"t ' THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL J 7. 1912 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS rt'ftLIHHKD WKItMBftDAY MOfcNlNia BY MOOD KIVLR NLWS COMPANY, ln-9 Hood Rivn, Okkoon K B KENNKTT EnlToB U S HKNNL'TT Bisinkss Mawahkb Subscription, $1.50 a Year In Advance ,Mred u eocond-rUua matter. Feb. 10. 19. at the pout office at Hood River. Oreiron. under the Art of March J. 1)T9. Editorial Snapshots There are those who expressed surprise that Roosevelt won such a sweeping victory in Pennsyl vania, forpetful that Pennsyl vania is the stronghold of the steel trust, which, according to no less an authority than Mr, IVrkins. is acting as the Colo nel's iclitieal godfather in the present campaign. That fickle woman. Dame Na ture, was in her most melting mood on Sunday and everybody, it appeared, took the opportunity to bask in her radiance. With weather which could not be sur passed anywhere, and the inspir ing scenery which is Hoot! Riv er's alune, it was a day to make glad the heart of man. The Woman's Club is under taking an excellent work in en couraging the beautification of homes in the city. The improve ment of the home is a work in which example is all-powerful and one also which is a desirable asset tor any city to possess. If Mr. La Follette wins the Presidency he will have more reason than any of his predeces sors to give "his wife all the credit. She at least out-talked the senator during their appear ance in Hood River. If Senator La Follette loses his scalp it will be a calamity from a hirsute as well as a political standpoint. Even "Bob's" friends wouldn't recognize him without the pompadour. Hood River property will "move" fast enongh to suit even the real estate men when local orchards are put into the moving picture machines. Champ's friends are suggest ing that if he doesn't land the nomination for President he can at least qualify for official dog catcher. Political promises have been more plentiful during the past week than blossoms on a Hood River apple tree. After the primaries the blos som festival. Seven-room iiouwe fur Male on ICIbtb street. Lot loOx!. Nice home. Quick nale lit fl.1V), one-half or leHM cash. Iteed & Henderrion Inc. Home of G OOD SHOE S Where the Best Values Come From Kent & Garrabrant Confectionery, Cigars Fishing Tackle Spaulding's Sporting Goods All Kinds of Soft Drinks la Bin!, ofiooatvo Smith bkick, Huod Kim J. C. Johnsen ClVC DDCCinCMT OHIO I IlLOIULIll HAS KEPT PLEDGES; That l'rewlili'iit Ttift has i-oiiHiilcre.! IiIh i'Mtnpnl)"ii platform im a wii-retl contract Ix'tween hlinwelf iitnl the people ami that he ha spa red no ef fort to make nood hU leden, wan t he assertion of lion, ltalph l. t'ule, former representative In Cong resit for the State of Ohio, who addressed the voters of Hood Ulver at t he Commer cial Cluh auditorium 'l'himday eveu lK'. Charles T. Karly oiened the meet ing and called upon K. 1.. Smith to preside. Mr. Smith then Introduced Mr. Cole. Hon. W. II. Kills, candi date for Congress, occupied n place on the platform during the meeting and also l'ostmaster .1 P. I.ucas. In openlni; Mr. Cole paid a clou itiK trllmte to Mr. Smith. Ilealso threw n loucuet at Attorney John linker. w ho win rained w ith Mr. Cole hack In the l'.uckeye State. Mr. Cole discussed the tariff issue and showed some of the obstacles which confronted the President and Congress on account of the ditliculty of netting reliable Information on the sulijeet. Ht showed the Import ance of the tariff hoard created by the President. The Panama Canal ami its import ance roin trie standpoint oi tne Coast were dwelt upon hy the speak er and he praised Taft for his work In hastening this