The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, January 24, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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A mm
VI tea
JVVrl m Mcmubrav,
CJVir Gen'
Real Estate and Insurance
Room 1,
Phone J68-M
First Class Livery
Transfer and Livery company
Freight and Baggage Transfer
Well Drilling
0ct. Na. 9 Oak Slrtal
"" Express and Baggace
Furniture and Pianos Mox)ed
All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work
Wood Yard and Feed Store in Connection
Office Phone 1
Residence 1SHK
Insurance Conveyancing
Surety Bonds
'! Accuracy" is Our Motto
Office In New llcilbronner Building Phone Zi Mood River, Oregon
The trains of The North Bank Road run through
to Spokane, Butte, Helena, Minneapolis, St. Paul
and Chicago without change.
None is faster or better appointed. Every mod
ern feature of equipment is supplied.
ranged through to all eastern points. Details will
be furnished on request.
(1. P. A T. A., Portlnud, Ore.
Famous the World Over
tor it. splendid hostelriea, in vari
ed attractions, its line beachea. hot
prinira ami pleasure reaorta all
these can ba reached with ease by
Oregon-Washington Railroad &
SMiTHrN PA(inc company
Road of a Thousand Wonders"
r - . nana iu in nnecics an (ctura
With CorreHnnn.linirlw I t
tnm " '-W. R. N. point'. a-uud
ix monlha with stopovers Mmng
and returning-. within limit. Hand
aumeiy Illustrated literature will ba
to any
Smith Block
Hood River, Ore.
Phone 5
Phontt. 26 er 2002-
uljnnsu upon application
With only one change of train, and
that is the same station, Omaha,
Kansas City, St. Louis, Denver and
other central western 'points are
reached. Tickets and baereraire ar
Agt. S. P. & S., White Salmon, Wn.
Ie8lle llutltr write that Callforul
faces a new yellow peril. It In the
Mediterranean fruit fly, known In en
tiimoloy tin CerutltlH Capltata
mnitll, ochereoiiM tiued Insect. It has
(levtMtatetl St. Helena and the Iale
Malta and brought the Inhabitant
to Much dfHtltutlon that they are
compelled to abandon thowe coun
trie. It U working havoc In the
great orchards of lirazll, Hawaii
parts of Auxtralla, the South Se
IhIiiiiiIm, India, South Africa aud the
countries along the Aledlterranea
Wherever It goes It wren Un havoc
wholesale, few fruits wlthstaudtntf
Its onslaughts, and It holds science
and all other mau-iuade methods
relief itt hay. Scientists say It Is the
deadliest enemy to the fruit world
that has come to light In a century
aud now It Is threatening an lnva
slon of California, three-fourths of
whose Industry today Is liused on
her fruit production.
So great Is the pest and the fear of
It that the last legislature of Callfor
nlu, following Its adjournment for
the Christmas holidays, convened
again In apeclal session, and In forty
Ave minutes enacted a luw placing a
rigorous quarantine on all Hawaiian
grown fruits, aud the law, receiving
the governor's stguature immediate
ly, Instantly went into effect.
The pest already has permeated
Hawaii, so that very little of tha
country's fruit, either cultlvuted or
wild, Is I in run ue, aud the danger to
California was bo great a year ago
that the Board of Commissioners of
Agriculture and Forestry at Mono
lulu officially notified the California
state officials. Millions of dollars
worth of orchard property on the
Islands has lieen ruined, and now not
a single piece of Hawaiian fruit, un
less It lie hermetically sealed and
kept so, can enter California unless I
Is smuggled In.
Incredible as It may seem, all of
California's fruit Industry, which has
been estimated annually to tie fully
$140,000.0o0, may lie totally ruined
through the carelessness of one trav
eler, who. returning from Honolulu
smuggles one bit of Hawaiian fruit
Into the state. This Is the statement
of .officials of the California State
Commission of Horticulture, who
have charge of the quarantine.
