THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12. 1912 UPPER VALLEY NOTICE Listyour places for special attention with WARD IRELAND CORNELL Upper Valley Real Estate .'. Insurance Improved and Unimproved Orchard Land Hood Kiver Connection UUY Y. tiOWAKDS & CO. Phone U. C. M. Kanch. I'arkdale 77-odell Upper Mood Klver Valley, On. Ortley, Newtown and Spitzenberg True to name nursery stock. One and two years old; fine thrifty trees; four to eight feet. It will pay purchasers to inquire before buying their spring stock. MOORE BROTHERS PHONES 2052-X AND 205-X HOOD RIVER. OREGON I have a limited supply of first class two-year-old Newtown and Spitzeiurg"Trees These have strong, well-balanced tops and a jweU de veloped rootsystem. Justjhe thing for replacing. Have also first-class one year budded stock in the standard apple varieties. Phone 323-2M. C. D. THOMPSON Hood River Oregon P. D. SNYDER B. B. POWtLL Hood River Plumbing Company Phone 6BX Sanitary Plumbing and Heating. Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Repairing Promptly Attended. ESTIMATES FURNISHED CASCADE AVENUE nAVING purchased j;he 'entire interest of E. Brayford in the Rockford Store about three months ago, we are now in a position to serve you with all the highest class Groceries at reasonable prices. We invite your patronage and will serve you to the best of our ability. (ilVi: l.'S A Tit I AI MERCER & CO. I'MONli NO. 5 WAkl.HOUSli ON I IRST STRlillT Transfer and Livery Company Freight. Express and Baggage Transferred Furniture Moved. Stored or Packed for Shipment MOOD KIVLK, OKI.OON. Well Drilling Quick Successful Satisfactory DONE WITH A STAR WELL DRILLING OUTFIT IOR particulars address APPLE LAND & ORCHARD COMPANY HOOD RIVER, OREGON Office. No. 9 Oak Strict Phonn. 26 or 2002 Furniture and "Pianos MonJcd All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work Wood Yard and Feed Store in Connection Office Phone 29 Residence 2J8K TAFT TRANSFER CO. h .4 J. M. SCHMELTZER F. A. BISHOP HOOD RIVER ABSTRACT COMPANY ABSTRACTS Insurance Conveyancing Surety Bonds "Accuracy" is Our Motto Office In New Hellbronner Building I 'hone 2.1 Hood River, Oregon WINTER KILLING OF TREESDISGUSSED Winter Injury of apple trii-H, one of the coiiilltliirm wlilcli I'rofcuMor Law retire Iiiih Ix-cti f tinlyiiiK here, In treat ei) of tn I'rofi-HHor Iwl' recent ). A. ('. Iiulletln n "Orehurtl Man agement" uh follow: W title winter killing Ih not general ly experienced la the North went, nev ertlicli HH the hint three year we have hail a (treat (leal more of thin trouble than we denlre. Winter killing takeH many fornix, and the Departments of Horticulture nnd liotatiy of this stu tlon are now Invt'Mtluatlii thin con dition. The no-culled condition may lie due at tlnu'M to true whiter killing or It may le attributed to other caUHeM. The dllliculty Beeina to be very abundant on young trees that are over cultivated, etipeclally la the fall of the year, and are not allowed to go Into dormancy early. It Ih found quite abundantly In orchard that are on poorly d ruined eolla nnd Hubxollit that are nupplled with streams of cold Bet-page water. It occurs at times cant of the CaHcuiles where dry freezing taken place or during Hevere cold weather when the ground Is bare am contain little moisture. This Is especially fatal to youug trees. Forms of It will &Iho be calmed at times by pruning trees that are froz en, resulting, tn many canes, In con siderable dte-hack. It takes many forms. It may show Itself lu the complete killing of the tree to the ground line; at times a freezing to the snow line; at other times u cer tain percentage of buds are killed; again there