THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1912 THESE HENS LAID NINETEEN EGGS APIECE IN DECEMBER I'oultry tnt'ii have been put on tb'lr mettle y the BtorU'H recently printed In the New of record jIi-WIm. U K AniiHlroiiK uiiym that he cnii lettt Mr. Hatten'ii hcim hy half an eg ti month per hen. Mr. ISatteu'ti IliM'k avernK''l 1 vtw each In Jan uary, while Mr. ArniHtrontf mxytt that bin latdlUeKK" each In Iecein Iht. He say h: "During the month of December Who Said Real Estate Did Not Move Last Year? We Did Pretty Well, Thank You. FOLLOWING ARE OUR SALES Jan. 10: Mrs. VanAusdale to W. S. Farris..$ 6,000 Jan. 25: Lee Morse to W. S. Farris 15,000 Feb. 10: Jos. Copeland to Mr. Gooch 20,000 Feb. 21: Joe Henghst to W. S. Farris 10,500 Mar. 10: J. W. McCready to H. P. Coburn . 9,750 Apr. 18: Mercer & Clark to Mrs. Hammond. 10,500 Apr. 20: W. S. Farris to C. B. Chapman ... 45,000 May 5: Lining to W. S. Farris 10,000 May 11: R. E. Harbison to W.S. Farris.... 22.000 May 13: Radliff to Hangsman. 6,450 May 20: J. W. Shipley to E. 0. Hall 15,000 June 10: Shrum Bros, to Frank Fenwick 7,500 Aug. 5: Clapp to Capt. McCan 17,000 Aug. 24: Cutler Bros, to W. H. Johnson..... 30,000 Aug. 26: Wilson to J. L. Carter 2,150 Sept. 2: W. S. Nichol to F. X. Arens 14,500 Sept. 2: Walter Austin to F. X. Arens 600 Oct. 30: Mrs. Mortimer-Johnson to F. S. Holsteen 15,000 Total $262,950 IF THAT IS NOT ENOUGH, TRY US THIS YEAR AND WE'LL TRY TO DO BETTER W. S. N I C H O L We still have a few thousand Four to Six Foot Our trees were grown wide apart in the nursery row, and were given every possible attention. The soil in our nursery is peculiarly adapted to the business and our trees show a root system which can hardly be duplicated. Address communications to J. W. SHIPLEY, - Phone 2182-M ROBBINS & SHIPLEY Mood River, Oregon YO ORDER "Don't 'Wait lntil Jou JVeed It X5omorroiiD TtlG NGWS Equipped with one of the best printing plants in the state. We print everything from a dainty visiting card to the most artistic color work HOOD RIVER NEWS jSccond Street, bet. Oak and Cascade - - my 17 heim yielded me a total ol 319 etfifH or an average of exactly 19 eggx per hen for the month. My flock coiiHlHtH of ux White IKhori)M, ten Huff Orpington and one Rhode Inland Ited. My grown reeelptu to taled f!).i0 for the month, the price of egtf n ranging from .'(5 cents toM cent a dozen. I conxlder tliln a bet ter record than Mr. lWitten'u becauxe of the fact that egga were much more Bcarce In leceinler than January and coiiHKuently tlie January priced were lower. Head the New'n Want Add. very fine, stocky. TREE SD R PRIMT1M Call... PHONE 31 Ind our representative tuitl call on yOU. SAYS CITY SHOULD HAVEJACTORIES Commenttiig upon a recent Mights tlon contained In the Newd that In-dudtrl-d within the city might be profitably encouraged, W. It. (iood tiough of Oak Grove dayd that he be lieved Mood Hlver Id Hplendldly lo cated and equipped for manufacturing IndiiHtrlPH. He polutd out the ad vantage of traudportatlon facilities by both rail and water and edpeclal ly drawn attention to the unlimited water power which inlgnt be utilized and which Id at pretient going ol modt entirely to waHte. Mr. (ioodenough wad formerly en gaged In the manufacture of the liner graded of paper und stated that taking that lnduntry ad an example, I Hood Itlver would be admirably adapted to the requirement of such a factory. He makes thin Htatement : tinned on hid kuowledge of dtmllar 'factorled which he had superintended In the Kudt. Manufacture of the finer graded of paper Id an lnduntry which had not yet been attempted on theCondt, lie stated, and explalufe that all of thld stock Is now shipped from the Kant. Mr. (ioodenough be lieves that Hood Klver could do no better than encourage the establish ment of some such manufacturing Industries. A I. MASON RECEIVES SOME ADVICE FROM CRAWFORD A. I. Mason has just received a let ter from Attorney-iieneral Crawford making suggestions as to changes to le made In the good roads bills pro posed by the grange, and which will be Initiated at the next general elec tion. Among other suggestions Is that the stite highway engineer be made a deputy of the state engineer. Another Is that his appointments be approved by the governor, this, In the opinion of the attorney-general, operating as a check on the employ ment of assistants. He also makes the suggestion that road supervisors Instead of being discharged upon the petition of 25 per cent of the taxpay ers, should be su'iject to discharge at any time by the county court. He also suggests that a clause be In serted providing for a sinking fund. They Can All Draw It takes a rich man to draw a check, a pretty girl to draw atten tion, a horse to draw a cart, a por ous plaster to draw the skin, a toper to draw a cork, a free lunch to draw a crowd, and a well displayed adver tisement In the Hood Hlver News ot draw trade, A piece of flannel dampened with Chnmberlalh's Liniment and bound onto the affected parts Is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame b'ick or pains In the side or chest give It a trial and you are cer tain to le more than pleased with the prompt relief which It affords. Sold by all dealers. 