The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, May 08, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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For sale Steam sprayer in pood
working condition. Price $125.
Call at Kickett's orchard next to
l'ine Grove store or phone Odell
185 and call for S. T. Ricketts.
For Sale-Younj? pips, six weeks
old. Opposite YVaupuinguin ho
tel on State road. 1). C. (Jarra
brant. 16-19p.
Tor Kent Furnished housekeep
I inp rooms, in two and three
room suites. Lights, bath and
phone. Everthing modern. Iients
range from $10 to $20. Large
lawn and plenty of shade trees.
Also four-room cottage with
pantry and two closets. City
water or, if preferred, well with
pump. Nice young garden all
up goes to renter, rnce per
month $10. Apply to Mrs. II. J.
Frederick or phone 69-L. 17-20c
For Kent Two large bright
rooms, separately or together,
furnished or unfurnished, hot
and cold water, two blocks from
Iostoftice, corner Front and State
sts. Mrs. Murray Kay, Phone
32-B. 13tfc
For Sale Indian Runner duck
eggs. White egg strain. $1.00
ler setting of 12. J. F. Elliott,
Wyeth, Oregon. I2-23p
For Sale Good baby carriage
cheap. Mt. Hood Hotel Annex,
suite No. 117. 18-19p
For Rent Furnished rooms, six
dollars and up a month. Mrs.
Z. C. Phillips, corner Gth and
Sherman Ave. 18-19-c
For Rent Rooms in modern
home, furnished or unfurnish
ed. 902 Seventh Street, corner
May. 18-19p
For Sale Studebaker 3-inch
wagon, good aa new. Plow,
cultivator and other small tools.
Phone 320-X. 18tfc
Eggs For Hatching-$L00 for 15."
Single comb white Leghorns,
pure bred and best winter layers.
K. E. Campbell, West Side. Ala
meda Way, Phone 2093-L. Noons
and evenings. 18-21c
Bee Supplies Send me yonr or
ders early and save time and
money. Everything in the bee
line. Address W. W. Dakin,
1205 Seventh St. Phone 107X.
For Sale -Splendid driving or
general purpose horse, weight
about 1100. handsome, kind and
gentle, high life and thoroughly
broken, not afraid of anything.
Inquire R. A. McClanathan, on
corner just south of East Barrett.
For Sale Very reasonably, one
bedroom lounge. Phone 320k.
Will sacrifice High-grade. 7
passenger, powerful White
Steamer automobile original
price $12000-for amount of
mortgage loan and foreclosure
expense. Price $750. A money
maker for hire or stage line. U.
S. Real Estate & BroKerage Co.,
312 Hamilton Bldg., Portland,
Oregon. 19.20
anted Position as stenograph-
Phone 298-M. 18-19p
Wanted Work on ranch by ex
perienced fruit man. Seven
years on German fruit farm.
Ernest Thomas, 325 Morrison St..
Portland, Ore. .19-2P
Wanted Anyone who wishes to
hire help or anyone seeking
employment, to call on Mrs.
Myrtle Morris, Cascade Avenue,
first door west of Mt. Hood ho
tel. Phone 114-M. 13tf-c
For Sale Eleven and a quarter
acres, six miles from town on
the East Side. Six acres in orch
ard, part of it in bearing. New
house. Phone 207-M. 17-20c
For Sale-Eleven and a quarter
acres, six miles from town on
the East Side. Six acres in orch
ard, part of it in bearing. New
house. R. I). Nr. 1 Box 57.
Phone 207-M. 17-20c
For Sale-230 acres of land, from
$50.00 per acre up. Will sell
20-acre tract with part in trees.
C. J. Calkins, Phone 50-K. tfc
For Exchange 80 acres of fine
red shot soil at Underwood, 2
miles from station, on Columbia
River blulf, 2 acres in one year
trees, 16 acres slashed and burned,
small house, tools, etc. Will
trade for unencumbered Hood
River property or interest-bearing
paper. Reed & Henderson,
.IflC . . .
Wanted Young horse of about
1000 pounds, broken to drive
'single. Price must be right.
i nunc Liou. Xi'p
I have a young Jersey bull that
I am standing at my place three
quarters of a mile west of the
ball park. Am away from 9 un
til 11:30. M. J. Foley, 1724 p
For sale Fresh young Jersey
cows; also cabbage, tomato and
strawberry plants. A bargain
in some fruit trees, standard
varieties. Phone 218J. J. T.
