The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, February 21, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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Whatever you have
A "Want Ad" will
Loan Agency Loans offered:
&X), $500, $000, $800, $1000,
$2000. Ix)ans wanted: $150,
$200. $300, $350, $750, $1200,
$1500, $1800. Apply to A. W
Onthank, 30J Oak street. 2-8-c
llfanted Second-hand I
Tlmust be in eood condition and
cheap. Suitable for team of 1200
pounds. Dr. Waujrh, Kliot Hldg
Water power If you want to
develop that water power to
do some of your work and linht
your home with electricity, see
or write J. T. Nealeitfh. R. I). 2,
Hood liiver, Oregon. There are
great possibilities in developed
water iower. 4-tf-c
UFor fall planting
we have a
tine line of Hoses, Shrubs and
the old fashioned Perrenials
also an extra good collection of
Peonies. You better come and
see the Roses, etc., in bloom and
pick them out; and those Bulbs,
too, that you want to bloom
next spring. Cut Flowers and
Designs to order on short notice,
Fletcher & Fletcher, the Pioneer
Honsts. tf
otice To Apple Tree Planters
We are running a bargain
counter nursery. We can do
this because we are manager,
president, secretary, treasurer,
planter, grower, digger and pack
er of our company. We have for
sale several standard varieties of
1 and 2 year old apple trees at
bargain counter prices, all trees
guaranteed true to name and
free from disease. We are look
ing for a bargain, are you. Write
J. T. Nealeigh, or phone 218-K,
Hood River, Ore., or I. C. Nea
leigh, R. D. 4, Sherwood, Ore.
or Sale Cedar posts. Inquire
of Anton Flint, Dee, Ore. 8-(Jp
For Sale - Five-room cottage and
three lots on May street. Easy
terms. Inquire of R. M. Dun
ham. Phone 205-M 8-!c
Free Rent - Good house and barn
8 acres young orchard, some
apples this year. Free irriga
tion. Ground may be used for
root crop or garden. One mile
to Dee. E. J. Maple, Mulino,
Oregon. 8-Dp
For rent six-room house, 714
Cascade Avenue. Apply Franz
Hardware Company. 8 2tp
Almost new. Phone 311 M.8U
For Sale Two shares of East
Fork Irrigating Ditch stock.
Call or write to John P. 1 1 i 11
strom, Mt. Hood, Ore., Pox 23.
Timothy, also good bright
n and
clean grain and alfalfa
nay lor sale at Meadow urook
arm. Phone 216-X. 7-tfc
or Sale 200 ricks of dry pine
and (50 cords of 4-foot oak.
Phone 320-X.
or Kent-l..ight Housekeeping
rooms. Phone 237-L. G-tfc
For Rent Piano to reliable par
ty. Phone 237-L. G-tfc
For Sale -High class pure bred
Barred Plymouth Rock cocker
els and eggs for hatching. Also
good farm team; will sell sepa
rate. A good 3-inch Studebaker
wagon. Gust Westerberg, R. F.
I). 2. Phone Odell 18. O-'Jp
Wanted, anyone who wishes to
hire help or anyone seeking
employment to call Mrs. Myrtle
Morris, Cascade Avenue, first
door west of Mt. Hood Hotel.
Phone 114 M. 8-1 lp
Wanted - Work pruning orchard.
Will guarantee work and can
give best of references. Have
done work in some of the best
orchards in the valley. I). Ixck
man, Hood River, Ore., phone
Odell 117. 5-8-p
Wanted- Boarders by dav or
week. "The Heights." 917
12th street, phone 278-X. G-tf-c
A nthmtic and vduahk infofmatMa
bout brtnnl, httrhiafl. fftMiai
If4inf anal houtlne poaltry
CMilaiaad la bSa UlWt aditm
Ullr'a Poultir Book ju printed.
Sand lof copy, haa,
l"Ka Crm. H. 1 jUt Co. , jUawla
to tell or buy,
do it quick; just try.
Selling my Jersey cows. I have
one more nice one left. M. J.
Foley, phone 215 X. 8 2tp.
For sale eggs for setting, from
standard bred White Leghorn
hens. Phone 205 K. 8 2tc
for sale
team of work
N. W. Bone. 8-1 In
ror sale pure-bred Brown Leg-
horn hens of best-laving strains.
Phone 197 M or write J. L. Car
ter, East Side, two miles from
town. 8-Up
or sale-One sorrel horse that
weighs 1200 pounds. True,
gentle and sound. $75 if taken
at once. Phone 20G2 M. 8 9c
llotice to cow owners. I have a
llyoung Jersey bull, which I am
standing at my ranch three-quarters
of a mile west of ball park.