3l in h NOW! COMPANY Hood River, Oregon SAYS CITY TREES BREEDPARASITES By W. II. Lawrencc. County Fruit Inspector The presence of so many sadly neg lected, diseased and oftentimes par tially dead fruit trees, standing In vacaut lotd and In the lawns, has a very depressing effect iip.m visitors and prospective purchasers of or chard tracts. In fact it id not until one has mnde a trip tnrough dome portion of the valley and has actual ly viewed the well kept orchards that he recovers from the shock re ceived In passing along the streets of this city. Concurrent with the neg lect of these treed, orchurd pests and especially the Sau Jose scale have be come very abundunt and have In many cases so badly Injured many trees and shrubs that It Is advisable to destroy the plants. Now Is the time for the property owners to co operate In destroying all useless and diseased plants and to spray the ones which they desire to suve. In removing all plants, especially fruit trees, It id advised to dig them out In order to destroy the roots and prevent the formation of suckers at a later date. All the rubbish must be destroyed by burning as soon as possible. Oreen apple wood will burn as readily as when dry. Start a hot fire by using some good dry kindling. Destroying all plants use less for fruit or shade Is by far the easiest, cheapest and most effectual method of "cleaning up." After the destruction of the uude slreable plauts atteutlon should be directed to the proper pruning and spraying of the plants which are worthy of a place In the la wu, gar den or vacant lot. Pruning should preceed spraying. The one consider ation In pruning Is to so shape the plant that It will be possible to spray It and spray effectively. Since lliue-sulpuur wash has the combined properties of both an In secticide and fuuglclde, this material Is the onlv one recommended for early spring spraying, unless the spraylug Is being done for some specific trouble. The winter strength 1 1 part of lime-sulphur to '. to 10 parts of water) should be used and the application made before the buds begin to open. In case late spraying becomes necessary there Is some dan ger of injury to the fruit and foliage of some plants. While spraying there are several things to bear In mind: . I'se a pump that will develop 17." to 2M pounds of pressure; Is'glu spraying In the most dltlicult places to reach; spray thoroughly so that every surface Is coated and all the cracks, checks and spaces behind the buds are splashed full tif the spray. This can only be done when an extension rod eight or nine feet long with a 4." per cent crook equipped with a noz.le which will give a driving spray Is used. The Bordeaux noz.le Is the best type for this work. In spraying tall trees It Is necessary to spray from a tower, unless one climbs up In the tree. In order that the upper surfaces of limbs, buds and the angles between the branches and stems nny be filled. Since It will be necessary to spray a majority of the plants In the city It Is suggested that all persons desiring the advice of an Inspector do so. It Is hoped that all of the diseased fruit trees and other plants Infested with pests will have been destroyed or thoroughly sprayed within the next six weeks. Later, as time permits, a careful Inspection throughout the town will 1h made and additional work necessary to secure complete results will be done. Cash to Loan We have cash to loan upon Im proved ranch property. HoohJUivku r.ANkiM; & Tin 'st Co. If you have dizzy spells, attacks of momentary blindness, with ringing noises In the ears. It Is nu unfailing sign of a torpid liver, a condition which brings on some serious sick ness If IK glected. Ilerlilne Is a pow erful liver tonic. It puts strength and activity Into the liver, purines the bowels and restores a feeling of health, vigor and cheerfulness. Price :(lc. Sold bv ( has. N. Clarke. When you feel 'ZS: vous, tired, worried cr despondent it i a sure sin veil need MOTTS NERVERINE PILLS. They renew the normal vigor and mnke life worth living I e sure end etk for Mott's Nerverine Pills WILUAMS MFC. CO., Prop,., CWveUnd. Ohio l or Sale by Carl A. I'lnth, Druggist J 2 V 7 HOOD RIVER POULTRY YARDS J. R. MUM SIN. Hroprlctur Breeder ol S. C. w. leghorns. W. P. Recti nil S. C Rhode Island Rede. Indlen Nunner Uucse Krrirn nn.l Pur OH ( lin k nfu-r .Inn. lit. Or I.t IhxIkiI .v. I'nultry nl I1, mile wint of city, at Krnnkli'li. I' ItXJ X. . IT- CLUB ON HEIGHTS HAS BUSY SESSION Heights Improvement Club met In regular session In Holman Hall Fri day night. Several matters pertain ing to lighting of the city and city and county taxes were discussed at length but no definite action was taken. The committee appointed at a pre vious meeting to Investigate the matter of more efficient mall service for the city made Its report ami re commended the adoption of a reso lution petitioning Hon. C. P. (Jran field, first assistant postmaster gen eral, for an extension of the free de livery service In Hood Itlver, Includ ing a redlstrlctlug of