Is u dlscoloratlou under the bark, while often only certain branches of the tree die. Often the wood Is darkened and weakened so that large branches when heavily laden with fruit break off. The entire effect of winter killing Is not always shown Immediately; some trees recover the tlrst year, others are two or three years In re covering, and In some cases even snc cutnb, and at times there Is consider able breaking of branches, probably due to former freezes. Treatment First be sure that all fruit trees are placed on properly drained soli and watch out especially for seepage water. With young orchards lntenslvecultl vutlon should cease by the first or middle of August am) the trees allowed to harden and go Into dormancy. The inn. Hint of pruning that Injured trees should re ceive Is a question to be determined by experimenting. With very young trees we would advise leaving them alone. With trees from four to .five years and In heavy bearing, often heavy spring pruning may be desir able. Where trunks are split or merely a crack Indicated, 1 would seal It over immediately with the solution of grafting wax given In the appendix. Where splitting has oc cured to such an extent that wide cracks nre formed, the wounds should be cut down to the live issue with a sharp knife, sterilized and tilled with grafting wax. RECITAL BY MRS. HENNEY'S PUPILS MOSTSUCCESSFUL A recital given at the Congrega tional church Friday evening by the vocal pupils of Mrs. Charles llenney, assisted by Miss Maud Carlisle, prov ed most successful. The audience thoroughly enjoyed every number. Mrs. llenney and Miss Fva I'.rock acted as accompanists. The follow ing gave selections: Miss Lena Nen berg. Miss Jennie Fdgliigtou, Miss Maude Carlisle, Miss Ma Bryant, Miss Fva Urock, Miss Ann Vannet, Miss Aldlne Itartmess, Mrs. I'r. Iu tro and Mrs llenney. ESTIMATES MADE OF ROGUE RIVER'S CROP OF FRUIT According tostatlstlcs of Professor O'tiara and the Southern Paclllc Kallroad, the Hogue Klver Valley will have the largest fruit crop in Its history In 1!il'. The following comparison with l'Jll as been compiled: Carloads, 1!1J Fears, l."0; apples. 4.10; peaches, ll'l; small fruits, tii; to tal, 700. Carloads, 11(11 Pears, 117; apples, M; peaches; 10; small fruits, II; total, I'll. The largest previous crop was In 1010, when fi:M cars were shipped. Hut for the cold ami rainy weather in April am) May, it Is computed there would have been NHI carloads, the impoverished fertilization and consequent dropping having tun terl ally decreased the output. This increase may be largely at tributed, of course, to the Increased acreage annually coming Into bear ing. Mair Hoods Combings made up to order. Switches and puffs of genuine human cut hair, in any shade desired. Itragg Mercantile Co. will be pleased to show them and give prices. Mrs, Fva Woodbnm, Phone 10) M. County Bills Allowed Claims against Hood Klver county during the month of May, 101.', and Hllowed at the June, y.iJ, session of the county court: Herman Pregge, 1 coyote f 1 II M Courtrlght, balance de linquent tax receipts ITC 1 S W Currau, balauce salary road supervisor ' 'H W F Cooper, damages on ac count of horse .1 li Fredrlcy, ticket for pau- per K M WJnans, 1 coyote 1 .".' J II Fredrlcy, ticket for pau per !' J M Schmeltzer, cashing road checks W -s First National Hank, note and Interest lo.'l (mi F.rnest Smith, labor on ronds " no ( W K & X Co, freight on oil.. 1". 71 Mt Hood K It Co, switching.. J M Schmeltzer, cashing road . checks "''77 J K Andrews, road upplles and blacksmlthlng 1- '" Paul Aubert, Juror circuit court ' oo Blowers Hardware Co, road supplies - 1" WA Hrown, boarding Indigent w Bailey & Colby, light fixtures 7". A C Buck. Justice fees s 10 K S Ollnger, constable fees 1 1 00 Bragg Mercantile Co, towels.. 