gigantic project. He also took up Taft's arhlt ration treaties anil spoke of their wurM w ide slnlticunce in proiuotln-; peace among the nations. Mr. Cole said the president favored conservation of national resources, hut not to the detriment of worthy citizens who were seeking homes. He stated that Taft had prosecuted the trusts as no other president had and that luterests of the postal depart ment had been greatly advanced. A lar;e audience heard Mr. Cole and applauded heartily at the con clusion of his speech. W. It. Kills, candidate for Congress from this district, was called for by the audience and delivered a brief address. Unclaimed Letters rnclaimed letters at the Hood River postotlice are as follows: Mrs. Anna Anderson, Kmlly M. Armstrong, C. W. Ayers, Miss Lucy I'.rown (-1, H. Bonjf, Chas. Iiernh, Chns. B. Bowe, Josle Covey (2i,.l. K. Caster, It. C. Casey, Holmes Coleman, F. B. Cole, Sandy Deyer, Anfelo Grant, W. II. Harmon, Mr. Hart ford, Harold Hopkins, Ira Johnson, Louis Loiik, Mrs. Martha Miller, Mike McCoy. Edward M. McClintle, K. C. Moore, Miss Nesblt ( teacher I, S It. I'rultt, Thomas Schreares, Sum mers and Summers, (ieu Smith, S. V. Small, Itlch Tucker, .1. V. Tvacke, Mrs. Mary Wlllett, 15. C, l ( Box 41).-.. EDUCATORS ESTABLISH A COLONY ON WHITE SALMON H. L. Douglas, formerly of Maine, and Pacific Northwest representative for the American Book Company, Is colonizing a tract of land twelve rnlles up the White Salmon valley, the tract consisting of sixty acres. Associated with Mr. Douglas are Mr. Chllcoth of Heath & Co.; Mr. Helms of the same company; Miss I'lemlnir of the music department of ;inn & Co., and F. Ellsworth of the Ameri can Book Company. W ire Wound Continuous Stave WOOD STAVE PIPE KELLY BROS., Agents 4th St. Bet. Oak and State Phone 227-M Hood River, Ore A SACKFUL OF SATISFACTION can be had at our establish ment for a little outlay for cash. But we do not want to lay so much stress on the ! quantity as on the quality !you get for your money. In these days of pure food agi tations we make it a point to be very particular in our pur chases, ensuring to our cus tomers only the purest and healthiest of provisions. WOOD'S GROCERY J. M. WOOD, Prop. SAYS HONEST PACK MUST BEMAINTAINED Writing In the Oregon. Journal, Hymau II. Cohen Insists that the North vcsteru apple sections must spare no efforts to maintain an hon est pack. He says In part: 'History Is being made In the tip ple trade and It behooves growers and their organizations to treat the public with r-spect, lest the latter should by chttin-e lose respect for the product of t he Pacific Northwest. 'Mincing words would not help matters much Urause It will take more severe methods than this to bring hack" to the better known ap ple districts of this section w hat they have lost during the past twosea- si HIS. "The grading of poor and Inferior apples as extra fancy stock fools no body, but the practice only causes contempt of buyers for those that practice such methods. "For two seasons there has seem ingly been au effort on the part of some of the leading fruit districts to fool buyers regarding quality, but the tactics have resulted only In causing the districts using them to lose a portion of their former hard- earned prestige. "Those who have feared that there has been too much apple planting In the I'ncilic Northwest have evidently not given the matter more thought than that I he greatly Increased acre- age has been estimated. "The possibilities of trade expan-i on have not been gone Into with zeal, for this would have told an en tirely different story. The market for l'acltic Northwest apples Is really just opening ami trade will not be at Its height for