10 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29. 1912 BIG STRAWBERRY HARVEST IS HERE It In exHH'ttil tbat the firnt rnrloud lot of Htra wUTrlett will U" l.1piH'.l wltMn the neit lny op two If wenth ir roiidlttftns art? favorable. Livxt wwk n ronnlilt'rutle numU r i.f shlp inrntH were ma1 ty the I'alon and the 1'mlilnon Fruit Company, but tlic.v werv In box lot. Mont ot them? were m'lit to point In Wyoming, and Kuntern Ore- INTEREST IN NEW ROADJIDESPREAD The New U lu revi-lpt ol the fob lowtug eomiuuuk-tittoti from Colora do Springs. Colo., which IimHi-iiU-m how w idespread U tlie lntenit In the Columbia Kiver road: "Editor, Hood Hirer Newt: "I recently saw In some 1'ortl.tud paper there wan to U an Apple HloHMom Carnival at your city on May 4 and that the l'ortland I'luim- ler of Commerce was to attend and action 1 tiken texpedlte the build- Idaho, Montana Kon. Market conditions lant wwk were not entirely satisfactory, but It Is . lug of the Columbia Klver auto and iM'lleved that some of the other sec- wagon road to connect your city tlons which have lieen large shippers nud l'ortland n splendid euterprtse. ho far this season w ill be out of the markets that compete with Hood Klver this week and that there will W a pood demand for local Iterrles. I'p to the last of the week ship ments from California were large, re cent rains having prolonged the crop there. 1 here has also l teen a iru-w1 In Mludiklirl uli11i Trm.ii. ! see tn-rrles were still coming Into the Central states the last of the week. As Hood Klver has generally mar keted her crop In the Interval follow ing the other shipping sections. It Is U-lleved that market conditions will shape themselves In similar manner this year and that good returns will ! netted for the local crop. Weather conditions have been ex ceptionally good and It is estimated that It w ill take over bXX) pickers to harvest the fruit. "I im sure there Bre many resi dents here who yearly visit the west coast, and who, like myself, would be delighted to have that road com pleted. "(iKO. H. Vi:st." Hair Goods Combings made up to order. Switches and puffs of genuine human cut hair. In any shade desired. 1'ragg Mercantile Co. will le pleased to show them and give prices. Mrs. F.va Woodburn, I'hone H4 M. FOUTS DIVORCE WILL BE SETTLED OUT OF COURT How's This? We offer One Hundred Hollars Ue ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot 1 cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O. We, the 'juderslgned, have kuown F. J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and believe hlrn jerfeetly honorable In all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any ob ligations made by his firm. W aid ing, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Hrugglsts, Toledo, O. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surbices of the system. Testimonials sent free I'rlee 7."c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Fami ly Fills for constipation. It pays to advertise An arrangement which will permit of Seneca Fouts and bis wife, Mar jorle Fouts, becoming divorced with out a long court trial was made at a conference letween Attorney Farrell, representing Fouts, and Attorneys Logan, Stevenson and Iet, repre seutlug Mrs. Fouts. All that re mains to be settled Is the question of which Is to secure the divorce and what the grounds are to Ik1 for mak Ing the application. Iiy thi terms of the settlement, as arranged to date, according to reli able Information, Mrs. Fouts Is to have the custody of the child, Seneca Fouts, Jr., aged two, and Is to re ceive alimony of $"() a month and property In Hood Klver worth about jiou. It Is probable that Fouts' complaint against his wife will be withdrawn. Fouts U now under two Indict ments, oue charging him with may hem for biting off a portion of the ear of (i. A. Kvans and the other charg ing assault and battery upon Mrs. Fouts. He was released on his own recognlzanco by Presiding Judge Kavanaugb. Pickers' and Packers' Tickets We p'lnt them, and If you are go ing to need some order now by card or phone and we will print them promptly. Hood Kiver New s, phone PLAN TO DEDICATE NEW CHURCH SOON As work on the new Congregation al church, erected at a cost of -'.', 000, la rapidly nearlng completion, plans are now- under way to hold dedicatory exerciser early next month. The carpenters, who have Ihhmi working on the Interior, will probu bly get through this week. The building will then be turned over to the paluters to put on the finishing touches. The pews will also proba bly be Installed this week. The