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About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1912)
THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22. 1912 Eighteen Students Who Graduated from This High School Last Evening Ruth Morrison (lien Corey John Coshow Ruth Morton Lempl Hukarl W alter Shay Will Sheppard Elizabeth Thomas Elsie McLucas Emmet Thomas Marjorie Pineo Viola Mckelsen Edward Struck Alma Hinrichs Edith Fernald Marshall Pineo Orland Morse Elsie Wells UNTIL YOU SEE THE OA'R'RE,JV JO l wo.- Fully Equipped-Quick Delivery Strong, Light, Powerful Com and Set th Car F. J. Taiferson, Igcnt Two Doors North of Postoffice This beautiful spring weather suggests Lawn Mowers Rubber Hose Garden Tools We have a very complete stock and the goods and prices are RIGHT. We invite inspection of our stock and comparison of prices. Blowers Hardware Co. The Firm that "Makes Good" SENIOR GLASS PLAY A DEGIDED SUCCESS The Senior Clan pluy given at the Monroe Opera HouHe Monday even ing achieved a well-merited success. It abounded In amusing situations and all the parts were admirably taken.' The play deals with a young col lege fellow, who, staying with his etster-ln-law, masquerades as the old negro butler In order to help the sis ter out while the butler Is away. The guests at dinner happen to Include the young man's sweetheart who unexpectedly "comes aloni." Dur ing the progress of the dinner the old servant returns and a general mix up eusues. At two o'clock In the morning the man of the house returns bringing with him the father of the young lady whose presence has caused so much embarrassment. The father, who has been opposed to the match, Is taken for a burglar, forced to ac quiesce to the young people's plans, and all turns out well. Miss Kittle McLucas as the lady of the house, Miss Iempl Hukarl as the dignified wife of a fussy old man. Miss Viola N'li'kelsen as the sweet heart, acquitted themselves with honors. Walter Shay as the old negro and .lohn Coshow as his double took their parts like regular old minstrels, (ilen Corey as the hypochondriac made a distinct hit. Orland Morse aud Emmet Thomas also took part. The cast as a whole deserves much credit. The costumes and stage settings were fashionable and In good tnste. The young people will probably re peat their performance elsewhere. The play was staged and the cast drilled under the direction of Kev. A. E. Harris. Among the pleaxlng specialties which were on the pro gram were an Instrumental solo by Mrs..Vlda Dennett, a duet by Miss Aldlne Dartmess and Miss Fva lirock and a reading by Miss Adrlenne Epplng. TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN HERE ON JUNE 8TH Weather observers hereabout have received notice from the Amherst ob servatory of Amherst, Mass., asking that observations be made of the total eclipse of the sun which will take place June 4 at 3 o'clock. The eclipse will be observed from a strip of territory about :50 miles wide ex tending through the states of Idaho, Oregon aud Washington. The Am herst observatory people ask that the observations In this district be taken from the top of Mount Adams and Mount St. Helens, which are both situated In the center of the coming shadow. Fraternal Men, Attention! Increased assessments have been declared by many of the leading or ders. If yours hasn't It will be next. Will you stand for It? If Interested In opposing higher rates with no bet ter advantages, communicate nt once with C. N. S.. care Hood Klver News, Hood Ulver, Oregon. IS 21c It pays to advertise NEWS NOTES FROM ALL AROUND OREGON A. H. Smock of Eugene has goose berry bushe that produce at the rate of f 1000 per acre. Plans are on foot for the holding of a horse show In McMlnnvllle, Sat urday, May 2."), at which time 50 of the best horses In Yamhill and ad Joining counties will parade the streets. The Commercial Club has Indorsed the proposition and will do all In Its power to make the affair a success. Eben Mclntlre, aged 84, and Mrs. Elizabeth Ullraore. 70 years old, both of Medford were married a day or two ago. The couple were sweet hearts In olden days back East. The groom now halls from McMlnnvllle and the bride from Gold Hill. They will live nt the former place. "I Teel as young as ever," was the comment of Mr. Mclntlre when he applied for the license. Declaration by Governor West In Hoseburg that he Intends to Inject a political earthquake shock Into the affairs of state Is taken as following out the line which he predicted Just before leaving for Southern Oregon that he would Issue statements as to expenditures and salaries for all of fices, commissions and lustttutlons and call upon those officers, commis sions and Institutions to justify their existence. That the irrigation possibilities of Oregon have as yet been but slightly developed, Is shown by statistics gathered by the Census Bureau In 1'JlO and now made public for the first time In a special bulletin entitled "Irrigation In Oregon." While this report Is practically two years be hind time, it Is the latest official com pilation on this subject and Is being Issued simultaneously with similar reports on other Western states. State Superintendent of Public In struction Alderman has addressed a letter to the boys and girls of Oregon who have decided to grow some gar den produce, raise some chickens, or pigs, or sew. cook, or carpenter for tbelr local fairs or the State Fair, In connection with the great state-wide series of agricultural ami industrial contests this year. The younn peo pie are reminded that their schools are closing, a tempting summer Is approaching and that the rewards, both In prizes and good habit culti vation, will continue as big ns they are now, although the number of contestants to claim them may grow smaller. ALL PLANTS REDUCED Sale on spring plants Helio thropes, Petunias, Geraniums, Salvias, Carnations. All kind of Vegetable Plants. Low priced by the hundred and thousand. All sizes. Cut flow ers on short notice. Call 284M. Greenhouse on the Heights. George Haslinger. 18-21c When you feel vous, tired, worried or despondent it is a sure sign vou need MOTT'S NERVERINE PILLS. They rent the normal vigor and make life worth living. Be tnr and ask for Mott's Nerverine Pill bpfTn;E WILLIAMS MFC CO., Propt.. CUr.Und. Ohio For Sale by Carl A. Flath, Druggist A uthentic and Taluable inform bo bout breeding, hat chief. nnii, feeding tod housing poultry it contained ia th Utrtt editioa of Lilly t Poultry Book juft panted. Send for copy, he. W. S. GR1BBLE The Mt. Hood Store General Merchandise Flour. Feed, Spray Material Farm Implements w and is Stumping Powder J. A. LITEL MT. HOOD, ORE. Blacksmith and Wagonmaker HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY 25 Years Experience Strawberry Growers Twenty years ago we made our first ship ment of Hood River Strawberries and have shipped them every season since. During all this time our returns to the growers have been highly satisfactory. We passed the experimental stage long ago, and are now giving berry growers the benefit of our mature experience. Highest market returns assured by shipping with us. DO YOU WANT THE MONEY? Let us know Electro Powdered Arsenate of Lead Black Leaf 40, Etc. Davidson fruit Co. A Patriotic (Emii "We believe in our country the United States of America. We believe in her constitution, her laws, her institutions and the principles for which she stands. We believe in her future--the past is secure. We believe in her vast resources, her great possibilities--yes, more, her wonderful certainties. "We believe in the American people, their genius, their brains and their brawn. We believe in their hon esty, their integrity and dependability. We believe that nothing can stand in the way of their commercial advance ment and prosperity. "We believe that what we term "Times of business depression" are but periods of preparation for greater and more pronounced commercial successes. "And we believe that in our country are being worked out great problems, the solution of which will be for the benefit of all mankind." A copy of the above creed was received by ua this week from the (T.aso Nat ional Hank of New York and the sentiment of it appealed to us strongly enough that we wished our customers and friends of Hood River to read it. BUTLER BANKING COMPANY