The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, April 10, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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For Sale Two tents, 12x14. Ap
plyOdell Blacksmith Shop, R
F. I). 2, 14-15c
for Sale One team, hack, disk
Iwith extension, Acme harrow,
y-foot-wide windmill, new. A.
Niehams. Phone Odell 143.14-15
Tor Sale or trade three-year-old
iMoriran filly, sound and gentle
Will sell cheap or exchange for a
hack and light farm wagon in
good condition. Phone 1872M
for Sale-Seed potatoes. Crock
er & de Reding. Phone 133,
lllanted A Victrola cheap, for
II cash. About the $75 size
Phone 224-K 14-15c
Tor Sale-One tent. 21x30, 4 1-2
wall, 10 oz. duck. As good as
new. Phone 2042-X or address
Herman E. Avery, Hood River,
Tor Rent Two large bright
I rooms, separately or together,
furnished or unfurnished, hot
and cold water, two blocks from
postoffice, corner Front and State
sts. Mrs. Murray Kay, Phone
32-B. 13tfc
ay Timothy, also good bright
and clean grain and alfalfa
hay tor sale at Meadow lirook
arm. Phone 21G-X. Mfc
Tor rent -Several suites of mod-
ern housekeeping rooms; from
$10 to $20 a month. Mrs. II. J
Frederick, phone (J9L. lOtfc
llanted - Board and room in pri
II vate family bv two young men
Address (I. C. M. care News 12p
Tor Sale Strawberry plants at
I The City Tree Yard, just west
of Mt. Hood Hotel. Reserve
your plants early. Phone 228-K.
TVI Newhall. 12-15c
Tor Sale Indian Runner duck
I eggs. White egg strain. $1.00
per setting of 12. J. K Elliott,
Wyeth, Oregon. I2-23p
or Sale -Studebaker 3-inch
wagon, good as new. Plow,
cultivator and other small tools.
Phone 320-X. 1 M7p
Tor Sale Piano. Cost" $500, in
Ifine condition. Will sell for
one-third. Must be cash. Address
J. P. B. care of News. 14-15p
Bee Supplies Send me yonr or
ders early and save time and
money. Everything in the bee
line. Address W. W. Dakin,
1205 Seventh St. Phone 107X.
For Sale Choice building lot, 50
xlOl, Cass add. Price $500,
terms. Ira I. Judd, Hotel Ore
gon. 15-18c
For Sale- Stock in West Side Ir
rigating Company representing
two inches of water. Phone
21 12L. 15-lGc
For Rent - Six-room house. 714
Cascade Avenue. Apply Franz
Hardware Company. 15-lGc
For Sale -Eight slightly-used
brooders. Good as new. Will
sell together for $70 or $10 each
if sold separately. See one of
them at Gilbert Implement Co.
store or call on us at Mt. Hood.
Ives & Frye. 14-15c
loan Agency Loans offered:
L$300, $500, $000, $800, $1000,
$2000. Loans wanted: $150,
$200, $300, $350, $750, $1200,
$1500, $1800. Apply to A. W.
Onthank, 309 Oak street. 2-8-c
IF you have not worn a Spirella
Corset you have not known
real corset satisfaction. Its pat
ented boning makes it the most
flexible, durable, comfortable,
lightest, coolest, most sanitary
corset ever made, and it perma
nently retains its shape. Ap
pointments to suit your conven
ience in your own home. Send
card or phone 118-K. Mrs. Hat
tie Castner, 272 Cascade Avenue,
next door west of Gilbert Imple
ment Co. 12-tfc
otice to Apple Tree Planters
We are running a bargain
counter nursery. We can do this
because we are manager, presi
dent, secretary, treasurer, plant
er, grower, digger and packer of
our company. We have for sale
several standard varieties of 1
and 2 year old apple trees at
bargain counter prices, all trees
guaranteed true to name and free
from disease. We are lxking
for a bargain, are you? Write .1.
T. Nealeigh, or phone 218-K,
Hood River, Ore., or I. C. Nea
leiah. R. I). 4, Sherwood, Ore.
anted Married man experi
enced in orchard work. Stea
dy work for right man. Dicker-
son & Peck. Phone 205K. 1415c
lllanted -Position by man and
llwite on ranch. Address Earl
E. Eby, Gen. Del., Hood River,
Ore. 14-15p
Pituation wanted A Japanese
O boy wants job before 9 a. m
or after 8 p. m. Geo. Miya, care
News. 14-17p
Wanted Anyone who wishes to
hire help or anyone seeking
employment, to call on Mrs.
