The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, May 08, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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List your places for special attention with
Upper Valley Real Estate .. Insurance
Improved and Unimproved Orchard Land
Hood River Connection
Phone U. C. M. Ranch. Parkdale
77-OJell Uppir flood Rlw Wley, On.
Ortley, Newtown and Spitzenberg
True to name nursery stock. One
and two years old; fine thrifty
trees; four to eight feet. It will
pay purchasers to inquire before
buying their spring stock.
I have a limited supply of first class two-year-old
Newtown and Spitzenburg Trees
These have strong, well-balanced tops and a well de
veloped root system. Just the thing for replacing.
Have also first-class one year budded stock in the
standard apple varieties. Phone 323-2M.
Hood River
llood River Plumbing company
Phone 6BX
Sanitary Plumbinc and Heatinc.
Tinninc and Sheet Metal Work.
Repairing Promptly Attended.
r7AVING purchased.the entire interest of E.
If B Brayford in the Rockford Store about three
Vf months ago, we are now in a position
to serve you with all the highest class Groceries at
reasonable prices. We invite your patronage and
will serve you to the best of our ability.
Transfer and Livery company
Freight, Express and Baggage Transferred
Furniture Moved, Stored or Packed
"for Shipment
Well Drilling
rvAvirr tririi a " 1
done with a
OMcs. Na. t Oik Strati
PIMM. 28 ar 2002-1
pr t TLwrjr.'vjK. tt tttlit t rvrv v i t t y y vtttt v t
Furniture and Tianos Mo-Oed
All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work
Wood Yard and Feed Store in Connection
Office Phono 29
Residence 2J8K
A A A A A X. A A AXX tH. A l. i:j. rZ i. J:l. -a.
Insurance Conveyancing
Surety Bonds
"Accuracy" is Our Motto
Office In New Heilbronner.Buildlnz Phone 23 Hood River, Oregon
j a w as
aoucrrto -
(TbU matter muat not ba reprinted with'
out special permission.
Life ha held great Joy this spring
for the small boy who was so fortunate
as to possess a pair of rubber boots.
The wading was fine.
The poultryman living la the warmer
climate does not bare to bother with
frozen combs, but be has a correspond'
Inglj bigger trouble on his hands as
the result of Inroads of lice and mites.
There are flocks of bens that net
their owners from $2 to f 4 per head
yearly. There are others that don'
net more than from 20 to 40 cents.
part of this difference In Income Is due
to the hens, but more to the man and
the care.
While the Impression seems to be
somewhat general that a cow's milk Is
richest when she Is fresh, tests show
that milk contains the largest per cent
of butter fat when the cow is far ad'
ranred in her period of lactation In
fact, just before she goes dry.
California Is the only state which
makes a production of borax. The
outout for 1010, according to the
United States geological surrey, was
42.357 short tons, having a value of a
trifle over $200,000. About one-half of
the amount of borax consumed Is in
the enameling Industry, In the making
of kitchen and sanitary ware.
In case it should be found nec
essary to use seed corn of a rather
low germinating power far better re
sults will be secured If the seed bed
Is put In extra good tilth and If the
planUng of the corn Is put over until
the ground Is thoroughly warm. Such
seed will need the most favorable con
ditions, and these should be provided
so far as possible.
A good pair of eyes and a sharp knife
may be able to distinguish with con
slderable accuracy as between a dead
and a live germ In a kernel of corn,
but the combination falls down when it
comes to telling a kernel with a vigor
ous germ from one in which the germ
is weak. Herein lies the chief argu
ment In favor of the test box. which
shows plainly what kernels are dead
and what are strong and weak.
Few farmers feel that they have
time to give to an elaborate corn breed
ing plot, but none of them Is so busy
that be can't take time to select the
best hundred ears In bis supply of
seed and, after testing to be sure of
Its vitality, plant in a plot on the
south or west sides of his main field.
Doing this will not only simplify the
matter of selecting the seed ears next
fall, but the location of the best and
most thrifty type of corn in the posi
tion mentioned will mean that much
of the remainder of the field will be
fertilized by the tassels on these bet
ter stalks.
A reader of these notes who some
years ago lived at Trinidad. Colo., sue
ceeded in ridding her house of cock
roaches after trying a number of things
by putting some of the following mix
ture In several places on the floor
where they were In the habit of run
ning: Equal parts powdered sugar and
powdered borax, scented with a few
drops of essence of oil of lavender.
Whether the Insects ate of this com
bination and found It did not agree
with their digestive gearing or wheth
er they were offended at the smell of
lavender Is not stated. At any rate,
they quit the place.