M.J.Foley. 8-4tp
or Sale -S. C. R. I. Red and S.
C. White Leghorn eggs for
setting. Both breeds are pure
blood and are of the egg laying
strains. Money could not buy
any better stock. The bird head
ing my best pen of Reds was
pronounced the best bird seen on
the coast this year. Call 293-L
or 300. S. H. Scobee. 8tfc
or Sale A few White Leghorn
and Ancone cockerels. Also
eggs lor setting and day-old
chicks. Bees for sale. Phone
orders to G "M. Eddie, number
1822-L. 7-l0c
Sale White Leghorn hens
and pullets, to make room for
young stock. This is the flock
with the well deserved reputa
tion as winter layers. Eggs for
hatching in incubator or single
settings. Phone 75-Odell, W. 11.
Tobey, Parkdale. Ore. 7-10c
or Sale I have a few fine R. I.
Red cockerels, bred from prize
winners and from a good laying
strain. Place your orders now
for setting eggs. Come and see
my birds. E. F. Batten, Phone
2012-M 7-tfc
or Sale Three teams weighing
from 1300 to 1600. One team
of mares. Also 3 3-4 Studebaker
wagons, new. Must sell at once.
Phone Odell 173. 7-8c
or bale run blood uurt Ply
mouth Rock cockerels, $3, f. o.
b. The Dalles. These birds took
first piize at The Dalles-Hood
River county fair, and still carry
their official leg marks. Only
three left. Also Buff Plymouth
Rock eggs for hatching $3 per 15
Address Mrs. C. M. Page, The
Dalles, Oregon. 7-tfc
or Sale A chance to replace
those trees that were ruined
by the heavy snow with good
two-year-old stocky trees. I have
some fine Newtown and Spitzen-
burg which I will sell cheap if
taken before April 1. Address
M. B. Gilles. Hood River, 1-2
mile east of Belmont planer, or
Phone 20S-K. 7-10c
or Sale A few pure bred Ply
mouth Rock pullets. Phone
21G-K. 7-8c
or Sale Very cheap, 216-egg
Petaluma incubator, in good
condition. Phone 341-M. 8-9-p
ggs for hatching. Barred Ply
mouth Rocks, from one of the
best eastern strains, pure bred,
good layers. - $1.50 per 15; $2
per 2o. Also a cheap horse for
sale. Phone 333-2M 8tfc
Wanted House and garden spot.
Phone 1(59 Odell. 8-9c
otice to Homeseekers and Sell
ersAre you looking lor a
home in the city or country, or
if you have a home in the city or
country you want to sell, see or
write the Mt. Hood Land Ex
change, Hood River Heights,
corner Pine and 12th Streets. Of
fice manager, W. A. Carnes;
field manager, J. T. Nealeigh.
For Sale - 230 acres of land, from
$50.00 per acre up. Will sell
20-acre tract with part in trees.
0. J. Calkins. Phone 50-K.tfc
Wanted to Trade House and lot
in Portland for small acreage,
partly improved, in Hood River
valley. Address "Y"-Hood
River News. G-9p
Wanted A reliable party wants
to rent place to raise straw
berries. Write to P. O. Box 282
orring343-L 8-llp
For Rent 8 .acres one mile south
of town on West Side. Address
"G," care of News office. 7-p
Just What
the Doctor Orders
That's vhat ia In the bof.
lie of medicine we hand you,
vhen we fill your doctor's
We exercise the greatest
tare and exactness. Use the
Identical drugs called for,
pure and fresh. Use the
precise amounts ordered no
carelessness or guesswork
methods here. -
As a result our pills, tab
lets, powders and liquid medi
cines always da the work the
doctor requires of them and
ere thoroughly reliable.
'-)Por dysentery, diarrhea
and bowel troubles we know
of no better cure than REX
It is a pleasant astringent
end tonic for the bowel
when in a relaxed condition.
It stops diarrhea quickly and
without any constipating af
ter effects.
The Q&XaJUL Store
Lost Brown mink mutf. Finder
please return to this office and
receive suitable reward. 8-9c
LostOn the Mount Hood road,
a plain gold ring with the fol
lowing inscription on the inside,
"Presented to E. O. W. by Em
ployees of Con. Lgt. Co., Dec. 25,
1911." Finder please leave at
Hood River Gas & Electric Co.
and receive liberal reward. 7-tfc
ost Woolen shawl, valuable as
keepsake. Suitable reward will
be paid to finder, returning it to
News office. 8-9-p
bunch ol lauehs out -J
of the jolly coon songs,
the bright minstrel jokes,
the humorous specialties,
and all the other varieties
of fun, on the Victor.
Cottif in today (nd hear tha Victor and
Kava a few lauuhi.
We sell EDISON'S too.
