G THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1912 Chalmers Talk In our ad two weeks ago we gave the standards by which to judge a motor car. As we stated, combined properly in one car they assure that big resultSatisfactory Service. Here are the standards which you should have in mind in purchasing a car: Am ple Powerenough and not too much; Flexibility of Control; Safety, Reliability, Good Looks; the Quality to Wear and Fair Price. These are the "yard sticks" we are going to apply to the Chalmers "Thirly-Sijc," First, on the basis of ample but not extravagant power. The long stroke motor of this model developes full 36-horsepower. It gives you all the power you need for any conditions and yet it does not uselessly burn gasoline. This motor is a faultless puller in heavy going. The Chalmers "Thirty-Six" motor is built entirely in the Chalmers shops. Thus you are sure you get out of it all that is possible in power and economy of operation. ' The connecting link between the motor and the driving shaft is a four forward speed transmission. This transmission, taken with the long stroke, carefully manufac tured motor and the improved carburetor with dash adjustment, gives a flexibility of control which brings praise from the most experienced drivers. A motor is not necessarily good because it is built on a certain principle. You cannot, of course, build a good motor on a bad principle. But you might build, a poor one on a good principle. The principle of the Chalmers "Thirty-Six" motor, with big valves in the head, cylinders en bloc and two-bearing crankshaft is unique, but well tried, of proved efficiency. And yet it is not because of the principle alone that this motor has unusual merit. It would be possible for the Chalmers shop to build just as efficient a motor of another good principle. The details of design, the materials used and the workmanship are the most important factors towards a perfect motor. Many arguments are heard concerning the virtues of various types of motors. Several types look equal to us, theoretically. The arguments in favor of one are as convincing as the ar guments in favor of another. But the big point is that it takes something more than blue prints to make a motor that is unique from the standpoint of smoothness and economy of operation. Chalmers motors are that sort, because they are well designed, well built of the best materials obtainable and thoroughly tested before delivery. We are sure that the methods of testing motors employed by the Chalmers factory are not equaled in more than two or three plants in the country. They are not surpassed by any. Our Implement! Vehicle Line Velie Buggies and Hacks Mandt and Studebaker wagons John Deere Steel Plows Syracuse Chilled Plows Hardie Power Sprayers New Way Gas Engines Sharpies Separators Kewanee Water Systems John Deere Complete line of Harrows, Levelers, Pulverizers Kimball Cultivators i Gilbert Implement Cinpayl CASHMERE GROWERS INVESTIGATE PLAN (ViBbtuere Wn.-At the fruit grow era' meetlnx held here to discuss bet ter method of marketing fruit, after discussion a plan was formulated by which It In hied to market Cash mere product. The grower Delected a delegation of teti who elected a committee of three. Thl committee of three Is now In Portland, Ore., to Investigate the condition of the Northwest Fruit Kxchange. It may le planned to work In con junction with Hogue Klver, Hood Jtlver and Yakima Valley, If the com mittee report favorably upon the condition of the Northwest Fruit Kxchange' business, for the purchase of a controlling Interest lu the ex change. The committee of three who went to I'ortlaud consists of ijritnt I'aton, V. i. Klie aud H. J Olive. They w ere selected by a delegation com posed oftjrarit I'aton, W. f". I'Jce, ('. H. ( lark, O. M. Furry, W. T.Tolmun, Mlllam J'nrwoiiM, Tom Splller, J. II. Sprague, Clarence Miller and William irelg. FINDS ORCHARD Cultivates Orchard W ith hogs Milton, Ore. Hog are being ued successfully by M. McKae, a fruit grower of thl district. In cultivating hi 4 acre orchard. He turn them into the orchard through the winter, and by feeding on the gra root the