The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, March 27, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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Wllltuin L. FluU'y.Btate Kiune war
den ft ad iirt'Hlilent of the utitte Audu
bon Society, will deliver mi llhintrH
ted lecture at the Coiiiiuerclal ('lull
next Saturday at :t o'cliM-k. 1 1 Ik
subject will lie the native Urdu of
The lecture In to lie given under the
ftUHplceo of the t'oiniiHTi'liil ('lull, ninl
the committee In charge Includeii
Mm. H. C. Kauffnmii, Mm. '. A. Hell
and Mr. J. I Lui-uh. The lecture
will lie oH-u to the public and the
boy scoutH nnd lilnh whool Htudenti)
are enpeclally Invited.
Mr. Ftnley ha a national reputa
tolu an U-Ing well vemed In bird lore
and In the author of "Amerleun
lilrcla" and "Some Common lilrilii of
A tieclal feature of the lecture will
be the lautern nllilen Hhowlng the
different varletleti of Oregon bird.
These fllilen are hhM to be exception
ally fine. Rev. E. H. Harrln will a
Hint by luaulpulatlng the lantern.
Next Sunday Mr. Kin ley will be taken
for a drive through the valley by W.
(i. I'ltrmelee.
JameHL. WU kliani and Minn llcliu't
llukarl, two popular young people
of Hood Klver, were married at 2::!0
o'cltK'k Thurmla.v afternoon at the
MethodlHt parHonnge by Itev II.
Young. They were attended hy Mr.
and Mm. Kay Penmuore nnd Mr. and
Mm. K. K. Mack. I in mediately after
the ceremony the happy couple
boarded the train for Portland to
spend a few diiyn before returning to
the W Uk ham ranch In theOak (irove
dlatrlct, where they will make their
home. Itoth will have the 1-hI
wlnheH of a large circle of friend In
their new relation.
Notice to Stockholders
The regular annual meeting of the
stockholder) of the Mood Itlvtr
Apple Urowem' I'nlon will lie held at
the Commercial Club hull In the city
of Hood Hlver, Ore., on Saturday,
April C, 1912. at 10 o'clock a. in., for
the purpose of electing a board of
nine (9 dint-torn, nnd for the traim
actton of hiicIi other IhihIiichh an may
proM-rly come before said meeting.
J. A. Mct'iHliv, 1'renldent.
('. 1 1. Si-iioAT, Swretary.
You can find all of the lieot street
trees for Hood Hlver at the City Tree
Yard, fine-half block weft of the Mt.
Hood hotel. It. T. New ha II Jk Co
M. li. Ladles' Aid Meeting
The Ladles' Aid of theM. K. church
will hold an all day's meeting at
Taylor's Hall ou Friday March 29.
Lunch will lie served at noon.
Methodist Church
Sunday school at 10 a.m. Preach
ing services at 11 a. in. and p. in.
Themes, morning, "Making a Ven
ture;" evening, "Home." Junior
Ieague at 3 p. in. Kpworth league
at 6:(M) p. in. Prayer meeting on
Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock.
All are cordially Invited to attend
these services. Strangers made wel
come. W. II. Young, Pastor.
Christian Science Services
Christian Science services will lie
held In the Commercial Club rooms
Sunday at 11 a. in., subject, "Real
ity." Sunday school at 10 a. m. In room
(i, Davldsou building. Wednesday
evening testimonial meetings are
held In Davidson building All are
cordially Invited to attend these
services. Reading room open dully.
No. C, Davidson building.
Spuds Bring f-2.50 in Ground
Rates Rros.' potato crop this year
Is-ats apples. They have Just sold
their crop, which covers about two
acres, for .."0 a sack and butcrdocs
the ditching. They are wanted for
seed. It Is pretty good evidence of
the mildness of a climate when po
tatoes can stay In the ground all
winter and can come out and look
$2.."i0 In the face without wilting.
White Salmon Enterprise.
