The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, February 14, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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That property In tin county has
I inlay an mkki'nm'iI Vfiluatl.ui iniirt'
than four tlint'N an great im It hail
t line jcarH au', Is h'hiwii ly llgureH
which have been prepared by County
Clerk HaiiMoii. In I '.his t tn- total mh.
sensed VMlnatlon of tin county wan
$.',s70,:'."i0. In l!Hi! tin- assessed valu
ation hail I'linxllcralily inure than
d. willed, hm U was $7. .V.,r.7(). In l'.Uu
It Increased alnmst four iiiIIUoiim, mh
It iviiH then $11,ll:S,.'iOl. In 11)11 It
wiih f U.dJIJ.T.'ii!.
The nssesHed valuation of public
Hervlee corporation In the county
ha4 InereatHMl In aliout the name
ratio. In Puis they were assessed Ht
$J7:UiH); In I'.HIU at f 1,100,01.1; In l'.HO
at i'.(K,lv., ami In lull at $i.l 1 1.lCMi.
1 i j 1 1 1 1 ir the Name period the total
county tax did not ijuite double, la
l'.Mis It wiim $1IM!,S.M1; In l'.HIl It wa
$l:t7iI; In lido $17!,:i.11. and hi liill
Who Said Real Estate Did Not Move Last Year?
We Did Pretty Well, Thank You.
Jan. 10:
Jan. 25:
Feb. 10:
Feb. 21:
Mar. 10:
Apr. 18:
Apr. 20:
May 5:
May 11:
May i:i:
May 20:
June 10:
Au. 5:
Aug. 21:
Aug. 20:
Sept. 2:
Sept. 2:
Oct. SO:
Mrs. VanAustlale to W. S. Farris..$ 6,000
Lee Morse to W. S. Farris 15,000
Jos. Copeland to Mr. Gooch 20,000
Joe Henghst to W. S. Farris 10,500
J. W. McCready to II. P. Coburn . 9,750
Mercer & Clark to Mrs. Hammond. 10;500
W. S. Farris to C. B. Chapman... 45,000
Lining to W. S. Farris 10,000
U. E. Harbison to W.S. Farris.... 22.000
Radliff to Hangsman 0,450.
J. W. Shipley to E. 0. Hall 15,000
Shrum Bros, to Frank Fenwick 7,500
Clapp to Capt. McCan 17,000
Cutler Bros, to W. II. Johnson.. .. 30,000
Wilson to J. L. Carter 2,150
W. S. Nichol to F. X. Arens 14,500
Walter Austin to F. X. Arens GOO
Mrs. Mortimer-Johnson to F. S.
Ilolsteen 15,000
Tot a I . $202,950
W. S. N I C H O L
Wc still have a few thousand very fine, stocky,
Four to t n r r o
Six Foot r si L l u
Our trees were grown wide apart in the nursery row,
and were given every possible attention. The
soil in our nursery is peculiarly adapted to the
business ami our trees show a root system
which can hardly be duplicated.
Address communications to
J.W.SHIPLEY, Phone 2182-M
Mood River, Oregon
I.iiHt Wednesday the member of
the Hood Klver Woman' Club held
their li rut annual evening nodal. In
viting their husbands to enjoy It
with them at the Commercial dull
On entering; each guest wan pre
Heiited with a heart shaped valentine
to lie worn, and later to lie lined aw
lirst aid to a partner for luncheon.
The rooms were beautifully decor
ated with heart, large and Hinall,
potted plant ami Oregon grape,
and the arrangement (if chair and
table win inoHt homelike and cozy.
j An addre of welcome to the gen
tlemen wa made by Mr. W. V. Lar-
' a way, wh. had charge of the affair
ami who, with her committee, wa
the recipient of many compliment
on wo successfully managing such a
i delightful evening. The program
wa a fi illo w:
"Love Letter of a MuIclan," .Vlyr
tie Keed, read liy Mr Floy F. Camp-
! bell.
