THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10. 1912 5 Ortley, Newtown and Spitzenberg True to name nursery stock. One and two years old; fine thrifty trees; four to eight feet. It will pay purchasers to inquire before buying their spring stock. MOORE BROTHERS PHONES 2052-X AND 205-X HOOD RIVER, OREGON I have a limited supply of first class two-year-old Newtown and Spitzenburg Trees These have strong, well-balanced tops and a well de veloped root system. Just the thing for replacing. Have also first-class one year budded stock in the standard apple varieties. C. D THOMPSON : Phone 323-2M. Mood River Oregon F. B. SNYDER B. B. POWELL Hood River PlumDing company Phono 68X Sanitary Plumbing and Heatinc. Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Repairing Promptly Attended. ESTIMATES FURNISHED CASCADE AVENUE VAVING purchased. the entire interest of E. 1 Brayford in the Rockford Store 'about three V months ago, we are now in a position to serve you with all the highest class Groceries at reasonable prices. We invite your patronage and will serve you to the best of our ability. CilVK US A TRIAL. MERCER & CO. GEO. W. DIMMICK Real Estate and Insurance Room 1, Smith Block Phone 168-M Hood River, Ore. PHONE no. 5 WAREHOUSE ON FIRST STREET Transfer and Livery company Freight, Express and Baggage Transferred Furniture Moved, Stored or Packed for Shipment HOOD RIVER. OREGON. Well Drilling Quick Successful Satisfactory DONE WITH A STAR WELL DRILLING OUTFIT FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS APPLE LAND & ORCHARD COMPANY HOOD RIVER, OREGON 0c. Oik Strttl Phsnti, 26 or 2002-X try w vjy v.v r-'y .vrrfy-ryyi w v yyrvytvyvna E 3RAYINGi Expres3 anp bagg Furniture and Vianos MoxJcd All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work Wood Yard and Feed Store in Connection Residence 2J8K J. M. SCHMELTZER F. A. BISHOP HOOD RIVER ABSTRACT COMPANY ABSTRACTS Insurance Conveyancing Surety Bonds "Accuracy" is Our Motto Office In New llellbronner Building Phone IS Hood River, Oregon DESCRIBES ASCENT OF MOUNT HOOD A. A. Duclianip, wrltlutf for the Ori'Kon Journal, (IchitUm-h the (lucent of Mount Hood from tl.ln city and the HtupendoiM view to Iw obtained from Km Huminlt In the following manner: 1 Mount llooil, nareMt of the live miow cappeil mountain) viHlble from Portland, U by far the tuoHt liupon I it K and Im Ix'nt known to tourlut. There are tlmeH when Mount Hood appearo to be but a xhort dlwtarice away, due to clear and dry a tin oh pherlc condition. At thoxe fuvored tlmeH. when It It) lighted by the di rect rays of the afternoon eun It In a Hpectacle Indeed truly nuiKiilfk'ent, HurpaHHcd by do other scene upou the American continent. Having deHlred for Rome time to climb to the miiurnlt of Mount Hood, we left Portland one morning lu the early pjirt of July, going by rail to Hood River, where we left at 1 o'clock by automobile over the 2." mile road to Cloud Cap Inn. The road tra verHea the beuuttful Hood Klver val ley, famouH the world over for Its line applet, and twice croHHea Hood Klver, which taken Ita source from Eliot glacier. We shortly arrived at the quulnt mountain hotel which la constructed of great logs and la chained and bolted to the rocks, be cauHu of the force of the wind, which blows at that altltudedurlng winter. view MARVKi.ora hcnhkt Here we ascended to the observa tory and viewed a marvelous sunset and rungnlflcent panorama spread ing like a great map In all directions, and after an evening supper before a huge fireplace, we turned In. At 6 a. in. we were awakened by the guide, who waa anxious to make an early sturt, aa appearances seemed to be favorable for a succeea ful ascent. Owing to the strenuona exercise, It la necesaury to take but little clothing. Strong, waterproof, leather boots, with spiked soles, are essential to keep from slipping on the Icy surface, while a warm sweater should be carried for protection when renting. Having blackened