Nealeigh. 17-20c
For sale - One old horse, capable
of hard work, $35: also one A-l
gelding, weight 1250. Phone
2102X. Cutler Bros. 17tfc
For Sale Good all-around horse
for buggy or farm work, single
or double. Weighs about 1100,
Apply Dr. Dutro. 9-tfc
ror Sale-S. C. R. I. Red and S
I C White Leghorn eggs for
setting. Both breeds are pure
blood and are of the egg laying
strains. Money could not buy
any better stock. The bird head
ing my best pen of Reds was
pronounced the best bird seen on
the coast this vear. Call 293-L
or 300. S. H. Scobee. 8tfc
For Sale Cow, good rich milker.
F. E. Matt, Jerico Lane, me
cadam road, phone 83-X. 18-19p
For Sale Six head of horses.
Care W. G. E. Smith. Phone
1912-K. 18-21p
For Sale Comfortable seven
room cottage in pleasant loca
tion. Four lots with trees, shrubs
and fine hedge. Small barn at
back. See owner at 729 Hazel
Ave. 19i22p
Oakdale Greenhouses Geran
iums, salvia, verbena and other
bedding plants. See the roses
in bloom this summer and have
stock reserved for Fall or next
Spring. Plants and cut flowers
at Franz's. Fletcher & Fletcher.
Hood River. 19-tfc
IF you have not worn a Spirella
Corset you have not known
real corset satisfaction. Its pat
ented boning makes it the most
flexible, durable, comfortable,
lightest, coolest, most sanitary
corset ever made, and it perma
nently retains its shape. Ap
pointments to suit your conven
ience in your own home. Send
card or phone 118-K. Mrs. Hat
tie Castner, 272 Cascade Avenue,
next door west of Gilbert Imple
ment Co. 12-tfc
When you feet't
vous, liroil, worried or Hfsrwndent it is a
sure siKn you need MOTTS NERVERINE
PILLS. They renew the normal vigor and
make life worth living He tar and uk for
Mott's Nerverine Pills R-J.
WILLIAMS MFC CO.. Prop.., CUnUad, Ohio
For Sale by Carl A. Math, Druggist
Money In hay land. B. E. Duncan
& Co.
Mrt. K. II. Slii'imnl Hxnt the wt-ck
end In Portland.
Governor Oswald Went was n
KUfHt Friday at the Mt. Hood Hotel.
If. von want an.vtliltii; In the lice
line, nxk W. V. Dakln; phone 107X.
Dr. I'. I". FergiiHoii und family
were up from Portland .for the fentl
val. Mr, and Mrn. It. D. Gould were
Portland vlxltorti the laxt of the
A. A. Jayne wax anions thone who
came from Portland for the IUokmoiii
MIhh I-lla Kadford left Friday af
ternoon to Hpend the wet-k end In
MIhh Otttlle G. DoetzkeR of Seattle
arrived Thurmliiy to vIhU friends In
the valley.
Mrs. Major Morrow of Portland
waH the week-end Client of Mr. und
Mrs. J. W. (rites.
E. IS. Clark of Porttlund, formerly
of this city and Htlll latere ted here,
was a week end visitor.
Judjre nnd Mrs. Kobert G. Morrow
of Portland were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. V. C. Itrock Saturday.
C. I. Ives was down from Mt.
Hood the last of the week to obtain
a shipment of 1,000 day-old chicks.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Somervtlle,
who have a place here, were anions
the Portland visitors at the festival.
Edward MaeGregor of Portland,
who formerly owned a ranch here,
was a visitor In the city the last of
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Henkle and E.V.
Knapp of Portland were guests nt
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Sproat
during the festival.
Notice lor PubllcitlBD
Department or the Interior
U. S. LAND OFFICE t The Dll. Orwon.
May 4th. 1H12.
Notice is hereby (riven that Judith R. Kidder
Cole, formerly Judith R. Kidder, of Fir, Oreiron.
who. on July 27th, 1H0H, made Homextead. No. 03W,
for SK', NK'i, Section 7. Township 1 North.
Range U Kaat, Willamette Meridian, has filed no.
tice of intention to make Final Commutation
Proof, to eatablinh claim to land atiove describ
ed, before F. A Hiahof. U. S. Commissioner at his
otTice. Hood River, Oregon, on the 10th day of
June. 112.
Claimant namea as witnesses: Clarence C
Piper and John W. Davis, both of Hord River.
Oreiron. and Thomas Abaher and John West, both
of Fir, Oreffon.
19-23 Rivuter.