1 no Mart Brlttaln, repairing law n mower and typewriter 4 L'o Malcolm Bronson. care of In digent ::i o Cottage Hospital Associa tion, care of indigent K" no City of Hood Itiver, water rent two months 1.'! "n I, K Clark, lumber for roads., l'.t 14 (J K Castner, services fruit In spector !0 '' Columbia Saw Mill, lumber for roads .11 "0 II 1. Humble, care of small pox patient nnd coroner's fees "-4 K E W Dark, rent for polling place 5 uo K O Dutro, examination In sane " M Fashion Livery & Dray Co. team hire 7j no K A Franz Co, road supplies 01 in W S Cribble, rent for polling place "0 Cllbert Implement Co, road supplies 0 .1 H Hellbronner, rent fruit inspector's oilice 1.1 uo J F lleudrlck, supplies for In digent :W (H) J F Hendrlck, road supplies.. 4 01 Hydro-Electric Co. light 1 .10 Fred Howe, auto hire -1 K Allen Hart, deputy sheriff 0 00 J W Ingalls, auto hire 1- W Thos F Johnson, Incidentals 4 :!T H C Johnson, deputy sheriff.. ti 00 Kelr Cass, drugs for Indi gent 1 0 II Knowies, burying pauper.. 7 00 W II Lawrence, expenses of fruit Inspector 14 L'O (i 11 Lynn, deputy assessor... (HI ("0 K J Mclsuac, powder 1- !0 1) McDonald, road supplies... 173 00 line Crove (irnnge, rent for polling place .1 00 Purdy & Chapman, road sup plies 1 00 .1 W lifer, oilice supplies 2 70 CA Iiath, drugs for Indigent 1 00 John Itaney, powder and fuse Ilol .SO Stewart Hardware Co. sup plies for fruit Inspector 1 SO Stanley-Smith Lumber Co, lumber for roads 1.1 .17 Ceo I Slocom, of lice supplies.. S SO C F Sumner, tiling for roads.. 41 01 W A Turner, board of Indi gent 11 M Tuft Transfer Co, wood for Indian Ceorge 1 2.1 Transfer & Livery Co, cart age 7 20 Hotel Oregon, entertaining institute conductors 70 Frank K Welles, expenses In stitute conductors 12 (JO line Crove Crnnge, rent for Institute 7 .10 B L Murphy, grading exami nation papers 10 .10 Mrs Olivia Lucas, same 10.10 C D Thomson, expenses .'is 10 S II Tate, work on steam roller 22 .10 E E Donne, repairing steam roller 10 0.1 Wind Klver Lumber Co, lum ber for roads 12 4s J C Woodward, burying pau per :t oo Associated Oil Co, car of oil.. 170 l.J W E Hanson, stamps and ex press .1 .10 Boys' ami Clrls' Aid Society, May allow ance 10 (Hi Mrs.) B Hunt, care of bull gent Indian 1.1 (HI Win Davidson, care of Indi gent S (Kl Coiiimway Mercantile Co, road supplies 10 .11 ACStaten, supplies for Indi gent 4s 70 Hood Klver Clacler, printing 2 .10 J M Wood, supplies for fruit Inspector 1 00 klnnalrd A Klnsey, s.uue 2.10 Murray Kay, fees county sur veyor so 7i W L Clafk, fees road tlcwcr. 10 7c Harry Coshow, chatninait s 7.1 W T Eddy, fees deputy sur veyor A I) Carrabrant, chalnman... B F Barrett, axman T A Keavls, feeM road viewer I. L Boggs, chalnman Philip Horn, road supplies... II A I uni.lug, same Ceo A Mc( urdy, servlcescom-mls-iloner Oil Khondcs, same John C Conrad, protccto (J7 17 .10 l.i 2' .10 .10 ; (JO 2u ' i .i 0.1 00 I 20 20 2s .in Dr. P. H. MAY, Chiropractor. That afflicted with acute or chronic diitatet rettored to normal functions. No Knife or Drug's Room 17, Hellbronner Bi'd'tf. HAY, GRAIN and FLOUR We make a Specialty of handling Fancy TIMOTHY and ALFALFA GARNES FEED STORE W. A. CAR.NKS, Proprietor 1102 Twelfth St.Tho Heights Kill the Aphis! Whale-Oil Soap, or Formaldehyde Tree Soap, are recognized as the best things that can be used for this, We have them both for sale. Our price is right, SEE US Keir & Cass Pettabtc Druggists SMITH BLOCK HOOD RIVER y TTZ7T7 ' HOOD RIVER POULTRY YARDS J. k. MUUSL.S, Fruprlefor Breeder of S. C. W. Leghorns. W. p. Rocks