The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, February 21, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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Absolutely Pure
Economizes Butter, Flour,
Eggs ; makes the food more
appetizing and wholesome
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
InUr tills hem! Prifenniir Law-riiH-f
will pulillfh ipni.v cal'iulurn
nnJ other matters of timely Informa
tion tor orclmrdlntrt ilnrliitf tile cum
nier: 1. IVfts cciitrollfcl liy tm'thoilc
other than tu Ing:
Crowu Hall or Mary Hoot. Po uot
plant tree Infected with thin tltseuwe.
You will uot make n nuiwun of the
orchard fnif int'Mr" If you do.
Fire 1'lltfht. rrune out nil hold
over can kern, rut neveral Inches lie
low each canker. Keen the pruning
tools wet with corrosive sublimate.
1 part to ltK parts of water, also
saturate every cut. Hum all pruu
ln at once.
2. Tests controlled liy spray Ins
I'se a sprayer kIvIuk a pressure of
V) to pounds. Splash the spray
Vcneatli every flake of ilead bark, be
hind every fmd and iu the angles of
every branch. I'se an extension rod
eltfht to nine feet lot provided with
a 4." per ceut annle crook equipped
with a I'.ordeaus nozzle. lo not use
n nozzle throwing a mist spray.
Take plenty of time to do thorough
work. Thorough work given the
San Jose Scale. Spray Infested
trees with winter strinnth lime-sulphur
before the buds open. Coat
every portion of the tree. Knnem- j
Iter to spra the upper side of each
branch, hrlve t lie spray around the J
scales so that they are thoroughly j
saturated. !
lie 1 Spider. Scrape the trunks of'
the trees to remove the scales of
bark lieneath which the spiders hi- (
bernate. Kemove the dirt around
t he crowu of each tree to a depth of
four or live Inches. Spray the crown
and trunk thoroughly with lime-sulphur.
Also lie careful to till the :
ancles lift ween the large branches
with spray. I!ed spiders are only
kille(l when thoroughly soaked with
the spray.
tireen and lirown Aphis, t'oat the
tggw thoroughly with lime-sulphur
t-pray. Spnijlng wliile t he tnidw are
swelling given the lient results.
Ant hraenose. Thorough spralns.
with 4 - p.ordeaux mixture Is ad
vised in orchards where t lie Injury'
from this disease Is serious, l.xperl-!
incuts have shown that enough of
the liordeaux sth ks t t he tree to lie '
effective the following aututu. This .
spraying Is only recommended In i
The High School basketball team
won from Stevenson in the game
played at the latter place Friday
evening- The score was '27 to l'J.
The local girls' team played the girls'
team at Stevenson aud was van
quished by the score of 1! to J. An
excursion was run to Stevenson for
the game and about fifty went.
Two Karnes will be played at the
rink here this evening. The local
High School team will play the
White Salmon High School team
and the Hood Klver Collegiate will
meet the team representing the
Odell Athletic Club. The game will
start at 7::5." o'clock.
cases where fall spraying Is Im
possible. The above recommendations are
only applicable until the buds open.
Other timely hints will nppeur later.
can be had at our establish
ment for a little outlay for
cash. But we do not want to
lay so much stress on the
quantity as on the quality
you get for your money. In
these days of pure food agi
tations we make it a point to
be very particular in our pur
chases, ensuring to our cus
tomers only the purest and
healthiest of provisions.
J. M. WOOD, Prop.
And we are ready for it with a complete
Line of
Pruning Shears, Saws,
Goods Ritfht. Prices Right
Blowers Hardware Co.
Local merchants have responded
generously to the request that they
furnish premiums of either cash or
merchandise to serve us prizes at the
county fair for children which Is to
U given In SeptemU'r under the di
rection of the extension department
of the O. A. C. It Is now assured
that an attractive supply of premi
ums will be available. These premi
ums will be given for the U'st sweet
corn, onions, tomatoes, and sweet
pe'is, asters, jellies, canned fruit,
poultry, sewing, mechanical Inven
tion and the best packed box of
a pples.
The first prize will be either $5 In
cash or else merchandise worth that
amount. Tne second prize will be f'-i
ami the third $2. There will be two
classes, one for children over twelve
years of age and one for children
under that age. The committee In
charge includes C. 1. Thompson, (.1.
K. Castncr and Joe 1). Thomlson.
The original plans have heeu
changed to the extent that one cen
tral fair will be held rather than live
district fairs throughout the county.
For State Senator
To the Republican voters of Wasco
and I loud River counties:
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for state senator for the
sixteenth senatorial district of Ore
gon, subject to the will of the Repub
lican voters of said district to be ex
pressed at the primary election to be
held on the 10th day of April IMS.
