Image provided by: Hood River County Library District; Hood River, OR
About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1912)
THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY. MAY 22, 1912 5 r UPPER VALLEY NOTICE List your places for special attention with WARD IRELAND CORNELL Upper Valley Real Estate .'. Insurance Improved and Unimproved Orchard Land Hood River Connection UUV Y. liUWAKUS & CO. Phone U. C. M. Ranch. Parkdale 77-Odell Upper Hood River Valley. Ore. Ortley, Newtown and Spitzenberg True to name nursery stock. One and two years old; fine thrifty trees; four to eight feet. It will pay purchasers to inquire before buying their spring stock. MOORE BROTHERS PHONES 2052-X AND 205-X HOOD RIVER, OREGON I have a limited supply of first class two-year-old Newtown and Spitzenburg Trees These have strong, well-balanced tops and a well de veloped root system. Just the thing for replacing. Have also first-class one year budded stock in the standard apple varieties. Phone 323-2M. C. D . THOMPSON Hood River Oregon P. B. SNYDER B. B. POWELL Hood River Plumbing company Rr-ona 68X Sanitary Plumbing and Heating. Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Repairing Promptly Attended. ESTIMATES FURNISHED CASCADE AVENUE nAVING purchasedthe entire interest of E. Brayford in the Rockford Store about three months ago, we are now in a position to serve you with all the highest class Groceries at reasonable prices. We invite your patronage and will serve you to the best of our ability. OIVi: US A TRIAL MERCER & CO. PHONE NO. 5 WAREHOUSE ON FIRST STREET Transfer and Livery company Freight, Express and Baggage Transferred Furniture Moved, Stored or Packed for Shipment HOOD RIVER, OREGON. tftlMHWHHWW Well Drilling Quick Successful Satisfactory done with a STAR WELL DRILLING OUTFIT TOR PARTICULARS address APPLE LAND & ORCHARD COMPANY HOOD RIVER, OREGON OMct. N. 9 Oak Strttt Phontl. 28 r 2002-K Express and Baggage Furniture and Pianos Motfcd All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work Wood Yard and Feed Store in Connection Office Phone 29 Residence 2J8K TAFT TRANSFER CO. J. M. SCHMELTZER F. A. BISHOP HOOD RIVER ABSTRACT COMPANY ABSTRACTS Insurance Conveyancing Surety Bonds "Accuracy" is Our Motto Office In New Hellbronner ISulldinjt I'hone 23 Hood River, Oregon APPLE PUBLICITY URGED BY NEWELL W. K. Newell, prenldent of the Ore goo .Statu Hoard of Horticulture, urged a cainpultfu of apple publicity, lie Haya: "1 believe that apple grower must arrange Home way to ralrte fumlu to advertise apples an a food product. Hut few people realize the actual tood value or the medicinal value of applet!. ISuked apples ought to take the place of most so-called breakfast foods on the American breakfast table. Children ought to eat more apples between meals lustead of caudy. Lately I have taken notice of what people eat on dining cars. I have been traveling most of the time and lately covered about S000 miles In three weeks. I have found that grape fruit Is being eaten for breakfast more than all other fruits, and only two or three times on this trip have I seen anyone eating baked apples, grape fruit being eaten by dozens of persons on the curs every morning. This must be due In part, at least, to the advertising of grape fruit. "The California Fruit Exchange spent f 50,000 lust year In advertising 'Sunklst' oranges, and will likely double this sum In 1912. Something must be done to secure better distri bution of apples, but we must also Increase consumption." WOULD GIVE COUNTRY BACK TO THE INDIANS Here Is u story that was enjoyed by members of both parties In the House ond Senate cloukrooms re cently. It Is related that a man called on his neighbor, armed with an Imposing looking document. "Hill," said the caller, "I want you to sign this petition." "What