our faces and bands to avoid blister ing, and wearing amber glasses for protection of our eyes, we made a start at 7:30, arriving at Cooper's spur one hour later. From this point a great sight Is unfolded to view in all directions, the elevation being about hooo feet above sea level. Cooper's spur is easily reached, and should be accessible to all those who are not desirous or are unable to ascend the summit. Tarrying at this point for a few minutes, we pushed on, traversing Eliot glacier, a receding glacier of great magnitude. where wonderful Ice formations and crevasses are to le seen. I .unt il rock waa reached at 11 o'clock, and the summit at 12:4.'i. Deep but compact snow wns encountered for 2000 feet before reaching the summit. St lll'ASHKS DKM'KII'TION I am not equal to the task of de scribing the view from the summit of Mount Hood. Owing to the pre vailing westerly winds, the atmos phere wns remarkably clear. Mount Shasta, 400 miles away in northern California, could be seen plainly, no well as the other mountain peaks In tervening. Mount Itaker, about nu equal distance to the north, could not be seen, however, due, no doubt, to the stnoke from the city of Seattle, but Portland, Vancouver and the Columbia river basin, aa well ns the great stretch of mountains, lakes, and rivers, and great d"sert plateau to the east, all lay spread out Wfore us a marvelous sight. We could not tarry long, however, ns the shadow already forming over our trail would soon cause the surface to freeze and make the descent very dangerous, so, taking a farewell look, and placing our signatures In the Muzama book, which Is kept there by this famous mountain- climbing club of Portland, we began the descent at I:.'t0. Itelng anxious to reach Portland that night, no time was lost. Sliding was the order for the tirst drop of JINK) feet, and the speed ter- rttle, but perfectly safe; then a dog trot along the more gentle slopes permitted ns to reach the Inn In less thnn a half hour after leaving the summit, and In time to catch the au tomobile to Hood Klver and the train to Portland. Exactly seven hours from the time of leaving the summit of Mount Hood we arrived In Portland, completing a truly remarkable trip and at very low cost. Ill 1 Send For This Seed mud-Free I illy " h ar t of parity asd CrrtninatH4l. No h are park! bf uaunleMlrieirrwoqtiaBheiahcw thutvllr equipped laboratory wirlef the dirtrtiMl of a anralia) and npnl ami MfT inmi all fuea work. Whenrninat UTiaorrW.youhuy Imir d crops. Srad rot catalog. Tin Chaa. H. Lilly Co., Seattle. The liver loses Its activity at times and needs help. Herblue In an effect ive liver stimulant. It also purifies the bowels, strengthens digestion and restores strength, vigor and cheerful spirits. Price 50c Sold by Chus. N. Clarke. Real Estate Bulletin $5,000 -Thirty-two acres in Wil low Flat Section, close to rail road, church and store, on the main road, red shot soil. Two pieces of this description are on the market at the present time. Terms $3,000 down. $1,750 Five acres 4 miles out; house and barn, part in trees, balance cleared on the main road on West Side. Mortgage $G00. Want cash for equity. $2,000 New bungalow and barn, lot 100x100 on corner, near High School. This price for quick sale. ...Insurance... G. Y. EDWARDS & CO. Office Hotel Oregon Ultlg. Phone No. IKK CHOPS THAT TEMPT THE APPETITE are the kind you can always de perd upon getting here the real juicy, delicious article that satis fies the hungry man, while tic kling the palate. It is the same with our steaks and cutlets too, with our joints and our poultry. We carry only the best and fresh est of Meats that are reliable, and we charge only reasonably for what you buy here. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET P. C. Young, Prop. 