It pays to advertise
Notice to Contractors
Office of School Clerk of Ointrict No. 11. Hood
Kivr. Oretron. May 6, I'M?. Sealed propomla will
be received here until 7:45 P. M. on the &ird day
of May. li12, for the con nt ruction of a achoul
houne In School District No. 11, Hood Kiver
county. Ore., the Board reacrving- the ritrht to re
ject all buln.
Kach bidder must accompany his bid by a cer
tified check payable to H. M. Krancia, clerk of the
Board of Kducation for District No. 11. for at
tatst ten ner cent of the amount of hia bid. Thia
amount will be forfeited to School District No. 11
should the bidder fail upon the request of the
Hoard of hducation to enter into a contract with
the Hoard to conntrurt the work aa per plan and
apecihration within five day a after the award of
The auccenafui bidder will be required to fur
ninh a contractor' bond in amount of not leu
than 50 per cent of the total amount of hia bid.
for the faithful performance of the work, with
two aattufactory Sureties, or the Bond of some at
piwed Security Company, for an amount not lens
than 60 per cent of the total amount of hia bid.
I'ay men ts to be made ax follows: Seventy-five
per cent of the value of the work performed dur
ing each month to tie paid for at the close of the
month: the final payment to be made upon the
emp)etion of the work and acceptance of the
aame by the architect and Bi-ard of Kducation.
Kach contractor taking out a set of plana munt
deposit Five Dollars 6.00t, which amount will
be returned to him upon return of the plana. In
formation furnished upon application.
19-20 Clerk of the Board of Kducation.
We are now open for business
with fresh and cured meats.
Our goods will satisfy you and
so will our prices.
Let as show you.
Carman s fflarftet
On the Heights
Phone 147X
Lower Now
For a few days QUICK
SELLING we are offer
ingspecial inducements
in all linesof our Muslin
These goods are from one of the best manufacturers in America.
Are made right and finished neatly. Correct in
Style and Perfect in Fit.
Princess Slips, Combination Suits, Gowns, Skirts, Corset Covers
$3.50 Princess Slip, of India Linon, baby Irish lace and Medallion trim ................$ 2.98
$2.50 Princess Slip, of India Linon, lace and embroidery trim 1.98
$1.35 Princess Slip, muslin lawn, tucked ruffle and embroidery QSc
$1.85 Combination Corset Cover and Drawers, English long cloth, lace trim 1.48
$1.25 Combination Corset Cover and Skirt, English long cloth, embroidery trim 9SC
$1.75 Cambric Muslin Gowns, Slipon and Empire, lace and embroidery trim 1.38
$1.35 Soft Muslin Gowns, V and square neck, lace and embroidery trim 98c
75c Soft Muslin Gowns, slipon and front button 48C
$4.50 Fine Cambric Mull Skirts, deep flounce of Teneriffe wheel lace and insertions. 3.38
$3.35 Soft Cambric Muslin Skirts, deep flounce of tucking and embroidery 2.98
$1.50 Soft Muslin Shirts, flounce of hemstitching and embroidery . 1.19
35c Muslin Drawers, plain hemstitched .
20c Children's Plain Muslin Drawers -
35c Lace and Ribbon Trimmed Corset Covers
20c Plain Muslin Fitted Corset Covers
1 9c
A lot bought at low prices will be sold
while they last as follows:
Article i5i. Crochet Cotton in balls, 5 to 100. 13c 2 for 25c
Article 115. Embroidery Twist in skeins, colors 4c 6 for 25c
Article 117. 6 Strand Floss, in skeins, white and colors, 3 skeins 5c 1 Dozen 15c
Article 99. Embroidery Floss in skeins, white, 8 to 40, 3 skeins 5c 1 Dozen i5c
Article 119 B. Heavy Mercerized Crochet in balls 10c Per Ball
Barbour's F. D. A. Fine Linen Crochet Thread . 9c Per Ball
Clark's O. N. T. Pearl Cotton, extra heavy crochet i5c Per Ball
Richardson's Embroidery Silks, all colors 3c Per Skein
This beautiful spring weather suggests
Lawn Mowers
Rubber Hose
Garden Tools
We have a very complete stock and the goods and
prices are RIGHT. We invite inspection of our
stock and comparison of prices.
Blowers Hardware Co.
The Firm that "Makes Good"
The Mt. Hood Store
General Merchandise
Flour, Feed, Spray Material
Farm Implements : : and : : Stumping Powds'
Blacksmith and Wagonmaker
25 Years Experience