Is It?" his friend asked, sus piciously. "Well," was the reply, "It now looks as If Hoosevelt would be nom inated at Chicago and Uryan would be named at Baltimore. This Is a petition praying that the country be restored to the Indians." How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars He- wurd for any cae of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheuey for the last fifteen years, aud believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions, und financially able to carry out any ob ligations made by his firm. Wald Ing, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free 1'rlce "."c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Fami ly Fills for constipation. New Addition Opened A new addition platted by Heed & Henderson. Inc., of lot 25, Paradise Acrenge, fronting on Cascade Ave nue Is now on the market. Five building lots are offered for sale at from I'tOOO to flOO, terms to suit buyer. For information call on Heed & Henderson, Inc. Phone 41. is 21 TRIBUTE IS PAID LOCAL LIFESAVERS The Oregoulan cemmented edito rially a day or two ago on the action of the three local Hoy Scouts who saved a comrade from drowning laxt week. The editorial is. in part, as follows: "Had the Hoy Scouts of Hood Htver not been given the military training against which the Soclalint and I. W. W. declaim, they could not have saved their comrade from drowning, That training prompted Simpson to call on bis companions to form a living chain when he found himself alone unable to rescue Hue 11 and It prompted them to respond promptly. It had taught them ex actly what to do when called upon for help and bad taught them to do it quickly and efficiently without the loss of one precious second. Hoy Scout training had instructed the boys what to do In order to expel the water from the drowning boys lungs aud to revive them after drag glng them to shore. "This Incident Is a practical dem onstration that the Hoy Scouts are not a military, but a peaceful organ ization. They apply whatlsuwful In military training to the preserva tion Instead of the destruction of life. They turn military training to peace ful, human uses." TWO CHILDREN AT DUFUR NARROWLY ESCAPE DEATH A double drowning was narrowly averted t Dufur the last of the week when u C year-old boy fell Into Fifteen Mile creek and was carried down stream by the current, as was also a girl of 12, who Jumped Into the stream after the boy. Hoth were being carried by the swiftly. flowing stream when discov ered by a picnic party. Miss Bertha Hehbln and W. L. Toble promptly went to their assistance ami rescued the two children, who were exhaust ed. They were resuscitated after a time. MEDALS ASKED FOR LOCAL" BOY SCOUT LIFE-SAVERS Scoutmaster Edmund Trew Simp son, rector of St. Mark's I'plscopal church, has written to the National commissioners of the organization asking for medals for the members of the local troop Rodger Simpson, Balrd StontJ and Edwin Sonnlchsen who saved the life of their fellow scout, Chester Huell, when he was drowning In the slough north of the city. Husbands Property Sold W. S. Nichols has made the sale of the Husbands home place on Colum bia street, this city, consisting of three lots and the residence, to Mrs. Isabelle Underwood of Underwood, Wash. Mrs. I'nderwood will build three or four rooms to the house Im mediately and move In as soon as It Is completed. Mr. Husbands and his family will move to California for the summer and may make their home there permanently The price Involved In the deal was $2200. The Dry Season Is Nearly Here Look at your wagon wheels and see if the tires do not need tightening. Loose tires will cause loose spokes and otherwise damages the wheels. Better have this work done before you use the wagon to haul your crop of berries. Bring your wagon to us and let us put it in good shape for the coming dry season. W. G. SNOW (Successor to SNOW A UPSON) Phone 62-K Fourth Street SAVE ONE-HALF ON SCREENS AND SCREEN DOORS You can equip your entire house, itore front or building for about half the usual expense if you take advantage of our "DlrMt-from-factory.ta.iitar" prices on WJt-t-IAIVIS' OWN MAKK SCREENS Hero are the prices that tell how: ICmN DOORS -14 mesh, jralvanized wire, Oflsls doon 1 in. thick, per square foot . . . CUCI8 W1N00W SCmMI-14 mesh, galvanized 1CM wire, any size per Bquare foot . . . . 