THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 2G. 1912 I UPPER VALLEY NOTICE List your places for special attention with WARD IRELAND CORNELL Upper Valley Real Estate I nsurance Improved and Unimproved Orchard Land Hood River Connection Phone UUY Y. liDWAKDS & CO. 77-Odell U. C. M. Kanch. Harkdale Upper Hood Klver Valley. On. Ortley, Newtown and Spitzenberg True to name nursery stock. One and twcTyears old; fine thrifty trees; four to eight feet. It will pay purchasers to inquire before buying their spring stock. MOORE BROTHERS PHONES 2052-X AND 205-X HOOD RIVER. OREGON White Salmon Ferry We wish to announce to our 'patrons that we have secured a landing just north of the station on this side of the river. DEAN & SHEPLAR, Ferrymen. r. B. SNYDER B. B. POWELL Hood River Plumbing Company Phono 68X Sanitary Plumbinc and Heating. Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Repairing Promptly Attended. ESTIMATES FURNISHED CASCADE AVENUE nAVING purchasedthe entire interest of E. Brayford in the Rockford Store "about three months ago, we are now in a position to serve you with all the highest class Groceries at reasonable prices. We invite your patronage and will serve you to the best of our ability. OIVi: I S A Till AIj MERCER & CO. PHONIi NO. 5 W ARUMOUSE ON FIRST STREET Transfer and Livery company Freight, Express and Baggage Transferred Furniture Moved. Stored or Packed for Shipment HOOD RIVER, OREOON. Quick Successful Satisfactory Well Drilling STAR WELL DRILLING OUTFIT FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS APPLE LAND & ORCHARD COMPANY HOOD RIVER, OREGON Olflct. N. 9 Oak Strttl Phontt. 26 r 2002-1 H 3RfllGl ExPRES3 AND Baggage Furniture and Pianos Moiled All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work Wood Yard and Feed Store in Connection Office I'hone 29 Residence 2J8K TAFT TRANSFER. CO. fl J. M. SCHMELTZER F. A. BISHOP HOOD RIVER ABSTRACT COMPANY ABSTRACTS Insurance Conveyancing Surety Bonds "Accuracy" is Our Motto Office In New llcllhronncr Building Phone 2J Mood River, Oregon ORC (mm n jttt I1IWWU CTNTRAL POIKTjr rooue Riven VALLEY OREGON CORRCSPONOfNCC ooucrrto This matter must not t reprinted with out special permission. Alfulfa growers of Kansas consider the best antidote for grasshoppers to be a turkey or two per acre to range rer their alfulfa fields. When a two and a half pound chick will fetch 33 cents per pound at three and a half months old there ought to be pretty good money In the poultry business. Professor Moore, head of the depart ment of agronomy of the Wisconsin Agricultural college, states that 25,000 boys will this year be enrolled In the corn contests that are being conducted this season. An eastern farmer who has tried It with good success recommends apply ing a half teaspoonful of gasoline to the crowns of dnndelion plants. He states this kills them and more easily than can be done with knife or other methods. Every rabbit that can be nut out of the wav durine the summer season means Just one less pest to gnaw the bushes and trees the coming winter. In the work of extermination a 22 tareet rifle Is an excellent weapon, provided one Is a fulrly good shot The religious professions of a man who does not make an earnest effort to pay bis honest debts are heavily dis counted If not entirely cast aside by thoughtful people who have a becom ing sense of the elements of fair deal ing and of the eternal fitness of things. It Is easy to understand why milk Is higher priced today than It used to be when It Is known that In 1S70 there was In the United States one oow for every 3.8 people, while In 1910 there was one cow for every 0.1 people. It s simply a case of more folks ami less milk. Unless that mole that Is working about the premises is making unsight ly ridges on the lawn it will be a pretty good iden to let the little fel low live. lie will not only kill n good many white grubs working In the roots of the grass, but many others that may be making headquarters In the flower and vegetable gardens. Many of the Intestinal Ills of the small child, as well as epidemics of diseases which afflict older people. might easily be avoided If the milk used were kept In clean vessels and pasteurized before