To prevent pneumonia, a cold set
tied In the lungs should lie attended
to at once. Put a Herrlck's Hed
Pepper Porous Plaster on the dies
ant take Ballard's Horehouud Syrup
internally. It's a winning comblua
tlon. Buy the dollar size Horehound
S rup; you get a porous plaster free
with each bottle. Sold by Chas. X
Regular Sunday excursion to Park
lanwi. I iriinriiib lll $ villi Bfll liu
IM.. ......... .... ..........1.
Copy for advertisements MUST be
in the office by Monday NOON.
A Basket of Goodness
Well I ,
is a basket of our Fine Groceries
We faiarantee the perfect purity
of every article we sell, and
pride ourselves upon the rep
utation we have made for fair
and honest dealing. We keep
only the freshest and finest of
Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, Butter,
Epgs, Flour, etc., and challenge
comparison of qualities at equal
prices. If you are not already
dealing here, you are robbing
yourself of many sources of sat
isfaction. Free delivery
J. M. Wood
The W. G. Aldred Co.
Crushed Rock
and Gravel
Hood Iilver lias the word of the
Oregoulan that there Is nothing In
jurious to school children's nerves In
the fairy tales which are read In the
schools. That paper referred to a
recent discussion In this city by pub
lishing the following editorial:
The Heights Improvement league
of Hood Itlver has stumbled upt u a
mare's nest of truly frightful aspect.
It has found that the "fictitious
stories In the school readers excite
children's minds and cause a degree
of nervousness which breaks down
their health." Sad Indeed Is this to
think of. The noxious schoolroom
atmosphere, long hours In an unriat
tural position at desks, late hours at
home, badly cooked food and too
much of It eaten at the wrong time,
dauclng purties, premature romanc
ing lie t ween the sexes, none of these
nerve aud stomach-destroying fac
tors .are at work la blessed Hood
Itlver. The nerves of the school chll
dren are going to wreck there, us
everywhere else, but It is the "ficti
tious stories" In the reading books
which do the business, and nothing
else contributes.
It Is astoulshlng to see a recrudes.
cence of the old Puritanical hatred of
fiction In a community so renowned
for Intelligence as Hood Itlver. Sen
sible parents and teachers under
stand that the child has a natural
craving for stories, that properly
chosen fiction does not "excite" the
young nerves, but soothes and calms
them, and that no mental nutriment
Is, upon the whole, so excellent for a
child as stories of adventure either In
fairyland or upon the earth.
We have niade no personal Investi
gation of the state of the children's
nerves at Hood Itlver and so cannot
diagnose their trouble with scientific
accuracy, but we can made a shrewd
guess at It. They are probably kept
ludoors In bad air when they ought
to be out at play. Xo doubt they
are kept out of bed studying their
lessons when they ought to be asleep.
Very likely they are allowed by their
parents to go to parties and return
at all hours of the night after filling
their stomachs with Indigestible
dainties. Here Is the seat of trouble
with the nerves ol the Hood Itlver
children and not In the poor pieces of
fiction they find Id the school read
ers, lo cut tuetn on from this bit of
mental nourishment would be out
right cruelty. What they need
more stories and more fresh air.
With trees that have been grown
slowly and normally, and that havi
lieen shaped properly, many expert
say there Is little need for propping
and bracing, even when bearing the
maximum crops. Many of our trees
have not been developed In this way
aud If not supported are likely to be
broken down with the first large
crop of fruit. I rees mat nave Deen
thinned are less likely to be injured
In this way, for the reason that the
remaining apples usually develop
Into the best grade and the trees do
not have to support a lot of worth
less fruit. Kx.
I'he White Salmon l'nterprlse says
that a Hood Kiver high schoolgirl
much given to novel reading was
going to White Salmon, but became
stalled after she had climbed only
the first section of the stairway
From the top llarve Humphrey saw
her distress, started down, and when
he had nearly reached the girl, heard
her exclaim, "Some succor Is coming
at lastl" The gallant Hurve eyed
her Indignantly and then yelled
down to her, "It's a sucker I Am. Is
It? Well, you can stay Just where
ou are for all of me."