I am a progressive Republican, and
believe firmly In the Oregon system,
the primary law, Including state
ment number one, the Initiative and
referendum and recall, and firmly
believe In the extension of the powers
of the people, and If nominated and
elected I will use my best efforts to
promote the luterests of the people
of my district and the state of Ore
gon, and favor all laws to further
restrain aud coutrol the operations
of the big corporations,
adv 1). J. Coot-Kit.
Candidate for District Attorney
To the Republican voters of Wusco
Crook and Mood River counties: 1
hereby announce my candidacy for
t lie Republican nomination for dis
trict attorney for the Seventh Judi
cial District, comprised of Wasco,
Crook and Mood River counties, at
the coming primaries to be held
April lit, l'.tl-'. If nominated and
elected, the duties of the district at
torney's office will always have first
consideration. I shall strive fully to
enforce all laws, and protect, to the
utmost of my ability, the Interests of
the whole people of my district. I
pledge myself to give my personal
attention to the needs of euch of the
counties comprising the Seventh Ju
dicial District.
adv Caki.ton L. I'kitek.
Announcement by W. A. Bell
To the Republican Elector of Crook,
Mood River and Wasco Counties:
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the Republican nomina
tion for District Attorney at the
coming primaries, April 11); that I
have resided In t lie dNtrlct 2." years,
at I'rlnevllle and The Dalles, Oregon,
and have been la the active practice
of law for the past Is years; that. If
nominated anil elected. I will, during
my term of office, devote my entire
time to the duties of the office to the
exclusion of other law business, and
give my personal attention and first
consideration to the business of the
office, and will personally assltt the
officers In each county In the enforce
ment of the criminal law, and espe
cially will I exert myself to enforce
the law against vice. Immoral acts
and the truffle In white slavery,
adv W. A. I'.Ki.t.
For District Attorney
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the Republican nomination for
district attorney for t he seventh Ju
dicial district, at the primaries, April
lKth. I will personally prosecute
violations of the law and assist offi
cers In conducting t he business
of Crook, Hood River and Wasco
counties In a vigor ills, prompt and
businesslike manner, If nominated
and elected. Kn.vKMT r. Smith.
Christian Science Services
Christian Science services will lie
held lii the Commercial Club rooms
Sunday at 11 a. m., subject, "Mind."
Sunday school at 10 a. m. In room
6, Davidson building. Wednesday
levelling testimonial meetings are
: held In Davidson building All are
j cordially Invited to attend these
servlci-M. Reading room open dully,
No. fi, Davidson building.
i Card ol Thanks
j We wish to express our thanks to
i our friends nnd neighbor w ho ren
dered assistance In the last days of
our fattier and husband.
Mim. Kiiwi.x I'kttih A.vfi Family.
Real estate transfers of the past
week have lieen as follows:
Cynthia Jones and husband to
Rertha K. (ilass, two and one-half
acres In Belmont district.
Kdith Kpplng to I 'ranees F. Jack
son, lots M and 11. I'! ck l'ark Ad
dition. R. J. Mclsaac, trutiv, to Roy
Coughennower, lot ",;iilock 1. I'ark
dale. $12.-..
W. U. Arnold and wife to I'.dward
K Rugg, Sr., lots audit, East Del
ta out.
F. C. Stout and wife to Laura
O'Xell. lot 1 In Relmont. slso strip
40 feet wide west of same lot, consid
eration $1200.
Laura HatchcM r and husband
to W. II. Worth, lots 1.-. ami lti. blin k
", Idlewlhle.
Thirty Per Cent
of the new business written
by the Northwestern Mutual
Life Insurance Co. of Wis
consin in 1910 was received
from old policy holders. Its
enviable record for large div
idend savings produces its
exceptional low cost insur
surance. John Goldsbury,
Hood River, Oregon.
Regular Sunday excursion to l'ark.
dale, i'leasaut trip for jourself aud
pro success
Builders of Homes.
Investment Certificates"
Send for Booklet
604 b 6 Corbett B1J$ Portland Ora
You are probably aware that pneu
monia always results from a cold,
but you never heard of a cold re
sulting in pneumonia when Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy was used.
Why take the risk when this remedy
may lie had for a trllle? For sale by
all dealers.
Fare 50 Cents
To Portland and Way Landings
on the
which leaves Teal Upper" Dock
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at
8:30 a. m. We have recently in
stalled a covered wharf boat which
insures dry and clean handling of
freight. For further information
S. RAOE, Agsnt
v J IX
SI A Ai 1
ao to
For Feal Estate "Bargains
in Totttn and Valley
is all the fish you buy from us.
