10 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1912 ORCHAP cm J BY FETRIGG irrirrcii poikt ROGUE RIVER 11 VALLEY OREGON CCRRCSWNDfVCC fThla matter mut not be reprinted with out e pedal permission. Sprinkling common road dust on young iear and cherry trees will de stroy the slug that feed on the leave. There Is no machine on record that seems calculated to work more perfect ly than the stomach of a small boy when apples are green and the swini mln's good. There isn't much excuse for the mail boy having a gun, but with on of the lutest air guns that have been put out he can make a pretty effective campaign against the sparrow tribe. Kansas farmers are provided agnlnst an outbreak of hog cholera in view of the fact that 1 .000.000 cubic centi meters of the cholera serum are on hand at the State Agricultural college. Scientific farming In a broad sense is merely the application of brain power rather than brawn and the let ting of one's head, so far as may be possible, save labor for hands and feet. Milo maize belongs to the corn fami ly and possesses both as to stalk and grain about the same feeding qualities. For this reason the mllo maize is suit able for sllnge purposes the same as is corn. There Is nothing that will clean up a weedy pasture or meadow in shorter order than a flock of sheep. They will forage chiefly on vegetation that Is useless or worse than useless and convert It Into meat A rickety fence Is a bit expenslre when, as In an Instance reported in a country paier the other day, thirteen horses were killed outright by getting on to a railroad ripht of way and being run down by a fast night train. It is well for those interested in growing alfalfa to rememler that If a piece of land has once grown alfalfa It ret:tii. the nitrogen fl-ing bacteria for a ierlod of from four to six years after the crop has been plowed up. In one locality with which the writer la familiar, where many pieces of clo ver were killed out ns a result of last summer's drought, a field of alfalfa has at present a fine stand and bids fair during the season to exceed the three ton yield of last year. Not only do the Buff Orpingtons have broad breasts and yellow skins, but they attain a good size, the cock birds often reaching a weight of thir teen iHiunds. I'.esldes this, the fowls are quiet and docile, and the hens make the best of mothers. The Ontario Agricultural college has a plan in oeratim whereby It fur lilslies the services of a drainage ex ert free for laying out a drainage sys tem for any farmer who will pay his car fare, and for this the roads of the province charge but a cent a mile. The method outllnei Is one that has a great deal to commend it. Many a farmer will this summer be heljed out In the rush of work by young men who are taking courses at their state agricultural schools, and it Is fair to assume that In a majority of instances these farmers will be well served. The students referred to are not only Industrious and willing to work, but. what Is more, are Interested In farm work ami problems. If you au get hold of one of these lads give him a chance There are three tool that every or rhardWt who has tc.e care of any con siderable uiiimIkt of fruit trot should have namely, the pruning shear which will clip a limb an Ire li In diameter with ease, the small one bnnd shear for snipping small twigs and the swlel pruning saw, the narrow blade of which will saw at ri-ljt angles to the frame when Inserted Urlweeu two Uuil close together. The writer has used all three of these tools and has found them a most satisfactory com bination. The first half year of the great ln t rriBtHinnl egg laying contest which t being held under the nniwrvMon of the Missouri State Agricultural college closed May I. and some Interesting result have Ix-cn noted. The first prize for let performance of five pul lets In egg production was won by a pen of Marred Hock belonging to () E. Kenning of Mead. Neb The five pullets laid 1.17 eggs In twenty day. One w k during the period mrh of the five laid an egg every day of the week, while one laid an egg eiery dsy for forty seven consecutive days. Slm-e the close of the first six months a wn of Black Orpingtons tinve taken the lend In number of eggs prod if fd. and the Brown l(horna ar fast rtuulng to the front I 1 . a .-I art- n J: vs According to figures lately published by the ceiiau bureau at Washington, the United State produced .In WOO over WUO.u0 pound of butter, val ued at fi '.". lOO.Ouo. In the year for which the figures are clvon Wisconsin Uwl In huttiT nml net Ion. and Iowa was a cioae aecono. It'a a sort of strain on the eternal fitness of things to see a woman who ought to be wheeling a tmby cab lead ing one of those little white woolly f.n.-a Hf th end at liluk Ktrllli.'