A collapsible crate for use In ship-
ilng apples has been produced that
will be the means of shipping many
housands of bushels of apples that
might otherwise go to waste. These
rates hold a bushel and can be re
timed to the shipper at a compara-
Ively small expense and can be used
several times before they are cou-
Igued to the scrap pile.
J. K. WlhUStK, rrnpriRior
Brotftr ol t. C. . Ltghftrnt. W. P. Rrk
an J C. Rhftdt island Rtdt.
Indian Nunntr Ducks
Enra and Pay OM Chickp aftpr Jan. 1t. Or-
Hrr booked now. poultry anU Vi mil
wwt of city, at r rank Urn. rhun .caa-A.
WMn In nml tf printing ninm.MT
T th. Cirruit Court of tha Stat of Ornron. in
and for Hood Kiver County.
Sidney B. Carnina. Hamlin,
Adelia A.Stranahan, Klta May Jonea. A. B.
Jonea. Albert K. Stranahan, Ctirraan Strana
han. Ethel Anderson, Hoy Aruleraon. May
Mottiahaw, Fred Mottinhaar. Clinton Muoney,
Iteaaie Muoney. Hop. Muoney. a minor. Klmer
t. McCray. aruardian of Hope Mooney.
minor. iJavid E. Herdan. Addie Uerdan. Anton
Knudaun. Ole Knudaon. Knute Knudaon.
Mary Kude. and Ui nation itude. Defendants
To tthel Anderaon. Hoy Anderaon. May Motti
ahaw, Fred Mottiahaw. Hope Muooey. a minor.
Llavid K. Herdan. Addie Herdan (lie Knudaon
and Knute Knudaon. defendant, impleaded with
tha other defendant above named, and to each
of you:
In the name of tha Stat of Oregon: You are here
by required to appear and anawer th complaint
tiled aint you. and each of you. in thia Court,
in the above entitled auit, on or befor the Uat
day of aix eoneacutive weeka from th date of th
tint publication of thia Summon, aa hereinafter
aiauxi. ana lr you fail to do ao, for want thereof.
plaintiff will apply to thia Court for the relief
demanded in hia aaid Complaint, and will take
judgment for tha reformation of three certain
aeeaa or conveyance conatitutinc a continuous
chain of title, by amandins and correcting th
erroneous description of land contained in and
running down through all of aaid deeds, so that
the same will conform to the real and true intent
or the parties thereto, and tha aaid description
therein read aa follows:
Commencing at th quarter section comer on
the south side of section 36 in township 3, north,
range 10. east of Willamette Meridian, and run
thenc north alor.g the quarter section lin run
ning north and south through said aection 35. a
distanc of ld.65 chains, more or leas, to the point
marking the northwest corner of the tract of land
owned by George H Steinhoff and Ldith O. Stain
hoff, husband and wife, and run thenc aouth.
na.uH ' east, along the north boundary of aaid
Steinhoff 'a land a distance of 3.50 chains, more or
leas, to the southwest corner of th tract of land
owned by Bertha E. Glass, for the point of com
mencement of the tract hereby described; thenc
running northerly along th east boundary of aaid
Glaas' land 4 chains, more or less, to the south
west corner of the tract of land now owned by
George Walter Lawrence: thence running easterly
along the south boundary of said Lawrence' land
11 chaina. more or leas, to th southeast comer
thereof; thence running aouth parallel to th said
eaat boundary of said Glass' land 4 chaina. more
or lens, to a point in the road known aa th Ava-
lon Way. south. 08 ' eaat of the point of com
mencement; thence north. 08 ' west 11 chains,
more or less, to the point of commencement.
Said deeds being: One from O. L. Stranahan
and wife to David E. Benlsn. dated February 20.
1H02. recorded in Hood Kiver County Deed Records
Volume K. page 3fti; one from David E. Berden
and wife to Chriatian Knudaon. dated Auguat 18,
l!A2. recorded in Volume A. page 675. same rec
ords; and one from Christian Knudaon to Sidney
B. Carnine. dated October 7. linT, recorded in
Volume L. page 626, same records.
