8 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1912 OUR NEW H OH E WILL SOON BE READY FOR US AFTER APRIL 1st we move to the building now occu pied by the Blue Ribbon Bakery where we will be better prepared to serve our many customers. DON'T POROET THE TIME AND PLACE Smith & Imbler Free Delivery Phone 282-L V V 7 V VT3CT7 V 7 VVT LOCALSandPERSONALS r A con whi tiorn to Mr. ntnl Mrs. ('. A. ( lark at I'arkilale on Monday. lU'v. K. L. Horn arrived Monday from Spokane to ein-nd the week. C. K. .Illy f Portland p'nt the week end here lnif tins his ranch. F. K Orr of Portland has leen vis iting his parents here (or several lays. Hubtianl Taylor ami daughter, Miss Jewel, made a trip to Portland last week. Attorney K. H. Hartwlg transact ed legal business at The Dalles the first of the week. Mrs. X. A. Monroe, who has been spending the winter In California, re turned yesterday. Thomas Falrford of Portland was here Saturday and Sunday Inspect ing his ranch near Iee. Enjoy a chicken noodle dinner at the Bell building Saturday noon. Then go back for supper. Lulu Hanscom of McMlnnvllle spent Friday and Saturday In this city as the guest of Miss Oza Wall. Fred Iilackman and family of Ken osha, Wis , have arrived to make an extended visit with his cousin, A. I). Moe. Mr. aud Mrs. fJuy Pound t.f Wasco were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L.. ( anulchael the last of the week. Among the signs of spring Is an almond tree In full bloom In the yard of Mrs. W. H. Allen on Columbia street. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. liahles. who have leen spending the winter In Portland, returned to their ranch yesterday. ile the Inner man a real treat. At tend the chicken noodle dinner to 1 given In the Hell building Saturduy. Supper too. I. J. Cooper of The Dalles, who Is a candidate for state senator, has been doing some political work In the city this week. Mrs. J. W. Palmer Is still critically 1)1 at her home In the Oak i rove dis trict and Portland physicians have leen railed In consultation. Your mouth will water when you see that chl-keu noodle dinner to lie nerved at the Ilell building Saturday noon. Supper nt the same place. Frederick Conger, who has Is-en visiting Mr. and Mrs C. W. Parker at their ranch near Mitchell's Point, left Monday for Vancouver, IJ. C. Mrs. J. '1. Karle. who has been making an extended trip in Iowa, Illinois and Indiana for the past three months, returned Sunday even lug. Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge F.. Shaw of Hurt, X. Y., were guests during the week of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Van Horn, while on their way east from California. F.ruest Cromer of the Dalles wan a visitor Sunday nt the home of Mr and Mrs. M. II. Xlckelsen. Mrs. Cramer arrived yesterday to spend a few days. Hon. ( has. F. .Scott, former con gressmau from Kansas, w ill speak at Hellbrouner Hall April 1.1 in the In terest of President Taft. Details will le announced laUr. Mr. nud Mrs. '. W. Parker and Miss (iertrude Dillon of Little Itoy Kfincb were guests of honor at a l.rldgf party given Monday evening by Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lpplng. The young married people's dane lug cluti held another of Its delightful ho Friday evening. The last of this series will m given on Friday, April 12, and It has U-en orranged to have the first half of the evening nt a tuavwjuerftde dance. Hans Lage whs a week end visitor 1n Portland. F. C. Sexton spent the last of the week at The Dalles. Carl A. Plath attended the Kexall convention held nt Portland last week. Mrs. V. F. Wltham spent several days last week visiting friends nt The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Allen, who have been spending the winter In Los An geles, returned Thursday. U. E. Harbison, n former resident here, was In the city the last of the week renewing old friendships. Mrs. O. K. Jeffrey returned the last of the week, after visiting her sister, Mrs. C. C. Carpenter, In Portland. Mrs. Harry DeWItt and Mrs. L. A. Keed were guests at the ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Montague Sidney Friday. Mrs. H. Hellbronner arrived Fri day from Butte, Mont., to spend the summer with her son, J. H. Hell bronner. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McCreery of New York arrived the last of the week to visit their son Arthur, who owns a ranch here. Fred Wasson was called to his former home In Iudlanapolls Wednes day evening on account of the death of his brother. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hanson spent several days last week at The Dalles, called there by the death of Mrs. Hanson's father. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hudson of Dee returned the last of the week from Long Beach, Calif., where they have leen spending the winter. Mr. uud Mrs. A. Hutson, who have been spending the winter In Wiscon sin, returned the last of the week to their ranch In the Mt. Hood dltrlct. The local P.ojal Arch Masons en joyed a delicious live-course dinner at the Hotel Oregon Thursday even ing, the occasion bclug a special meeting. Fred Vogel has received 1:KM) In surance from the Hartford Insurance Company, through A. C. Buck, and Is rebuilding his home, which was burned recently. WUMatn M. Post, who has leen employed In Dr. Scoliee's otlice dur ing the winter, has resumed work on hlsjranch and spend Saturdays only at his profession. Mr. and Mrs. O. s. Holiday and Mrs E. F. Hefferllng of Clyde Park, Mont , were guests last week (if Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Dabney while on their way home from a California trip. Ole .Nelson, carrier on It. F. D. route Xo. .1, was awarded a cash prize of $1W by the Portland Journal last week for having lieen n success ful competitor In a subscription campaign. Mrs. Charles X. Clarke went to Du fur the last of the week to le present at the marriage of Miss Kuby Slusher and (ieorge H. (illl of that place. Miss Slusher has ts-en an occasional visitor In Hood Blver. Plans were submitted to the coun cil at the meeting Monday, calling for the Improvement by grading and sidewalk construction of Sherman avenue from Sixth to .Ninth stn-ets and Prospect avenue from Second to Eighth streets. The White Salmon Enterprise sats: "Hood Klver In agitating for an Ap ple Blossom week, a festival to Is held at a time w hen the trees e.re full of blossoms. There are few prettier out door scenes than when Hood Klver valley, with Its naturally beau tiful netting, breaks out Into a sea of white and pink. It Is a good Idea to make the festival an annual affair." J. A. Epplng was a week end visi tor In Portland. Mrs. M. Bentley of Parkdale left on a trip to Portland Sunday evening. Mrs. L. W. Tomlluson of Parkdale came down the last of the week to tslt her sister, Mrs. Walt. M. W. Jones of Vinton, Iowa, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Morrison the last of the week. C. C. Clin pin returned from Port laud the last of the week to work on his ranch In the Willow Flat section. Mrs. Vera Davidson and son of Cue u r d" Aleue, Idaho, are visiting her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. F. E. Jack-sou. H. (t. Humphreys, manager of the electric light plaut at White Salmon, was a week end visitor In Hood Blver. J. E. Slmson left the last of the week to take a business trip east. His family Is spending u few days In Portland. Chan. Stelnhauser of Parkdale, ac companied by (S. Duval. Jr., and ti. Wertgeu. spent several days In town last week. C. L. Dawson, a capitalist of Spok ane, accompanied by his son, has Ut'ii spending several days at the Hotel Oregon. Mrs Bert Stranahan went to Her mlston, Ore., the latter part of the week, called there by the Illness of her sister, Mrs. Ila Smith. Moses Slsenvlu has arrived from San Francisco to take charge of the work on the new filtration plant for the city water system. Mathena Jnrrell was examined as to her sanity the last of the week by direction of the county court anil committed to the state asylum. Mrs. William Haynes arrived from Portland the latter part of the week to spend a few days at the home of her brother, Lawrence Blowers. Mrs. M. H. Moody and son Charles, who have a ranch In the I'pper Val ley, returned the last of the week after haviug spent the winter In Southern California. E. E. Streltz of Xorth Yakima was among those who were In the city the last of the week with a view to locating. Mr. Streltz was delighted with the valley. Mr and Mrs. E. E. Kaiser of Oka nogan, Wash., arrived the last of the week to visit Mr. and Mrs. .1. F. Volstorff, Mrs. Kaiser and Mrs. Vols torff having been schoolmates. The concert which was to have teen given by the Appollo Concert Company, under the auspices of the L. B. church tomorrow (Thursday) evening, has been postponed to April 11. L. K. Morse, who enjoys the dis tinction of having been the first sheriff of Hood Blver county, was here the last of the week from Spray, Ore., visiting his brother, C. L. M orse. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bridge of Springfield, 111., visited Mrs. M. A. Shoemaker and otherfrlends here the last of the week. Dr. Wallace Spnff ord of Berkeley, Oil., was also the guest of Mrs. Shoemaker. Mr. anil Mrs. D. I'. Xewman and Mrs. Ambrose of Portland were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Boss, They were taken for a drive around the valley nud hope event ually to make their home here. W. M. McConnell, who moved from here to Spokane the first of this year to accept the assistant management of the Western Union Life Insurance of that place. Is spending a few days here this week looking after his hold ings In this valley. By the decree of Judge Iiradshaw, rendered the last of the week, Anna L. Sllliman was granted a divorce from Lawrence Sllliman and her maiden name of Anna Kols-rg wus restored. She was also granted flips') alimony and firs') suit money. County Treasurer J. M. Schmeltzer has received $.VK) 2D from Secretary ofstute Olcott, this sum constitut ing 2.1 per cent of the forest reserve rentals for the past year. This mon ey will Is- divided equally between the road fund and the general school fund, Mr. and Mrs William Schurnp and son, F. D. Schump, of Wllma, Minn., spent the last of the week In the city looking over the valley with a view to locating. They were delighted and expressed their Intention of re turning after a short trip to Portland. H. P. Allen, whose place Is on the Belmont road, has bought the Brldgeman building In White Salm on for This Is said to lie one of the best bargains on the other side of the river, as It Is good revenue, producing property. Mr. Allen Is also the owner of the Frank Smith house In White Salmon. Claude Thompson will ls nssisl ated with J. II. Ht llbrotmer In the real estate and Insurance business after the first of the month. Mr. Thompson graduated from the (). A. ('. with high honors last year, and on account of his horticultural train ing Is especially adapted for the work which lie Is taking Hp. Mr. and Mrs. K. A Collins returned this week from Los Angeles, where they have tieeii spending the winter. While there Mr. Collins was operated on for appendicitis, from which he made a nice recovery. Fred Snyder, who spent several weeks In Hood Klver last summer writes Dr. Shaw from St. Augustine, Fla .as follows: "Hood Klver has everything U'ateti to a pulp that I have seen so far In my travels." Kev. W. I. Lawrence of Boston, president of the Unitarian Sunday School Society, wi:i sioak at the morning service of the Unitarian church Sun. lay: subject. "The Re ligious Nurture of Children." Miss Viola Nh-kelxeii, who submit ted to an operation nbout a week ago, was quite 111 hist week but Is now reported to be making a nice recovery and she hopes to resume her school duties In a couple of weeks. Mrs. Charles lleliuer arrived from Portland Monday evening with the remains of her husband, who died the last of the week. Interment was made at Mount Hood. Mr. llelmer was n merchant at Mount Hood up to the time of his removal to Port land. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Brock and daughter, Virginia, are visiting his parents, Mr. ami Mrs. V. C. Brock, for a few days. Mr. Brock Is spend ing a portion of the week at Mosler, where he Is starting the spring work on a 140-ncre orchard tract there owned by himself and n numlter of other Portland men. Truman Butler spent a couple of days the last of the week In Portland. While there he spoke to a number of Portland business men about the blossom festival to be held here this spring and all were greatly Interest ed, stating that they would be de lighted wltlt such an opportunity to see Hood River at that season. Mrs. O. W. Par melee, who spent the winter at her former