many years to come. "The opening of the Panama canal will, within the space of a few years, so cheapen transportation charges that the pro luct of this section can Invade the gulf states as well as At lantic coast states with greater sup plies than ever. Kven lower prices there will not seriously affect the business here tccause of the lower clmrges for transportation than are now being forced. "Kurope will take several times the amount of apples that are now going forward from here, providing they can be landed there at less money than is now possible. "A few shipments of poor fruit or packing will undo the good work of many seasons. More careful Inspec tion Is necessary. If a district does not produ.'-.' rjore than a very small per cent of extra fancy fruit during a season, then It should label the fruit exactly as It is. buyers are not fooled by what appears upon the box. after the first time; therefore, growers accomplish nothing by their deception." The Trim Looking Team shown in the picture, are evi dently good roadsters. In order to keep them so, no pains should be spared to keep them carefully shod. As Experienced Horseshoers we know the importance of keeping them carefully shod. Let us do your horseshoeing work. You wont regret it. SHIVELY & DRISCOLL Phone 62-X WOlh TROUBLE j) WITH OLD HARNESS A runaway may cause more than trouble: Serious injuries and sometimes death are the awful results. An old Harness is often responsible, but a new Harness with weak snots in it is just as bad. The kind we sell have NO WEAK SPOTS You will get your money's worth if vou buy harness of us. R. G. YOWELL & CO, Bell Building Hood River, Ore. R. R. BARTLETT ARCHITECT HoUbrunnar Huihlinir HOOD K1VKR. OKKUON Phona 61 ALBERT SUTTON Hrcbitcct Hall Buildinq Huod Kivkr. Okbgon A. C. BUCK Notary Public and Insurance Agent Room 12. Brasilia Block Houd River. Oregon H. E. JOHNSON Carpenter and Builder Third and State Sts. Phone Shop 5 1 ; Res. 87-L O. B. EVINGER Confectionery and Cigars Gmnmral Lino of Cigar, Tobaccos, Candida, Ico Crtam, Etc. STATIONERY On the Hviiihts KELLY BliOS. HAY OATS Rolled Barley, Bran, Shorts and Straw Phone Fourth Street between Ouk nnd State ROBT. T. NEWHALL Telephone 277-M Hood River, Oregon REPRESENTING MILTON NURSERY CO. THIRTY-THREE YEARS OF RELIABLE TREKS C. G. VAN TRESS Public Stenographer AND Notary Public ELIOT BLOCK Phone 308-L W. J. BAKER Real Estate Loans Insurance APPLE AND STRAWBERRY LAND A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited WE FURNISH FRUIT PICKERS AND PACKERS And All Kinds of Employees... NIGUMA & CO. I'hone 160 1 4 Hast Oak Street Hood River, Or. COAL! Rock Springs COAL TRANSFER & LIVERY COMPANY Cottage Kosphal Hood River's Medical In stitution. Open to the public for the treatment of Medical and Surprical cases. Rates on applica tion. Address, COTTAGE HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION H. YAMA DAY WORK AT Cooking and House Cleaning Phone IfiO 14 Oak Stmt DR. F. C. BROSIUS Has CHtahllnhed a permanent Of flee nt OPKI.I... imionklHI, where he can Ik' consulted morning and even tnur. City office IIOOH ItlVKK I'Iionk 12 It, en hm usual 10 to 4 daily. night Call answered from lllIKU,, VIIONK 20. L'Stf H. L. DUMBLE Physician and Surgeon Cnll promptly aniwvra in town or country, day or nurht. Trlephontv-ReaidracvSU. Jfnca 611 Ulrica in the Broaiua Budding. DR. E. O. DUTRO Physician and Surgeon Office in Smith Building Home phone, Ke.71B; Office phone 71 Hood River. Oreiron J. F. WATT, M. D., Physician and Surgeon Office, Home I'honn SO Re. 30-B Hood River :: Oregon DRS. SHAW & BR0NS0N Physicians and Surgeons Eliot Block Thone 34 Hood River, Oregon Dr. M. II. Sharp Dr. Edna