 1,
block I'. I'lrst Addition West.
I'onl tin in Kimball to Walter Kim
ball, undivided two-thtrds of Pio
acres south of Fir.
George Sutherland and wife to
John alters, lots Is ami 111, block. II,
Ezra P. Monson and wife to Ore
gon Eumber Company, PiO acres In
western part of county.
Milton II. Sharp anil wife to Flor
ence T, Winters, lot .', I x 1 1 m 1 1 n block 7,
Rlvervlew Park.
I Eat All I Want to Now, No Mora
Oas on th Stomach or 8our Stomach,
No Mors Heavy Feeling After
Meals or Constipation.
.... ......... ...i--, ..... ... II 111, wioiuui
Bl ll.-l. II'UT TIIV -1 I. .
' .-ii, i wi n i in nimpifj UUCK-
thorn hnrk, Klyccrlne, etc., ns cumpnnn.le.l
In All.i:u-1-KA! Vnu will be surprised
at the glj'ICK results nml ynii will !
(fiinnleil iiKiiliist niieini-lHs, Tho V'KltY
L'lllU'l1 ImiUI.' ...Ill I. .
...I ,ni-. wn, ni-ip y,,!i nn(I n -inuri
treatment with A I I.KIt-1-K A will miike
you feel better than you hnve for years.
TMa nu, lnm.nn .. i,..i.i ...
. - .ii.iii ii iir-ntnr 1 1 in rempiiy
untlseptlilzes the stomach anil bowels
nnd draws off nil Impurities. A PINOI.K
K)SK relieves gnu nn tlin stomach, smir
stomach, rnnstlpntlnn, nausea or benvv
foellns- Bfter eallna nlmont AT ONCI-i.
A short treatment often cures an urdtnury
rase of aonondli -Ills.
Chas. N. CI arke
Sole Agent
For low) River Counly