The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, February 14, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Mr. MaU-1 Carter vlltil frletul In
Tin1 I'nlUn the lnt if the wtfk.
Mr. Melvlna Wmxlluirn vImUciI
'rim at MohIit tlif lant of the wtfk.
Mr. F. H. HutclilDHon went to
Pi rtliuiil for a nhort vllt the lat of
tin' w tt k.
Mri. O. I.. WanltMi went to Port
liiml tin" taut of the week to nmltTo
iiii'iHv al treatment.
MIhm l.villa JohiiHon ami Ml Viola
I'iwlier went to Portlaml lat week
to mi1 the Chocolate Soliller.
Ir. F. I. Wllwou left the hint of the
week to epenil the Hummer on Ills
ranch ninr Vanhoui;al, Vnnh.
Minn I .oli Frleilley anil Mrs. Win.
Kemp went to Portland the lawt of
the week to 'nil a few day.
V. K. Itradley, having disponed of
lilrt liolilhiKO here, ha jroue to KtriS
t .in, where he ha purfliaxt'd a ranch.
Mr. anil Mrs. F.. K. House have
heen rvcelvlii; congratulation upon
the Mrth of a daughter on Wednes
day. Kows of electric lights have leen
attached to the exterior of the Hotel
Oregon and make an attractive Il
lumination. Mr. uiul Mrs. A. I). Moe expect to
leave the last of the week for South
ern California, where they will sjend
a couple of weeks.
Mrs. W. II. Staats visited her
daughter, Mrs. Chas. N. Clarke, here
the last of the week while enroute
from Portland to her home In Mau
plu, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Courtrls'it of
Sandwich, 111., who are spending the
winter with their daughter, Mrs. A
J. Wlup, left Friday to spend a few
days visiting frleuds in Albany.
E. It. Claxton went to Portland
the last of the week to see Mrs. Clax
ton, who has been undergoing medi
cal treatment there, and with a view
to bringing her back, as she Is mak
ing a nice recovery.
The steamer J. X. Teal will resume
Its run probably between the fifteenth
and twentieth of this month. The
Tahonio will then 1 transferred
back to the run between Cascade
Locks and The Dalles.
Last Week of
All White Goods
New Goods
Our 1912 Spring Lines are coming in every day now,
the new designs are certainly beautiful, and the
prices will help cut down the High Cost of Living.
We take pleasure in showing
(TT New Spring Coats and Suits
lStrictly Tailored, and Right in Style and Price
New Spring Suitings
Beautiful Pastel shades in soft wool Suitings, double
Faced Cloths, Cream Serges and Worsteds :: ::
New Silks and Mercerized Goods
New Zephyrs, Ginghams and Galateas
Ask to see the new French Challis at 45c
Advertised in Portland stores for 65 cents
Bragg mercantile Co.
Colonel W. F. Tucker Is recovering
from a severe Illness.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Keld lift Mini
day for a short visit la Portland.
A daughter was bom to Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Klesat Parkdale Sunday
Mrs. J. W. Palmer Is seriously 111
at her home In the Oak (irove dis
Samuel Kaymond lias returned to
tiranddalles, his mother U-Ing much
Mr. ami Mrs. 11. T. IVttltt have
takcu apartments In the Mt. Hood
hotel annex.
A baby girl was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Louis S. Iseubergat the local
hospital Sunday evening.
J. Ciuuulng of White Salmon un
derwent an operation at the Cottage
hospital Sunday morning.
L. S. Alusworth left yesterday on
a trip to Lake county. He expects
to lie gone about ten days.
Irs. Prouson and Waugh per
formed an operation on Mrs. W.J.
Keckors the last of the week.
Philip Carroll returned the last of
the week from Corvallis, where he
has lieen taking the short course In
The dancing club recently organ
ized by the young married iMp1een-
Joyeil another hop at Hellbronner's
hall Friday evening.
Alex Clark Roe of Portland, who
owns an orchard in the Upper Val
ley, was a guest at the Hotel Oregon
the first of the week,
Mr. and Mrs. Shirley 1'age are re
ceiving congratulations upon the
birth of a sou at the Cottage hospi
tal Monday morning.
Earl Clark, who underwent a seri
ous operation at the hospital three
weeks ago, has returned to his home
In Pine drove to complete his recu
peration. D. J. Cooper of The Palles lias an
nounced his candidacy for state sen
ator from Wasco and Hood River
eounties, and seeks the Republican
endorsement at the April primary
election. He says he Is a progressive
who believes In the primary law and
statement number one, the initiative,
referendum and recall.