animals stir the ground, allow ing all moMure to js-netrate the noil. IS AJ30LD MINE Back In Kentucky a Henderon county fanner produced $1,0.17 worth of apple on l:W tree. Thl move the Henderson (J leaner to remark: "Apple tree iK-gln to yield In pay ing (juantltle when they are eight year old. They yield large quanti ties at the age of ten. Fifty tree can be grown on an acre of land. At $2.1 per tree an acre will produce $12.10 worth of apple Probably the average well. kept tree will not pro duce more than $20 worth of fruit one year to another, hut even at that the profit from tobacco, wheat and corn are related to the penny da." At a recent meeting of the Ken tucky horticultural society In Louis- j vtlle, another Henderson county grower told of the succe he had j made In hi apple orchard. In fifteen I years' experience, ha said, lie had j known only one crop failure and that wa not total. Inonejearhe i had sold the apple crop from twenty ' acre for twice as much a he paid ! for hi entire farm of 0 acre, ami he confessed that hi orchard had not Ix-en cared for a It should have I lecii. If your stomach feel uncomfort able from overeating, or from food which dUagree with you, take Herblne; It settle the stomach, strengthen the digestion and re. laxe the bowel. Price .KJe. Sold by has. N. Clarke. 'T-X-X-ZTTT-ZTir'XTT xzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz: GARAGEWe have the aency for BRUSH and m CARTERCAR Automobiles. Let us give M you a ride. M p You are going to have your Auto over- hauled this winter let us figure on your work. YUlC3IllZinB D 0 11 6 Oi Is, Gasoline and Auto Accessories, Tubes, Casings and Batteries. Visit our . Garage for repairs and supplies. J. F. VOLSTORFF 1216 C Street, Hood River Heights Telephone 283K nxzzxzzxzzxzzzzzzzzzzzzzzszzzzzzz: ORTLEY WEATHER RECORD IS UNIQUE U. I). Flrebaugh of Ortley, who keep the weather record for that locality, has submitted a report which Is unique in the annals of "weather freak." It I safe to say that for a period covering only eight day, one of the most remarkable ex ample of Oregon weather Is shown. The following fact quoted from Mr. Firebaugh"s official record are well worthy of notice: Friday, Jan. .1, snow commenced falling, at which time five luche fell. On Jan. t, 21.2.1 Inche fell. Jan. 7, '.U 7.1 Inches was added to former pre cipitation and the mercury dropped to four degrees below zero. On .Ian. Mh 2 2.1 Inches of snow fell. On the following day two Inches of rain and sleet made a covering of the entire snowfall of h Inches and the mer cury dropped to five below. From the 12th to 13th two Inches of rain fell, making a total of 12 Inches of rainfall from .Jan. 5 to I I, Inclusive. This, together with the grand total of W Inches of snow, made complete the unique record of the heaviest precipitation on record for so short a period of time. Advertised Letters Advertised letters at the local post office are as follows: MI Fucy I!rownl2), W. II. Hums ley (2), Mrs. M. J. Clarke, Miss Alice l)avIsou, V. I). Davidson, Oeo. Nuf field, Fletcher Flint, Mrs. John (iralner Mr. Win. (Jreen, Mrs. Ma fjreen, Mrs. Win. I. Horbelt, I'.sther King, Mr. M. 15. King, Mr. Michael It King, Mr. A J. Martin. Mis Alice Merrill, I'.oy K. Miller, Mr. & Mr. M. II. Moody, Colonel & Mr. Win. Pen ker, Sam Itaymond, Waldemar P.laapen, iirnnville Smith, Mr. Ollle Smith, Mrs.j. Dollle Smith, Miss Irene Smith, Mrs. Samuel Swagert, J. Tat- tlsh, H. F. True (2), llotsTt Wall, have West, MIms Ada Wilkin. College Helps Fruitmen J Corvnllls, Ore. Fruitgrowers' as irxiatloiiH and Individual fruitmen are undlng request for Information to the Oregon Agricultural College a to the manufacture of their own lime sulphur solution for spraying. The college will 1j glad, whenever I possible, to send an expert to confer with the association or Individual a to the construction of a manufactur ing plant or erection of a small home plant. POLITICAL POT REGINS TO BOIL Already the political pot Is begin ning to boll. Two of the candidates desirous of going to Washington next year are well known In this county. They are Attorney J. W Morton, now of Salem but formerly