Music liy the Schubert Trio a fol
. low:
I'lano "Six thArl Varle," Dancla
"The Face In the File," Handel, by I
t Mr. Moerllne;
j Violin "A Dream," Slumber Song,
I Hoaxer, Mr. ( handler;
j i'lano "April Lady," Spring Song
j Mendelssohn, Mr. Hoerllne;
Voice "A Wedding March, nil
! Death," Mr. Osgood;
j I'lano Military March, Schubert,
' Mr. Hoerllne;
Voice "Thy I'rexeiice," Metculf,
"Laxt Night," Kjulaf, Mr. Osgood;
Violin Mlnuete In F No. -, lieetho-
ven, Mr. Chandler;
"Angel' Serenade," Itraga, Messrs.
Osgood, Hoerllne, Chandler,
j At the close of the program heart
were niati'heil and a ilellclou and
J bountiful buffet luncheon xcrved.each
I lady xeatliig and xervlng the gentle
' man who had been choen for her by
St. Valet I ne.
The next meeting of the club, Feb.
i.'l. Important matter of buxlnexx
' will be brought before the member,
Including change In the constitution,
j Tress Cominit tee.
Cash to Loan
We have cah to loan upon Im
proved ranch property.
Iloohjlliv i:k IIankim; k Tin s r Co.
When her child I 111 danger a wom
an will risk her life to protect It. No
great act of lieroixm or rlxk of life I
necessary to protect a child from
.crimp. (Jive ( hamlierlalir Cough
Iloinedy ami all danger I avoided.
For xale by all dealer.
When you feel
vous, tireil. worried or despondent it is a
sure sin vou need MOTTS NERVERINE
PILLS. They renew the normal vigor and
make life worth living. Be inrs and ask lor
Mott's Nerverine Pills 1$
WIUJAMS MFC. CO.. Prop... CUr.Und. Ohio
For Sale by Carl A. I'lath, Druggist
it imm
Blllh NOW!
Don't matt Until ou JVeed
It &omorrobv
TIl NgVS Elu,,PPed with one of the best
printing plants in the state.
We print everything' from a dainty visiting
card to the most artistic color work
Ind our 'rcprcscniaii-Vc Infill
call on yOU.
Second Strict, k. O.ik and Cascade
Hood River, Oregon
The total apple holding of the
I'nitcd St a ten on January 'X, buxed
upon the report to The I'acker, are
estimated at 3,257,.'HX' barrel and
2,"7!J,;oi) boxes. The I'acker 1 un
able to give a definite eHtlmate of the
relative o,uantltlet of thexe apple
that are In cold Btoruge and what
parti In common storage, for the
reaon that the reportH recelvecl ax a
rule did not Indicate. However, It I
xnfe to nay that the percentage of
common stock has been reduced to
relatively Hinall proportion proba
bly not over :jH),XtO barrel. Holder
of common utorage apple are net
working. "overtime to dlpoxe of the
If we reduce the above figure on
boxen to the bal of barrel we have
a total In the Ftilteil State of 4,0.10..
.100 barrel. At the same time laxt
year the total stock, both boxes
and barrel, In the United State ag
gregated In round number L',-oO,0M)
barrel. In other word, present
holding are Indicated to be 1)0 per
cent inor; than a year ngo.
The movement the past month
was all that could have possibly
been expected under the circum
stance. The first half of January
saw the coldest weather n record
and apple traflic wa tied up almost
everywhere. Jut as soon a the
weather moderated there was a rush
of order and for two week or more
Jut past carload have been rolling
at a tremendous rate under a good
demand. Car shortage ha Inter
fered to a certalu extent, on account
of the accumulated orders, and this
i particularly true of the York state
apple deal.
Sentiment, according to the report
received by The I'acker, 1 divided a
to the future course of the apple mar
ket. Some are very hopeful, while
other nre not Inclined to be cheerful.
Of course, there Is no way of guess-
lug the close of the deal. Everything
depends upon tin price the consumer
ha to pay, the supply of other fruits
now and later, like oranges, berries,
etc., und the Intelligence exercised In
the distribution. If holders will all
maintain a sane uttlttnle and move
their individual stocks out gradual
ly, keeping in mind the time allotted
In which to male sales, a steady, fair
market should be had. On the other
hand should any conslderoble num
ber of holder become panicky and
try to unload lmmedltncly regard
less of prices, conditions will un
doubtedly take on an unfavorable
tone nnd It will be hard to secure a
restoration of favorable conditions
during the balance of the seas-in.
