The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, February 21, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Even Though They Had to Go to Jail ta
Sacura It.
That tbej bad some rather advanced
kli-aa aa to ttie iui'hus of "getting out
!lie vote" to New England a century
tgo In shown by an extract from Dr.
Hunks' "History of Marthas Vineyard."
The voting, w hich occurred In 1S07,
a aa on the question of the removal of
;he county seat.
Extraordinary means were taken to
rrt out a full vote In Edgartown. The
lulling of ships was delayed for weeks
to that their crews might vote, and on
the day of the town meeting it was
round that the contest between the
two factions was to be close.
Some one suggested that there were
icveral voters who, unfortunately de
prived of their liberty, were languish
ing in the town Jail, and if the jailer
would kindly allow them to step
cross the street and vote it would
ronsume but a few moments of the
Uuie the prisoners .owed to the coun
ty. The Jailer did not feel that he had
the right to allow a general Jail de
livery even for such a worthy object,
although it might save Edgartown.
It was then proposed that the ballot
box be carried over to the gentlemen
who were incarcerated. The point
was then raised all ballots mast
l cast in open meeting and in the
presence of the election officials. Nev
ertheless astute minds found a way
out of this awkward dilemma. A mo
tion was made and carried that the
meeting adjourn to the Jail There the
ballot box was carried to the door of
each prisoner's cell, and the Imprison
ed voters reached through the bars
and deposited their ballots.
It Surprised tha Boy Who Boasted af
Hia Wonderful Memory.
A boy who had won a prize for
learning Scripture verses and was
gTeatly elated thereby was asked by
a minister if it took him a long time
to commit them.
"Oh, no," said the boy boastfully; "I
can learn any verse in the Bible in five
"Can you, indeed? And will you
learn one for me?"
"Tes, sir."
"Then in five minutes from now I
would like very much to hear you re
peat this verse," said the minister,
handing him the book and pointing out
the ninth verse of the eighth chapter
of Esther:
"Then were the king's scribes call
ed at that time In the third month
that is, the month Slvan on the three
and twentieth day thereof, and it was
written, according to all that Mordecai
commanded unto the Jews, and to the
lieutenants and the deputies and rul
ers of the provinces, whicti are from
India unto Ethiopia, a hundred, twen
ty and seven provinces, onto every
province according to the writing
thereof, and unto every people after
their language, and to the Jews accord
ing to their writing and according to
their language.' "
The boy entered on bis task with
confidence, but at the end of an hour
could not repeat it without a mistake
and bad to tearfully acknowledge him
self defeated. St Louis Globe-Democrat
Tricky Lion.
Some of the most dangerous tricks of
animals are those of simulating kind
ness. Charles Montague In "Tales of
a Nomad" says that hyenas often fol
low Hons and finish a carcass the mo
ment the lions have left It Sometimes,
however, the hyenas are too eager and
teal bits of meat while the lions are
still at their meal.
"I have been told that the lion rids
himself of the nuisance In the follow
ing way: lie throws a piece of meat
aside. When the lion is looking the
other way the hyena dodges In and
rushes off with the meat Presently
the Hon throws another piece of meat
this time a little nearer. The hyena
takes that also. At last the lion throws
a piece very near indeed. The hyena,
having become reckless, makes a dash
at this also, but the lion wheels round
and lays him low with a pat of bis
paw and a growl of annoyance."
Showed Him the Point
A large crowd which collected on
Broadway attracted the attention of
two commercial travelers Just buck In
New York. Joining It, they discovered
that a sufe was being raised to the
fifteenth floor of a building and that
the crowd was careful to stand out
side the roped feuce. "That's a good
advertisement for my business," re
marked one of the drummers, who la
Interested In the sale of airships. Ills
companion admitted he didn't see the
point "Well, look at the sign, 'Dan
ger below r Then look up in the air.
Dunger below, safe above. Moral,
take an airship." New York Tribune.
Carefree Bohemiana.
"How would you like to go to a bo
hemlau supier? Lot of literary people
and all that, you know."
"No; the bohemlans are too free and
easy for me. Last time I went they
ran out of cheese and spread the sand
wiches with library paste."-LouUville
Conflicting Precedent,
A man can't always regulate himself
according to history. There was Sam
on. who kwt his life because be bad
his bslr cut and Absalom because be
didn't -Smart Set Magaalne.
Har Victim.
Nell-Too are simply making a fool
f yoonir Mr. Baphedde. Bellw-Oh,
welt I'm probably only saving aome
tber girt tba ttouM - Philadelphia
story about Mark Twain, who
said he was a bigger man than
George Washington; because while George
"couldn't tell a lie," Mark could, but
wouldn't. Washington's fame is secure
because he did what he thought was best
for all; and his judgment was good. Per
sonal profit or advantage didn't sway him.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
are made of all-wonl fabrics, carefully
shrunk, perfectly tailored. They could
use cheaper cloth, cheaper trimmings,
cheaper tailoring, and you'd probably never
know the difference - but they won't.