This has been a
Real White Sale
Ask your neighbor
about it. Come be
fore the week is out
at Sale Prices Now
lavld furrier, Jr., was a visitor In
Portland the last of the week.
Mrs. F-. U. Pooley spent the wetk
end with her parents In Portland
W. 11. Kccles of llaker City visited
In this city and at Dee the last of I he
William Thurston has returned
from the Kast, where he spent the
John Iceland Henderson of Tilla
mook was a busluess visitor In the
city Thursday.
Mrs. Arthur Clarke was the guest
of Mr. aud Mrs. V. O. lladley at The
Dalles last week.
The Karly Hour Dancing Club held
an enjoyable dauce at Hellbronner's
hall Saturday evening.
J. v, vt leUrtcK ol l'ortlaud was
here between trains Friday, with
his daughter, Mrs. C. D. Hlurlcbs.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spencer of
Parkdale went to The Dalles the last
of the week for an extended visit.
Mr, and Mrs. V, A. Stark went to
Voslerthe last of the week to visit
their daughter, Mrs. William Akers
J. W. Simmons of Portland, who
owns a ranch here, was In the city a
couple of days the latter part of the
a i . Maiie, who uuuerwent a se
rious operatlou ut the hospital Sat
urday evening, Is making a nice re
('. L. Wheeler, who is associated
with I!. E. Duncan and Company.
will spend the next few weeks In
Mrs. J. J. Knapp returned to the
'ortland Sauatartum Saturday for
further treutment. Mr. Knapp ac
companied her.
Dr. K. L. House cf Spokane gave a
series of four very scholarly and In
terestlng addresses at the Cungrega
tioual church last week.
l!y a slip of the pen, C. F. Gilbert
wus given credit last week with hav
inif a better nnir. Mr. uilbert says
he Is still single even If It Is leap year.
Friends of County Judge Culliert-
sou are urging hlm to become a can
didatefor the legislature and have
been doing some work In different
sections of the county.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hlnrlchs recelv-
a telegram Saturday announcing the
birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Ferdi
nand Janke of Tacoma, Wash. Mrs.
Janke was formerly Miss Wledrlck.
Mrs. Isaac Jeffries and Mrs. W. F.
Audrews left Thursday for a visit In
Spokane. Mrs. Audrews will be the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ham,
who Is a well-known vocalist of the
Inland City.
At the meeting of the county court
last week the Hydro Electric Com
pany submitted a bid to light the
court house for $2 a month. A bid
of $1.."0 was submitted by the Hood
Klver lias & Electric Company.
J. M. Culbertson, Sherman Frank
and A. Whitehead were among the
visitors In Portland the last of the
week. While there Mr. Culbertson
visited the new Multnomah hotel
aud describes It as the most ele
gantly furnished aud attractive that
he has ever seen.
Citizens who have not registered
this year are not entitled to sign
candidates' nomination petitions,
according to a letter just received by
County Clerk Hanson from District
Attorney Wilson. Those who have
not registered since 1510 are not en
titled to sign such (wtltlons.
Word received here from Mr. and
Mrs. It. H. Wallace Is to the effect
that they are now In Cologne, Ger
many, where they are visiting their
daughter, Mrs. Harold Koenetnanti.
They state that they greatly enjoyed
the Journey to Cologne and expect to
remain there until spring, when they
will return here.
County Assessor Wlckham went to
Salem yesterday to attend a meeting
of the state assessors ami the state
tax commission. Matters of Impor
tance relating to the assessment of
property for the year l!ll' will be
considered ns well as proposed legis
lation. It will be followed by a
meeting of the Assessors' Asso
ciation. According to th Mosler Pullettn,
C. H. I-lton, who has charge of the
construction work of the Pacific
Power it Eight Co., moved his gang
of workmen from Uuweua Into M
slT last week. Mr. l-lton stated
that the wires would be strung Into
town within a week and that the
company would then Im? ready to
furnish electricity to those whom
buildings are wired.
Wishes to announce that they
have only a few thousand of
those guaranteed trees left.
Better order now before it's
too late. Address,
Phone 2002-K Mood River, Ore.
lteymund Early was home from
the I'ulverstty of Oregon vhdtlng his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cbarlen T.
Early, over the wi ck end.
Mrs. I F. Heiid.Tson and daugh
ter, Miss Coustaiu". entertained the
West Side ISrldge Club very pleas
antly Saturday aft rnoon.
KoU-rt It. Carter is moving Into
the bouse formerly occupied by W.