1 9 CIS Build brona wira on doors and arrwna, tats per (quart foot rxtrn. Wa sail anybody for fash, ahip snywhi-rr., mianinlr aati.faation ami artf. cUllwrr If rm. n"1 ni'lh'n Sash, IWra, Inliri.w Trim. 1 'alula, Uuiklms tf.iJ.ra. Ulaaa, Build er. Hardware write for CaLakw 32 . II a frae. It 1 J F. 13 Wi Mi arris O f and DOORO 1943 Plra Av to., 8 as flat I Christian Science Service Christian Science services will be held in the Commercial Club rooms Sunday at 11 a. m., subject, "Mor tals and Immortals." Sunday school at 11 a. m. In room , Davidson building. Wednesday evening testimonial meetings are held In Davidson building All are cordially Invited to attend these services. Heading room open dully, No. fi, Davidson building. HAY, GRAIN and FLOUR We make a Specialty of Handling Fancy TIMOTHY and ALFALFA GARNES FEED STORE W. A. CARNES, Proprietor If 02 Twelfth St.Tho Height Kent & Garrabrant Confectionery, Cigars Fishing Tackle Spaulding's Sporting Goods All Kinds of Soft Drinks Oak Street, opposite Smith Block. Hood River WRIST INSURANCE AT LOW COST Onr sin Elastic Wmtuti, Hosiery, Kneecaps aStockirss conitautlj worn, will cora apraintaod muat la waakoaaa. Salt maaauraasant blank FKEK on raqnaat. WOODAKD, CLARKE ah CO. Fortlaud. Oracoa Piles! Piles! Piles! Williams' Indian l'ile Ointment will euro Blind, Bleedins and Itching Piles. It ab sorbs the tumors, allays itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives instant relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is pre pared for Piles and lulling of the private pnrts. Drntrgigt. mail Due and $1.00. WILLIAMS MFG. CO., Propi., Cleveland. Ohio For Sale by Carl A. Plath, Druggist CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND to' LADIES t Aak t BnatJat for CHI-CHFft-TER'S Diaauau UK a.n D PILLS la Rho and, Cold metallic boxes, scaled UODOD. 1AII NO OTBRl, Draaal.t a a.k fop mi DIAMOND BUAMU PILLS, for twentT-ae years regarded aa Bet, Safest, Alwav Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS BSSg, EVERYWHERE testhd :i-CHFft-TER'S A .S in Rho andAA lied with Bluc0 a. Btrflj.w V hk-th V 14 Send For This Seed Annual-Free UIV -cd r tefterf for purity ud tfnnint)ofi. No wetdt are packed by ua un?a these two Qualities thew tlSeveryhigheAAandani Out fully quipped laboratory under the director, of a toest and exprrl eed infer temovea ail fueai work. V hen buyina Lilly buy iocteaafd eropa. Sead tor catak. The Chat. H. Uly Co., Seattle ISotlce ol Sale Notice i hereby sriven. That, under nd by vir tue of an Onler of License to sell real property, duly made and irranted by the County Judge of the County Court of Hood River County, State of Orejron, dated the 27th day of April. A. D. 1912. in the matter of the Guardianship of Roy Thomas and Jcsae Thomas, Minora, and now pending in said Conrt, I will, on the 6th day of June. A. I. Iil2, at the front door of the Court Hour in the City of Hand River, in the County of Hood River and State of Oregon, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of aaid day. at public auction to the hijiheat bidder for cajh. the following described real prop erty, situated in the County of Hood Kiver, State of Orejron. to-wit: An undivided two-sevenths (2-7) interest in and to a tract of land described an