Now Is the time for apple holders to
exercise their wit an J sit steady In
the boat, l'.nt the apple must be
kept moving every day.
More people read the want column
In the paper than read the news.
When you make your want known
through that column of the News, be
assured your purpose will be accom
plished. l"or State Senator
To the Republican voters of Wasco
and Hood Klver countlt s:
I hereby announce myself n a
candidate for state senator for the
sixteenth senatorial district of Ore
gon, subject to the will of the Keputi
llcan voters of said district to be ex
pressed at the primary election to be
held ou the H'th day of April lull.
I am a progressive Republican, and
believe firmly In the Oregon system,
the primary law, liiclinllng state
ment number one, the Initiative and
referendum and recall, and firmly
lielleve In the extension of the power
of the people, ami If nominated and
elected I will use my best effort to
promote the Interests of the people
of my district and t he state of Ore
gon, and favor all laws to further
restrain and control the operations
of the big corporations,
adv I. .1. Cooi-Ku.
If you have dizzy spells, attack of
momentary blindness, with ringing
noises In the ears. It Is an unfailing
sign of a torpid liver, a condition
which bring on some serious sick
ness If m ghvted. Herliine I n pow
erful liver tonic. It puts strength
and activity Into the liver, purities
the bowels and restores a feeling of
health, vigor and cheerfulness. Price
.10c. Sold bv ('has. X. Clarke.
Read the Xew's Want Ads.
J. K. MUtlSIV rrnprli'hir
Brctder at S. C. Ml. Lrqhnrnt. P. Rtckt
and S. C. Rhode island Drill.
Indian Kunner Ouckl
Kiriri nn.l lny OUI Chu In nflcr .'.in. tst. (r
ilern ImxiKihI now. 1'iHiltiy .il- 1'- mileH
went of i-Hy. at KmnktiMi. I'h ;l-,s,-.
Whan Commodor Knowl Worked)
Hig Prei Gang In 1747.
In the yenr 1747 a great tumult was
raised la the town of Boston. Com
modore Koowles, while lying at Nan
tucket with a number of men of war,
losing some of his men by desertion,
thought it reasonable that Boston
should supply him with as many men
as he bad lost He therefore sent his
boats uptown early in the morning
and surprised not only as many sea
men as could be fouDd on board of
any of the boats outward bound as
well as others, but swept the wharfs,
taking souio ship carpenters' appren
tices and innd.smen.
This conduct was resented. As soon
as It was dusk several people assem
bled in King street, below the town
house, where the general court was
sitting. Stones and brickbats were
thrown into the council chamber
through the windows. A judicious
speech of the governor from the bal
cony, disapproving of the impress and
promising his utmost endeavors to ob
tain the discharge of the persons Im
pressed, had no effect The seizure
and restraint of the commanders and
other officers who were in town were
Insisted upon as the only effectual
method to procure the release of the
Inhabitants on board the ships. The
militia was summoned in aid of the
government, but refused to appear.
Letters in the meantime passed be
tween the governor and the commo
dore. The council and house of repre
sentatives now pissed some rigorous
resolutions, and the tumultuous spirit
began to subside. Finally the commo
dore dismissed most if not all of the
Inhabitants who had been Impressed,
and the squadron sailed.
Wo are Growers' Ropresentive for
Hurpccs (Seeds that Grow)
.Sill of our seeds are direct from "Burpee. Sold
at "Burpee's prices. Make up your list from cat
alogue which we will gladly furnish free. Also Cul
ture Leaflets. Books on Gardening and Flowers.
This is our fourth year with Burpees...
We Have Nothing: Else
But we carry a J-ull stock, both Garden and Flowers.
About 40 varieties of ftveel Teas. PLANT
now You will appreciate the compliment paid us
by imitators who have so long condemned this line.