the city and the addition of another carrier. In the resolution it is recited that the present delivery Is Inadequate to meet the demand of a rapidly grow ing young city and It Is suggested that the addition of another carrier would make It possible to give free delivery to all sections within the corporate limits of the city. An ad ditional postoflice clerk Is also asked. This resolution was passed with out a dissenting vote. On next Friday evening the mat ter of re-adjustment of dues will be taken up and a full attendance of the membership Is desired. RAISING OF SHRUBS AND YOUNG TREES TAUGHT Oregon Agricultural College, Cor vallls, Ore. Nurserymen, as well as others who wish a thorough knowl edge of trees and shrubs, will lie in terested In the new course In dend rology started last week at the Oregon Agricultural College by Prof. C. L. Flint of the landscape garden ing department. In It he Is laying special emphasis on the native Ore gon shrubs which, though grown wild here, are nevertheless sold for good prices In the east, where they are used effectively In landscape gar denlng. OBITUARY f.iiwix firms I'M win Pettis died Saturday morn Ing at his home, corner Fifteenth and Columbia streets. He was In his eighty-third year and old age, collided with a severe cold, was the cause of deuth. Mr. Pettis moved here from North Dakota nine years ago. He was a native of New York state, but had spent most of his life In the middle west. He was an old soldier and be longed to the (J. A. It. The funeral wan held Monday afternoon at the Met hi m list church, of which he bad been a faithful member. He Is sur vived by his wife, three sons and a daughter. Handicapping the Burglar. Burglaries lu private houses in Vi enna nro rare, because the doors art locked from 10 o'clock at night to 0 In the morning by order of the police. Ad mission and exit between those hours nre given by the house porter, who re ceives a fee for unlocking the door and Is bound to report to the police the doings and mode of life of all the Inhabitants of the house. This system of lock money is tiresome, but In Vi enna, as at Naples, where It also ex lsts, It obliges burglars and other crim inals to operate during the daylight and diminishes their chances of suc cess. The landlords tried a few years ago the system of giving the key of the house door to tenants, but the ma Jorlty of the keys have been with drawn. Wonders of Modern Drama. The heroine of the play had Just re ceived the telegram from her faithless lover. Then she fainted, and the cur tain went down. Loud applause followed, particularly In the gallery. Instantly the curtain went up. The heroine, having miraculously re covered, was on her feet, bowing and smiling. More wonderful still, tho faithless lover stood by her side, also bowing and smiling, having traveled a distance of 287 miles In ten seconds In order to be on hand to acknowledge the ap plauseChicago Tribune. A Good Goer. "That's a Que watch you've go there, Calhoun," said a friend. "Is It a good goer?" "A good goer?" said Calhoun Clay. "Well, you bet your life It's a good goer Why, It can do au hour In half the time!" Exchange. Ho Can't. "Before you were 'married you said that you couldn't do enough for me." "Weil, I guess that time has proTed that I was right"-Detroit Free Frees. The motto of chivalry Is alo the motto of wisdom to serve all, but lore only one. Balzac. l or Sale A fine lot ol hay In the Mt. Hood district. Near Mt. Hood Post Office. Phone, Odcll 38 or lOOZ.x. When her child Is in danger a wom an will risk her life to protect It. No great act of heroism or risk of life Is necessary to protect it child from croup, (ilve ( hamberlaln's Cough Kemedy and all danger Is avoided. For sale by all dealers.4 EEDS, PLANTS, FLOWER We are Growers' Burpees (Seeds that Grow) lll of our seeds are direct from "Burpee. Sold at "Burpee's prices. Make up your list from cat alogue which we will gladly furnish free. Also Cul ture Leaflets. Books on Gardening and Flowers. This is our fourth year with "Burpees... We Have Nothing: Else But we carry a J-ull stock, both Garden and Flowers. About 40 varieties of fbueet Teas. Plant now You will appreciate the compliment paid us by imitators" who have so long condemned this line. Every style of Gardening Toolthe Self -Sharpening kind... no one Else Has These Yet STEWART j- ARDWARE & FURNITURE COMPANY L U ill GORDON Just one of the many beautiful creations for the coming season "Scratch" Hats "Cow Hair" Hats "Wear-As-You-Please" MATS In steel-gray, black, brown, Tan and com bination shades. Iltoayj $3.00 J. G. VOGT Furnisher of Benjamin Clothes W. S. GRIBBLE The Mt. Hood Store General Merchandise Flour, Feed, Spray Material Farm Implements is and si Stumping Powder J. A. LITEL MT. HOOD, ORE. Blacksmith and Wagonmaker HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY 25 Years Experience JOHNSON GENERAL I Groceries, Furnishings, Avnts for I'ano r.urtfi.'S ami I. hone 2tJ2-.M Pine (froc Represontlve for -C-. ' BROS. & HALE MERCHANDISE Shoes, Hardware, Fte. I Vapns. Kaoino Ha ks, Farm Impli'im-nts Orange ItuilJuu anllorn MaMnn I