follows, betfinnin at a point 40 mis and 15 feet West of the North east corner of Section 3 in Tvwnship 2 North. Ran tre 10 Kant of W. M . running thence South 0 rods, thence West 10 roils, thence North K rods, thence Kast 10 rods to the point of betrmninff. con tinin(r 5 acres more or lrs, and beinir a part of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 3, subject to a life estate of one Rachel L. Thomas, in and to an undivided one half of said attnve descrilied 5 acre tract. iated May 4th. 1:M2. KLISH A M. THOMAS. As Ciiiardian of the Person and Kstate of Roy Thomas and Jesse Thomas. Minors. Keed. Attorneys, k a. a a. r. Hood River. Oregon. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior U. S. LAND OFFICE at The La!les. Oregon. May 4th. 112. Notice is hereby given that Judith R. Kidder Cole, formerly Judith R. Ktdder. of Fir. Oregon, who, on July 27th, lfV. made Homestead. No. tKCH, for SK' NK'i, Section 7. Township 1 North. Range 11 Fast. Willamette Meridian, has filed no tiee of intention to make Final Commutation V roof, to establish claim to land above describ ed, before K. A Itishop. V. S. Commissioner at his olfice, Hixi River, Oregon, on the 10th day of June. Iitl2. Claimant names as witnesses: Clarence C. Piper and John W. Pavis. both of Hoi. River. Oregon, and Thomas Alwhcr and John West, both of Fir, Oregon. C. W. MOOKK. 19-23 Register, tKcunt KccrJ Raifrcatl Time Table No. A. M .- SeuTi 8. IK) 8.05 8.15 8.35 8.40 8.55 iUO 9.20 U0 IU5 Ar. 10.15 Lv. 10.25 10. 10 10.50 Ar. i:. Effective Aiml 17th. i:.;i A N oatH P . Hixni Iiivor 11 I'owerdale 3. Switchback 2, Van Horn 2. Mohrs Oilell Summit Hloucher Winans Poo Doe Trout crook worth Parkdalo 2 2. Lv. I. Ar. 1. Lv. I. M M. 10 05 55 30 25 15 05 00 50 45 2,5 20 05 00 Kill the Aphis! : z. ; a Whale-Oil Soap, or Formaldehyde Tree Soap, are recognized as the best things that can be used for this. We have them both for sale, Our price is right. SEE US Keir & Cass Keltable "Druggists SMITH BLOCK HOOD RIVER r rziTiyyz-yy t T-TT zra When you ThinK Victor 6dison Columbia Rccorcte Repairs Jccdlcs llso ThinK Qgaggener's jviusic Rouse Hood Rit)er, Oregon WAGGEXER WANTS YOUR TRADE Investment -not f 'peculation You take no chances when you buy your real estate through us except to win. Our intimate knowledge of almost every foot of land in the valley places us in appo sition to advise you where to find the REAL- BARGAINS I W. N I C H O I sssszzxzzszrrzzzsszzzszzzszzxzz For Lime, Cement and House Plaster See STRANAHAN & CLARK NEW MODEL OLIVER The old reliable visible type writer with new printype and other improvements. The ma chine that writes print that is print and is always ready for business. For sale or rent on easy terms. A. W. ONTHANK. Agt. 109 Oak St. Hood River, Ore. 4th & State'St. Phone ZA8K 0. PDA5NEY I SONS FURNITURE, FURNITURE, FURNITURE, STOVES AND RANGES We buy, sell and exchange everything in House Furnishings, Campers Supplies, etc. Don't forget the placc-Cor. 4 th & State SunJavi. north houml ft .in will run two hour, li ttxv Kh.duL, lovinn P.rkJjl 1 p. m o l ij Our stock of Soring bpring IS Mere... goods Ls complete. In every department we have selected goods to meet the needs of the Upper Hood Kiver Valley. Our Pry Goods have come from the best mills of the East. Our Shoes are selected to give the best service to the laboring man and style tor the most fastidious. Our Florsheim Shoes are the standard of quality. We have built a large new warehouse to shelter our stock of Orchard Implements, Wagons and Bug gies. We have Planet Junior Seeders and Cultivators; Soring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, Oliver Chilled Plows. Every tool needed for the successful orchard ist. Look over our stock and select your needs. R, J. MclSAAG & GO, .'. Parkdale, Oregon A. ILhOlN. Aunr.