T. Sleddou adjoining the McCan
property on the wet side.
Dr. Locke, the I'uitland surgeon,
came up Saturday evnttig and per
formed three operations at the hos
pital, returning Sunday afternoou.
Seven-room house for sale on
Eighth street. Lot ltHx!X). Nice
home. Quick sale at ?i:W), one-half
or less cash. Keed Henderson Inc.
Asa aud Frank Culler, accompan
ied by their sister, Miss Lucy, re
turned the last of the week from
Portland, where tiny spent part of
the winter.
Misses Margaret Mckelsen and
Ruth Ktssell, who are conval-sclng
from appendicitis, were able to re
turn to their homes from the hospi
tal Saturday.
St. Mark'd Guild will give a silver
tea tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon
at the home of Mrs l: 1. Gould from
3 to 5 p. in. The l idi.'s will welcome
all of their friends.
Hev. II. O". Perry of Sunnyslde,
Wash., was In the city this week In
connection with hi duties ns district
superintendent of The Dalles district
of the M. E. church.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kimball re
turned Monday from Corvallis.
where they attended the short
course. l ordliatn klmball will re
turn the hist of the week.
It. B. ColIIs, representing the Hardle
Manufacturing Company, was In the
city the first of the week demon
strating the spraying machine for
the Gilbert Implement Company.
D. J. Cooper of The Dalles, who
has announced that he Is a candidate
for the nomination fur state senator.
was In the city the first of the week
meeting old friends and making new
Mrs. W. B. Dlckerson, who was
with Mr. Dlckerson at Corvallis dur-
lug the short course, returned Thurs
day, after having visited friends In
Portland en route. Her mother, Mrs-
Nellie Peck, left Saturday to visit
her sister, In lil'ilne, Wash.
Captain McCan, manager of the
Tip-Top Garage, has just received a
1912 model Alco. This Is a six-cylin
der, five-passenger, 60-90 horse power
car aud Is built by the American Lo
comotive Company along the most
up-to-date lines. It has a maximum
speed of from 7S to 90 miles an hour.
Messrs. Turner and Cannon, two
electrical experts appointed by the
federal court at Portland, were In
town again the first of the week ex
amlnlng the lines of the two com
panies and taking notes In order to
determine whether the stipulated re
qulrements have been carried out,
The two companies disagree ns to
The county court held Its monthly
session last week. The list of 200
taxpayers, from which wlllledrawn
the jury lists during the year, was
prepared. Petitions for roads pre
sented by (J. W. Kennedy and others.
David I. Stone and others and Jas.
M. Cliltty and others were taken
under advisement.
Hood River Chapter No. 27, Royal
rch Masons, held a special .meeting
Monday evening for the purpose of
presenting Past High Priest A. D.
Moe with an appropriate emblem In
token of his faithfulness during the
past year. The presentation was
made In behalf of the chapter by the
present high priest, J. K. Carson.
A delightful evening's entertain
ment was given Wednesday by the
Robley Male Quartet. This Is one of
the nuinluT on the Hood River ly-
ceii in course, which Is proving very
popular. The attendance Wednes
day evening was large and the varied
program of singing, reading and the
atricals given by the quartet was
thoroughly enjoyed.
A heights volunteer fire depart
ment has lieen organized with a
membership of about twenty-five.
Ollicers have been elected as follows
E. M. Holrnan, captain; Hubbard
Taylor, assistant captain; W. A.
Cames, secretary, and W. II. Shrum,
treasurer. Representatives of the
new company will meet with the city
firemen this evening, at which time
It Is expected that an affiliation will
le effected.
The high school basketball team
was defeated by Goldendale high In
the game played at the latter place
Friday evening, score 2H to 14. Hood
River and Goldendale are now tied
for the championship of the Mid-Co-lumbla
Iengup. Hood River plays
Stevenson next Friday at Stevenson.
Goldendale plays White Salmon at
the latter place. If the leading team
are still tied, the decisive game will
probably lie played In this city.
Cleanse the bowels and strengthen
the llvrr by using Herblne. It Is a
fine liver stimulant and bowel regu
lator. Price 50c. Hold by Chan. N.
Mrs. George Wtssluger arrived last
week to visit her sister, Mrs. Charles
A. Hell, it the Mt. Hood hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Bower of Port
land and their daughter Stella are
vlsltlug at the home of their son,
Virgil Bower.
S. Adler, who came out from New
York to take charge of the) eighth
grade, has reslgued his position and
left tor the East Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. IS. Starrett nnd
Mr. and Mrs. William It. Davidson
were In town from Van Horn Friday
evening to attend the dance.