B. Sharp DRS. SHARP Osteopathic Physicians Graduates of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirknville. Mo, Office in Ktiut Bml.lin I'hone -Offlce Ui. Kuaulence 102-B. Hund Kiver. Orefron E. D. KANAGA Physician and Surgeon Office in National Bank Building Phone, Office 35 Re. 38-B Hood River. Oregon C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. Dentist Office. Hall Building-, over Butler Banking Co. Office phone 28. Residence phone 28-B Hood River. Oreiron H. Dudley W. Pineo, D. D. S. Dentist Office over First National Bank Office-Home phone 131. Residence Home 131-B Hood River, Oreiron JOHN R. WESTERVELT Doctor of Dental Surgery Suite: 807 Oretronian Building Phone, Main 7255 Portland, Oreiron DR. JUSTIN WAUGH Eliot Building EAR, EYE, NOSE AND THROAT M. E. WELCH Licensed Veterinarian Hood River. Oregon I'hone 309 Rooms -10, Smith Block GEORGE R. WILBUR LAWYER Hood River - - Oregon JOHN BAKER Attorney at Law Rooms 7-8, Smith Block Office phone 1S-K rr, i r House phone 238-k Hood River, Ore. ERNEST C. SMITH LAWYER Roomi 14 and 15. Hall Building Hood River, Oregon STEARNS & DERBY Lawyers Fintt National Bank Building Hood River, Orejton L. A. & A. P. REED ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW Two Doom North of PontofTice Phone tl Hood River' Oregon MURRAY KAY CIVIL LINOINLLR AND SURVEYOR Phons. 32 BRnflitta Biiii.dino Hood Rivkr P. M. MORSE City Engineer and Surveyor CITY AND COUNTY WORK Heilbmnner Builclln Hood River, Oravon L. A. HENDERSON Civil Engineer Formerly V. S. Land Surveyor Philippine Inland Two doon north of pontonVe. I'hone 41 Butler Banking Co. Established Nineteen Hundred Capital One Hundred Safe Deposit Boxes Collections Leslie Butler, President Truman Butler, Hood River Banking & Trust Co. Extends a cordial invitation to you, personally to call and open a checking account. Any amount will open an account in our savings department. We pay 3 per cent interest, compounded semi-annually. We promise the best of service and satisfaction. M. M. HILL, J. W. COPELAND. R. W. PRATT, President, Vice President, Cashier C. H. Stranahan, Wilson Filte, Chas. G. Tratt, Jos. Copeland Capital $100,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK HOOD RIVER, OREGON FASHION Livery, Feed Wholesale and Retail Lumber, Lath, Shingles Etc. Lumber delivered to any part of the Valley The Satisfactory Solution of Your , Water Supply Problem c wiH be reached by installing in your home a pneumatic k.j m u w a iiur kcauc iiuici Supply System Von ean have ahunrlant water hot lot kitchen, bath, laundry, the lawn and any other purpose required, at a moderate cost. Will also afford fire protection. The most efficient, economical and able water supply System to be had. Ask your local dealer to explain about the " Leader System or write for our booklet, "Hew I Solved the Water Supply rroblcm." LEADER IRON WORKS, Dept. 22, Decatur, 111. Apple Land and Orchard Company Off loo No. B Oak S treat. Phono 20 or 2002 K, Hood River 0 Thousand Dollars Savings Department g Vice President C. H. VauKhan, Cashier e Surplus and Profits $28,000 A BANK BOOK IS MUCH HANDIER to take care of than ready money. It is much the safer too. Better open an account here and deposit your re ceipts daily. Then if thieves do come, all they will jret is your bank book which is of no value to them. You lose nothing either. Think it over STABLES and Draying STRANAHANS & RATHBUN HUOD RIVER, OREGON Horses boupht, sold or ex changed. Pleasure parties can secure first class rigs. Sbeeial attention given to moving fur niture and pianos. We do everything horses can do. Stanley Smith Lumber Co. v..l . i'krw-.v - k rk.v..i or eolrl 1 1.'"'' depend - Tit. mmm