'XL i -AiiYW-i HOOD RIVER POULTRY YARDS J. R. MUELStN. Proprietor Breeder ot S. C. w. Leghorns. W. 9. Rocks end S. C. Rhode Isisnd Reds. Indian Runner Ducks fwn and Iny Old Chick" after Jan. 1st. Or der bonkr.l now. Poultry yards V-i milea wet of city at K rank ton. Phone 32x2-X. yk o SUCCESS PXuUll .Builders of Homes. Our "PROFIT-SHARING Investment Certificates' areREAL HoneyMakers Send for Booklet 604 5 6 (irbettBlJ$ Portland Ore I'l'n'lliri MADE RIGHT AND GUARANTEED TO WEAR WELL FOR YEARS It baa a groat prrniMnir, cnpfielte on ration mverlug frmn .'t' t a,tuar ff.-t tm cfwta. 4'nrrlcd lu 4 colon. Color carda od rcqaeat. Our New Bek HOW TO PAINT" New Raadf Mailed Pre It qnotcs th follnwlnir rcmnrkaMr low prlroa whllo It fiuaraiittYS lUo qual ltT to he the bc.t: Oold frnV II. .n.e Taint, gnlloo rp, 9. 00; quart 60 "Gold Honl" H,..r Pulut. gitlk'O mn, 11.60; qnarta tO "tlol.l Sor- Ham an.l Il.vf I'lilnt. f val.. $1.80; ft. gal. onti. ir khI. 1.10 Wllllama' ( rooai'to SIiIultIi' Ml III, tin (V-irnl. Jkt. oan). rT rnl 90 old 8oal" Interior VamMi, r"r rnllon 1.00 Sash and Door Catalog No. 32 Tn. liO. B. WILLIAMS CO. J SASH nd DOORS M FIRST AVENUE SOUTH. SEATTLE Summoos In the Circuit Court of thm Stat of Oreon for th County of Hrd Kiver. Geurtre D. Cultjertnon. Ortrude If. 8 Lark and W. A. fclark. i'lintlfT. v. O.P.I)f-Jir. Mn.O. P Duiir! and all of the hirs at Uw of aaid O. P. dKe and Mm. O. P. bodies. AImi all other peraonn or partiea unknown claimintr any rtKht. title. enLt, Immi or inter est in the real estate deacribed in the com plaint herein, I-fendanta. To O. P. Ikjilire. Mr. (. P. bodir and all of the heirufct law of naid O. P. I. and Mn. O. P. I A1k- all other irnm or parties unknown clauniriK any ritfht, title, estate, lienor interest in the real eatate dencrilied in the complaint herein. In the name of the State of On-tron: You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled ajfamat you in the above entitled nuit on or before thn Kth day of May. A. U. I'JlZ, and if you fail to answer for want thereof the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in their complaint in aaid cauMe to-wit:-!hat the title of plaintiffs be ad ju'lurwl and decreed to be irood and Talid to the follow i nir described real property in Hood Kiver County, State of On-gnn, to-wit: BeKinning at the Southeast corner of Block m, W mans Addition to the town now city of Hood Kiver. thence South 2uu feet; thence West SO feet; thence North 50 ft; thence Kant J feet, and thence South SO feet to place of betrinninic. Also Lota 2 and 0. Itlot-k 7, aaid Winana Addition. Alao beirinninfr at the Southwest corner of Block 7, aaid Winans Addition, thence South feet; thence West 50 feet; thnce North 150 fet, and thence raat 60 fet to place of betrinnintr Alao bejinnintr at a point 50 feet North and 50 feet West of the South east comer of Block H. said Winana Addition. thence South 250 feet; thence Went 2i feet; thence 1 North liAt foet. and thence tat 25 feet to place of beginning. Alao betrtnninir at the Southwest cor I ner of Block 6. aaid WinanB Addition, and thence North BUd'Krees West 450 feet; thence South 1 H.vree West 75 feet; thence North tf deirreea West 50 feet; thence South 1 decree Went 75 feet; thence North M dt-grees Weat 50 feet; thence South 1 degree West 50 fee; thence South y de irrees Kast 100 feet; thence South 1 degree West 2"iJ ft?et; thence North 5.'! deftrreea minutes Kat 560 feet, and thence North 1 detrree Last I'.Uj.h feet to place of b-irinninff. Also lxta 7 and 1 n. and South ') feet of Lots 1 and 2. Block 1. said 1 Winana Addition. And that the defendants in the above entitled cauae. and each of them, be ; adjudged and decreed to have no claim, eatate. ! rufht. title or interest whatever in or to said real ! property, or any part thereof, and that aaid de- 1 fendanta and each of them, known or unknown, be forever enjoined and barred from aasertintf t any claim whatever in or to aaid real property, or j any part thereof, adverae to the plaintitfn, and that the plaintiffs have a decree for such other or further relief as may be equitable and just. This summons ia served upon you by publica tion pursuant to an order of the Hon. W. L. Brads haw. Judge of said Court, duly made on the 2nd day of April, A. l. lyli S. W. STARK. Attorney for Plaintiffs. First publication April 3, 1312. 