home near Uallpolls In southern Ohio, Is expected back about the lust of this week. Xews from Mrs. Parmelee has been that Ohio, lu common with other eastern states, experienced an extrvmely severe winter. Farmers In southern Ohio lost much of their stock and many are seriously con templating coming to Oregon. They were eager In seeklug Information from Mrs. Parmelee. The latter ex liects that several families will move to Hood Klver before another winter. Miss Thayer anuounces that her Spring millinery goods have arrived and she will hold her opening on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week at Third aud State St. If vou want to buy anything from a guinea hen to a fruit farm adver tlse In the Xews aud you will find It. I SPECIAL CASH DISCOUNT k on All Orders Amounting to $2000 NOTE THESE BARGAINS Lawns, worth from 10c to 15c cp now OU Ladies' Belts, worth 25c to ?5c cn now 101 Men's Shirts, worth 50c to $1. 50 q t n now .wOu Men's Underwear, worth 50c orft to $1.50 now ..JOG Ladies' Underwear, worth 50c ncn to $1.25, now 00b We are closing out a lot I A nffo of SHOES at 3 UHS WE ARE ALSO OFFERING The Best Flour, per bbl $5.20 Upper Crust Flour, per bbl 5.00 Peerless Flour, per bbl 4.75 " Sk 1.25 Best Bacon, per lb 20 Good " " " 18 Sugar, per sack 6.75 Best Lard, 10 lb. bucket 1.50 Dried Apples, per lb 15 Walnuts, per lb .20 All goods delivered promptly. Call on us and get acquainted see what we can save you in Dry Goods, Shoes and Groceries W. D. Rogers & Co. Phone 46 1101 Twelfth St. The Heigths pX I IQ1 IOL IOC IOC IOC IQl I 8 2) ays ale Beginning Friday March 29 Ladies' Coats, Suits and Waists; Hose, Gloves and 2 Neckwear, New Costume and Waist Silks, Etc. g All New Tailor Suits and Coats will go at Sale Prices FOR 8 DAYS We wajit to assist you in getting ready for Easter and are well prepared to do so, as we have a very complete stock of some of the best Ready-to-Wear Goods in America Coats, Suits, Skirts, Waists, Shoes, Hose, Gloves, Etc. Our Styles Are "Right; Our Quality Is Better Our Prices Are XOithin "Reason We Promptly Refund on All Unsatisfactory Purchases fl ?tc i -ij if We Show "Exclusive Designs" and Only One of a Kind in the Better Grades No. 149 Is a very late style Tailor Suit No. 198 Is another extremely beautiful of cream cloth with broken hair line Suit of Imported English Whipcord, in black stripe, round corner side button pearl grey with long black satin reveres jacket, cream satin lined, white Moire and flounce skirt effect. These silk collar, skirt also has side button ef- suits are Exclusive Designs and only feet, a real stunning suit and splendid one of a kind. They should be snapped value at $35.00. Our Sale jjj UJ? quick at our Sale Price (Jjjj No. 159 Is a Novelty Suit, Red Jacket $28.50 to $30 Cream Serge Suits;aIso black &. navy $22.45 with Cream Skirt and is certainly, a 22.50 to 25 New Tailor Suit, naies,tans tgreys 18.95 striking costume and right to the min- ,,,. ute in Snappy Style; a $32.50 PQ7 oc 17'50, 20 plainlmuedcolors 14.85 Suit; Sale Price OZliOO 1 5 to $1 6.50 " " 12.45 The Coat Sensation Of the Season New Spring Coats in Black or Navy Serge and the pop- ular Greys and Browns, round or square Shawl Din or Collars. Coats that look the part at $20.00. Sale Price.. . ' OlOiOO ALL LADIES WAISTS, SKIRTS AND PETTICOATS ON SALE O q-n fin nr,A Kh Koonf if ill row Silk and Net Waists in black, white and colors. Sale price $4.85 $4.00 to $5.00 Silk Waists and Silk Shirts in black, white, plain and fancy colors. Sale price $3.38 $3.00 Silk Waists, black or white, Cream Net Waists and Pongee Shirts. Sale price $2.38 $2.50 Wash Silk Waists and Fancy White Waists and Fine Linen Tail or Waists. Sale price ..$1.98 Middy Blouses and Shirt Waists for 98c and $1.38 $6.50 Silk Petticoats, black and colors $4.87 $5.00 Silk Petticoats, black and colors $3.38 $3.50 Silk Mercerized Petticoats, black.. $2.98 $2.25 Silk Mercerized Petticoats, black and Colors $1.89 $2.00 Heatherbloom Petticoats, in black $1.38 $1.35 Black Sateen Petticoats.. 9 8c $10.00 Dress Skirts, (Ht';rlir7)...$7.89 6.50 " " " . 4.97 5.00 " " " . 3.98 New Bordered Foulard Patterns and Changeable Taffetas, New Shoes, Pumps and Oxfords, New Hose and Silk Gloves - gBragg Mercantile Co. 301 OE OE