building committee Is at pres ent arranging details of a campaign for raising the balance of fuuds nec essary for the completion of the church free from debt. It Is thus hoped to obviate the necessity of asking furthur contributions on ded ication day. The proposition of disposing of the old church building has Irvii re ferred to I M. Morse. Regular Sunday excursion to I'uik dale. Pleasant trip for yourself nv i friends. old irons .for new! -perhaps in your your pantry you have of the now famous attic or cellar one of the or maybe in earlier models Electric Tlatiron It's a good iron the best made in its day. But, its old and a bit clumsy. Then again, vast im provements have been made in electric Iron con struction. Why not exchange it for a new 1912 model with the heating element guaranteed for five years We mean exactly that. Bring us any old domes tic Hotpoint Electric Iron you may have plus $3T0O and weMl"give you this latest 'model " in exchange. Don't forget that it Jias the Hot I'oint, the Coof Handle, the Attached Stand and the heating element is Guaranteed for Five Years "a woman's work is never done" unless 'tis done the Jfoftonfc way. cook iron - heat Electrically llood River Gas & Electric Co. PHIIC 35 211 Cascade Ave. ORCHARDISTS CAN 0NLYSH00 DEER Oregon's deer may eat and destroy all the apples thej wish, and the en raged fruitgrower cau do no more than shoo them away. In respouse to numerous requests for permission to kill the offending animals, the State Fish and Game Commission decided the last of the week that the law was rigid and did not contain the right to grant any permission to kill t deer for this or other Intrusion. The law of self-defense Is uot coun tenanced liy the Commission. There are many who scout the Idea of a deer standing on his hind legs and reaching an apple limb, but Chairman Cranston, of the Commis sion, solemnly affirmed tbat he had a one horned cow which would stand on her hind legs, hook the sole horn over a limb and bring It down where she could get the apples In her mouth. WHITE SALMON (From the Enterprise) F. K. Flynn was at Lyle Saturday where he drew up the papers for the construction of a $20,000 hotel, which Is contemplated for that aspiring village. The Company has decided the building should be built but Mr. Flynn says they have not accepted the plans yet. A force of about 100 men nre at work at the damslte In night nnd day shifts. The Northwestern Elec tric will push the work from now on fast ns possible. The power possi bilities of the White Salmon river mean much to this section and will be more fully realized as time passes and more development comes. The Me K urc her orchard of 2 acres In five-year-old trees, which joins the Conger place, was sold Wednesday toChas. II. Mears of Chicago for 20,. (K0cah. Mr. Mears Is an uncle of Mr. Slade at Husum nnd has pur chased the place for his son, who has just completed school work at Yale L'ulverslty. At the council meeting Tuesday evening the White Salmon Water Co., through Its secretary, Mr. Manly, In formed the coiincllmen that the com pany would be willing to turn their system over to the city at Its origi nal cost, plus 8 percent Interest and cost of development. No price was set, but the Enterprise has been In formed that the purchase price would Is? around $20,000. Unclaimed Letters The following letters remain un called for at the Hood Itlver post- ofliee: j Geo. Iioyd (2). Mr. Mary (lark, I J. Albert .ipiau. Ad. Me Davidson, i Mrs. I,i' ia iiiigl.iM. I'.crt Davidson, Arthur D.ivi'lHon. Hubert Flmirney, i Mr. mi. I Mrs. I'. .1. Frcany, Clwirlcs ! W. llni. I Mid. .1. .1. .Dickson, Victor Joln' hi. I) M. Kirehart. l-on Hone, ; W.ilti r Smith, Dei-wle Thomas. Mrs. W. i; lb. i herv. CAN AT HOME ! With one of our Home or Factory Canners. Can Fruit, Vegetables, i Meats, Fish or Fowl, in glass or tin. Cook pork and beans. Steam puddings. Capacity up to 10, (XX) cans daily Price $15.00 to $200. Complete instructions and "Se crets of the Canning Business" tell the whole story. A splendid i business to engage in. Get par ticulars of TMOS. J. ROSS 270 Fourth Street. Portl and. Omto CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND rtC-vi BRAND X IT jm.r UnnrM for CTTI-CUKS-TER'S uiajtu.