These clothes are made to give you the
best service; they're the cheapest clothes
you can buy, for that reason. We have
our first shipment of these high grade
clothes now ready for you to make your
selections. Come in and have first choice.
H. S. & M. Suits for $18, and up
Other makes from $6 up to $17
New Spring Suits for Boys
We have just received our first big ship
ment of Boys' New Spring Suits--and they
are sure fine all the latest styles and
weaves in cassimers, worsteds, serges and
mixed suitings, with knickerbocker pants,
one and two fail's to the suit.
Boys' Grey Worsted Suit, with wide sailor
collar and grey tie, collar has white braid
trimmings.on the inside, 2 J 1? J tZf
to 8 years, each POaOU
Boys' Suits of light tancassimer, with very
fine white silk thread pin stripes, Russian
style. We have this same style of suit
also in a blue serge and a brown worsted
fit st class in every way and A JJ
very "nifty" little suit, ea.. Pt"
Boys' Suits of all wool cassimer and worsted
suitings, fancy mixtures and harring bone
weaves, shades of browns andyreys, two
pairs of Knickerbocker pants. These are
exceptional values at, the
We want you to call and see the splendid line
in this department that we are showing;. We
have one of the finest lines that we have ever had
and our prices are right. Come in Just to look.
We will take pleasure In showing you, whether
you wish to buy or not.
New House Dresses
And Waists
We have just unpacked one of the
nicest lots of HOUSE DRESSES for
Ladies that we have ever received.
They are made nicely, of a good
grade of material, and finished in a
first class manner. Why should you
worry about the making of these
when you can come here and get one
already to put on and wear for less
than you could get the material made
up for.
Look Them Over
We have them from
A larye nttt-tuluiire luuile the inert
Ing of the School ami I Iomt Ahhi l
atlon Monday evening a ureat ntic
cesa. t'. 1). TbotiipHon. comity mi
perliitendent of hcIiooIh, jjave an en
tbuHlaxtto talk on the coiitt'Htx
among the school child ren In vt f
tnlile and (lower raining, xewintr, etc.,
and children' fair to l.e held in Sep
tember. Thin 1 one of the inoct Im
portant project of the year.
J. H. Jeffrey presented an Instruct
ive paper on MiihIc In the I'ulilic
Schools, In which he gave singing its
rightful place as au Important factor
lueducatiou. Me also encouraged
its Introduction in Mood Kiver hv In
dlcnting how It could lie accom
The members of the association
were so earnest In the matter of the
schools that they showed a desire to
do something then niid there. A r.'s
olution was therefore offered which
created spirited discussion. The res
olution committed the School and
Home Association to Its support in
introducing music into our schools
whenever the school hoard finds the
time ripe. In the discussion the
thought was brought out that music
must not crowd out manual train
ing and gymnasium work, which
already have first place In the desire
of the public. The association rec
ognized tliis as the greatest need,
but It also put Itself on record as de
sirous of encouraging the addition of
tlie teaching of music.
Hue music ndded greatly to the
pleasure of the evening, the follow
ing taking part: Culver Osgood, vo
cal solo; Hans Hoerllne, piano solo;
the Misses Shrum, piano duet. With
most hearty gratitude to the com
mittee, the meeting closed.
A vote was taken to charge an an
nual fee of L'.le, uow due and payable
to the treasurer, Frank A. ('ram.
How to cure a cold Is a question In
I which many are Interested just now.
I Chamberlain's Cough kemedy bus
I won Its great reputation and Im
mense sale by Us remarkable cure of
C flds. It can always be depended
upon. For sale by ull dealers.
Train or Wife?
"What's your hurry, old man? It's
early yet; the night is young," said
one nt the smoker.
"I know." srtlil the suburbanite, "but
my wife Is sitting up for me, and If I
mls the last trnln I shall catch It."
Ladies' Home Journal.
W hen In need
t he New s.
of printing remember
is her crowning glory. And medical authorities
say no woman need be bald. The female scalp has a
thick pad that is always fertile and can produce hair
its whole life long. Women lose their hair because they do
not take reasonable eare of it. They abuse it till it falls out.
Science has produced a remedy use
Clarke's DancJercide
makes your hair flossy, plentyful and beautiful. It is nature's
own remedy for human mistakes. Price 50 cents per bottle.
All those articles that you love for the toilet are
also sold at this drug store. Here are some ol them:
Clarke's Shampoo Clarke's Lotion
Clarke's Cold Cream Violet Talcum
lU v- ,up 1,
The Card Club met at the home of
Mr. urW Mrs. Kedrield last Saturday.
Last week Job Shi ppard nnd Jesse
Burden went to I'ortland on a busi
ness trip.
I'aul Hansen is making extensive
Improvements on his ranch.
J. O. Cameron Is making great
headway at grubbing on his place.
There are over 1.1a acres of land In
Central Vale which will be set to
trees soon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. K. C. M-iyberry and
family -visited Mr. and Mrs. V. A.