14-20 Notice For Publication DKPARTMENTOF THE INTERIOR U. S. LAND OFFICE at The Dalles. Oregon. March, l'"th, lylJ. Notice ia hereby given that George Martin, of 1 Hood River, Oregon, who. on November 1st, iyO, i made Homestead No. 1534. SeTial No, 04o.ii, for SE '4 SE lt W'SE 14. and Nt'4 SW '4. Section ! :U, Township 3 North. Range 10 East. Willamette ! Merulian, has filed notice of intention to make ! Final Five Year Proof, to establish claim to the 1 land above described, before F. A. Bishop, U. S, Commissioner, at his office at Hood Kiver, Oregon, on the 22nd day of April. Iyl2, Claimant names as witnesses: Fred E. Newby. Smith W. Curran, James M. Chitty, Francia K, Aba ten all of Hood Kiver, Oregon. C. W. MOORE. 12-16 Register. Notice ot Final Account ot Administrator In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Hood River. In the matter of the eatate of M. U. Moody, De- Notice is hereby given that I. the undersigned, administrator of the estate of M. H. Moody, de ceased, have filed with the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River County, my final account, and have aked for final settlement of Raid estate, and the said County Court by an order dated the 29th day of March, 1912. has appointed Monday, the 3rd day of June. 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m. at the Court Room of said Court, in the City of Hood Kiver, County of Hood River. State of Oresron, as the time and place for hearing any and all objections to such final account and to the settlement of said estate in accordance therewith, and all persons having objections thereto are here by notified to file same on or before said date. In accordance with said order of Court this notice is published for four successive weeks, be ginning with i&sue of date the 3rd day of April, 1912. CHARLES ISHAM MOODY. 14-17 Administrator NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hert-by iriven that the undersifrned ha been appointed administrator of the estate of Jorome B. Mason, deceased. All persons having claims atfainHt said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly and retarularly verified, to me at the law otlice of S. W. Stark, in Hood River. Ore-ron. within six months of the date of this notice. Pated March 27. 1SU2. 13-K ALBERT I. MASON. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State, of Orejron, for the County of M.xtd River, In the matter of the Kstate of William H.Thom as. Deceased. The uniiersirfneil havina been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood Kiver county. Administrator of the Estate of said William H. ThomaK, deceAsed. and havina; quali fied, notice is hereby aiven to the creditors of. and all persons havimt claims ajrainst said deceased, to present them veritied, as required by law, within six till months after date of this notice, which said date will he the date of the tirst publication of this notice, to said Administrator, at the office of L. A. & A. P. Reed, his attorneys, at No. Second St reet. in the City of Hood River, Hood River County. Oregon. Dated March I'Tth. 112. KLISHA M. THOMAS. As Administrator of the Kstate 13-17 of William 11. Thomas, deceased. SIMMONS FOR PIBLICATIOM In tilt' . I tint liv Court for tilt' Ilntrli't of llooil liivtT. Hootl Klver t oim- tv. Stale nf Iretfun. II. W. Kellv nuil V. S. Kelly, part nern tlotnir luiwlnefs under the tirm name ami style of Kelly Uron., Plain tiff w. vh. Mary I,a Monte, lVfentlant. To Mary I. a Monte, Pefendant: In the name of the ntate of Oregon: Yon are hereliy required to appear and niifwer the complaint filed iiK'iliixt you In the aliove entitled ac tion, on or In (ore the last day of six consecutive weeks from the date of t he first