THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY. MAY 22, 1912 3 RETURN VISIT TO PORTLAND PLANNED WoiuImth of t lie Hood Klvt-r Com inervuii mm, aitout l'KJ Mrouir or more, will pay the Portland t'oiu nierctiil Club a vlwlt on Wfilmwiluy, May LI). I tiildeii tally the victors will tuke luncheon with the Ad Clut, ultlioiiRh each mid every one lnnUtH on making It n "IHiteti treat." So, too, at the dinner to be given at the Commercial Club In the even ing. The Commercial Club wantH to have the vlwltorn lt KueHtx, but following the precept of the I'ortland Club members whcu they vllted lluud Klvcr, they want to pay for thenmelvea n tbey K'J. Anyway and Irrespective of who pa.VH for It the day will be a pleaxant one for a committee of the I'ortland Commercial Club ban already Im kuii working out plans for reception and entertainment. fl'he 1'ortlund Commercial Club ban been making vUltn to numerous of the cities around the Htate. lli. jd Klver plain to make the tirxt return call. A npeclal car will probably be chartered. The entertainment at I'ortland will very likely be a slht tteetiiK trip to Council ( rent and an automobile ride through the city. Coupon tlcketH covering all event will be iHxued by the local club and It lx not believed that the entire coHt of the trip will exceed " Building For Sale The Hood Klver Apple Growers' I'nlon offer for Male the frame build 1ng now occupied by A. Whitehead, hit i! a ted to the cant of the I'ulon warehoune, to be removed at once to make room for the new wnre hoiiHe. It Neat and natty Job printing quick executed at the XeWH olllce. HUGE NEW 'PHONE GABLE NOW IN USE The I'acltle Telephone & Telegraph Company linn flnUhed making con nection on each Hide of the Colum bia river with the huge cable laid under the river two months ago, and Hood Klver and White Salmon are now connected by cable Hue, The former telephone co. nectlons between the two cities were made by an aerial line, crowning from the high point of Stanley Itock, on this Hide of therher. However, this was often the source of trouble for the linemen, becauHe of high winds. The new cable, which weighed 32 tons, Is almost a tulle long and, with the exception of the one at Vancou ver, Wash., is the only cable crossing the Columbia river. The company has also finished stretching an addi tional wire between this city and The Dalles. CALL SHERLOCK HOLMES; HERE'S A REAL MYSTERY Mystery! The ladles of the Uni tarian church are to give h Covered Dish Supper In the church Wednes day, May it, at C:II0 o'clock. Do not ask what klud of edibles, for that Is the mystery. A good supper Is as sured, whose character Is to be dis closed after all are seated. Aud do you know, the ladles are going to try not to tell beforehand. I'll wngcr the men will find out. The supper Is to cost 2o cents, but on top of It come stunts of all kinds. Musical monstrosities, literary freaks, facial contortions, feminine absurdities free to all supper eaters! Wednesday, May 21), G::iO p. m. Lime and Spray Kelly Bros., phone 227-M. I MAKE and REPAIR Qs; HARNESS) Don't neglect them until too late waiting until to morrow may cause an accident today. When I Re pair Harness you can feel Safe with them in driving. Harness Repairing does not mean simply patching and stitching. . It must be done right, and that means Experience and Skill. I look after every job myself, and when I am through you can feel safe with the old Harness V. E. Fosberg & Co. PHONL: 21 HOOD RIV IiR, OREGON JOHNSON BROS. & HALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE Groceries, Furnishings, Shoes, Hardware, Etc. Agents for Bane Wapons, Iiacine Hacks, Buggies and Farm Implements I'hone 20J2-M Pine drove Grange Building VanHorn Station nazr none PORTLAND BIDS YOU TO HER R.ose Festival Juno IX)-1 5 Tickets will be oi sale from all stations on the O-W. R. & N. JUNE 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 1912 O ONE and ONE-THIRD PARE tor the ROUND TRIP k Program has been prepared which will surpass any former. Arrange to spend week In Portland, and i week at NORTH BEACH on the Pacific. REDUCtD fJWLS will b In affect from Portland, and the o-W. R. & N b Eicurslon Steamers will be making dally runs. J. 11. PREDRICY, Agent 11 LJL O S. E. BARTMESS Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer ,. .. ' ESTABLISHED IS YEA Kit . ;. V'.v HOOD RIVER, OREGON' TRIAL ON WIRING CHARGE IS HELD Chaws made attalnut the lluud Klver (iuu & Klectrle Company that they have neglected to comply with the ordinance ordering extensive change In their system of wiring were heard before Uecorder Howe the lust of the week. Thin wan the case wLlcb bad been continued from the month previous In order tu al low the company more time In which tu comply with the ordinance. The case wait heard by a Jury cum poHed of B. E. Duncan, K. I. (iould, F. T. Anderson, C W. Howard and A. II. Kltuger. Witnesses for the city were T. E. Verco, the complain Ing witness, F. Agnew and Frank Surett, linemen. Witnesses for the electric company Included Chief En glneer McOee. Itoy Dean and Fore man of Construction Wolf. Evidence was Introduced by the electric company tending to show that they have been making prepar atlons to rebuild their entire system In the city at a cust of from $17,000 to $18,000 and that they have already made surveys with this In view. They alsu stated that the material Is all at hand except the poles and that the construction foreman Is here ready to start work. Plaintiff's witnesses Introduced testimony tending to show that re pair work which bos been made re cently has been so performed as to Indicate that It Is Intended to do ser vice for some time. They