Notice o! the Settlement of Account
Tn th County Cotirt of the State of Oregon, fir
Hood kiver County. (In Trobate.)
In the matter of the estate of Krancia Conlon.
Notice ia hereby a;iven that Roae Conlon. Ad
miniatratrix of the eatate of Krancia (xinlon. le-
caael. haa rentlrerl and presented for aettlement
ui, and hint in the County (ourt of the Mid
County and State, her final account, aa auch Ad
miniatratnx and that Friday the 15th day of
March. 1112. at 2 . m. of aaid day, at the court
room of aaid County Court, in Hood Kiver in the
aaid County and State, haa been duly appointed
by the aaiil County Court aa the time and place
for the aettlement of the aatd final account, at
which time and place any person interested in the
aaid eatate may appear and file hia exceptiona in
writing to the aaid final account and content the
aame. KOSK CON I.ON.
Adminiatratnx of the Katate of
Krancia Conlon, deceaHd.
Dated thia 10th day of February. 112.
Notice ol Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an execution In foreclosure, duly
iaaued by the clerk of the Circuit Court of the
County of Hood Kiver, State of Oreiron, dnted the
19th day of February, If 12, in a certain auit in the
Circuit Court for aaid County and State, wherein
Henry J. t.indnay. aa plaintitT recovered judg
ment aarainat II. de Medina; for the aum of Twenty
Six Hundred and Ninety IMIara llMxl.mU and
intereat thereon aince the 27th day of March, 1911,
at the rate of 7 per cent per annum, and Two
llundreil Seventy Oollara 1270 (XI) attorneya feea
and coata and diaburaementa taxed at Fortv-two
and 70-1110 Ikillar (42.701 on the 14th day of Feb
ruary, A. I. 1912. and which aaid execution ia
ao-ainat and directa that the hereinafter describ
ed real proerty be eold to aatiafy aaid auma and
the coata and expenaea of aaid aale.
Notice ia hereby given that I will on the 21at
day of March, 1912, at the front diwr of the Court
Houae ia aaid city of Hood Kiver. County of Hood
Kiver. State of Oniron. at 10 o'clock A. M. in the
forenoon of aaal day, aell at public auction to the
hiirheat bidder, fir caah. the following doncnlied
real property aituatod in the County of Hood
Kiver, State of Oregon. ti-wit:
All of the North half (NS of the South-weat
Quarter SW '4lof the North-eaat Quarter INK' I
of Section Kurhteen 1M Townahip Two 121
North. Kana-e Ten (10) Faat of the Willamette
Meridian, according to the United Statea (oivern
ment Surveye thereof; or aa much thereof aa may
be nereaary to aatiafy the aaid judirment. in favor
of aaid Henry J. Lindaav. aitninat aaal H. de Kixl
inir with intereat t hereon. Hiret her with all coata
and diahuraementa that have or may accrue.
Tuoa. F. Johnson.
Sheriff of Hiwvl Kiver County. Oreiron.
Dated at Hood Kiver. Oreiron. February 20. I '.Hi
L A. A A. I'. Kkki. Attorneya. i-I2-c
It pays to atlvertlne.
I You 11 get a Dig,
Victors SiotoSuo I I J
Victor V ic trolai i ! . to tJH l X J iVJ
His Friends Believe He Could
Meet Defeat and Still
How does President Taft view his
wn chances for reflection? If the
fortunes of the campaign should go
against him, would he be a good
loser? Can he stand the gaff without
bla future being embittered?
These are questions being asked by
Americans, who love the National
game of politics and take Interest in
It Nothing Is more uncertain than
this same game and If the tide should
go against the republicans and land
a democrat In office, would the big
fellow In the White House still smile?
President Taft's supporters do not
expect anything of that sort to hap
pen, but they believe he is a good
loser, basing this opinion on his past
actions and what be has said when
ever the subject has been brought up.
He must realize that, holding as he
does, the biggest Job on the Western
Hemisphere, many others have their
eyes fixed on the same high place and
the Interests, which always seek to
control the government, are ceaseless
In their efforts to place a man favor
able to them In the presidental chair.
Knowing then the uncertainty of poli
tics and the traditional ingratitude of
republics, President Taft has spoken
of Just such a contingency. He spoke
directly to the point on this matter
when he said:
"I am very grateful for the honors
the people have given me. I do not
affect to deny the satisfaction I should
feel, If, after casting up the totals,
pro and con, and striking a balance,
they should decide that my first term
had been fruitful enough of good to
warrant their giving me another. Any
man would be proud of such a verdict,
but I have not been willing, nor shall
I be, to purchase it at a sacrifice of
my freedom to do my duty as I see
it. My happiness is not dependent
upon any office and I shall go back
to private life with no heartburnings,
if the people, after an unprejudiced
review of my administration, conclude
that someone elBe can serve them to
their greater advantage.