using that Is, held t a temperature of nt least l.V) de grees I not less thnn thirty minutes. I'hls treatment not only destroys germs that cause putrefaction, but the bacilli if typhoid fever, scarlet fever and diphtheria. Two deaths and thirty-two cases of typhoid in the vicinity of Anoka, Minu., have been trnc-ttl to the eating of but ter made from foul cream produced In wo or three filthy dairies In the local ity. The health odicer, iio directed the Investigation into the causes of the lit break of the epidemic, stated that It was n marvel that worse diseases than typhoid had not broken out as a result f the germ producing condition found in some of the dairies. The luxuriant appearance of the wild sweet clover In many places where limestone crops out along railway cuts and on the dump heaps adjacent to limestone quarries seems to point to the fact that many soils should be rather heavily limed and sweetened before clover, alfalfa or any other legumo will do well thereon. The farmer who has had trouble In getting field of alfalfa started w ould do well to take stock of this quite evident fact. Thorough cultivation during the growing season Is viewed os indispen sable for young orchards through all of the Irrigated districts of the west, and urlng the past two years the same rlnclple has applied w ith nearly equal force In the central and eastern por tions of the country that were visited with drought. Such frequent cultiva tion, even during a very dry season. Mil keep the surface soil mellow and enublo the soil to retalu the largest possible amount of moisture. A largo lawn In the vicinity In which the writer lives Is being kept mowed this season by n flock of sheep, a niov- hie woven wire fence Ining used to (inline the sheep on tho parts of the awn desired. The lady who has hargo of this experiment states that as soon ns the sheep were turned on he lawn they went after the dande lions, eating the blossoms first, then the leaves and crown, and finally gnawing off the upper portion of the root. It Is truo that these sheep cost nioro thnn n lnw-n mow or, but they will fetch In the fall more thnn they cov. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE HOOD RIVER BANKING & TRUST CO. At Hood River in the Stat of Ororijn, at the cluae of buainesa June 14. 1SH2: RESOURCES Usnasnd discounts t M.442.69 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured M7.24 Bonds, snd warrants S.Oox.ijo Slocks snd other securities 1.2KJ Ou Banking house and lot - 11'. tut. 49 Furniture snd fixtures. 4, or!. Other real estate owned Nunc Due from banks (not reserve banks) . None Due from approved reserve banks 47,&.3t! Exchanges for clearing; house None Checks and other cash items 17 Cssh on hand ".WVU.M) Total 11(7.727. LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in t 2Tj.uijO.00 Undivided profits Dividends unpaid Due to banks and bankers Deposits dus Stats Treasurer... 6.01 IN one None Ul.000.00 Individual deposits subject to check !f2.12.4 Demand certifleates of deposit Certified checks Cashier ' chat-as outstanding Time certificates of deposit Ssvinjjrs deposits Bills psyable for money borrowed Certificates of deposits issued for mon ey borrowed 1W.70 2.50 1.U4X.92 7.SJ44.88 None None Total I 137.727.M State of Oregon, County of Hood River, ss. I, R. W. Pratt. Cashier of the above-namcl bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement in true to the best of my knowledge and belief. R. W. PRATT. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2mh day of June, 1912. J. M. Schmkltzkr. Correct-Attest:: Notary Public. M M. Hill. Wilson Eikc, J. W. Copbland, Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF 1 HE BUTLER BANKING COMPANY st Hood River, in the State of Oreiron, at the close of business June 14th. 1912. RESOURCES Loans and discounts t 457. JiTj.M Overdrafts, secured snd unsecured Bonds and warrants - Stocks and other securities Rsnking house Furniture and fixtures Other real estate owned. Due from banks (not reserve banks) .. Due from approved reserve banks Checks and other cash items. Exchanges for clearing house Cash on hsnd None 24.444.18 None None 5.542.97 4.t9.37 None 4C.575.02 1.648.26 None 22.04.43 Total t LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in S lno.OOO.CO Surplus fund 12,5uO.O0 Undivided profits. less expenses ar.J taxes paid 9.124.78 Dividends unpaid-.. None Due to banks and bankers 1.066.90 Individual deposits subject to check 359.404.05 Demand certificates of deposit 11.179.38 Certified Checks 2.426.93 Cashier's checks outstanding 1.0C3.K) Time certificates of deposit 27.6Tj9.62 Savings Deposits 87.87434 Notes and bills rediscounted- None Bills psyable. including certificated of deposit for money borrowed None Liabilities, other than those above statod (Letters of Credit) . 