contended that this was proof that a recon struction of the lines In the near fu ture was not Intended. rue Jury returned a verdict of guilty. The penalty for the offense Is fixed by ordinance at not tu ex ceed f J)0 fine or not to exceed 100 days Imprisonment, or both such flDe and imprisonment. On Saturday afternoon City Re corder Howe announced the penalty for the alleged offense, fining the com pany $100. The company llled no tice for the arrest of Judgment. HIGH WATER IN COLUMBIA MAKES BOATING POPULAR The Columbia Klver, Ix-cause of the hot weather here the first of the week ha been rlxlng rapidly and lacks only a few feet of reaching the high water mark of last year. The high current has backed the water Into the sloughs. Hood Klver rest dents are more enthusiastic over rowing this season than ever before. Many persons are building rowboats, a boating club Is talked of and one of the ferrv companies has built a large number of boats for rent. The nooks among the Cottonwood trees accessible to houseboats during the hlghwater period offer delightful retreats for vacationists. A number of the young people are planning houseboats for the season. They will be the first ever put on the Col umbia here. LOCAL TRANSFERS OFJEAL ESTATE The following sales of real etnte are reported for the past week: Oregon Kealty Company to A. W. Klekman, 40 acres In L'pper Valley. Annie Kles, a widow, to Fred Itles, 20 acres In l'pper Valley. Orson H. Khoades aud wife to Mt. Hood Kallroad Company, land for a side track and flag station at Lenti Station. Rattler Bites Farmer J. P. Carey, while slashing on Ms farm 10 miles north of Ij le, was bit ten by a rattlesnake. The wound was Immediately cut with a sharp knife and carbolic acid applied, and Mr. Carey Is recovering. Dr. C. H. Jenkins and Dr. II. D. Plneo went to Portland the lirnt of the week to attend the annual meet ing of the State Dental Association. On account of a serious leak In the upper reservoir which made Its ap pearance Saturday, the reservoir was drained and a gang of men was employed to build an entirely new concrete foundation. Regular Sunday excursion to Park dale. I'leasant trip for jourself and friends. Succulent Steaks On Decoration Day You'll make the best Impression on those who'll see you In the crowd or In the parade If you select the wool ens for your suit now at Spauldlng & (lessllng's and have them send your measure to Ed. V. Price & Co., largest tailors tn the world of good made to order clothes. Don't wait until the last minute, only tu find thnt It Is too late; do It now; today! Phone 13 X. 21tf The Best News In This Paper Is found right here; I. eca use every man now Is Interested In news about good clothes. Whether you are ready to order or not, you are wel come to lnsM-ct the handsome Spring and Summer woolens Spauldlng & (iessllng have received from their famous Chicago tailors, Ed. V. Price & Co., who'll make your clothes to measure as you want them, for f i"i up. Phono 1,1.. 21 tf "barretT" Miss Peterson, who has been teach ing the East Barrett school, has left for Gateway, Ore., to visit friends. Kev. Ilansaker will occupy the pul pit of the Valley Christian church next Sunday evening. The graduation exercises of the eighth aud tenth grades will be held Friday evening, May 21, 1u the Chris tian church. lister Murphy has returned from a two weeks' visit In Eugene. Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Stevens of ortland are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Smith. Mr. Kobblns Is harvesting his gooselnrry crop. He expects about two tons of the berries. Miss Emma ilbbons and Miss Ver non Shumaker entertained at their rooms on the Heights Thursday. They will soon return to their homes In the country for the summer. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Alliert ltenui tt, Mrs. E. II. Wright, Misses (lladys Keavls and Blanche Howell, Koy Samuels and Mr. Johnson. Miss Evelyn 7.eck has returned from an ettcned visit In Chehalls and Seattle. and tempting chops are special ties with us even among our ex cellent joints and poultry. The tenderness and delicious taste of our meats are known to our num erous patrons, but we want the general public to know that we handle a thoroughly superior quality of beef, mutton, veal, lamb, pork and poultry. We kill fowl to order, and we guarantee the freshness of all unsalted merits CENTRAL MEAT MARKET P. C. Young, Prop. SAVE TIME and EXPENSE The White Motor Truck Company wants to oc your hauling with a substantial sav ing to you. LONQ MAULS HADE TO ANY PART OF THE VAUIEvTEv ery hour is valuable at this busy season and we are in the trucking business to save you both time and money. '. ". '. '. '. '. '. '. '. LEARN OUR RATES FOR HAULING Building Materials, Spray, Feed Stuffs, Strawber ry Crates, and the like to any part of the valley. Prompt Deli0 ery Assured Discard the antiquated methods and profit by the most up-to-date transportation facilities. THE WHITE MOTOR TRUCK GO. Office No. 9 Oak Street Phones 26 and 2002-X You Can Use Eledtric Irons and Fans E Contract ha. us on our Lota Flat Hates allocs you the use of Irons, Fans and other Electrical Appliances tvit?out addi tional COST. Bear in mind that our rates are the lovs est on a guaranteed contract. We are ready at all times to entertain any kind of a proposition from you in regard to fur nishing electrical energy. Our service in city and valley is at your disposal. Prepare now for comfort and convenience during the summer months by consulting us. J J HOOD RIVER GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY PHONE 55 "Acme q" SERVICE at LOWEST COST" Cascade Avenue and Third Street