THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1912 7 BARGAINS IN GROCERIES AT HUGGIN'S CASH STORE Best Fruit Sugar, 14 lbs for $1.00. Sack $6.G0 The Dalles Diamond Flour, per sack 1.30. Bbl. .5.10 The Columbia River Jewel, per sack 1.20. f Bbl. 4.70 Swift & Co. Sugar Cured Hams, per lb 18 Swift & Co. Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, per lb 18 Swift & Co. Silver Leaf Lard, 10 lbs 1.40 5 lbs- .70 Cottolene, 10 lb. pail 1.50 Cottolene, 5 lb. pail GO Compound, 10 lb. pail 1.10 Compound, 51b. pail GO C2mpound, 501b. can 5.00 Gold Dust Washing Powder, regular 25c, for .... .20 Citrus Washing Powder, regular 25c, for 20 Pearline, regular 25c, for 20 Arm & Hammer Soda, per package 5 3 cans Al Standard Corn for 25 3 cans Al Standard Tomatoes for .25 Preferred Stock Corn, per Doz. cans 1.50 Preferred Stock Tomatoes, per Doz. cans 1.50 Del Monte Peaches, per can 20 " " Appricots, per can 20 " Spinach, per can .25 " " Pumpkin, per can 10" Thanking our many customers for past favors, wishing you a prosperous New Year, you will find us ready to serve you at all times with anything in our line at lowest prices. L. H. Huggins BILL GEROE PAYS EULOGY TO APPLE Hill (it-riN', a IcmlliiK fruit dlHtrlhu tor at Toledo, ( Mito, Iiuh Hotnt'tliliiK to nay on "The Apple" In the lnont recent IrtHiie of the Spy, the periodical plililUhed Ity the International Ap ple Shipper' AMHiH'latloh. Hearken to Kill: "The original npplcjwim a 'Touch-Me-Mot.' Hail thin MrHt apple Ihh-ii Tvli'Knt.xl ton BtoniKe, until It whh unfit to eat, much of hlxtory in I a lit have remained unchroiilclcd. "An It wan, a tmiooth, ItiHlnimtlntf reptile handed It to the Flrnt Lady of the Land, who, IteltiK mlnurt chil dren, poodle diK and automobile, Rtralght way thought of her h un hand, Adam, and Rave hi in the core to eat, and we have hud moving dayH, tntimpM, incaMlcH and Iteno, Nev., ever ttlnce. A-dam fool that he win, paid an awful long price for that core. "It Ih remarkable how many 'Touch-.Me-Not' apple that one upec Imen hatt produced. There have hei'ii yenrti when all the recrved Heatx In the cold Ht.niKCH of thin country were occupied liy 'Touch Me. Xotn.' "In Ita wild utate the apple In nil Innocent. InoffeiiHtve Inhabitant of many countrtcH. While In ltn youth, and green with experience. It ha many enemle worm, moth, cater pillar ami hoy. In thl condition It lnereae the practice of the coun try doctor many fold. "When the apple arrive at the age of dlwretlon phylcally It I perfect ly harmle; financially It lecome i erlou question. "Apple are great stickler for cate. You never find a poor, little, deformed, half-witted apple In the company of the 4iH). The big, freh- complexloned, robut apple crowd the little fellow down the ladder and teache him to keep hi place In the middle of the barrel along with other of hi da. "The ue of the apple are many. A a foundation for pie It ha really no xuhHtltute. The boardlng-houe apple pie, with It concrete covering, ha been known to lat for age. The old fanhloned mince pie 1 largely apple and myxtery. Dried apple, epec1ally on trlug, like pearl, are not only highly ornamental, but are especially handy when unexpected company arrive. Apple sauce I known In all language. linked ap. pie are recognized In ong and Htory and are the real arlxtocrat of the chef product." Do you know that fully nine out of every ten case of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the miiHcles due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism, and require no Internal treatment whatever? Apply Cham berlain' Liniment freely and see how quickly It give relief. For sale by all dealer. Sliver Sud for sale at Clarke's Jewelry store. Indian Pottery Brassware Aluminum A AT TF(T Blowers Hardware Company WILL LECTURE ON SCALING THE ALPS An entertainment de luxe Is prom ised by the l'rogresslve Assoclatlon a Its next number In the lyceuin course, to be held at Mclsaac' ball, 1'arkdale, on Friday evening, Janu ary 19th, a Htereoptlcon lecture by Homer A. Itogers, assisted by Itev. Mr. Harris, ou "Mountain Climbing In the Swiss Alp." This discourse promise to le es pecially Interesting to the people of the valley, a they have bad the ex perience of scaling that majestic peak. Mt. Hood. The lectnre will be Illustrated by over one hundred lan tern slide depicting the beautiful scenery of Switzerland and vividly portraying the adventure of the speaker. Mr. Rogers ha reached the pinnacle of success a a lecturer and Is gifted with lofty Meal. He has possessed Alpine tendencies from his Infancy, being born in Harlem, the blghesi point on Manhattan I land, at an early age developed a tendency for climbing the rock and hunting the gonli of the neighbor hood. Graduating from college with high honors, be decided, before embark ing In business, to visit Swltierland and climb the prluclpal peak of the Alp. Upon returning