Myrtle Morris, Cascade Avenue.
first door west of Mt. Hood ho
tel. Phone 114-M. 13tf-c
young Japanese boy wants posi-
I tion as cook and to do house
work in small family' Riu,
phone 1G0. 10-14p
Uall paper at Portland prices.
If Samples from two of the lar
gest houses in Portland- Esti
mates on painting, papen ng, tint
ing, carriage or auto painting.
G. M. Eddie, phone 1822-L.
Wanted Hoarders by day or
week. "The Heights," 917
12th street, phone 278-X. G-tf-c
Wanted -75 young men to at
tend meetings held by the
Young Men's Athletic Club at
the Grace U. B. church gymna
sium Sunday at 10 a. m. Nice
time assured. M. S. Frederick,
Secy. 13-4p
or Sale Four cows, all fresh
milkers. Apply E. L. Rood,
Mt. Hood. Ore. 14.17p
or Sale Black Minorca eggs,
50 cents per setting; Also Suc
cess vacuum cleaners. Mrs. Ben
H. Iage. Phone 3202X. 15-16c
For Sale Cheap A good horse,
buggy and harness. Telephone
99-Odell. 15-lGc
anted To buy a good, gentle
cow. Phone 2042X. 15-1 fic
or Sale One good driving horse
two buggies, one single set of
work harness. Phone 209x. 1415c
Sale Good Cow. Phone
19G2-K. 14-15c
or Sale Good all-around horse
for buggy or farm work, single
or double. Weighs about 1100.
Apply Dr. Dutro. 9-tfc
or Sale - S. C. R. I. Red and S.
C. White Leghorn eggs for
setting. Both breeds are pure
bI(K)d and are of the egg laying
strains. Money could not buy
any better stock. The bird head
ing my best pen of Reds was
pronounced the best bird seen on
the coast this year. Call 293-L
or 300. S. II. Scobee. 8tfc
A Hon wan born to Itov. am) Mm.
W. II. Voting yentenlny.
Mayor Wright retuniel yi'Hterduy
from ft liiiHlncHM trip to Portland.
Mr. (.'. X. Clarke left yewterday for
a v1lt with rt'liitlvt-H nt Dufur.
Mr. unl Nlrn. (it'orge I. ChrlHtle of
Port land, former rt'MlilctitH, are upend
ing u few days vlHltlng friends here.
At the meeting of the council Moil
clay evening City Treanurer U. A
HendiTdou whh granted u Hillary of
1 10 per month u compensation for
hln serviced.
Arthur Clarke In drtlllngHome ama
teur TheHplann at White Salmon,
who are to give a minstrel wliovv on
the 10th. They will be uHHlxteri by a
number of Hood Ktier'H vaudeville
Arrangements are being made for a
gathering of the county school teach
ers to be held at I'lne (JroveonMay
-I. State Superintendent Alderman
will deliver an address and there will
also be another speaker.
I). K. Miller, one of the pioneer rod'
dents of the I'pper Valley, has re
turned to his ranch near 1'arkdale
after havlngiUK'nt several weeks here
undergoing Treatment for rheuma
tlsm. from which he Is now recover
of Hood River
if :
f i
For District Attorney
lie Is not and never has been a
p illtlclan. He promises an honest,
vigorous enforcement of the law and
nothing else. I le has the support of
the Influential men of every commun
ity In the district. There Is a reason.
Look f r his name on the ballot. It
Is the third ami last, but see Luke
1.1::. adv.
on't buy Yellow Reds. My S
O. Knoue island Keds are a
good dark red, and a combina
tion of the best pure-blooded
strains on the coast. Eggs for
setting. Yards at Ruthton sta
tion. Address L. W. Way. R. D
3, box 33, Hood River. 14tfc
ror Sale 10 acres, east side, 6
W r ! . . 1
i-z mues out; part in wearing,
'hone at noon hour or after six.
2003-L. 14-17r
or Sale -15 acres, 3-year-old
orchard, 2i miles southwest of
city. Inquire owner, J. W. An
derson. 15 -18p
otice to Homeseekers and Sell
ersAre you looking for a
home in the city or country, or
if you have a home in the city or
country you want to sell, see or
write the Mt. Hood Land Ex
change, Hood River Heights,
corner Pine and 12th Streets. Of
fice manager, W. A. Carnes;
field manager, J. T. Nealeigh.
or Sale- 230 acres of land, from
$50.00 per acre up. Will sell
20-acre tract with part in trees.
C. J. Calkins, Phone 50-K. tfc
or Exchange 80 acres of fine
red shot soil at Underwood, 2
miles from station, on Columbia
River bluff, 2 acres in one year
trees, 16 acres slashed and burned,
small house, tools, etc. Will
trade for unencumbered Hood
River property or interest-bearing
paper. Reed & Henderson,
Knit la flt Tfjnr mm. JYm
BiMuitirmaft Vah m raqaaai.