50.00 Total ( 562,349.80 State of Oregon. County of Hood River, ss. 1, C. H. Vsughan. Cashier of the above-named bank. do solemnly swesr that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge snd belief. C. H. VAUtjH AN. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before m this 24th day Nutlci to Creditors In the Comity Court of the State of Oregon for Hood Itiver Count v. In the matter of the estate of I'hlllp KoIIuh, deceitsed. The undersigned lutvlug been np polnted by the Comity Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood Itiver County. Administratrix of the estate of I'hlllp Kollas, deceased, and hav ing; iiualllied, notice Im hereby irlven to the creditors of, and all person having claims against said deceased, to present them, verified as required by law, within six months after the date of this notice, which said date will be the (lute of the first publica tion of the Maine, to said Administra trix at the ollice of 1,. A. & A. I. Hed, her attorneys, ut No. l'.w Sec ond street In the City of Hood Klver, Hood Itiver county, Oregon. M.1 KM TllKKKHA Kill. I. AS, n Administratrix of the estate of I'hlllp Hollas, deceased. Sl'ated June liith, I'.ili. 2." 111 Notice ol Sale ot Unit Itv Ariminiatn'riv In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood Kiver County. In the Matter of the Estate of Charles P. Odell. ieceaseo. Notice is herehv iriv.n frhnf miMii.nJ Ia . derduly made and entered bythejudtte of the above entitled Court on the 3rd day of June, A. i'. el;, i, ine unucraiirnerl, duly appointed, quali fied and artinir AtlminifttrstriK of th t- ttm ,.l Charles P. Odell, deceanejl. shsll from snd after the 11th day of July. A. D. lltliL i,rnrl to aell at private sale, for IIOUO.OO or more cash in hand snd balance to be paid on the terms hereinafter set forth, all of the following described real erty situate near .Odell. Hood Klver County, Ore gon, to-wit: Beginning at a point 553 feet north of the southeast corner of the quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 26 in Township 2 North, of Ranire 10 East of the Willamette Merid ian, and on the east boundary of said section: thence running south 73 degrees 10 minutes went 1400 feet, more or less, to a point on the west boundary line of the aaid quarter quarter sec tion, and being 142.5 feet north of the aouthwext corner of said quarter quarter section; thence north along the west boundary of said quarter quarter section 19 feet to a point- thence north 4a decrees 21 minutes east OKI feet to a point: thence north 69 degrees 53 minutes east 242.7 feet to a point: thence north 75 deirreei 29 mi nut eaat to the intersection of said course with the south line of th present county road; thence easterly along; the south boundary of said road to a point on the west boundary of a certain one-half acre tract belomrinfr to O. H. Khoades; thence south 7 degrees 10 minutes et alons th w-ntt boundary of said half acre tract, 210.4 feet to a point; tnence north K degrees 50 minutes east &4.5feettoa point on the ea&t boundary of said section 2t; thence south alonjr the said eaat boundary 12.5 feet to the place of bevinnino-. containing; 10.65 acres, more or less. Also one and two-thirds (1-.) shares of Stock in the Kast Fork Irrlsratinar Comnanv. irointr with said land. The terms of sale will be as follows: Cash in hand at time of sale $1000 or more. Three years after date . . . $1000. Ha la nee of purchase Drice Davableon or before five years after date of sale. All deferred ray mcnu to be evidenced bv the note and mortjtruLre of the purchaser, secured by the said land, and bearing interest at the rale of (" per cent per annum, payable annually. Bium will be received until one o clock p. m. on the 13th day of July, li12, at my residence ad dressed to Rose Odell. Hood Kiver. Ore.. K. I. No. 1. Box 101; or to E. H. Hartwijc. 