W. A. Barrett, Alfred C. Schmltt
and O. A. Archibald, business men of
Albany, were here the last of the
week looking over the valley.
Charlee Lage, who recently under
went an operation for appendicitis,
was In a critical condition the last
of the week, but danger Is now past
and he is reported on the road to
J. C. Skinner, formerly secretary of
the local Commercial Club, has re
turned from a four months' trip
through the East and In Southern
California in the Interests of the
Palmer Bucket Company and tha
Davidson Fruit Company.
Among those from here registered
at Portland hotels the last of the
week were the following: Mr. and
and Mrs. P. S. Davidson, Fred W.
Wnsson nnd Arthur McCreery at the
Portland; C. K. Marshall at the
Portland and W. B. Dlcktnsou at the
Secretary Kauffman of the Com
mercial Club has received word from
Randall R. Howard of Portland say
ing that he has been commissioned
to write an article for the Sunset-
Paclfic Monthly which will describe
Mt. Hood from the standpoint of the
tourist and the Mt. Hood trip. A
number of photographs and descrip
tive literature were sent to Mr.
Olives, Sweet Pickles
Sour Pickles, Dill Pickles
Sweet Relish Mince Meat
Sauer Kraut
Dates Dried Peaches
Dried Apricots, Dried Apples
Fresh Eastern Oysters
All new and fresh at...
"6000 THIN6S TO EAT"
Perigo & Son
We are prepared to make to order almost anything in spec
ially designed Mission Furniture and solicit your order for any
thing you want made in that line. To keep our men and ma
chines busy we will make special low prices for February and
March. We also make Finishing Lumber for your house.
Th one 30(m2C Hood 'RixJer, Oregon
An entertainment under the aus
pices of the Pierian Class will lie
given on Friday evening, Feb. 2:1, at
the Methodist church. The program
Is In the hands of Mrs. Louise Boy
den, who Is well known In Hood
River as a finished elocutionist and
whose programs are always much
enjoyed. Mrs. Boyden will render
several choice selections aud will be
assisted by a few of her pupils, Mrs.
A. L. Carmlchael, humorous, Miss
Altierta Stnten, piano, Miss Gretchen
Calktus aud the little humorist, Alice
Taylor. Miss Jennie Edglugton
and Miss Terlnda Cooper will assist
with the music, ns will also the pop
ular baritone, August Jensen. The
program will be altogether a very
pleasing one.
For quantity, any bread will do.
For quality, only Log Cabin Bread.
For sale at A. C. Staten Grocery nnd
Bragg Mercantile Co.
That it is unsanitary and dangerous to have
your washing and ironing done in a closed room
in which there has been sleeping or cooking.
All the foul odors or germs are attracted to the
clothes when in a heated condition.
Our plant is free from these conditions, be
ing large, light and airy and we use nothing but
soap and pure soft water for cleansing, return
ing your clothes to you
conditioa. Try ,' us
Electric Wiring
A. U DAY. I'rmidimt - J.
Under First.National Bank Building
You may pay cash. The easiest terms are $50 down
and $10 per month. You can surely save that much.
You are guaranteed 5 per cent from the start. When
all the orchard is bearing the dividends will be several
times the guarantee. I ind out about
The Hood River Unit Orchard
CENTRAL ORCHARD CO. - Phone IGI-M. Oak & 3rd Sts.
Robt. T. Newhall has taken desk
room wlthG. Y. Edwards & Co. In
the Hotel Oregon building and plans
to curry on his uursery business on a
larger scale than heretofore, especi
ally along the line of ornamental
trees and shrubs. Leo. M. Thlelen
will hnudle that side of the busluess,
having had considerable practice as
a landscape gardener In the east. He
has found his services considerably
lu demand, both In Hood River aud
at White Salmon, where he proved
himself a practical worker and ad
viser In the beautifying of home
grounds for permanent effects.
Chest palusaudadry.hacklngcough
should be trented with Ballard's
llorebouud Syrup taken Internally,
and a Herrlck's Red Pepper Porous
Plaster applied to the chest. Buy
the dollar size Horehound Syrup; you
get a porous plaster free with each
bottle. Sold by Chas. N. Clarke
a clean and sweet
miu uc a lUMUiuci
Phone 123
Only $4.50
Come and see us before
you buy Heating and
Cooking Utensils else
You can save
& Supply Co.
M. GE1UKR, Vice I'm. and Manager
: : : : PHONE 3