6 acres in Apples and
Pears; house and barn; on
two county roads. Abun
dance of good water with
place; 1 mile from town.
Would consider trade in city property
P. 0. Box 357
Kvery family that has children Is
liable to have croup; Invariably at
night. If ltallard's Horeliound Syr
up Is kept In the house, It saves (folnjj
after the medicine at an Inconvenient
time and checks that attack prompt
ly. I'rlce 2.V, and $1 per bottle
Sold by ( has. X. Clarke.
March I5t to April 15, 1912
From th Middloand Kantcrn portions
of the United State ami Canada to all
point in the Northwest on the.,..
Oregon-Washington Railroad &
From CHICAGO $33.00
' ST. LOUS 32.00
OMAHA 25.00
ST. IAIIL 25.00
Proportionately low fares from all
other points. Direct service from Chi
cago, St. Paul, Omaha and Kansas City
over the C. & N. W., UNION PACIITC,
& N.
Lines Protected by Automatic Block Signal
Whil 1hw mti pily WrntlMuini! only, tarrm
may ln trrtmtil hy flixMHttnf( vain of thf ttckft
with your hn-m mrnt. Ami an nrilrr wtll ho t.!.
frraphml (n any aildrftK irivpn. Anl in tnlling of
our vit rioiirr ami wonderful opportunttirn
for Home lluiltlinft.
Illiintratpil ami rHiahlo rrintnl matter will I
mailoil anyone tu whitfn you wlrh it arnt. by ail
ilrPKinnir. J. H. FREDRICY, Agent, Hood River, Ore.
(Continuad from Ut week)
places the barns are a part of or con
nected whh the houses. The fields
are Htnull and well cultivated, hut not
much stock U to be seen anywhere.
There are many peat (joks.
Don't Spray Applet.
In passing through the noted fruit
dlKtriet 1 noticed that the people do
not spray or prune their trees, and
between the rows of trees the spare Is
taken up with small fruits and vege
tables; consequently their apples are
small and not a good merchantable
Iublin Is a beautiful city, located on
the river, and has a population of lino,
(fix . It has many heautltul buildings
and some cathedrals, also a castle.
Many of the streets are w ide and beau
tiful and the city has sonic splendid
parks. Phoenix Park contains about
2000 acres, and has fine driveways and
walks, pretty groves, etc. Nearly Too
deer of various colors roam at will
through it. It also contains a good
zoological garden.
An Irian Mother's Love.
I stopped one day to ask an old lady
about a certain cathedral, and after she
had answered my questions she said,
"You are from America?" 1 answered
"Yes." And with tears in her eyes
she said that she had two sons in
America and was afraid they would
starve to death. Then she said, "You
ought to know my boys," and I asked,
"What Is the name? And she replied.
"It is Murphy, and when I last heard
from them they were in Butte." I
answered, "It is hardly possible that 1
know your sons, for there are fX Mur-
phys in Butte and I live 1 1 miles
from there." As she wiped her eyes,
I assured her that her sons would get
along all right and could do better in
America than In Ireland.
The Dublin Mountains, a few miles
to the south and west of the city, form
a beautiful background.
Dublin has many poor people in the
congested districts, and the city hat
Inaugurated a system to relieve them.
They are procuring land outside of the
city and erecting small cottages, where
the people can have their gardens, etc.
It is, to my mind, a splendid sstem
and bhould be adopted in any c:iy.
Our next stop was at ( ork. one of
the oldest cities in Ireland. It is lo
cated on the Kiver Dee, and has a pop
ulation of about 80,000. The city has
many narrow, winding streets anu
many poor people live along some of
them. In one part of the city there is
a corporation building covering mote
than a large block, surrounded by
streets. It is one story hluii and pro
portioned off into small rooms of va
rious sizes with alleyways about six
feet wide. The rooms are rented out
for oo pence per week for one about
S by lo feet to the poor class of Irish
merchants, who have the rooms tilled
with everything to wear. use. eat or
throw away; In fact, It is a conglom
eration of everythini? with Irish wit
thrown in. Blarney Castle is a few
miles distant and is located on an ele
vation overlooking pleasing valleys and
Copyrifbt Han ScbafToer At Marl
OPENING display
of spring models
in suits and overcoats;
it ought to interest you.
Lots of snappy new
ides; smart long lapels,
the high cut waistcoat,
the shaped-over-the-hips
style in coats and trousers
Hart Schaffner & Marx
have produced for us some
especially lively models this
Spring; things young men
will want; things good for
any man, of any age.