"The truth Is that political consid
erations have not weighed heavily
with me. I have tried to do In each
case what seemed to me the wisest
thing, regardless of its effect upon my
future. Indeed, in more than one
case I have been perfectly conscious
whose bad blood would be stirred by
some art of mine, or some refusal to
act. The circumstance that some
persons who hail me after one appli
cation of equal Justice, as a far seeing,
conservative patriot, denounce me af
ter the next, as an unreasoning radi
cal, does not greatly disturb my
equanimity. I Fet that down as all
In the day's work."
Bet Makes Big President Odds-On
The wager recently offered In New
York of $,".dC0 to $4Kn that the pres
ident will be reelecte.l if nominated,
Beemsto show that somebody has con
siderable confidence in the return of
the president s administration to pow
er. Somebody v.itli J.'iimio believes
that Hill Taft can come hack.
Motley talks and some of the en
thusiastic backers of Mr. I,a Toilette,
Colonel Roosevelt and Woodrow Wil
son ought to come to the front and
take the short end of this bet. As a
sporting proposition, this is a good
bet, even if he loses, but the fact that
there nre no takers as yet speaks elo
quently. The east, which necessarily
gets a clearer view of the president
and a more Intimate knowledge of his
work, from being closer to him, Is evi
dently pretty well satisfied with Pres
ident Taft and believes he will be re
elected. The bet will be allowed to
stand for some time, It Is reported,
waiting for some courageous enemy
of the administration to come to ths
front with bis $4000.
.'; t5l'' Vt
wjanaMBMB wiwi a, va, tnl-qtajaaU
,,-, ' '.iL 'v- ;.-'ry. - k - t-
A light, durable Spray Rig designed by the best
orchard man in America, and built by the
best mechanics in the world
General Agent on the HEIGHTS
We are prepared to make to order almost anything in spec
ially designed Mission Furniture and solicit your order for any
thing you want made in that line. To keep our men and ma
chines busy we will make special low prices for February and
March. We also make Finishing Lumber for your house.
Thonc 306-X
Following are a lew ol the Bargains
For That Day Only
$35.00 Hanvood Guitar. $25.00
$15.00 Rex Guitar $11.00
$12.50 Rex Guitar $0.00
$11.00 Rex Mandolin $S.25
$25.00 Mondolin Harp $18.50
$5.00 Metronome $3.75
And others as rood
'Remember the "Date and the Tlacc
f)ood River Studio
RdureR's Sale of White Salmon Orchard
The M.icliineH A I'.r.'iuir si) iicrv or-i
chard mill rum li, mile nortlienst
of bite S.iliniin, VYiinIi., will lie sold
iimler order ol the Superior Court of
Klickitat County, W nli , liy a referee
appointed In a partition suit on or
before March M, 1:11-'. i:celletitly
located on main Snowileti road. 1
every foot uwalile, no stone, ."id acres
cleared, balance liulit brush. -IJ acres
la apples, pears and st ra v berries,
'11 acres beatliikt apple trees. It acres
alfa'f.i, complete set f irm bulMiniis.
Will be sold at private sale to
highest mill best bid ler; bid will be
Feb. 2,4-
received lip to March ."1st f"r the
hole mi acre. or for any subdh Ntoti
desired ( nc t Mrd c.i!i. balance on
mortnaue. Title C"od, n.iprl. reti
ciimbranco. Correspond w It h Hn
T. harcll, referee, (b ddeildale, U ;
I'. V.. I'lynn. .1 I.. Sutherland, attor
ney. . I. 'c. Mclnne ,.r I red I'.r.ic
i on t lie place i o ncr. N lilte a I uion;
Ceorce K V I ! I 1 1 f-. attorn. , Hon I 1
i;icr. Oregon j
Hit Le j.ic
"I 'id your li' li uncle leave
inn. li ." ' Cone n I . u "es f. a- la
inK Iii w lil." - I 'clout 1 ice l're
Pumps, Gas Engines
Wood Saws, Etc.
Hood 'KixJcr, Oregon
and Wagon Work
Farm Implements and
Logging tools repaired.
Plow work a specialty.
Howell Bros.
Two doors east of Fashion
Hood R.ver, Ore. Phone 22 7-X
Cigars and
We carry all tlie popul ar
f'resh Candies that will
tickle the palate.
Pool Tables
Rnjoy your spare moment
at tliee fascinating jjames.
I 1 7 OA .St.
j Some people wouldn't U'licc
that a cloinl lia'l a silver lining
unless it was counted out to
j tliem in silver dollars,