We guarantee it to be sweet and
fresh and all our regular custo
mers know it is. We receive
consignments daily from ocean,
river and lake, and the quality
of the fish is indisputable. We
want you to make a trial of it
and compare the flavor of our
fish with other fish you have
bought recently. It will decide
you to deal with us hereafter.
M P. C. Young, Prop.
Heilbronner Building
Hood River, Oregon D
Piles! Piles! Piles!
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure
Blind, Weeding and Itching I'IU-i. It ab
sorbs the tumors, allays Itching at once,
acts as a poultice, gives Instant relief.
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is pre
pared for Piles and Itching of the private
ports. Druggists, mail Wc and $1.00.
WILLIAMS MF8. CO., Preps., Cineland, OhU
For Sale by Carl A. Plath, Druggist
Maxtvell proved decisively in the Glidden Tour its pre-eminence as the reliable touring auto
mobile. Four cars proved 100 per cent efficiency at all times throughout the 1454-mile run over
the hardest roads in the United States, winning all trophies offered. Majcttfell was the only
perfect score team the easiest car on tires, the victor among 64 of America's best known cars.
for the
F. O. B. Factory Extra)
Here is the Majctvetl for the family man, for the particular man of limited income a car in
which the Majcbvelt characteristics of reliability combined with high grade appearance are
fully developed. The aristocrat of moderate-priced cars is the well deserved name given to the
Majc&tells because even at the comparatively low prices they wear longest, are easy to
operate and maintain, and have given universal satisfaction to 51,000 owners. Many makers have
tried to produce a car of equal character at this price, but they lack the great purchasing power,
unequalled manufacturing facilities and quantity production of the United States Motor Company.
The Majebvell Mascolte is the best real family car to be offered for less than $1,000. It is
unmatched within $200 of its price. Write for literature.
MOTOR Four vertical cylinders, 4x4 inches, cast
in pairs, rated 25 horse-power, developing 30 horse
power actual. Inlet and exhaust valves mechanically
operated and inter changeable, located on opposite sides.
Motor thoroughly protected by sheet metal pan. All en
gine parts free from dirt and contact with road obstacles.
Carbureter Maxwell design, improved type,
single adjustment, most economical.
IGNITION Dual, magneto and battery, insuring
steady spark. Easy accessible. No hidden wires.
COOLING Columbia type radiator, thermo-syphon
system, no pump. Positive, never leaks, absolutely au
tomotic and reliable at all temperatures.
Oiling -Force-feed, single delivery, splash system,
single sight feed located on dash in view of operator;
automatically oil3 motor and clutch. Positive action.
TRANSMISSION-Sliding gear type, three sparks
forward and reverse. Simple to learn, easy to operate.
Clutch Metal, multiple disc. Made of first qual
ity saw steel.
DRIVE Sha'ft with bevel gear, two universal joints.
No friction, no lost power, dust proof and noiseless.
BODY Ventilated foredoor, vestibuled smooth flush
sides with inside control. Made of pressed steel with
stamped mouldings. Amply upholstered in high grade
leather and hair. Steering wheel 17-inches in diameter
with Stoddard-Dayton type of spark and throttle con
trol levers.
CHASSIS Frame, first quality pressed steel,
Axles Rear, semi-floating; front, tubular type,
latest design, extra heavy drawn steel tubing.
Wheels Artillery pattern, 32-inches, first quality
hickory, twelve spokes, both front and rear wheels.
Tires 32x3 12 inches, large enough for comforta
ble riding, small enough for economical operation. Rims
quick-detachable, easily removed.
Wheel Base -104 inches. Tread 56 inches. CO
inches for Southern trade. Long wheel-base insures
easy riding comfort over roughest roads.
SPRINGS Half elliptic front, three-quarter elliptic
scroel rear, made of imported English steel, strongest
and most expensive. Easy on tires.
Brakes Two sets, double acting on rear hubs, in
ternal expanding, external contracting. Large braking
surface. Asbestos and copper wire woven lining.
Fuel Capacity Gasoline 12-5 gallons; oil 5 pints;
water 5 gallons.
Color Blue-black with battleship gray wheels,
white striping.
Price $980.00, f. o. b. factory. Includes magne
to, generator, two gas lamps, two oil side lamps, one
oil tail lamp, horn, tool-kit, jack, pump, tire repair kit,
tool box. Ha3 foot and robe rails, carpet and mat on
tonneau floor.
C. P. McCAN, Manager