-xu ik AND nu.s In Rrd and. wild ni'tunic lxjH, eral IbljoO. tU HO OTH Kit . strata. a. aak tr f III MAMO.tD RUANIt FILL, f.ir t wntT-fSo years regard"! b-t,6af-t, Alway Reliable SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS OSL EVERYWHERE? yC7 ILLS In KD andA aralcd Willi BIiiKO Ban. B.rW;w7 f llMHKR.Tf.ll V CAMAS PRAIRIE WE HAVE rich bottom lands ready for the plow at one half the price it would cost you to clear timber land. This land will give you an income at once and the present price will insure you a speculation as well. White Salmon orchard men insure you a home market FOR YOUR HAY and PRODUCE - LET US T13L.L. YOU ABOUT IT " To) Jo) d Refinishing Marred Furniture IS EASY AND INEXPENSIVE Shabby, scratched pieces of furniture that are unsightly and a discredit to your home can be made to look bright and new at slight ex pense and you can do it yourself. ACME QUALITY VARNO-LAC stains and varnishes at one operation, giving to all kinds of surfaces the elegant effect and dur able, lustrous surface of beautifully finished oak, mahogany, walnut or other expensive woods. Call for color card. E. A. FRA NZ CO 12 ACRES 6 acres in Apples and Pears; house and barn; on two county roads. Abun dance of good water with place; 1 mile from town. EASY TERMS Would consider trade in city property H. M. PRINDLE, :: P. 0. Box 357 ''ri"r'i!V:i HOOD RIVER POULTRY YARDS J. R. NltKEUtN. Proprietor Brttder ot . C. W. Ltghornf. Mf. P. Rock! tn4 C. Rhotf Itland Rtdt. Indian Runn.r Duck Hrr)pra and oun atrk for al. Or dra biK.liH now. Poultry rrd I'l mil-a weat nf city at r ranklon. i'hona 32XV-X. T. I. TWKKIJY Mutual lnurnr at fl Prr CVnt nf Olil I.ln. Katr. Fir. Ina.iranr. on Ht.llilinira In On. of Omal ruction, Krt. nnrAnr rtmi.io on tii MrmiiT Economical Housewives. have found our store a blessing. Here you find the lest and only the lest Groceries Always fresh, always clean and wholesome. Staple and fancy Kooda for some of which we are exclusive agents. Our free de livery department is prompt, ac curate and efficient. Try us. WOOD'S GROCERY J. M. WOOD, Prop. FOR SALE Practically new PERRY PNEUMATIC WATER SYSTEM with two horse power engine. One GRUBBING MA CHINE at a bargain. Telephone Odell 2X5 How Could Ho Help It 7 Ile-Iio you think mnrrtiiROS nre nuido In tipiiren? She I don't know. I't-rlinpa thpy nre, hut I'd be Hntl.stled with one tniide In or, thnt Is, of course, I wiisn't thinking what oh, Charllo, do you ronlly mean It? Chicago Ilec-ord-IIerald. FOR SALE Quarter Skctiom Ter wtual free water right. Shot and, best for apples. No leavy timber to clear. Ten acres cleared. The price and terms are right. Sell all or cut into tracts. 1 mile from R. R. depot. Address owner, 17 Ainsworth bldg., Port land, Ore., orG. Y. Edwards & Co., Hood River, Ore. Wire Wound Continuous Stave WOOD STAVE PIPE KELLY BKOS., Agents 4th St. Bet. Oak and State I'hone 227-M Hood River, Ore. Water Works for the Country. "Hello, Jim. when aid yon put In a water-work system?" "About a month ago. Charier, and I naver realized bafor bow znucb convenience and real enjoyment I've been missing all this time." sent tor a tree book I advertised, called How I Hulved the Water I Bnpply froblem,' and II opened my eyes, I tell yon." It convinced me that could have running water on my place as easily ai town people, ao I ordered an outfit, set It up my self, and It work to perfection. It it called the Leader Water Supply System I ptit la a bathroom, hart hot and cold water In th kitchen and laundry and yon see what a strong pressure I have In thla hose." "How do you get that pre Hare, Jim ?" It very Irople. Charley com preflfted air. You tee, my windmill rump water Into a it eel tank In my a dement (not the old-fashioned clumsy, outdoor sravlty tank). The air In thla tank, being elastic. Is com pressed Into the upper half as the water enters. Thla compressed air then ffives a pressure which force the water through the pipes all over the houte, the garden and the barn." "I can wash ray buiirifles. clean out the stables, water the gardens, and pipe water to the stock so easily. It seems almost like a dream." "Then I have absolute Are protec tion, and that's worth a great deal on the farm you know. Do you want a copy Of this book, Mr. Reader? It will show you bow easily thla system can oe applied to your own farm, and what a time Ialw. I .111 n..-. k i at moderate cost. J I The title nfthbnk It "How V if u.la.l a t. Ur..aa Supply I'rnttletn," n nnd it f-khh to My (We) IntertHttxI. Better writ bow, till the MHert l frh la your mtad. You II turely sajuy NteV tag It, AJdfetS I I Apple Land & Orchard Go. Office No. 9 Oak St. Phone 26 or 2002-K C.F.SUMNER Opposite the Post Office Home I'hone 20 Spray and Garden Hose Plumbina 9 Blacksmithing and Wagon Work Farm Implements and Lgg'n tools repaired. Plow work a specialty. Howell Bros. Two doors cast of Fashion Stables I lood Rivrr, Ore. Phone 22 7-X