7& 8 Smith Block. Hoot! Kiver, Ore. Sale will be made to the hiurhest and best bidder and subject to confirmation by the Court. Uatea this 12th day ot June, HOSE ODEI.U 24-28 Administratrix. Kill the Aphis! Whale-Oil Soap, or Formaldehyde Tree Soap, are recognized as the best things that can be used for this, We have them, both for sale, Our price is right, SEE US Keir & Cass Awf liable T)ruggis1s SMITH BLOCK HOOD RIVER j FORCED TO SELL AT SACRIFICE PRICeI ki . M H ) 10 Icres-mostly in bearing, with house, jj M barn and outbuildings, located in the ftmnnnnn !! S heart of the valley for olZiUUU.UU 8 Ms-..,.." ' Lan De bought on easy terms. It's $1,500 less than J wot. lioumawu uiup Luis year win De over o,uoo M ooxes. N M ij Heilbronner Building Ho0(J River. Oregon M r See us about it right abuay J. H. HEILBRONNER & CO. M Inx)cstment'-not - 'peculation You take no chances when you buy your real estate through us except to win. Our intimate knowledge of almost every foot of land in the valley places us in a po sition to advise you where to find the REAL BARGAINS of June. Correct-Attest: Leslie Butler, Truman Bl'tlkr, Directors. Ernest C. Smith. Notary Public Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Moor J Kiver. Waring Thomas. 1'laintitT. vs. F. R. Rrvdle and Mary Brydle, his wife. Kate Barthohi. Anna Nah. V. H. Jackson. Andrew Bohrar. H. B. Mil ler. M. T. Kretchner. H. E. Williams. C. J. Rnbek. V. V. Strathern. J. R, H.m. Cbas. Hamatadt, J. K. Jansen, Florence Keech, L. J. Farmer. R. F. U .t-1 hnnUrri W II IWLar P.If fl O. (iunther. Hoot." Kiver Commercial Orchards, a corporation: and Northern Trust Company, a cor poration, Defendants. To F. K. Brydle and Mary Brydle. his wife. Kate Bartholp, Anna Nah. C. H. Jark.ton, Andrew Bohrer. H. B Miller. M. T. Kretchner, H. E. Wil liams. C. J. Robek. F. I. Strathern. J. R. Ream, ("has. Hamstadt. J. F. Jansen. Florence Keech. L. J. Farmer. K. F. Werthenbach. W. B. Decker, Robert Palmer and G. O. Gunther: In the Name of the State of Oretron: You, and each of you, are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint ft led airainst you in the above entitled cause, on or before the 8th day of AuR-ust, lv12. which date is subsequent to the expiration of six weeks from the date of first publication of thia summons, towit: the 26th day of June, 1&12, and if you fail to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in his enm plaint, to-wit: a judgment against defendants F. K. Brydle and Mary Brydle. his wife, for the sum of $2.&U0, with interest thereon at the rate of seven per cent from August 4th. l'.10; for $.S0, attorneys' fees, and his costs and disbursements; for a decree foreclosing- the mortgage in said complaint re ferred to, to-wit: the mortgage executed by F. R. Brydle and Mary Brydle. his wife, dated August 4th, U'10, recorded August 6th. liMo, in book 4 at page 41. record of mortgages for Hood River county. Oregon, on the following d scribed real property, situated in said county and tate, to-wit; South half of Northeast quarter of Section four (4. Township one (1) North of Range (lu) East of the Willamette Meridian, and directing a sale of said property as upon execution at law. and the application of the proceeds of nurh sale to the payment of the aforesaid judgment, costs, etc., and for a deficiency judgment against defendants, F. R. Brydle and Mary Brydle, his wife, f the proceeds of such sale are not suthrient to pay said judgment, costs, etc., in full, for a decree ad judging each and all of the defendants in said cause named, and all persons claiming or to claim by. through, from, or under them or either of them, to have no right, title or interest In or lien upon said mortgaged property herein described, or any part thereof, and that each and all of said defendants be forever barred, foreclosed and en joined from setting up or claiming any right, title, claim or hen in or to said property, or any part thereof, and for such other and diiterenl relief as the nature