With popcorn so popular an .article
of consumption as It Is, there is no
farm In any portion of the corn belt
that should not grow a patch to sup
pi? the family needs. Popcorn will do
well on any land that will produce a
good crop of corn. It should be culti
vated and cared for In tbo same gen
eral manner as corn, though It may
be planted more closely. It ripens In
bout 100 days, and It should be
shocked as soon as It Is ripe, so that
It will dry out well before husking. It
will produce from fifty to sixty bushels
of ears with a good stand, and this will
fetch from $1 to $2 per bushel.
According to a recent report of the
pClsconsIn state dairy commissioner, 100
pounds of American cheese whey as it
comes from the vat contains Ave and
three-fourths pounds of milk sugar,
fourteen ounces of nitrogenous matter
nd five ounces of butter fnt. Of the
three elements mentioned by far the
most Important Is the milk sngar, but
the value of this Is largely lost, as
whey Is usually allowed to sour. If
heated at once to 150 degrees F. the
bacterial life contained Is killed, with
the result that the milk sugar retains
Its form and does not change to lactic
acid. Farmers living In the vicinity of
cheese factories would do well to take
this fact Into consideration and see
that the whey byproduct of the factory
Sterilized In the manner mentioned.
Cleanliness will do much to Improve
the quality of butter In fact, first
quality depends upon cleanliness of
the raw material. .
If you don't believe In keeping cows
comfortable visit the stsbles of the
men who get large milk checks. That
ought to convince you.
That black silk dress that you prom
ised the good wife some time ago and
that you have put off getting will do
her a lot more good If she can wear it
to kirk or a party with you some day
soon than as a shroud for her as she
lies In ber coffin.
Furnished Apartments
We have furnished apartments to
rent over Iteed and Henderson's
otlke, $:I0 a month. Including light,
wuter and fuel. Inquire Keed and
Henderson, Inc. 12tf
If the currant or gooseberry bushes
become infested with, worms the pest
can be abated by dusting the bushes
with powdered white hellebore or
spraying them with a solution made
by adding the hellebore at the rate of
a tablespoonful to a quart of water.
It may be evidence of a monkey an
cestry to like them, but on the ap
proach of spring there Is absolutely
nothing that goes to the spot like
dish (a good sized one) of greens. As
accessories there should be boiled pots
toes and a piece of well cooked salt
The dandelion Is a perennial pest,
and worse some seasons than others.
There are two methods of getting rid
of It One is to take a sharp knife
and cut the plants off just below the
crown. The other and this metnod is
recommended for larger areas Is to
spray the young and tender plants
with a strong solution of Iron sul
pbate or green vitriol. This puts the
plants out of commission, but does not
seriously injure the grass.
The milk distributers' trust In the
New England states has forced or Is
keeping the price It Is willing to pay
for milk down to the point where a
good many farmers cannot produce it
and make both ends met, with the re
sult that In some sections farmers are
quitting the dairy business entirely
and going into poultry raising. It
would seem that If enough do this it
would materially Improve the market
conditions for those that keep on with
the cows.
The severity of the past winter was
shown in the freezing over of many
takes so completely that all air holes
were closed. Now that the Ice in
these lakes has disintegrated the result
f the closing of these air holes is mani
fest in the presence of thousands of
dead fish floating to the shore. At
Lake Winona, Minn., so many fish died
by suffocation during the winter that
the health authorities had no small
job on their bands disposing of their
decaying carcasses.
A farmer living near Tuyallup,
Wash., has carried out the color
scheme to the limit In his choice of
animals which he raises. Ills prefer
ence Is white, and be has carried It
out in white buildings and fences,
white horses and ponies, white cattle.
hogs, sheep and goats, chickens, ducks
geese, turkeys and guinea fowls. Not
satisfied with his outlay, he has Spits
dogs and Terslan cats, an albino elk.
three white deer, a mountain sheep
and a polar bear cub.
In the valley in which the writer's
ranch is located there Is frequently
considerable damage to older apple
trees from sun scald, the damage re
sulting from the warm, bright days.
followed by frosty nights. This season
we have safeguarded against this
dumage by tying long pine shakes on
he southwest side of each trunk.
This will shade them and keep the
sap from flowing too rapidly. This sun
scald damage is likely to occur at any
Ume during the winter, but Is often
most serious during April and May
The housewife can save herself much
bard labor at housccleaning time by
the use of her head that is, by study
ing best methods and by employing all
the substitutes for "elbow grease she
can And. Along this line It will pay
her to read the household bints found
In the various magaslues published for
women. While many of the sugges
tions therein contained are imprac
ticable, If not Indeed ridiculous, still
some ideas are furnished which are
well worth consideration and trial by
busy women whose work at best is not
Many a young wife, all unconscious
ly, places ber husband In a trying po
sition by incurring expenditures quite
beyond bis means. In many instances
the blame for this state of affairs Is
chargeable largely to the husband be
cause of his failure to take bis wife
into bis confidence. Many a home has
been wrecked or had its happiness
largely destroyed through failure on
the part of the husband to inform his
wife of his exact financial status. It
is her light to know the volume of the
Income. If she does and is not willing
to co-operate In making both ends
meet, then the blame rests on herself.