Thoae of you found by the Court in its decree to
be chargeable with that duty will be required to
make and deliver new deeda of the form, sub
stance and intent of such aaid originala described
above, but containing such corrected and reformed
description, within a definitely fixed tim after
the entry of such decree, or in caae of failure ao
to do. such decree to stand as and for such new
Plaintiff also prays that the cloud upon hia title
to aaid land, caused by aaid incorrect and defec
tive deeds, be removed and that hia aaid title b
forever quieted against you; and for other equita
ble relief.
You are hereby served by publication of thia
Summons by order of the Hon. Geo. D. Culbert
son. County Judge of Hood River County. Ore
gon, entered December 18th, liU, which order
prescribed that you shall appear and answer the
complaint on or before the last day of aix consec
utive weeka from the date of th first publication
of thia summons: and you ars further notified
that the date of the first publication of thia sum
mons is December 20, 1911.
Hood River, Oregon.
Dec 20-Jsn 31-Tt Plaintiff's Attorney.
In tha Circuit Court of the atata of Oregon, for
the county of Hood Kiver,
Henry J. Lindaay. Plaintiff,
H. de Redintr; Cornelia Edmunda Ha I Urn.
a widow: M. Yasui; J. Thornton and W. H.
Walton and Middlecrest Orchard Company.
a Corporation, Defendants.
To H. de Reding, Cornelia Edmunda Hallam. a
widow, M. Yaui. J. Thornton and W. H. Walton,
and Mtddlecreat Orchard Company, a corporation.
and each of you, defendant.
In the Name of the State of Oregon:- You and
each of you are hereby required to appear and
answer the Complaint filed against you and each
of you in the above entitled auit within ten days
from the date of the service of this summons on
you and each of you, if served within this county,
and if served within any other county in this
state, then within twenty days from the date of
the service of this summons upon you and each of
you, and if you fail so to answer, for want there
of, the plaintitT will take a decree against you
and each of you for the sale of the hereinafter
described real property situate in Hood Kiver
County, Oregon, for the foreclosure of that cer
tAin mortgage dated September 24th, 109, made,
executed and deliveted by defendant H. de Red
ing to uid plaintiff Henry J. Lindaay to secure
the payment of the sum of Twenty Six Hundred
and Ninety Dollars and interest, which
said mortgage was duly filed in the office of the
County Cierk of said Hood River County, Oregon,
on January !!nd. lt10 at 2:40 o'clock p.m. and
recorded in book 3 of mortgages at page Mr, for
the payment and satisfaction of all sums secured
by said mortgage, including said sum of Twenty
Six Hundred and Ninety Dollars.(&90 and inter
est, the sum of Two Hundred and Seventy Dollars
(f?70 attorney's feea in this auit and plaintiffs
costs and disbursements herein, and will take a
decree against you and each of you for such other
relief as prayed for in the complaint herein and
shall be deemed by the court proper. Said real
property is more particularly described as follows,
to-wit: The North half (NS) of the South-west
quarter (SW'aj) of the North-east quarter NEL4)
of Section Eighteen Township Two2) North,
Range Ten U0) Last of Willamette Meridian.
lou are hereby served by publication of thia
summons, by virtue of an order of the honorable
George D. Culbertson. as County Judge of Hood
River tountv. and State of Oregon, duly made.
granted and dated on the 2nd day of December
A. l. ly 1 1. for the service of this summons upon
you by publication thereof, and in accordance
therewith, and which order prescribes that you
shall appear and answer the complaint, on or be- j
fo'e the last day of six consecutive weeka from!
the date of the first publication of this summons, ,
and the Hth day of iVcember A. D. 1911 as the!
date of the first publication of this summons, and
you are hereby further notified that said date is
and will be the first publication of thia summons, i
lated December 2nd. IVll.
dH-ji: L. A. & A. P. Rrkp.
Attorneys for I'laintitt. Hood Kiver. uregon.
K" C. A. R. Lift 6-576.
