-fix. THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2G, 1912 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION OPENED YESTERDAY AT BALTIMORE HARMON. UNDERWOOD. CLArtk. jjj Sy -,iv mi WILSON. MARSHALL, 1 BALDWIN. Photo of Underwood l br Harris Ewtng. Photo of Harmon, Clark and Wllaon a by American Preaa Association Fifth Regiment Armory In City Famous For Conventions of the Past Will Seat Twenty Thousand People The Leading Candidates William Jennings Bryan a Delegate. Cash Grocery Some of Our Prices This Week Al Standard Corn and Tomatoes, per can 10c Scans Carnation, Libby and Pioneer Milk for.. 25c Cream Rolled Oats in bulk, per pound 5c Special Prices on Fruit Jars Mason Pts. 55c, Qts. 65c, Half G., 85c Economy Pts. 85c, Qts. $1.10, HalfG. $1.40 Shrams Pts. 75c, Qts. 85c, Half G. $1.30 COME TO US FOR BARGAINS L. H. HUGGINS Oregon Lumber 2 WHOLESALE and RETAIL LARGE STOCk OF Band Sawed Lumber on Hand WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT REASONABLE FIGURES CEDAR POSTS CEDAR SHIP LAP and SHINGLES Estimates Furnished. Call on Either Phone DEE, OREGON I JOHNSON BROS. &. HALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE t I Groceries Puriiishings, Shoes, hardware, Itc. A vents for I'ane Wjuron, kacinc Hacks, I.iiKKua and Kami Implements l nclalmeJ Letter The following lei ten remain nil called for nt the limit) Mvcr post office: Mis Chine Alitititt. (has Major Allot). lr .1 It Anuiltl. t' S Ayer, Mr Thus liarton. A A Bailey, M J Beers, Hum Bench, T P Itliilr, Jay lturtraw, Louts Hroiuxiifli. M C But timer. Mrs C LCover, Clyde Clarke. J Clark, ti 11 Patson, IIhiiu Poll. M )' Punn. S (i Fmlllo. Mr aiul Mm Fu- derlln, Wallace Fvans, I.J Fowler, ( ha Foster. M K Fruton, II F Ful ler. Mr l'Mlena Forsythc, Mr Fred (illl. I red Harrison, A J (illllsple, John liuntly. Miss KlUalieth Hall, Ml (ilail.v Hobscn, A llarrl. Verne Henry, Hetel llollls. Venice How aril, F J one, J F J one, Vernon June, It It Jordan, Mi Kin in a Lane, Mljah J Ie. Miss FIva Meyer. It It Mid bo, Adolph Matou Jr, lo Mor- rN. M M Xiieman, Mr liraee Os borne, O II Fanner, Koy I'ayne, S K 1'rultt. (ieo l'urer. O L Uoblnette. I. V Hose, Fdd Snger, A I.. Smith, Mi Kose Scollard. Karl Smith, Mr (! II Thompson. Harry Thompson, Mr Jessie Van Seoy. Charley White, Mr Jane Young. PERMANENT WATER FOR MOSIER TO BE OBTAINED J. X. Moler I having a reservoir constructed on hi residence property at Mosler whleh, when completed. will furnish the town for year to come with sufficient water for house hold and Irrigation purpose. The new reservoir I located adjoining the present one and will have a ca pacity of over liXi.iXH) gallons, or about Ave time that of the old res ervoir, which will lie used a a re serve tank. A pipe line will be con nected from a large spring which Mr. Mosler has recently acquired, and with this added supply Mosler resi dent will have plenty of water for their lawns and garden without working their sprinkler overtime. EXPERTS TO STUDY THE SPRAY INJURY Three expert from the O. A. ('. ex periment station paid a visit to the valley Friday In order to Investigate the Injury from arsenical polsonlug of fruit trees. In the party were Pro fessor H. V. Tartar, chemist, V. I. Safro, entomologist, and Professor Bailey, assistant plant pathologist The two former were particularly In terested In the spray Injury with special refereuce to the effect of arse nate on foliage following the recent heavy rains. Arsenates of lead, other than the strict ortho arsenates, which were applied early during the season und previous to the rains which occurred during the latter part of May have In some orchards done considerable damage to foliage. This Is particu larly true of the forms of spray which contain considerable acid properties. Professor Tartar, who Isconnected with the chemical research depart ment of the (). A. ('., will co-operate with Professor Lawrence, localplaut pathologist, In solving these spray troubles. Owing to the variable conditions In many of the orchards, similar treatment did not give the same re sults this season, thus making the spray Injury problems very difficult ones to study. Judges for Monday's election have tieon named ns folows: John A. Wil son and II. A. MacDonald. Clerks will be J. M. Culbcrtsou aud K. II. Harris. Bids for Wood The undersigned will receive bids for 