. but I nriA Bttua mora rtillrnloiw fhiin this 1ft eeliig a man tlpi'lug the scale at ISO pounds doing the same thing. The primary election system will not siake vicious men clean and patriotic or take slugpird Toters by the nape of the ueck and haul them to the polls, but it will give those citizens who do exercise the right of suffrage a fair and i unhindered chance to express their po ' litlcal preference In the matter of se lecting candidates. A patch of sunflowers will not only furnish the flock of hens refreshing shade during the hot summer days, but the seed from the ripe beads will furnish a most welcome change during the moulting season. If a liberal amount of earth is taken up with the roots the plants may be reset in the henyard after they have reached a height of from eighteen to twenty four Inches. Where one wishes to force produc tion of strawberries nitrate of soda makes a fine fertilizer. In applying it Is best to remove the coarser lumps and then sift the remaining portion with a fine sieve so as to remove the powder. The remaining fertilizers will be granular in form, and this should be sprinkled over the plants when the leaves are dry, and any particles re maining on the leaves should be brushed off with a feather duster or old broom. The many precautions uttered in the matter of the unusual need of testing all seed corn planted, owing to the poor condition of much of the supply saved for seed last fall, seem to have resulted In a stand that In many sections of the corn belt Is bet ter than It has been for years. The mere fact that care was exercised in this particular will mean a difference of hundreds of thousands or even mil lions of dollars in the crop that will be harvested next fall. In the case of both alfalfa and clovers a better quality of hay will be secured If it is cut in the forenoon, left in the windrow until mldafternoon or a little later, when it should be put In cocks of about eighty pounds each and covered with a bay cap. Under these conditions the hay will cure in four or five days. One advantage of this method lies in the fact that the hay does not become so brittle as when exposed several hours to a bright sun, and hence far fewer leaves break off A tract of small apple trees that the writer saw the other day lsre iht suaslve evidence of the fact that It is l physical Impossibility for on orchard to serve ns a fruit producer and a calf and horse pasture at the same time. The trees were barked and had had the leaves browsed off, and the soli was ?ettlng packed and hard from the :ramping of the stock. If this condi tion continues the money put Into Ihese trees at the start, as well as any :are given them since, will have been the same as thrown away. The department of agriculture at Washington, under direction of Secre tary Wilson and Dr. Galloway, head of the bureau of plant Industry, has started In the northern states the 'demonstration farm" work which has lone so much for southern agriculture In recent years under the suiervlslon Df the late fr. Knapp. While a small er appropriation was asked for, a to tal of IMC" JO has been appropriated by the present congress for this farm lemonstratlon work In northern am1 southern states. The service rendered along this line has been of inestimable benefit to southern farmers, and there Is reason to believe that It will be alike beneficial to the farms of the north. In view of the high prices prevailing for most of the things we eat, It is in teresting to note a menu that was served by a domestic science class of the Oregon Agricultural college on the occasion of a recent visit of Ir. Lane, a representative of the United States department of agriculture. The cost for serving six people was $2. and this covered every oxicnse. The repast consisted of fruit cocktail, creamed peas, lamb chops, rolls, rlced fxjtatoes, asparagus, a salad of cucumbers, rad ishes, pimentos and nuts In little boats made by hollowing out the cucumbers, with mayonnaise dressing, a lemon lherlet. cheese straws and strawlx-rry hortiuke. It is remnrkable In how short a time the trees alciut the house will fairly swamp It in shade. For this reason they should be kept trimmed up. and If the trees are too thick hs they ln rrease In size some of them should be taken out. Shade Is all right In its place, but too much of It Is a good leal worse than too much sunshine. In fact, from the standolnt of health, there could not be tor) much of the latter. One summer some seasons ago the writer remembers an tnstnnce of l bouse that was so surrounded with ohiide and conditions about and In It to damp thnt books mildewed on the ahelves. Abundant sunshine Is needed to overcome Just svrh condition a rbia. THE THINNING OF FRUIT. Those who are engaged lu the fruit growing business lu a serious way for profit rather than pastime con sider the thinning of fruit as essen tial a part of the enterprise a prun ing, spraying and cultivation. In time past, wheu in mauy au apple orchard the fruit was shaken off the tree or knocked off with a rake or pole, the points of quality and size of fruit were uot so important and the thiu nlng of it wus therefore quite buiht- Ouous. But lu these later days, with lox fruit retailing at from $1.50 to $t per box, quality Is of prime con sideration, and thinning Is made neces sary. The thinuiug process not only results In a larger and more uniform size of fruit, but makes It possible to eliminate in the process fruit that Is defective or injured. Besides this, It relieves the trees of an overload and make it easier