Durham Saturday evening.
W. W, WitherbcM and family have
moved Into the house on the Kelly
Gilbert l.asley, the little son of V.
I). Lasley, Is seriously ill.
Miss Gertrude Stanton of I'lne
Grove visited friends In the valley
last week.
G. F. Ogden and I.. Moss were In
Hood Illver Friday night to bear the
Glee Club.
Miss I'alma Hagen spent Friday
night with Miss Mary Sheppard.
T. A. lioles spent Sunday with his
brother, John lioles of I'lne Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Burden, wb
have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Job
Sheppard, left Monday for Kiddles,
Oregon, where they will make their
future home.
Last Friday evening nbout sixteen
of the young people of Central Vale
were pleasantly entertained nt the
home of Bessie and Delia Cameron,
Various games were Indulged In,
after which a dainty lunch was
The Valentine social was voted a
great success. I he program was
well rendered and enjoyed by all
The valentine box held something
for nearly everyone. Mr. McKay
acted as auctioneer nnd every pic
brought a good price. We wish to
thank all who were present for their
Interest and help. The money will
l added to the encyclopaedia fund.
This due spring weather Is raising
a good deal of activity In all brunches
of work.
February 10th the young people of
the Belmont plnn'Tgnve a dance In
the shed of the new box factory fit
Belmont. A large crowd was present
and a fine time reported.
J. I!. Phillips is having lumber con
veyed from Mitchell's Point to bis
lumber yard on Phelps creek. Kol
ert Klllott and It. S, Cohoon are do.
Ing the work.
The members of the Four Inf
Clover Club are requested to be pres
ent lit the regular meeting Thursday
J afternoon at 2iW) at Mrs. H. W . I,a
I Mar's In Ituthton. All having club
books kindly bring them ho we ran
straighten out the tangle which they
are In. By order of the secretary,
Clara Cohoon.
The Frankton high school will
render a W ashington's Birthday pro
gram Friday afternoon nt 2:W nt the
high school. All patrons and friends
nre cordially Invited to attend. Tin
work done by our teachers and pu
pils has been excellent, let ns show
our appreciation of heir efforts by
attending their program Friday
afternoon. -
A valentine party given by Mrs.
Tiiomas Calkins ami M rs. B. V. l,a
Mar at the home of the latter last
Wednesday evening was a social suc
cess. The house whs prettily decor
ated with hearts, Oregon grape and
ferns. Valentine games, music and
dancing were the diversions of the
evening. At midnight a delicious
luncheon was served.
K. S Cohoon, wife and son Merlin
drove to Husum recently, where they
visited with the families of I,. It.
Hash and (Ira Patton. The White
Salmon country Is progressing rap
idly. Many tine homes are being
built and much laud Is Itelng devel
oped. The greatest drawback to
the country Is the poor roads at this
end of the trip, especially the ruder
wood grade.
The On Deetination.
"Is there any Held for new poets?"
"Why, yes. There Is potter's field."
Upiilncott's Magazine.
J. C. Johnsen
Home of
.Where the Best
Values Come From
St ip a cough before' It
develops aomethlna; mora
ae 'loua.
Ii The Remedy That
Doea the Work.
It rJleve coughing ImmedU
ately, canes aoreneia In the
lung, looaena phlegm and
clear tha bronchial tubea. It
la a fl la family remedy, pleas
ant to tako and good for chil
dren and adults.
price 2RC, 50fl Bad 1.00.
Buy tha f 1.00 elte. It contains
flvo time as much aa tha 250
size, and you ret with each bot
tle a Dr. Iterrlck'a lied Pepper
Porous planter for the cheat.
JimeiT. Ballard, Prop. St.Loule.Mo.
1 Etephcm Eye Salve Curat Sora
ci ias. n. chAnivi;
Repairing and Manufacturing
Remember lis when you get your Imple
ments repaired for the spring work; or
when you Want one made. Iron Work
of all kinds done and Satisfaction Guaranteed
Snow & Upson
Shop on Fourth Street
Opposite Gilbert Implement Co.
You save on all grades of Groceries
when you buy from us
Coffee in Bulk, per pound 25c, 30c and $ .35
All our 3 lb. cans Coffee, Dependable, M. J. B and Ar
lington Club, per can... 1.05
3 cans Carnation, Sunrise, Pioneer and Jersey Cream
Milk for .25
All our 50c per can Baking Powder for 45
Cream Rolled Oats in bulk, per lb 05
3 lb. can Ghirardelli Chocolate for 85
3 cans Al Standard Tomatoes for 25
3 cans Al Standard Corn for 25
A & L solid packed Tomatoes, doz 1.25
A & L Corn, per doz, $1.25, case 2.40
Swift & Co. Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, per lb 18
Swift & Co. Sugar Cured Hams, per lb 18
Read our prices each week in this paper and
Compare with those you pay elsewhere
L. H. Huggins
is the finest sleep-meter made. I have never known
an alarm clock so perfect in every detail.