All kinds of fruit and ornamental
trees, shrubs ami roses at the City
Tree Yard, Just west of Mount Hood
A Comfortable Home
Fine interior finish, 5-rooms,
including bath, complete plumb
ing and lighting, hot water
heat, fireplace, range, etc., for
sale on easy terms 50x100 lot;
sewer assessment paid. Price
$2250. May rent to a respon
sible and careful tenant under
lease. See the property at 505
May street, or phone
Wenatche, Wash.--Mild weather
has caused the fruit growers to pre
pare for the coining season aud hun
dreds of acres of fruit trees are now
lielng pruned. Krult spurs uever
showed up with the same abundance
as this spring and predictions for the
coming crop exceed any thing In the
history of the valley. One thousand
acres of new orchard will come Into
tearing this season.
Resetting Trees
I'lilformly poor results havefollow
ed the replacing of trees that died Im
mediately by other trees of the same
kind. Rut If the hole Is opened up In
the fall and allowed to lie until In
the spring It Is safe to then plant out
a tree of the same kind as that which
died. The hole should be opened out
a good deal wider aud deeper than
necessary to receive the new tree.
The purpose should tie to get out a
large part of the dirt around the root
system of the first tree that occupied
the land.
Among Our
Teas and Coffees
You are bound to find those
that just suit your taste.
This is The Tea and Coffee
Store of Hood River and if
you want something good try
a Screw Top Cannister of
Chase & Sanborn's Tea. We
have it in all blends.
Chase & Sanborn's Seal
Brand Coffee and Barrington
Hall Steel Cut Coffee are the
best the world produces.
Perigo & Son
A spirited debate Is expected Fri
day eveulng when Hon. Kugene W.
Chafiu, ex-caudldate of the Prohibi
tion party for l'renldent, and .1. j
Krank Durke of the Oregon Autl sa
loon league meet at the ( 'iiininiTilul
Club. The subject of the debate Is to
tie local option. j
The funeral of Miss Julia Meeker,
who died the first of last week, was
held Wednesday, Kev. I'owell of the
Adventlst church oflk-latlng. Miss
Meeker bad Wen an Invalid for sev
eral years and had been cared for
while here by Mrs. Thomas (Jos.
The remains were shipped to Kow
an, Iowa, for Interment.
H. Berdlne, wife and baby of Mt.
Hood made a flylug trip to tiwn
Friday, the baby having taken a
drink from a bottle of Iodine which
It got hold of by mistake. The child
was dangerously burned, but Mr.
Hoot, ou whose ranch the I!irdliies
are employed, brought them to town
In his auto and medical aid was ob
tained here, the baby's life being
Wbenyouhave rheumatism In your
foot or Instep apply Chamberlain's
Liniment and you will get quick re
lief. It costs but a quarter. Why
suffer? For sale by all dealers.
It pays to advertise.
We Are Always at the Forge
every time we are wanted: and
ready to give you perfectly sat
isfactory work at a moderate
cost. Bring: your horses that
need SHOEING to us. and
we will shoe them scientifical
ly. Your horse should be care
fully shod if you expect him to
do good work for you. That is
the reason our shoeing gives
such general satisfaction. Try
us once.
Phone 62-X
The Massachusetts Board of Electric Light Commissioners in refusing recently to grant to
the city of Haverhill, Mass., a competing light and power franchise issued the following statement:
"Experience shows that the exploitation of a new company in territory already occupied
does not necessarily depend for its financial success upon the sale of electricity to the city and its
citizens. That it is by no means the only source of profit to such company. It has been repeatedly
demonstrated that the profits of a new concern do not so much depend upon its dealing with the
public as upon relations which it may be able to establish with the company first in the field."
"If the request of the new company be granted, it may naturally be expected that for the
time both city and commercial lighting will be offered by both companies at considerably less than
present rates, but such competition, under the conditions in this case is sure to be expensive, even
though for a time apparently economical or profitable. We may confidently expect, first losses,
then profits; losses in the conduct of the business and the struggle for the control of the situation;
then profits in the later union or consolidation with losses for a time in the supply of electricity to
be converted later into new capitalization as a perpetual and irremedial burden on the pub
lic. The temporary advantage to a portion of the public is reasonably sure to be followed by an
undue burden upon the public as a whole, through the larger capital demanding a return, much of
it representing unnecessary duplication of properties as well as losses."