20 cords good sound fir wood, .'t foot wood preferred. To lie deliver- ed at Pine (irove school house and piled In basement, not later than Si ptemlx r I, 1!12. W. C. Keck, Clerk of School Dlstrlst No. ". I fume 20J2-M Pine (irove (irange Building VanHorn Station Notice ol Hearing on Final Account M.'irvbeth S. Crowell, Fxceutrlx In theCounty Court of theState ofOr egoti for the County of Hood Itlver. In the matter of the LVtate of (jeorge P. Crowell, Peceased. Notice Is hereby given that the tin- 1 derstgned ns Fxeeutrlx of the Fstate of George P. Crowell, deceased, did the lltth day of May, 1!H2, duly file her final account as such executrix with the Clerk of the County Court of Hood IMver county, Oregon, and that on the li'th day of June, 1!)12, the Judge of said court duly made and filed on order fixing a day for the hearing of objections to such fi nal account and the settlement there of and fixing the 2.1 th day of July, l!t!2, at P o'clock a. m. at the court house In the city of Hood Ktver, Hood Klver county, Oregon, as the time and place of such hearing. Now therefore, all persons Inter ested In said estate are hereby noti fied to nppear at said time and place and show cause, If any they have, why said final account snould not be allowed. In all things, approved and confirmed ami said executrix dis charged and said estate le declared settled and closed. The day of the first publication of this notice will lie June2'ith. 1!H2. Dated June 21th, l:d 2. Maryiiktm S. CuowM.r., As Kxeciltrlx of the Lstate of (Seorge P. Crowell, lleceased. L. A. & A. P. Heed, Hood Klver, Oregon. Attorneys. 2G M 3-YEAR HOMESTEADS ARE NOWA REALITY The three-year homestead bill I now a law the same having been signet) tiy president Taft. The News ha Just received a copy of this bill. All future filings can Is? proved lu three year time If the entry meu so elect. Homesteader w ho have not yet received patent will have the privilege of completing their proof under the new three year law, or of continuing under the old five-yenr law as they may prefer. In other respects the new measure Is more liberal than the old, which has been tu force so many years Homesteaders are permitted five months continual absence from their claims each year, after notifying the laud office of the date they leave the land and that ou which they return. One sixteenth of the lam) filed on 10 acres for a quarter section must be under cultivation at the end of the second year, am) one-eighth at the close of the third year, when proof may Is made. The la w applies to all pending entries, and to those made under the enlarged homestead act. COMMITTEE NAMED FORJPPLE SHOW The ermaueut committee which Is to have charge of the Apple Show to to Is-held In Portland the lust week lu November will Imj composed of )5 members, representing the civic bodies of the city, the Oregon Agri cultural College and the State llortl cultural Society. Active work will be started at once to raise funds for the fair. At a recent meeting, over which W. F. Woodward presided, a resolution was adopted assuring Spokane that the Oregon Apple Shoi was not Intended todetraot from tin Spokane show. Those who attend ed the meeting, which was called b the executive committee of the Port land Commercial Club, are: W. 1 Woodward, II. T. Ottenheliner, W It. Shlyely, C. A. Malboeuf, W. K. Co man, J. L. Meier. F. ('. (Illtuer, C. (' Chapman, W. J. Hoffman, A. A Purs.-, J. L. Miller, F. II. Sealy, A. P Itateham and J. Fred Larson. A piano for a nickel, If you get I hi lucky numlier at Jock Morrlson'i shooting gallery on Second street A chance with every bullseye. 2.1tf Mccormick and dain Motvers and Hay HaKes They are good stuff and you will like 'em. And then we've got a lot of other necessities for haying time. We've got hay carriers, either for wood track or steel track or cable, and the track eyes or hang ers that go with 'em. And wood sheve pulleys and floor hooks and rafter brackets and rope. And then hay forks and harpoonssingle or double. CThe reports we get a 11 over the valley indicate a bumper hay crop. Somebody that's wise enough to get a hay baler is going to make a bunch of money. We sell the Dain all steel hay baler and can show you where you can get work enough to pay for one this season. YOU can do it just as well as your neighbor. Call us up. Ibi wwm b wm