c THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1912 some Facts About Kename Water Systems XN AN isolated water plant the demands are peculiar and unusually exacting. Most machinery is run by mechanics who can correct its faults, take up its wear and make repairs. Kewanee machinery must serve the average man in the out-of-way place. It must not fail; for water is life. It must go together without mistake, start without coax ing, run without skilled attention, wear the longest time possible, and be repaired by the unskilled man without tools or conveniences. A KEWANEE SYSTEM meets these tests. It is a complete unit; every part made for, and accurately adjusted to every other part. It is the nearest approach to inexperience-proof machinery in the world. Every day for ten years has been a day of growth, of studying of problems, of training of men, of perfecting of machinery and design. The elevated tank, the crude assemblings of unskilled imitators, the unreliable toys advertised as "Fresh Water Systems," seem like relics of the dark ages. What constitutes an ideal system of water supply? First It should not disfigure the landscape. SecondIt should not be exposed to extremes of temperature or the action of the ele ments. Third It should be so located that it will not be a menace to life and property in case of accident. Fourth It should be practically indestructible. Fifth It should be absolutely tight, so that no dust, disease germs, or other foreign substance can get into it. Sixth It should keep the water aerated, so it will not become foul or stagnant. Seventh It should have sufficient storage and high enough pressure for fire protection. Eighth It should be compact, simple and easy to operate. The latest models of KEWANEE SYSTEMS fully meet these requirements. They leave little margin for improvement. The steel tanks vary in size from two feet in diameter and six feet in length, holding 140 gallons and weighing 370 pounds, to monster tanks, nine feet in diameter and forty feet long, holding 19,000 gallons and weighing 25,000 pounds. Any number of tanks can be con nected in a battery, giving any required amount of storage. The line of pumping machinery designed and built for the KEWANEE SYSTEM, covers the demand for every class and condition of service in all capacities from 100 gallons to 12,000 gallons per hour. A KEWANEE SYSTEM of Water Supply is up to now. It will give perfect water ser vice for anybody, under any conditions. Everything: from a Bucket Pump to a Power Sprayer All kinds of Spray Fixtures, including Hose Wagons of Every Description and Size And Every Tool You Can Possibly Need (Gilbert illiii LL ii JL1 1 l LL vi INDIANS GATHER AT WHITE SALMON The Klickitat Indiana gathered at White Salmon the lat of the week, for a two days' convention, called together liy George Waters of the Yakima reservation, on matters con cerning their finauclal affairs. Wa ters was one of the Indian represent; attves who met at Washington, I. C. to Induce the government to grant them methods by which their finances would be handled to better advan tage. One of their demands Is that they 1 jermltted to draw their money through the local banks. Waters was accompanied by Johnny Slaughter, au educated Indian who owns lands on the north end of White Salmon. White Salmon boasts of well-to-do Indians, who own fine tracts of tlmtier In Uip mountain dls trlct. Some of them have cleared land, planted orchards and grain and own large droves of cattle. When I'.allard's Snow Liniment Is ru tilted In for rheumatic alns ami aches, It reaches the spot quickly and the relief Is very gratifying. I'rlce i!V, .Vtc and f 1.00 per bottle. Sold by C has. N. larke.1 APPLES A-1 FOOD! . "THERE'S A REASON" Io you know just what you are eating when you eat nn apple? You are eating malic add, the property that makes buttermilk so healthful, and gallic acid. Sugar In a very as similable fitrm, consisting of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, caught and Imprlnoned from the sunshine, I present In considerable amounts. And phosphorous Is preetit In the only form In which It Is available as a tlssue-bulldltig material. The acids of the apple (HniluMi the acidity of the stomach. Apples are nature's best complexion makers. Aud the water In the apple Is In Its purest form much purer than any drinking water. The ancients assigned the apple as the food for the gods and believed tln.t Its jilt-Ices furnished the nectar which" the gods used to restore t heir youth. Men are the gods of today and the apple Is their royal food. I'.nt apples and you will put the doctors' trust out of business J-x. For sale, ',: Buff Orpington pullets, nine and eleven months old, fine stock, good layers. Write or call. F. M. Katon. I5ox lT-X Sore Throat? Feel Shivery? Then You Are Taking Cold. This is the kind of weather for such disagreeable conditions BREAK IT UP One of Our K. C. Cold Tablets Taken every three hours for a day will do the work quickly and well Keir 8c Cass Pc liable Vrufjts SMITH BLOCK HOOD.RIVER. DEMAND IS STRONG FOR BOX APPLES Strong demand and good prices for box apples, an over-supply of poor quality barreled stock with consequent low quotations, a pre vailing quietness In general trade circles, and a political activity in fa vor of Theodore Roosevelt that has every promise of resulting In his nomination by the Republicans fur the presidency, are the main com ments made by Mr. Rose of the We natchee Produce Company who has just returned from a protracted so journ In eastern cities. While away, Mr. Rose tslted Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, New York and Philadelphia, anil In all these places discussed affairs with men prominent In trade, finan cial and political circles. "There are from l.OW.PoO to 1..VH), IHK) more barrels of apples on hand In the eastern distributing centers now than there were a year ago this time," he said. "The fruit Is keeping poorly and operators are losing heatlly. Stock for which t2."0 and f 2.7.1 a barrel was paid growers Is selling for f 1 .!'