Another authority says: "We do not find that this condition can be escaped where a new
plant is taken over by a municipality as the private company operates more cheaply than the city
and its enlargement is constantly being subjected to the contingency of bond issues or direct taxa
tion both of which are objected to by the people."
CWe are discussing the light situation this week simply from an educational standpoint. A
standpoint which the people can overcome by not encouraging unnecessary construction. As in
other states the solution of the light and power rate problem must be left finally to a public service
commission, a contingency which has been provided for and which the people of the state will vote
on next November.
PHONE 55 Office 214 Cascade Ave.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lu
cas Comity, ss. Krank J. Cheney
makes oath that he Is senior partner
of the firm of K. J. Cheney & Co., do
ing business In the City of Toledo.
County and State aforesaid, nnd that
said firm will pay the sum of One
1 1 ii ud red Hollars for each und every
case of catarrh that cannot be cured
by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Frank .1. Cheney. Sworn to ts-fore
me ami subscrilied In my presence this
ith day of leremhcr. A. I), lv;. a.
W. (ilensou, Notary Public. (Seal.)
Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter
nally and acts directly ou the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials free. K. J.
Cheney i Co , Toledo, Into. Sold by
nil druggists, 7.V Take Halls Fam
ily Kills for constipation.
More people read the want column
in the pap-r than read the news.
When you make your wants known
through that column of the News, be
assured your purpose will be accomplished.
A tight feeling In the chest accom
panied by a short dry couich, Indi
cates an Intl. lined condition o the
lungs. To relieve It buy a bottle of
I'allard's lion-hound S.vriip; you K"t
with each bottle a free llerrl-k's
Ited I'epper I'orous fluster for the
chest. The syrup relaxes the tight
ness und the phiiter draws out the
Inflammation. It Is an Ideal comM
nation for curing colds settled In the
lungs. Sold In- has. X. Clarke.-
j City lots and acreage. Improved
and unimproved. Kt-d . Hender
son, Inc. ID Ife
Our "Home"
collection of fine
8 larf pkU., SO
6 1-oa. pkU., $1.00
A.k f.F Uramrlat for CHI-CfTKi-TER'S
uiAmvau la Kid andA1
Gold metallic b'.ae,, a-aled wuh BiiiKO
Ribbon. Till o oibh. RirSTmV
Itn..t J h. . (III . ...... rfua
DIAMO.NI RUA Mi Pll.tS, for twrntT-,e
years retrarJrU at Bt. Safest. Alwaya sellable.
in i vfma
I If you want
the finest
Sweet Peas
la the most
brilliant and
pleasing col
ors, order this
For eompUtt Ust of
A'wnI and Bet
SwnI Pm, RaMa,
Dahlia, Gladioli.
A ik fir nr lilt Caialct
B-M USpagu. It l Va.
Portland Seed Co. oUi"0
Whether you're furnishing a home complete, outfitting an extra
room or tent house, or just brightening up with a new piece of
Furniture or Rug here and there shift the burden over to the
Big Service Store. Select your Furniture it is put in the place
you desire promptly and in perfect condition. Choose a Rug or
Linoleum and it is laid on your floor by experts. New stocks
complete now. There's a heap of pleasure derived from just a
trip through this beautiful store. You're never asked to buy
you know. -
Take Baby Shopping With You
No trouble whatever to take babr shopping or calline-on trains, cars
or elevator no matter where you to or how you go. The greatest Con
venience to mothers with absolute comfort for the baby is an
It Is a combined Go-Ctrl', Carrier. High-Chair and Bassinet, and can be changed
from on to the other tnit.intiy, V here lmpoisiti to wheel simply pull a
ttnni? and the Go-Basket settles gently to the ground. Wheels disappear Inio
the protecting side pockets and you have a chair or carrier without lifting
bahy out. an be hung on the arm and earned with eaae permits oue arm to
b f reu. Let us show you its many convenience.
$8.50 to $14.50
The Famous
Opens and Closes with a Single Motion Take it Anywhere
New factory ship
ment just received
See them at once
Solid Quarter Sawed Oak
Full Spring Seat, Upholstered in Finest Genuine Spanish Leath
er, High Back and Extremely Comfortable
coMi'i.r.Ti: iio.mi: oiti ittdus