of the cause might justliy or aa may to the court seem meet and just in equity. j This summons is published in the Hood River News, a newspaper of general circulation in Hood River County, Oregon, pursuant to an order of the Honorable W. L. Rradshaw, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered on the lith day of June, 1:'12. which provides that the summons snail tie published for six consecutive weeks and designates June ittth, 1912, as the date of first publication, and August 7th, hl as the date of last publication. PI. ATT A PI ATT and GEOIUIK J. PFKKINS, 26-81 Attorneys for PlaintitT. Noltce of Final Account and Settlement lEstate of Albert Schiller Deceased. Notice is hereby riven that the undersigned. executrix of the last will and testament and es tate of Albert Schiller, deceased, has tiled in the county court of Hood Kiver county. State of Ore gon, her final account aa executrix of said will and estate, and that said court, by an order dated June 6th. 1912. has fixed and appointed Friday, the 12th day of July. A. D. 1912. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the court room of aaid court in the county courthouse in Hood Kiver ctty and county, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing of any and all objections to such final account nd settlement, and ail persons having objections are hereby notified and required to present the same on or before said date. Dated this 12th day of June. A. D 1912. MA1E SCHILLER, 24-23 Executrix of Last Will of Albert Schiller. Deceased. w. s . ri i c: w o i M M M M Notice ot Completion ot Street Improvement I3tn Street Notice is hereby given that Charles W. Connor and Son. contractors, have tiled written notice this 15th day of June. 112. of the completion of Thirteenth Street between Taylor Street and ln ion Avenue, Taylor, A. B. and C. Streets between Twelfth and Thirteenth Streets, also Twelfth Street between L'nion and C. Streets by the con struction of concrete sidewalk and curb, with and without gutter under their contract with the City heretofore made and entered into under ordi nance No. 3V. and that the amount due upon its acceptance is hereby stated to be $247".. ft'. And notice is further given that any objections to the acceptance of said work under the contract witn the said contractors on the part of said City may be filed in tne ortice of the undersigned City Recorder by any interested party at any time within fifteen days from the date of the first pub lication of this notice. This notice is published in the Hkk River News for two consecutive issues the date of the first publication being June 19. H. L. HOWE. City Recorder. For Lime, Cement and House Plaster See STRANAHAN & CLARK I Bids for Wood UMh w ill w rvirrlvtn! v the clerk of School l1ntrWt Xo. 4 until July 1, VM'2, for 'JO oord of four foot onk Hurt 120 oonln of four foot upllt or plnhwooil to lti uYllvertMl ut Harrott Hchooihoune; tto for tn rlrku of foot oak and trn rick of M foot fir or pi no, to W tltll Vfm, In t tit wood nhtvl of th Kant Hurrrtt svlioollioum. Wootl to l uYllvrrtM. on or prior to XrptiMutMT 1, VM'2. K. M Mil. PER, 2.1 -iMc Pint rift dork. Notice of Improvement of Prospect Avenue Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Ordi nance No. 3n, passed by the Common Council on the 13th day of June, 1912, and approved by the Mayor on the IMh day of June. 112, providing for the improvement of Prospect Avenue from the west curb line of Second street west to the east line of Eighth street, except in front of such property as perm its for t he im provemen t of which under this ordinance shall have been i9ucd: : that bids will be received by the undersigned City I Recorder at his ortice. 211 Oak street in said city. I up to 12 o'clock noon on the 1st day of July. 1912. I for the improvement of said street by grading the sidewalk area and the roadway from property I line to property line between said points, and the construction of cement sidewalks and curbs on both sides of the said street between said point.