A bill has been passed by both
houses of congress and has doubtless
ere this appears In print received the
gnature of the president, which
makes some radical and much needed
changes In homestead laws.
In a general way the new law is pat
terned after the Canadian homestead
laws, which are said to have been re
sponsible for much of the emigration
from the United States to Canada. The
period the homesteader Las to reside
on his claim Is reduced from five to
three years, while the entryman and
bis family are allowed to be away from
the claim five months during each
Real Estate Bulletin
$5,000 -Thirty-two acres in Wil
low Flat Section, close to rail
road, church and store, on the
main road, red shot soil. Two
pieces of this description are on
the market at the present time.
Terms $3,000 down.
$1,750 Five acres 4 miles out;
house and barn, part in trees,
balance cleared on the main
road on West Side. Mortgage
$G00. Want cash for equity.
$2,000 New bungalow and barn,
lot 100x100 on comer, near High
School. This price for quick sale.
Office Hotel Oregon Bldg.
Phone No. 228 K
notice et Silt
Notice ie hereby riven. That, under and be vir
tue of an Order of License to sell real property,
duly made and granted by the County Judge of
the County Court of Hood River County. State of
Orea-on, dated the 27th day of April. A. D. 1912.
in the matter of the Guardianship of Roy Thomas
and Jesse Thomas, Minors, and now pending in
said Court. I will, on the 6th day of June. A. D.
112. at the front door of the Court House in the
City of Hood River, in the County of Hood River
and State of Oregon, at ten o'clock in the forenoon
of ssid day, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, the following described real prop
erty, situated in the County of Hood Kiver, State
of Oregon, to-wit:
An undivided two-sevenths (2-7) interest in and
to a tract of land described as follows, besinnins
at a point 40 rods and 15 feet West of the North
east corner of Section 3 in Township 2 North,
Kange iu bast or w. M . running thence South SO
rods, thence West 10 rods, thence North SO rods,
thence East 10 rods to the point of beginning, con
taining & acres more or less, snd being a part of
the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of
aaid Section S, subject to a life estate of one
Rachel L. Thomas, in and to an undivided one
half of ssid above described 6 acre tract.
ua tea auy n. iviz.
As Uuardiaa of the Person
and Estate of Roy Thomas
and Jesse Thomas. Minors.
LA.1A.F. Reed. Attorneys.
Hood River. Oregon. 19-23
Notlct of Completion ot Concrtto Sidewalk
iDd earn oo 7th street Soitk el Moe
Street, end 4th Street. Betweei
May and Montelle.
Notice is hereby given, that Chaa. W. Connor
Son. contractors, have filed written notice this
30th dsy of April. 1912. of the completion of that
part of the improvement of 7th street south of
fine street, and that part of 4th street between
May street and Montello avenue, by the construc
tion of concrete sidewalk and curb under his
contract with the city heretofore made and en
tered into and under Ordinance No. 326, and that
the amount due said contractor for said improve
ment upon its acceptance is hereby stated to be
$2,064 66.
And notice is further given that any objections
to the acceptance of said work under the contract
with the said contractor on the part of said city
may be filed in the office of the undersigned City
Recorder by any interested party at any time
within seven days from the date of filing said
notice, to-wit. within seven days from the 3uth
day of April. 1912.
This notice is published in the Hood River
News for two consecutive issues thereof, the date
of the first publication being May 1st. 1912.
ia-19 H. U Bows. City Recorder.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Hood River.
George D. Culbertson. Gertrude M. Stark and
W. A. Stark, Plaintiffs.
O.P.Dodge. Mrs.O. P.Dodga and all of the heirs at
law of said u. r. Uodre and Mrs. U. r. Dodge.
Also all other persona or parties unknown
claiming any right, title, estate, lien or inter
est in the real estate described in the com
plaint herein. Defendants.
To O. P. Dorise. Mrs. O. P. Dodge and aU of the
heirs at law of ssid O. P. Dodge and Mrs. O. P.
Dodge. Also all other persons or parties unknown
claiming any right, title, estate, lienor interest in
the real estate described in the complaint herein.