Restoration to Entry of Lands In National Forest
Notice is hereby Riven that the lands described
below, embracing 10 acres, within the Oregon
National forest, Oregon, will be subject to settle
ment and entry under the provisions of the home
stead laws of the I'mted States and the act of
June 11. VM Stat.. ZWK at the United States
land office at The Dalles, Oregon, on April 3. 112.
Anv settler who was actually and in uood faith
claiming any of said lands for agricultural pur
poses prior to January I, U0 and has rot aban
doned same, has a preference right to make a
homestead entry for the lands actually occupied.
Said lands were listed upon the applications of
the persons mentioned below, who have a prefer
ence right subject to the prior right of any such
settler, provided such settler or applicant is qual
ified to mate homestead entry and the preference
nirht is exercised prior to April 3. Ivld, on which
date the lands will be subject to settlement and
entry by any qualified person. The lands are as
pillows: lheSE'4 nf SK'4 of sec. 11!. 1. l
., R. 9 K.. W. M., 10 acres, application of Harry
S. t rouse, of The Dalles, Oregon; I it ft-STrt.
s. V. I'KOi nrll.
Assistant Commissioner of the General Land Office
Approved Deecemher 19. 1911.
Acting Secretary of the Interior.
First pub. Jan. 17. 4t
tncunt Koec RaitYeacI
Ttnx Tshk No. IC. Effective. April 17th. 12 C
I A. M.
i.M. SeuTM Nr
Hood Iliver 3.10
8.05 Powerdale 3.05
8.15 Switchback 2.55
8.35 Van Horn 2.30
8.40 Mohrs 2.25
8.55 Odell 2.15
iUO Summit 2 05
9.20 Bloucher 2.00
9.40 Win an a 1.50
9.45 Ar. Dee Lv. 1.45
0.15 Lv. Dee Ar. 1.25
0.25 Troutcreek 1.20
0.40 Woodworth 1.05
0.50 Ar. Parkdale Lv. 1.00
SumJavt. north bound ft sin will run two hourt late.
above ih hcdula, ktsving Patkdil 1 p m.
Reached via the Deschutes Branch
Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Go.
Through Car Service Between Portland and Bend
Daily Train
Lr. Portland
Lv. Tha Dallea
Lv. Deschutes Jc
Ar. Madras
Ar. Metohus
Ar Opal City..
Ar. Redmond
Ar. Bend
7:50-10:00 A M.
12:40 P.M.
1:30 P.M.
6 45 P.M.
6:00 P.M.
7:08 P.M.
7:45 P.M.
8:40 P.M.
The Direct, Quick and Natural Route to Central Oregon.
Auto and regular staa-e connections to La Pine. Fort Rock. Silver Lake.
Prineville. Bums. Klamath r alia and other inland potnta.
Call on any O.-W. R. A N. Agent (or any information desired, or address)
For Lime, Cement and
House Plaster
4th & State St.
We buy, sell and exchange every thing
in House Furnishings, Campers
Supplies, etc.
Don't forget the placeCor. 4th & State
Bailey SSL Colby
Electrical Contractors
Bartmess Building
QIc arc now taking orders forj
)(ecd River, Creqen
PAcn 144
Red m o nd
Lv. Bend .
Lv. Redmond
Lv. Opal City,
Lv. Metohua
Lv. Madras
Ar. Itesehutea Jc.
Ar. The Dailea
Ar. Portland
: A M.
721 A.M.
80 A.M.
8:43 A.M.
0 A M.
1:15!P M.
1:56 P.M.
1:46 P.M.
The old reliable visible type
writer with new printype and
other improvements. The'ma
chine that writes print thatjs
print and is always ready for
business. For sale or rent on
easy terms.
109 Oak St. Hood River, Ore.
Phone 248K
Even Your Boy Could Put It Up
so complete and easily under
stood is the private telephone
outfit we supply, Same way
with our electric bell outfits.
Same way too with many of
our electric supplies. Want to
please pour wife with some
thing she'll appreciate? Get
her one of our sewinpr machine
motors. They are dandies.
Phone 60-X
uin(W Co.
In1 News.
A. w ILMJiN, Agent.