IiOt 119 show you what we
have; doesn't cost anything
to look at them; and its
economy to buy them.
Suits $18 ami up
Home of H. S. & M. Suits
sloping wooded hills. The castle walls
are four stories high and the Blarney
stone is within five feet of the top on
the outside. One who kisses It must
be an athlete. There are some caves
near the castle that are of considerable
interest. One was used at one time for
a prison and was closed au the en
trance by a strong Iron gate or door.
Cork has some cathedrals and among
them is St. Ann de Shandon. It is fa
mous for its beautiful bells, which
chime out in soft, clear tones and re
verberate from every hill and dell.
Shandon Bells.
Shandon bells were softly ringing.
Near the closing of the day,
Their Joys of heaven sweetly bringing,
As they really seem to Bay,
"Nearer my God to Thee."
And as the people gathered round
Burdened with life's weal and woe.
While the notes of that old anthem
Were coming forth in accents slow,
"Ken though It bo a cross, It raiseth
And still the bells kept tolling
In one long solemn strain;
And the people's voices rolling
As they sang the sweet refrain.
And all our songs shall be
"Nearer my Cod to Thee."
But now the day is ended,
The bells have ceased to swing;
The voltes that with them blended
When at lust they softly sing,
"Nearer my God to Thee."
And now good fellowship anil cheer.
As they all doth homeward go.
Disappearing far and near.
Forgetting sorrow and their woe;
Kach one humming Joyfully,
"Nearer, nearer my God to Thee."
(Continued Next Week)
Low Fares East
the Old
O-W. R. & N.
Linet Protected By Automatic
Block Signal
Round trip tickets to principal
cities in Middle Western and East
ern States on sale during
Going limit 15 days; final return
limit October 31, lyiZ
Liberal Stopover Privileges
Choice of Routes
Baltimore $107.50
Chlcnuo 72.50
Peuver 55.00
KauHHHCItv 60.00
New York 108.50
St. Paul 60.00
Toronto VI. 50
Washington 107.50
Proportionately Reduced Fare to
Many Other Point
Call on your Local Agent and let
him assist you in outlining
for House Keepers
Special Showing of Draperies This Week
Tapestry, Art Denims, Fancy and
Plain Burlaps, Curtain Nets, Bungalow
Scrims, Moirettes, Etc.
48 in. Gobelin Tapestry, the yd.. 60c
36 in. Fancy Art Denims, new colors 1 5c and 20c
36 in. Fancy and Plain Burlap 1 5c and 20c
36 in. Westphalia Fancy Cretonnes 15c
36 in. Light Fancy Drapery Satine 25c
50 in. Fine Macrame Curtain Net 45c
40 in. Bungalow Nets, white or ecru 25c
36 in. New Curtain Nets, white, cream, ecru. 20c to 45c
36 in. New Bordered Bungalow Nets 20c and 25c
One Lot 36 in. figured Scrims, 15c a yard
Chi-Namel Stencil Outfits
$1.00 to $2.50
New Chi-Namel Colors and Stencil Patterns, 36 in.
New Designs in Fancy Silkolines and Plain Colors.
Ask to see our 36-inch Foundation Silk in Solid
Colors; the newest silk drapery material . . 35c
Bragg Mercantile Co.
Do You Know All
did the Qlidden Tour
Won the Glidden Trophy for the best
team score.
Won the Anderson Trophy for the
best individual score.
Won all the prize money offered in its
Reached every noon and night con
trol on schedule time to the minute.
Made more perfect scores than were
ever made before in a Glidden tour
by one make of car.
Had the only perfect team score.
Made 55 miles an hour when necess
ary, though not a racing car.
Was the easiest car on tires in the tour.
Two cars finished with New York air
in all tires; the third had only
three punctures This under the
worst road conditions on record.
Scored 1003 efficiency at all times.
Won all trophies offered.
Defeated 63 other cars priced up to
$6000 while it is the lowest-priced
car to ever win a Glidden tour.
flSC W il'iiir!i'
w A.m. iiwjx h,'!!, 1 in ': 1 " 'i t 1 i'n .jr m k Jn w if't, i .vm.
You can make no mis
take in choosing one
of the 1012 Maxwell
models cars of prov
en Reliability, Dura
bility and Eiliciency.
Maxwell Mascotte S9S0
5-Passenger, 25 h. p. Touring Car
Special Touring Car, $1280 Mascotte Roadster, $950
Mercury Roadster, $1150 Messenger Runabout, $600
We will gladly give you a demonstration at any time.
Tip-Top Auto Company,lnc.
C. P. McCAN, Manager