- where the same are not already built and in place, which contract chall be done under the contract and the order of the plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Surveyor. The work of grading the said street and sidewalks ?hall he let in one contract and the construction of cement sidewalks and curbs shall be let in a separate con tract and each of said contracts shall lie required to be completed within sixty day s frvtn the date of awarding the same. Said bids will be opemM by the Mreet t ommit tee as soon as practical after the time fixed for receiving the bids, and the several bids, together with the summary thereof, phall In reported to the Common Council at its next regular meeting thereafter, to-wit: on the 1st day of July. 1912. at the Council Chambers in the City of Hood Kiver at the hour of ? o'clock p. m.. at which time the, buls will be considered. Notice is further given that any interested par- i ty may file his objection to t he letting of said con i tract within the time specified for receiving bids, ' and that the same will te transmitted to the l it y i Council along with said bids for their considers- i tion at said meeting. The person firm or corpora tion to whom the contract is let will be required to enter into an agreement to the eiToct that said con tract or shall look alone for inynicnt for mater- j la) and work to such particular portion of the ! fund to le assessed upon the pro,erty liable to ' pay for such improvement and paid into the City treasury for that purpose, as shad te assessed to the property in front of which snd to the charge , of which a particular part of the improvement to be done by the successful bidder is to be made and collected and raid into the City treasury, and u h contractor shall in no event require the City of Hood Kiver or any of its or fivers or agents to pay I the same, except out of such particular portion ot" said funds so assesed or colUvted into the City I treasury, anil for such portion of said improve-I ment, nor svk to enforce ps ment of the same or any rrt thereof against the City of Henl Kiver or any of its othcers by any legal ptives-s or other wise, except out of such particular fund. All bids must state price for grading said streets to grade, and price for constructing said curbs and sidewalks, which work shall be done in the manner and form provided f r in General Improvement Ordinance No. 194 of the City of Hil Kiver. No bids w ill le received which spec if y more t han one price on said work chargeable to one bltck in length. A bond for the faithful performance of the contract to sn amount enusl t 2.' per cent of the estimated contract puce a ill he required of the successful bidder, the Council reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Dated nd first published June t9. 191 2. II 1.. HOV E. l2o-.V City Recorder. NEW MODEL OLIVER The old reliable visible type writer with new printype and other improvements. The ma chine that writes print that is print and is always ready for business. For sale or rent on easy terms. A. W. ONTMANK, Afft. 10 Oak St. HooU Kiver, Ore. 4th & State St. I'hone Z4HK 0. P. DABNEY & SONS FURNITURE, FURNITURE, FURNITURE, STOVES AND RANGES We buy, 5cll and exchange everything in House Furnishings, Campers Supplies, etc. Don't forget the plncc-Cor. lth & Stiite UOl'M) TRIPS KAST On the date Rien helow, rounj trip tiiki-t-t will he sold to the points in the -down below, and many others, at greatly reduced lares ojuoted : Through Trains I:ast IV CONNi eiUlN Willi NORTHERN PACIFIC and 6REAT NORTHERN RAILWAYS Atlantic City .... IMI.i" tViroir I -' iml. $ IJsinm.T 1 lii.l.ith -h,la tv'rh'a I"" Htn 1 10 KaiiMKl'tty "! ''if ''I " Hm'slo . . XI l Milwailkn- I Chu'UKij 7'".i M .pthup-'Im 'J' S. I''il "I t'ol.'IS.Io Sl'l-IPKM l.J M..TJtr! 1'' '' I T-. ' i M I " IVnviT V..I.I N.-w V "rk !' i m-w..n 1 V i DAI1S Ol S W I. Mav i, 3. 4. , 10. II. 17. IN, H. 1", l"i: June I, o. 7. , 1.1. 1 4, 15, 17. IS. I". Z. Ii, il. i. 17, s, ;, I' I July i. J, ft, 7, I I. Ii, 15. lo, 2l. Zl. .t. it.. 1. .Hi. .11. I'M' August I, Z. .1, ft. 7, 12, 15, Ift, 11, i.l. JV, ,M, .11. 'ill September 4, 5. ft, 7. !. II, 12, Jt. Ili Stopovers and choice of routes allowed In each direction, Hnal return limit October .11, IUI2 IVtsiU 'f ii'hHiii!'i.. f.irs. etc., will Iw funi!! on r-.n. .t. W K I'll AN. K. A ;M I t'n'l rr.-iiht ami l'fww. Axl.. Vor'Ur.i, irv. V.'