."; and there Is no re lief from domestlc conditions In the export trade. Foreign markets are as bad, If not worse, than domestic markets. Iiox apples, particularly large .sizes, command good prices and are moving easily Into consump tion. The fine condition of the box apple, market Is due principally to the shortage of the supply and, of course, to the poor quality of the barreled stock." C. P. SUMNER E Opposlti the Post Offlct ll'im I'hun20 Spray and Garden Hose PlumDing i a A A A AAi A A, 7. A A A Asi MASON ADDRESSES NEWBERGFRUITMEN At the last meeting of the New berg Apple-Growers' Association, an address was made by A. I. Mason of Hood River, who was present by In vltatlon. He gave u detailed account of methods fol lowed by the orchardlsts of that lo cality and closed by saying what was stated editorially In The Oreg nlan recently that the chief prob lem In that connection now Is to find a market. He said that It had been estimated that the apple crop this year would amount to L'T.fXN) carloads, but that this would give each man, woman and chllil In the I'nlted States only two npples. Rut for all that.lt Is only by a strong selling organisa tion, he Insisted, that the Industry can be maintained at a profit. Mr. Mason Is one of the most suc cessful of the Hood River growers, anil on his own place receives nn In come of ID per cent, net, on a valua tion of $2ii0 per acre. He was se vere In denunciation of real estate men who plant out trees on land not adapted to fruit-growing and sell It In small tracts to newcomers. ROGUE RIVER FRUITMEN HOLD ANNUAL MEETING KnthusbiHttcally Indorsing the plan of K. S. Miller to form a selling union with Hood Rlvernnd Wenatchee and delegating a committee of three, W. I. Vawter, R. C. Washburn and K. S. Miller, to meet with representatives from .these districts In Portland to perfect plans for such nn ngreement, the an mint meeting of the Rogue Rler Fruit & Prodnce Association was held Inst week for the election of directors and odlcers. Colonel R. C Washburn was re elected president and A. (' Randall vice-preside tit. According to the re port 1.1.0 1! boxes of pears were ship ped out by the assts lation In the last year, and 20,071 boxes of apples, which represent about 70 per cent of the valley's output. The average prices for fancy four tier pears were: liartletts, $1.12; Clglrgeau, $121; Howells. $2 21; Anjoiis, f 2.24; Rose, f2..7J; Winter Nellls, 2.12; Cornice ranged from $2.0 to SI. 13; Yellow Newtowns brought f 1 IK) to 1 1 .11; Hen Davis averaged $1. UNION AT YAKIMA WE FURNISH FRUIT LOSES $15,000,00 PICKERS AND PACKERS And All Kinds of Employees... NIGUMA & CO. The failure of the frult-buylng firm of Nichols & Son of London, which owed the Yakima Horticul tural t'nlon $1,1,000 for apples bought last year, not only wipes out this year's profits of i'i.1.'! of the union, but exhausted the reserve fund of f 14,77S created at the end of the 1U10 season from the profits of that year. The Yakima County Horticultural t'nlon, a selling agency In which the stock Is owned by the fruit growers, pays Its numbers for their apples and other fruit and sells them In the markets of the world. If It reaps a profit over the cost of the Bgency, It Is distributed to the stockholders In dividends. No dividend was de clared at the end of 1H10, although the agency had realized a profit of 1 4,77s. This was voted to be set aside as a surplus. Last year the union sold ls.1 cars of fruit, of which M were apples, but prices In the eastern markets were so low that the excess of receipts was but $0.13 over costs. Averaging the prices for all varie ties of apples handled, the report shows the following averages: Extra fancy, four-tier, $1 .IS 2.1; four and a half tier, $1 4! 1 7; five-tier, $1.30 2 9. Standard four-tier, $1.03 1-fi; four and a half tier, $1 00 2.1; five tier, M 2-:i:. The average price, per box, for all grades, reached In the same manner, was approximately $1 20 1-2. The report of manager (.'. R. Pad dock says: "In making up the average we have given nothing hut the exact prices returned to the growers. The only difference In the prices given and the net to the grower Is the H cents per box that we charge for handling. As It Is the net to the grower that counts, we are of the belief that our prices will compare very favorably with those of other organizations, looked at from the growers' stand point." Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor exercise, Insufficient mastication of food, constipation, a torpid liver, worry and anxiety, are the most common causes of stomach troubles. Correct your habits and take Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will soon be well again. For sale by all dealer. Phone 160 14 Last Oak Street Hood River, Or. PI lit "VT Send For This Seed Annual-Free UIrys wfik ar trftnd f ot parity and frnrjRatx. No reds ar packed t ua unlras tfmr two qualitwaahow thevrry hiar aUftdajd. Outlully quipped laboratory ndtt lh dirrtKi of a acMsiiA and nprit IHI lavKtvea ail fura work. U hen bvyint Lilly 'fds.yi buy increased crop, bead rot catalr. Tha CW H. Lilly Co.. Seatlb I have a limited supply 'of first class two-year-old Newtown and Spitzenburg Trees These have strong, well-balanced tops and a well de veloped root system. Just the thing for replacing. Have also first-class one year budded stock in the Phone 323-2M. standard apple varieties. C. D . THOMPSON flood River Oregon S. E. BARTMESS Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer ESTABLISHED 18 YEARS MOOD RIVER, OREGON LU 1 J. I J. I I .'. I J. I I I ' I 1 .1 I Jnl-u' ? P. B. SNYDER B. B. POWELL Hood River PlumDing company Phone eex Sanitary Plumbing and Heating. Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Repairing Promptly Attended. ESTIMATES FURNISHED CASCADE AVENUE II. H. 1IADLOCK Phone 326-m Office 43-l GKO. H. STEINIIOFF Fhone 59-M HADLOCK & STEINHOFF Real Estate and Fife Insurance Improved and Unimproved Orchard Lands LIST YOUR RANCHES WITH US FOR SPRING SALES DO IT NOW I 2nd and Cascade Ave., Opp. Hotel Oregon, Hood River, Oregon