Every style of Gardening Tool the Self-Sharpening
kind... fjg one Else Has These Yet
The Skate Grunts, the Puffer Chuckles,
and the Drumfish Boomt.
Terhaps the most conspicuous exam
ple of the fishes that are capable of ut
terance is the druuiflsh, so called by
reason of the deep, booming noise it
produces at will. It is found aldng
the Atlantic coast from Massachusetts
to Florida.
The squetengue, another salt water
fish of the noisy variety, resembles In
appearance the trout, and the not un
musical sound that It gives out Is
much like the note uttered by a big
bullfrog. Allied to the squetengue Is
the fish known as "the croaker," which,
as Its popular name Indicates, affects
the croak nu unmistakable croak.
The sea robin, so called because It
has crimson fins Just behind its head,
about the size of birds' wings. Is an
other fish that makes Itself heard
The "squnwk" of the sea robin is es
pecially emphatic when on being
caught It lifts up its voice in reiterat
ed protests.
There is a fish that may be said to
chuckle the little puffer or swellfish.
It puffs Itself Into the shape of a per
fect sphere and as It does so gives
out a peculiar, hoarse chuckle.
The skate when caught grunts,
groans and gasps pretty much after
the manner of a human being in dis
tress. Carp and goldfish frequently
utter curious sounds, hut hardly sounds
in the meaning of the term here used,
inasmuch as tlielr sounds are produced
by approaching the surface of the wa
ter and blowing out nlr In bubbles un
til a rippling nnise is heard. Denver
Hardware & furnitur
i ii a ii
. Mmm
benjamin' (ben'-jamin) Appar.
H from tii2 prcp:r nams Benjamin
A kind cf top coat or overcoat
Sparrow Diet For a Stork.
An Enpiish sparrow flew Into the fly
ing capo in the zoo and began helping
Itself to the cracked corn thrown upon
the ground by the keeper. A Brazilian
stork quietly approached and shot out
Its sis inch red beak and caught" the '
sparrow. Going to the fountain, the
big bird dipped the little one In the wa
ter and tln n swallowed it and looked j
about for more. j
"Oh, you cannibal! Vou ought to get
a beating.''' exclaimed a woman vis
itor. ,
"The sparrow ought to know better
than to go In there." explained the 1
keeper. "The stork has been eating
half n dozen of these birds a week
since be came here. The English spar
row has a quick eye and Is quick on
the wing and is seldom caught by
prowling cats, but doesn't suspect any-
thing with feathers on. The big bird !
Is getting fat on a spurrow diet." New '
York !un.
' I .
The Dictionary is Wrong Benjamin were not
only formerly worn but they are worn today
Benjamin Overcoats
True to Hie Promise.
"Pen rest, will you let me share your ,
every sorrow after we nre married?" '
she whispered as she cuddled her 1
cheek ngalnst his.
"Yes. darling." he replied, again !
plucking n delicious kiss from her
sweet lips. !
It was the same lady who two years
later wearily cried out:
"Oh, Tom, why can't you ever come
luto the hono without bringing a tale
of trouble with ydu? I'm so sick of
hearing about how hard you havo to
work to keep the bills paid." Chicago
Iiecord Herald.
Tunny Metaphor,
The late King Edward when he was
Trlnce of Wales once made a funny
mixture of metaphors In reply to ccr
tain Inquiries and admonitions he said.
"I will do my best to walk In my fa
ther's footsteps, which you have held
op for my Imitation.''
The Mt. Hood Store
General Merchandise
Flour, Feed, Spray Material
Farm Implements si and si Stumping Powde'
Blacksmith and Wagonmaker
25 Years Experience
Negative Woman. I
Marks-I married my wife n month'
nfter she accepted me. Turks That's .
nothing I married mine three days ,
after she refused me."-Itoston Trau I
script. J
The purpose of a Journey Is not onlj '
to arrive at the goal, but to find enjoy j
I incut on the way Van Pyke. ,
Groceries Furnishings Shoes, Hardware, lite. J
Agents for ILi'io Vau'tis. llacino Hacks, I
I?'i.CU'io3 an. I Farm Implement.-!
inc titovc ir.mi;c ItuilJin' anMorn Station