to hi native country, hi Inclination mill unabat ed for thing higher up, he decld.! to embark tn what Judge Stephen A. Lowell described In bis recent lecture a "That most lofty occupation a man could follow farming." Mr. Rogers own an apple orchard lo cated on China hill at an altitude of :t,0Hi feet and only three mile from the snow line of Mt. Hood. Notice of Annual Stockholders' Meeting The annual stockholders' meeting of the Farmers' Irrigating Company will be held Saturday, January l-l, 1912, at 10 a. m. at Commercial Club hall for the purpose of electing seven director to serve one year, and for the purpose of transacting such other business as may legaly come before the meeting. I5y order of Director. M. H. Nickki.kkn', Secretary. It pays to advertise. ' COMMITTEE WILL DECIDE AS TO BIG APPLE SHOW A Portland dispatch snys: A com mltteeof five will be it 'lined by Chair man i. F. JoIiiiboii soon to survey the local field thoroughly for 191J. to determine Ifan at tempt Hhall he made to hold a great apple show here this year. At a meeting of the general committee, representing the Com mercial Club. Horticultural Society and other Inter sts, held in the Com- menial Club rooms, this decision was reached, Sdiiic believed there would he so many conventions and other big things here In 1912 as to make It Impractical to have a great apple show then. Others felt th'it now Is the time to do everything. To get the situation better In baud, the chairman was authorized to name a survey committee, which will canvass the situation exhaust Ively. For Sale A fine lot of hay in the Mt. Hood district. Near Mt. Hood Post Office. Phone, Odell 38 or 2002-x. emm JFaunntr Ja?m$ Submittal, bij 3. a. Nralriijli Have courage, everyone, to do the right! Life's battles must be fought. And those who strive will win the fight. Success may not be bought; For cowards rarely win the day. Nor men who idly pace; Tis those who bravely work away That gain the foremost place. Have courage, everyone, to do the right! In every little thing, No sin is small in heaven's sight, But trouble sure 'twill bring. The wise and good can safely stand Where others surely fall. For goodness strengthens every hand. And makes strong men of all. Have courage, everyone, to do the right! Be bold, be brave, be strong! By doing right, we get the might To overthrow the wrong. T is 'only' those who evil do That need a coward fear; So let your lives be good and true, And keep your conscience clear. Have courage, everyone, to do the right! Like heroes of renown; For only those who bear the fight Can hope lo wear a crown. Let manliness your standard be. Nor hear the scoff and jeer; Seek after truth and purity. And holy filial fear. Have courage, everyone, to go and win; Walk in the good old way; Strive day by day to conquer sin. And ever watch and pray. Success will come still persevere. And keep the prize in sight; Help from on high your heart will cheer While fighting for the right. -iibW'i Monthly. Set. ku E. B. A. Nothing to do with the life God gives you, Nothing to do in the race that you run, Nothing to do with the precious talents, Nothing that may answer thy soul, "Well done"? Nothing to do? O you who are careless! Nothing to do but to while life away? No use to make of the priceless fragments? Think of the time you are wasting each day! Be not deceived. Think, live and be earnest. Your life was not meant just for you alone, But ere long there cometh God's great harvesl When everyone must reap what they have sown. God wants us to use his golden moments, He would that not one should drop from the loom. Behold e'en the stars how they impress us With life's earnestness from cradle to tomb. Build for yourself and those you are touching A character spotless and pure and deep; Then when the sheaves of life's purpose are garnered A rich and blessed harvest thou shall reap. Beyond our gaze is a beautiful palace, Fashioned by God for his home in the soul. And a still small voice from this secret temple Murmureth as the peaceful waters roll; And it tells of an influence immortal. Breathes of the coming blest eternity, And whispers in a low, sweet cadence Of something to do and something to be. The flowers teach in sublimest lessons That man should be noble and good and true And oft to the eager soul their fragrance Beareth the message, "There's something to do." Something to do in the bright, pure morning. Something to do when the noontide is high, Something to do in the restful evening, Something as the swift, splendid years go by. Something to do in thought and in action. Something to do with ten talents or one, Something to do worth while and eternal, Something that may answer thy soul, "Well done." -Bu DELBERTA MILTOX In every home where there are chil dren there should lx a bottle of White' Cream Vermifuge. It de stroys worms and act a a tonic to the debilitated