a rancher here, and (Jeorge T. Coch ran of La (irande, who Is casting a covetous eye upon the nomination for member of Congre. The latter' father lived here for a number of year. Mr. Cochran Is at present state water superintendent and wants to be I'nlted State senator, lie advo cate a Holutlou of our national Irri gation problem, an Alaskan policy that will permit of present a well as future benefit, a more liberal public land policy for the development of our arid land and the benefit of the home builder, and a continuing ap propriation for the f Villi canal and the opening of the Columbia river. Mr. Morton ha Just made the fol lowing declaration of principle: "Progressive Republican policies. Amending federal constitution for people's election United State sena tors. Federcl Incorporation law a to corporation transacting Inter tate buwlnes. Income tax. Limi tation labor hours for safety on rail road. Parcels post. Pure food law. (iood road. Liberal appro prlatlon for. Improvement of all Oregon port and navigable river Including Columbia. Free lock at Oregon ( ity. Proper hare of Irriga tion fund for Oregon, Enforcement Statement One. I'pbulldlng Ameri can merchant marine. Kemoval ex cessive tariff duties. (iovernment control of trust. Enforced arbitra tion between capital and labor. Con servation of natural resource. Re forestation of burned over range. Commission to pas upon vnlne of corporate stock. I desire the follow ing statement be printed after my name on the nominating ballot: "I will support the great principle, 'Justice Is; done to all men." Notice by Recorder Howe Henry Howe, the city recorder, an nounces that hi temporary oflice until the first of next month will Im with the Hood Klver Abstract Com pany. Mrs. Campbell will have charge of the books and those having business to transact are re'jnested.to ee her, WE FURNISH FRUIT PACKERS And All Kinds of Employees... NIGUMA & CO. $5,000 To Loan $.1,000 to loan on flrt daw secur ity. Must be Improved orchard land. Heed & Henderson, Inc. 2 tf 3 CP. SUMNER Opposite the Post Office Home Phone 20 ATA Spray and Garden Hose Plumhina Kent & Garrabronf Confectionery, Cigars Fishing Tackle Spauldlng's Sporting Goods All Kinds of Soft Drinks Oak Street, opposite Smith Mock, Hood River, Phone 160 14 Last Oak Street Hood River, Or. MYSTERIOUS SHOT WOUNDS JAPANESE PICKERS AND A Japanese farmer named S. Ka zlriui, who owns a small ranch about two miles south of the city near the Mount Hood railroad, was mysteri ously wounded a few days ago when a charge of shot was fired through the door, striking him In the head and neck. One of the shots wounded his eye, but this was not Merlon enough to permanently Imp.ilr the sight. So far as can be learned, It Is not believed by Kazlma or his friends that foul play was Intended, but the peculiar affair Is looked upon a hav ing been an accident. Several of the shot found lodgement lu Knzlina's person, two or three striking hi shoulder and an equal number wounding hi head and face. One of Kazlma's friend nld that the charge wa fired by a boy who was experi menting with the weapon. m "; ' Send For This Seed fjuual-Free re teArxJ for ouritv aid Ff trrrtt.oo. No tedi are pm kd f us ur Int I two qualities how ttavrryr gl t fftrxWi. Out hilly auitDd laboralorv undtt In d:rrttofl at a ti:aHI tod irt wd Wrf irmrrvn ail stnem work. V hct buying LJly'lterW.Toobuy I inrreaaed crops, brad h cAtaknf . TUCWH. Lilly Cc.SttU S. E. BARTMESS Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer KSTABLISHED is YEARS MOOD RIVER, OREGON F. B. SNYDER B. B. POWELL Hood River Plumbing company Phone 6BX Sanitary Plumbing and Heatinc. Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Repairing Promptly Attended. ESTIMATES FURNISHED CASCADE AVENUE PURDY. & CHAPMAN Complete Lines of General Merchandise - Feed and Grain Prompt and courteous treatment ODELL, OREGON H. II. HADLOCK rhone326-M GEO. II. STEINHOFF Fhone 59-M Office 43-l HADLOCK & STEINHOFF Real Estate and Fire Insurance Improved and Unimproved Orchard Lands LIST YOUR RANCHES WITH US FOR SPRING SALES DO IT NOW I 2nd and Cascade Ave., Opp. Hotel Oregon, Hood klver, Ore (ton