and S. C. Rhode island Reds. Indian Runner Ducks HreJTn and younj? stock for aal. Or dTa bvjkol now. Poultry yards miles west of city at Frank ton. Phone 32-Si-X. Notice of Sale ot Land By Administratrix. In the County Court of the State of Oregron. for Huod Kier County. In the Matter of the Estate of Charles P. Odell. licensed. Nolu-e is hereby (riven that pursuant to an or 'dfrduly made and entereti hy the Judvre of the . atxjve entitled Court on the 3rd day of June, A. D. 1 1 2 . I. the undersirnetl. duly appointed, quali fied and art ins; Administratrix f the Kstate of Charles P. Odell. deceased, shall frm and after I the 11th day of July, A. D. Vj2, iroceed to sell, j at private sale, for il'NN).uu or more cash in hand and balance to be paid on the terms hereinafter I set forth, all of the following described real prni- erty situate near .Odell, Hood Kiver County, Ore s; i. towit: Itetrinnins; at a point 55.1 feet north of the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section IS in Township 2 North, of Kantre 10 Kast of the Willamette Merid ian, and on the east boundary of satd section thence running south 73 devrees 10 minutes west 14ju feet, more or leas, to a point on the west boundary line of the said quarter quarter sec tion, and lein(r 142.5 fett north of the southwest corner of said quarter quarter section; thence north alonjr the west boundary of said quarter quart r section lv". feet to a point: thence north 4 derrea 21 minutes east feet to a point: thence north 6y decrees 'S minutes east 212.7 fuel to a point, thence north 75 decrees 29 minutes east to the intersection of satd course with the south line of the present county road: thence easterly along the south boundary of said road to point on the west boundary of a certain one-half acre tract bel nirinr to O. H. Khoades: thence south 7 decrees l'j minutes east a!ntr the west boundary of said half acre tract, 210.4 feet to a point; thence north K2 decrees 5o minutes east i4.5 feet to a point on the eat boundary of said section 2'"; thence south along- the satd enst boundary I2.5 feet to the place of bettinnintr. containing 10.65 acn's. more or less. Also one and two-thirds (1- ) shares of Stck in the r.'ast Fork Irrigating Company, (roinf with said land. The terms of sale will le as follows: Cash in hand at time of sale $it"0 or more. Three years after date . . . JlOoO. Balance of purchase price payable on or before five years after date of sale. All deferred pay ments to le evidenced by the note and mortKajre of the purchaser, secured by the said land, and bearing interest at the rate of (7) per cent per annum, paahie annually. Bids will be received Tint tl one o'clock p. m. on the 13th dav of July, l'.'U. at my residence ad dressed to Kose Odell. lb-d Kiver. Ore.. R. I. No. 1. Box 101; or to K. H. Hart wig. 7 & Smith Block. Hood River. Ore Sale will lie made to the highest and best bidder and subiect to continuation by the Court. lated this 12th day cf June. I'.'i2 K SK OPKI.I.. 24-2S Administratrix. When you ThinK Victor GcUson Columbia Rccordo Rcpairo Jccdlco Ilso ThinK Qpaggener's jviusic Rouse Hood Hi-Vcr, Oregon W A O G R N F, li W A N T S YOU It T K A 1) I : k. sKGTrsrv .ywUsjK 7ry:yry'7zr.7 777,7.77 M Investment not peculation You take no chances when you buy your real estate through us except to win. Our intimate knowledge of almost every foot of land in the valley places us in a po sition to advise you where to find the REAL BARGAINS W. S. N I C H O L For Lime, Cement and House Plaster See STRANAHAN & CLARK Notice to Contractors Notice is hereby piven that the County Court of Hood River county. Orccon. will