pu lil lea t Ion of this summons, and If you fall so to answer for w ant thereof, the plaintiffs will take judg ment against you for the sum of thirty two and (.' lmi dol lars ($:!J.n" l. together with Interest thereon since Novemter tth lull, at the rate of six (tii per cent per an num, and w 1th their costs and dis bursements herein. You are hereliy served y publica tion of this summons, by virtue of an order of the Honorable A. '. Min k .1 list Ice of the above entitled court, duly made, granted and dated on thel'iith day of l ebruary. A l l!'U for the service of this summons upon you by publication thereof, and In accordance t herew It h. and which or der prescribes that the time for pub lication t hereof shall be for six con secutive weeks. and the L'Mh of Febru ary Ml:', as tile tlate of the tirst publi cation of this summon, and you are hereby further notified that said date Is and will be the date of the first publication of this summons) Pated Pebrui'rv iMth. ll'l.V I,. A. A. P. I!n I.. Attorneys for Plaintiff. !.!." Hood Klver, t trekron It pays to advertise Piles! Piles! Piles! Willlum' Indian I'ilo ointment will cure mind. itleo.liiiB nnd It.-liinu IMirs It ab. sorbs tlir tumors, all.ivs iti-hnii! at once, nets ns a oultu e. kim instant relief. Williams' Indian I'tle ointment Is ere. pared for I'lles ninl II. Ihhk of the pri ata pirts Prni-Klsts. pi ail joe and fi iV WILLIAMS MFG. CO., Props.. Clr.f'anJ, Ohli l or Sale by Carl A. I'lath, Druggi WE DO NOT EXPERIMENT WITH YOUR CLOTHES The success of our F kt.NCH DKY CLLAMVi department stands back of this statement; we are experts who understand thoroughly the treat ment of the great variety of fabrics in daily use, and each article is nan died in a manner that secures the best results. FRENCH DKY CLEANING is being recognized more and more each day as one of the most Important industries In existence; as an economi cal factor In our daily lives It is without an equal. (iOOI) DKPiSI KS find these services invaluable, not only in keeping their clothes in the best of condition at all times, but by increasing the wearing quality, which means a great reduction in their clothing bills. The reputation we have earned throughout the Valley as the OLD-EST-LAkOIiST-BLST is the result of -satisfaction given." Suits Made to OrderSatisfaction Guaranteed. SPAULDING & GESSLING CLEANING AND PRESSING Basement of Brosius Blk Phone I3X Central Oregon Red m o nd and Bend Reached via the Deschutes Branch Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Go. Through Car Service Between Portland andBend Daily Train Schedule Lv. Portland 7:50-ln:00 A M. Lv. Bend 6:30 A M. Lv. The Utiles 12-40 P.M. Lr. Redmond 7-21 A.M. Lv. Deschutes Jc 1:30 P.M. Lv. Opal City. A.M. Ar. Madras 5:45 P.M. Lv. Metolius 8:4.1 A.M. Ar. Metolius 6:00 P.M. Lv. Madras. :') A.M. Ar Opal City.. 7:ii P.M. Ar. Ieschutes Jc. 1:15 P.M. Ar. Kedmond 7:45 P.M. Ar. The Dalles 1:56 P.M. Ar. Bend 8:40 P.M. Ar. Portland.- 5:45 P.M. The Direct, Quick and Natural Route to Central Oregon. Auto'and regular fttajre connection to La Pine. Fort Rock. Silver Lake. Prineville, Bums, Klamath Falls and other inland points. Call'on anylO.-W. R. & N.'Aarent'for any information desired. 'or address WM. McMURRAY GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT PORTLAND. OREGON For Lime, Cement and House Plaster See STRANAHAN & CLARK Cjls-'" 17 4L-r?o NEW MODEL OLIVER The old reliable visible type writer with new printype and other improvements. The ma chine that writes print that is print and is always ready for business. For sale or rent on easy terms. A. W. ONTHANK, Agt. 109 Oak St. Hood River, Ore. 4th & State St. Phone 248k 0. P. DABNEY & SONS FURNITURE, FURNITURE, FURNITURE, STOVES AND RANGES We buy, sell and exchange everything in Mouse Furnishings, Campers Supplies, etc. Don't forget the placc-Cor. 4th & State dc arc now taking ordcro for Hpplc Soxc Ca Stan(ei-Stnitli UlunilW Co. Hcc lliwr. Crtfrn