to get them Into the annual bearing habit The work of thinning should be done when the ap ples are about an Inch in diameter, and they should not be left on the trees nearer than seven inches apart This will seem pretty thin Just after the Job Is done, but when the apples are full grown the trees will have all they should bear. It Is quite natural the first time the Job Is done to re move only about half of the fruit that needs throwing on the ground, with the necessity arising later of doing the Job again when the apples are half grown. What is said above of apples applies with equal force to peaches and pears, with the exception that the latter fruits need thinning to but from four to six Inches, depend ing somewhat upon the size of the variety. THE BORDEAUX MIXTURE. No spray has proved so satisfactory for chinking potato blight as the bor deaux mixture. This is made by slaking carefully, so It will not bake and lump, five, ten or more pounds of fresh stone Ume. The equivalent of five pounds of the lime in Its original form should then be diluted so as to make half a barrel of llmewater. Next dissolve five pounds of blue vltiiol In four or five gallons of water, and after diluting the amount dissolved In about twenty-five gallons of water ndd slow ly to the Ume solution, stirring care fully the while. It Is well in fact necessary to have the Ume in excess In the solution so that it will not burn the foliage of the plants. To determine this take half a pint of the solution as made after thorough stirring and add a few drops of prusslate of pot ash (a deadly poison), which will throw a chocolate brown precipitate if the lime Is not in excess. If this should be the case enough more lime solution should be added so that this precipi tate will not be formed. If it is de sired to bit the potato bugs at the same spraying commercial arsenate of lead should be added to the solution at the rate of two and n hulf pounds to fifty gallons. During the spraying operation the solution should be kept stirred every few minutes. A GREAT STRAWBERRY CENTER. Judsonla, Ark., is one of the great strawberry shipping jiolnts of the south. The business there is run on a stock company basis so far as the marketing end of it is concerned. The association includes 340 stockholders, and the tracts which these have In berries vary In size from a few rods square to forty acres. In 1911 the ber ries produced by the members sold for $3oo.oiO. And on May 13 of the pres. ent season the berries marketed repre sented a cash value of over $10.00), the prices ranging from $2.f0 for the best grades to H2 cents per crate for the lowest grade. The soil of the district is light and sandy and Is free from stones. The crop rotation followed by the best growers Is cowpeas, potatoes or oats and strawterr!es. The land is given a liberal application of fertilizers rich In potash and phosphorus. BUTTER FAT AND FILTH. When the small sample of cream con tained in the Babcock testing tube at a creamery Is so odorous that It offends the nostrils nt a distance of several Inches It Is high time for the butter maker or manager to Inquire into the conditions existing on the farm from which this cream comes which are re sponsible fo' the smell. It Is highly important that the Babcock test should be used to determine the per cent of butter fat of the cream contributed by different patrons, but It Is Just as Im portant that the cream furnished should be produced under conditions which will Insure its being sweet and clean. There is a whole lot of missionary work to be done along this line, and there Is especial need of it In those localities served by gathered cream factories. 8HOULD HAVE ONE. There 'is no reason under the snn why the man who owns a quarter sec tion farm and lias money fn the bank besides should not own an automobile. Both he and his wife and quite likely other members of the family hnve worked hard to acquire (he property, and it Is entirely fitting that they should take this method of realizing some tangible pleasure and comfort from the result of their labors. They w'll be able to enjoy many a trip abroad, visit with nelghlwrs and friends more often than before, and, Ix-sldes this, the very change that the automobile will give them will serv to make the farm and Its various In terests no l ss attractive. Economy in Painting Your House does not mean buying the paint sold at the lowest price per gallon. It means getting the paint that covers the most surface per gallon and gives the greatest number of years of service in other words, the best value for your dollar. ACMEQlMITY HOUSE PAINT costs less because it takes less and lasts longer. Let us show you pleasing color combinations, E. A. FRA NZ CO NORTH the delightful Columbia River Route on the Steamers STEAMER "T. J. POTTER" leaves Portland at 10:30 p. m. (daily except Sunday .nd Monday) arriving Astoria fi:00 a. m. and Meirlrr at 7:30 a. m. Returning leaves Antoria daily excet Sunday. Monday and Tuesday at 7:00 a. m., Mrnrler at 9 30 a.m., arriving Tort land 4:30 p. m. On Sunday, leaves Astoria 7:00 a. m., Meglcr 9:00 p. m., arriving Portland at 5:30 a. m Monday. STEAMER "HASSALO" leaves Portland daily (except Saturday and Sunday) at 8:00 a. m., Saturday at 1 p. m., arriving Antoria 1:30 p. m.. Merrier 2:15 p. m. On Saturday arriving Megler 6:30 p. m. Returning leaves Mogler daily Except Saturday and Sunday at 2:45 p. m., arriving Portland 10:00 p. m. Sunday leaves Megler 9:00 p. m., arriving Portland 6:30 a. m. STEAMER "HARVEST QUEEN" leaves Portland daily (except Saturday and Sun day) at 8:00 p. m., Saturday at 10:00 p. m. for Antoria and way landings. Returning leaves Antoria daily except Sunday at 7:00 a. m., arriving Portland 6.00 p. m. KXCFXLENT RESTAURANT SERVICE (Meals a la carte I Trains meet all boats at Megler for North Beach Points Astoria $1.50 ( Saturday to-Monday tickets 3.00 North Beach i Season tickets 4.00 (Five-ride Round-trip tickets 13.00 One-day River Trip, Portland to Megler and return 2.00 rOR rURTHCPJ PARTICULARS ARRLV TO J. H. FREDRICY, Agenl 0-W. R. & N. THIMEDlassntssHsxaasBlxl Contains absolutely NO artificial coloring. are A household AIXBH A LB WIS, gtT All kinds of Preferred hoi.I) WQcl's J. M. WOOD, A plntio for n nli-M, If you urt the lucky tiumftt-r nt .hirk Morrlnoti' nhootltiK jrnll-ry on SitouiI slni't, A hiticc with every InillMeye. U.'itf sfc3 . wA ZkST estimate quantity needed, or be of any other service we can, whether you buy or not. Come in and get an Acme Quality Painting Guide Book and some color suggestions. BEACH VIA T. J. POTTER HASSALO and HARVEST QUEEN FROM ASH STREKT DOCK Preferred Stock Catsup, in class, ii manufactured especially to order for lis by the most approved methods Preferred Stock Canned Goods FMkse fkimu la Best an Orowa uniform in their high quality and purify. tuctuity PrtfirrtJ Stock jrom your Grocer Wholesale Grocers, PORTLAND, ORBGOIf , U.S.A. Stock Goods NONE BETTER irv, Grocery Proprietor T. i. iavki;iv Mutual Insurance at HI) Per fnt of Old Mne Kale. Kire Inmiranre on HuiMinir in (Vrtirne of Construction, Free. NOTARY Plinl.ltt "N Tim HHIOIITa -tw The Quality Wlorc THE STAR GROCERY "GOOD THINGS TO EAT" Perigo & Son 12 ACRES 6 acres in Apples and Pears; house ana barn; on two county roads. Abun dance of good water with place; 1 mile from town. EASY TERMS Would consider trade in city property H. M. PRINDLE, :: P. 0. Box 357 Washington Apple Orchard A solid block of 1G0 acres young apple trees; near Goldendale, Klickitat coun ty. Will make reasonable price and terms on one half or three-fourths. A sightly location overlook ing Klickitat valley and a fine view of Alt. Hood and Mt. Adams and I think the most likely looking young orchard in the Northwest. W. G. DAVIS, Owner Goldendale, Washington Nciit anil nutty juli printing iii1ck cxcciited nt the New (dike. Water Works for the Country "Hello. Jim, when did yen put I n water-works System?" "About a month sgo. Charley, and I never toadied be (or. bow much convenience and real enjoyment l'vebeeo log au tills time." sent for a free book I 1 I -How I m a. advertised, called r I Mulved th. Water Supply frobl.m,' and II opene1 my eyes, 1 tell you." n i . i i . i . i bave running water on my place s easily as town people, so I ordered an outfit, set It up my self, and It works to perfection. It la called tba Leader Water Supply System I rut in a bathroom, have hot nd c ld water In th. kitchen mod laundi y and yon sea what a strong pressure I bav. In this bos.." "How do you get that pressure, Jim ?" "It's very simple. Charley com pressed air. You see. my windmill pumps water Into a steel tank In my basement (not th. old-fashioned clumsy, outdoor gravity tank). Th. air in this tauk. being elastic. Is com pressed Into the upper half as th. water enters. This compressed air then fives pressure which forces the water through th. does all over thea house, the garden and the barn' "1 can wash my buggies, clean out the stables, water the gardens, and pip. water to th. stock so easily. It seems almost like dream." "Then I have absolute Are protec tion, and that's worth a great deal oa the (arm you know. Do you want a copy of this book. Mr. Header? It will show you bow easily this system can be applied to your own farm, and what a tlm. and labor saver It will prove. at moderate cost. The tltl. of the bo- U "How I Hi. Writ the Water pnpply 1'roMem." ami w. ifnj it tKLh lu any oee Inter!!. Btner writ sow, MI the tell t It fmh Is ru piiO't. Y"u If turtly Uur ra4. let" AJJml . Apple Land & Orchard Go. Office No. 9 Oak St. Phone 2 6 or 2002-K s r C.F.SUMNER s s s s s . Opposite the Post Office Home I'hone 20 : is I Spray and Garden Hose I f: piumbina Blacksmithing and Wagon Work Farm Implements and Logging tools repaired. Plow work a specialty. Howell Bros. J Tw o doors cast of Fashion Stables lood River, Ore. Phone 22 7-X Wire Wound Continuous Stave WOOD STAVU PIPE Ki:LI.Y I5ROS., Ajrentu 4th St. Itvt. Onk and State I'hone 227-M Hood River, Ore. The Trim Looking Team mm shown in the iiiclure, are evi dently pond roadsters. In order to keep them ho, no pains should he spared to keep them carefully shod. As Experienced Horscshoers we know the importance of keeping them carefully shod. Let us do your horseshoeing work. You wont regret it. SHIVELY & DRISCOLL Phone 64-X