receive saled bids for the construction ami erection of a wooden wagon bridge, complete, the same to N con structed and erected over and across the wtst fork of Hi Kid Ktver at a point where the Lo;-t Lake wagon road crosses the west fork of said river in HikkI Kiver county. Contractors to fur nish their own plans. i round plans are on file with the Clerk of Hood River county where the same may be inspected and examined. Bids will be receive" I up to 1 o'clock noon on the 22nd day of June. U12. All bids to W address! in care of the County Clerk of lbd River county. The county Court reserves the rurht to reject any and all bids. COl'NTY COt KT. Ilinn) River County. Hood River Oregon. May 2".. l'.'IJ. 22-2.V Koltce ot Final Account and Settlement tKtateof AUiert Schiller lveaed. Notice is herebv given that the undt rsik'ned. executrix of the la-t will and t.-taiiurit and es tateof Albert Schiller, deceased, ha- t'-le! in t ie county court of Hood Kiver countv. State of Ore gon, her tinal account ns exciii'nx of sa d will and estate, siid that said court, by an or I. r dattsl June 6th. 1'.' 12. has fixed and appom'i-d Frdav, the 12th day of July, A. P. 1 at lu o' in the forenoon, at the court r-Km of said court in (he county courthouse in Hool River cty and county, ttregon. as the tune and pla- e for hear of any and all oh ecttotis to such final account and settlement, ami all penums haing ob'eMioi.s an hereby notn'.sl atid re-iu.rivl t pre iit the same on or before said date. lated this 12th day ot Jure. A IV ! MAII-: SCHII I Hi. 24. i Kvulr:x of Last Will of Allert Schiller. Pec eased. IHcunt jfcccl RaiCrcad Time 1 1I N.' A.M.- Sout S.IK) 8.O.") 8.15 S.3.') 8.1D 8.rr y.10 i.20 d. ti) i. 1") Ar. 10.15 I a. 10.25 10. 10 10.50 Ar. Sundav . mM 4Un h hditl Up; ? 1 NEW MODEL OLIVER The old reliable visible type writer with new printype and other improvements. The ma chine that writes print that is print and is always readv for business. For sale or rent on easy terms. A. W. ONTHANK. ArL 100 Oak St. Hootl River, Ore. 4th & State St. I'hone 24K 0. P. DABNEY I SONS FURNITURE, FURNITURE, FURNITURE. STOVES AND RANGES We buy, sell and exchange everything in Mouse L'urnishins, Campers Supplies, etc. Don't forget the plncc-Cor. tth Stcite 1;. i..ii A.M.i i'ih. : ; a m No. 1- P.M. Hood Kiver ;?.10 l.verda!e o.05 Switehbaek 2.55 Van Horn 2.I50 Mohrs 2.25 Ddell 2.15 Summit 2 05 r.loui'her 2.00 Winans 1.50 Pee I.v. 1. 15 Doe Ar. 1.25 T route reek 1.2' Woodworth 1.05 I'arkdale I.v. l.Ot) ih Niintl limn will tun two ho A. l ILSON , A fin...' I 111 '! '.'1 '! UOl'M) TRI1S MAST On the dates cn hclow, rounj trip tickets will he sold Id the points in the -Mown ho low, and many others, at greatly reduced (.ire quoted Through Trains Hast IN CONM CIION Willi NORTHERN PACIFIC and GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAYS Atlantic "ity ttait mil to Itil't :il ("tiii-iik'ii I'nlnrHiiii S I -1 ,1 IV'IIVIT ll,l , In fn ' -l-.j si I ...I S' I .. I I r. i '. IVtroit I' iluth '! .m K HtiK4 City t4i .i Milwnuki' 4i .'. .1 M nrifrtpoln i n "' M int'-.-l ;.. '..! NfW ..rk I I- OVII.S Of Sl I. 10. II. 17. IS, o, U IJ. II, 15, 17. IH. I", io. 'I. H 7, II, 12. 15. I(i, 20, 11, J.t. Jo, i, J, O. 7. 12, 15, lo, 11. ., 1'), .to, .11 September 4, 5, o. 7. X. II. 12. Jo. o Mnpoers and choice of routes allowed in each direction I return limit October .11, I'M 2 i-ittil i f .. bi-.lul., f;iri. -ti-., w.ll U- f -i rn i . i .-I '.ri r''i V. K. I'n AN. t . A i.ll O.'ii I h r. n-hl ami !':.. A.-t.. I' n t Un.l. i-. v I .41 . 4. I 41 May 2. 3, June I , (i, July 2. J. August 1 , 4. . 7. , 25, 27, J', .11, o 1 21, , I'M ; I'M 2 h E s 3 M M M M M M M