In the name of the state of Oregon: You and
each of you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit on or before the 16th day of
May. A. D. lfli and if you fail to answer for
want thereof the plaintiffs will apply to the Court
for the relief demanded in their complaint in said
cause to-wit:-That the title of plaintiffs be ad
judged and decreed to be rood and valid to the
following described real property in Hood River
County, State of Oregon, to-wit: Beginninr at
the Southeast comer of Block S, Winans Addition
to the town now city of Hood River, thence South
200 feet: thence West 60 feet; thence North 260
feet: thence East 60 feet, and thence South 60
feet to place of beginning. Also Lots 2 snd K.
ltlork 7. said Winsns Addition. Also beginning
at the Southwest corner of Block 7, aaid Winane
Addition, thence South 160 feet: thence West 60
t: thence North 160 feet, and thence Eaat 60
feet to place of beginning. Also beginning at a
point 60 feet North and 60 feet West of the South-
it corner of ttlock M. said winans Addition.
thence South 260 feet: thence West 26 feet: thence
North 260 feet, and thence East 26 feet to place of
inning. Also beginning st the Southwest cor
ner of Hlork 6. aaid Winans Addition, and thence
North 0S degrees West 460 feet: thence South 1
degree West 76 feet; thence North H9 degrees
West 60 feet: thence South 1 degree West 76 feet:
thence North IN degrees West 60 feet: thence
South 1 degree West 60 feet; thence South id da
's East 100 feet: thence Mouth 1 degree West
278 7 feet: thence North 63 degrees 20 minutes
East 60 feet, and thence North 1 degree East
130.6 feet to place of beginning. Also Lots 7 snd
S. and South 60 feet of Lots 1 and 2. Block L aaid
Winana Addition. And that the defendants in
the above entitled cause, and each of them, be
adjudged and decreed to have no claim, estate,
right, title or interest whatever in or to said real
Property, or any part thereof, and that said de
fendants and each of them, known or unknown.
be forever enjoined and barred from asserting
any claim whatever in or to said real property, or
any part thereof, adverse to the plaintiffs, and
that the plaintifTs have a decree tor such other or
further relief as may be equitable and just.
This summons M served upon you bv publira-
ion pursuant to an order of the Hon. W, L,
Hradshaw. Judge of mid Court, duly made on the
2nd day of April. A. D. 1912.
. W. M AKR..
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
First publication April 3. 1912. 14-20
Tlount Hcccl RaitYac.
Tim Tshts No. 10, Effective April 17th. C:CI A. M.
N esTM P.M.
8.00 Hood Kiver 3.10
8.05 Towerdale 3.05
8.15 Switchback 2.55
8.35 Van Horn 2.30
8.40 Mohrs 2.25
8.55 Odell 2.15
9.10 Summit 205
U.20 Kloucher 2.00
9.40 Winans 1.50
9.45 Ar. Dee Lv. 1.45
0.15 Lv. Dee Ar. 1.25
10.25 Troutcreek 1.20
10.40 Woodworth 1.05
0.50 Ar. Parkdale Lv. 1.00
Sunday, north hound train will run two hour, late.
abovs athedule, kavmg Patlulale 1 p. m.
C Uichlm Polionei Rilslns)
Rats and nice
All Rodents.
Keir & Cass
Rettabte Druggists
Ask for Booklet with Full Directions
S When you ThinK
Victor edison Columbia
Rccorcte Repairs
yilso ThinK J
aggener's JVliisic Rouse
Hood Ri-Ver, Oregon
Investment not Speculation
You take no chances when you buy your
real estate through us except to win.
Our intimate knowledge of almost every
foot of land in the valley places us in a po
sition to advise you where to find the
W. S. N I C H O I
For Lime, Cement and
House Plaster
The old' reliable visible type
writer with new printype and
other improvements. The'ma
chine that writes print that is
print and is always ready for
business. For sale or rent on
easy terms.
109 Oak St. Mood River, Ore.
4th & State St.
Phone 248K
We buy, 5ell and exchange everything
in House Furnishings, Campers
Supplies, etc.
Don't forget the placc-Cor. -4th & State
q i vj Our stock of Spring
spring JS JlClC... goods is complete. In
every department we have selected goods to meet the
needs of the Upper Hood River Valley. Our Dry Goods
have come from the best mills of the East. Our Shoes
are selected to give the best service to the laboring
man and style for the most fastidious. Our Florsheim
Shoes are the standard of quality.
We have built a large new warehouse to shelter
our stock of Orchard Implements, Wagons and Hug
gies. We have Planet Junior Seeders and Cultivators;
Soring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, Oliver Chilled
Flows. Every tool needed for the successful orchard
ist. Look over our stock and select your needs.
R. J. MclSAAG & GO. ,', Parkdale, Oregon
A. WILSON, Agent.