system. Price 2.V per bottle. Si.M by ( has. X. Clarke. II. II. HADLOCK Thone 326-M Office 45-L GEO. II. STEINHOFF rhone 59-M HADLOCK & STEINHOFF Real Estate and Fire Insurance Improved and Unimproved Orchard Lands LIST YOUR RANCHES WITH US FOR SPRING SALES DO IT NOW I 2nd and Cascade Ave., Opp. Hotel Oregon, Hood River, Oregon We Repair Motor Cycles Bicycles Lawn Mowers Sewing Machines Type Writers Cash Registers Moving Ficture Machines Small Motors (TrtrJc,d) All kinds of Locks All kinds of Fire Arms Saw Filing &c. BERGMAN & BRiTTAIN Gun and Locksmith GENERAL REPAIR WORKS Stewart Hardware Co. Building Phone 11 FRUIT SECTIONS MAYM1C0MBINE A project for controllltiff the apple output of the northwest by ininbln liiK the four bin fruit produclm; scc tlons In a selling agency will be con sidered by local fruitgrowers at a meeting which will be called fur the twenty-seventh of this month. The proposition was Informally presented by K. S Mtller.mnnager of the Ilogue Hlver Fruit and Produce Association at an Informal meeting of the direc tor and stockholders of the local Apple (irowcrs' I'lilon held here the last of the week. Mr. Miller's proposition Is that the four districts Hogue Klver, Hood Klver, Wena tehee and Yakima com bine for the purpose of marketing their fruit In common and at a smaller cost. The plan Is that the four section should toget tier bny a controlling Interest In the already established Xorthwestern Print l'.x changf of Portland. Thl exchange was stated by Mr. Miller to be In ex cellent standing as a selling organiz ation, and In shape to be used at once for the purpose of comprehen sive fruit distribution. A committee of live was appointed to Investigate the proposition and report their findings at the meeting to lie held on the t wenty sevetil h. They are: II. K. Ferguson. P. S. Pavldsou, A. I. Mason, ('. II. Sproat and (I. I j. Waller. The meeting will be open to all Interested parties In Hood Klver or adjacent communities. W hen buying a cough incdti Ine for children bear In mind that Chamber lain' Cough Keliieily Is most el'fiv'il al for cold, croup and whooping rough and that It contain no harm ful drug. For sale by all dealers Uead the New's Want Ads. fflcunt Kcccl RaiCrcad Time Tihl No. 10. Effective April 17th. I?:C1 A. M. 4 NOHTM- P.M. Hood River 3.10 3.05 2.55 2.30 A.M.- 8.00 8.05 8.15 8.35 8.40 8.55 0.10 9.20 0.40 0.45 10.15 10.25 10.40 10.50 Ar. Ly. Ar. Powerdale Switchback Van Horn Mohrs Odell Summit Rloucher Winans Dee Dee Troutcreek Woodworth Parkdale Lv. Ar. Lv 2.15 205 2.00 1.50 1.45 1.25 1.20 1.05 1.00 Sunday,, north bound train will run two hours late, above 9-hcdulc. leaving Parkdale 3 p. m. A. WILSON. Agtnt. Fish Is Attractive only when fresh, stale fish is abominable. Our rule is to han dle none but the freshest whether from river, lake or ocean. In all seasons we pride ourselves upon the freshness and flavor of our Fish, and we carry only that which is in season. Our supplies reach us daily, so the freshness can be guaranteed. The prices are as pleasing as the fish itself. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET P. C Yor.Ni;. Prop. The Teller of Stories from Illinois Miss Edna Lyman, WILL GIVE A LECTURE ON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1912 at the CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH on The Telling of Bible Stories tjpecuiir suggestive for CDurch Workers, Teachers lod Parents Lj ADMISSION 25 CENTS 44 W. S. GR1BBLE The Mt. Hood Store General Merchandise Flour, Feed, Spray Material Farm Implements si and si Stumping Powder J. A. LITEL MT. HOOD, ORE. Blacksmith and Wagonmaker HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY 25 Years Experience S. E. BARTMESS Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer ESTABLISHED 18 YEARS MOOD RIVER, OREGON 00 TO J. H. HEILBRONNER& CO. For Peal Estate "Bargains m in ToLatn and allcv H Heilbronner Building M u Hood River, Oregon j JOHNSON BROS. & HALE j GENERAL MERCHANDISE j Groceries, Furnishings, Shoes, Hardware, Etc. I Agents for Bane Wagons, Racine Hacks, I Phone 20J2-M Pine drove Grange Building Van Horn Station f i I F. B. SNYDER B B. PON ELL flood Giver Plumbing Company Sanitary Plum3:nc and Heating. Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Repairing Promptly Attended. ESTIMATES FURNISHED CASCADE AVENUE PURDY & CHAPMAN Complete Lines of General Merchandise Feed and Grain Prompt and courteous treatment ODHLL, ORIiGON II GARAGEWe have tho wni'y r.ursii ami j H CARTKKCAK Autom..t.iI.-si. L. tustmc M H you a rido. J Jj Jp You are going to have your Auto over- JJ M haulod this winter let us figure on your M work. jj VllIC3niZing DOnS-0'1- Gasoline and Auto Ai-cessorie-!. JJ Tubes. Casings and Batteries. Visit our Garage for repairs and supplies. J. F. VOLSTORFF 3 lL'lT) C Street. Hood River Heights M Telephone LViK H :zz:zzz:zxzzzziz:zr:zzzzz:xzzxzzzzr,