The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, December 20, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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Notice to Homeseekers and Sell
ersAre you looking for a
home in the city or country, or
if you have a home in the city or
country you want to sell, see or
write the Mt. Hood Land Ex
change, Hood River Heights,
corner Pine and 12th Streets. Of
fice manager, W. A. Carnes;
field manager, J. T. Nealeigh.
WANTED -Improved and un
improved orchard land in the
Hood River valley for immediate
buyers. Prices must be right,
and only desirable properties
with exclusive listings can be
considered. J. F. Batchelder,
Room 2, Davidson Bulding.
Phone 163. 51-52
For Sale Seven room house and
one lot. House modern and in
good location. Will take team of
horses as first payment, balance
on easy terms. See V. J. Raker
& Co. 50-52c
For Sale-230 acres of land, from
$50.00 per acre up. Will sell
20-acre tract with part in trees.
C. J. Calkins. Phone 50-K. tfc
WANTED -Good room and
board in private family by
two young men. Address A. R.
C, care News. 51
For Sale 1 Team and harness,
true pullers, good travelers; 1
No. 2 Faultless stump puller,
complete; 1 Jersey cow, 4 years
old; these are very cheap buys;
it will pay you to investigate.
D. Currier, Jr., Odell 84, R.D. 2.
For sale R. I. Red Cockerels,
bred from prize winning stock,
(let your next season's breeders
while the choice is good. Also
some pullets old enough to lay.
Phone 2012-M. E.F. Ratten. 45tf
FOR SALE - Rhode Island chick
ens, cheap, for cash; must
sell; going away. Phone 273-K.
Address 717, Eugene St. 51-52 p
For Sale Fine Jersey cow. In
quire Deitz Photo Studio.
Phone 345-C or 275-X. 50-51-c
Notice to Apple Tree Planters
I have 1 and 2-year-old apple
trees for sale for seasons 1911-12
several standard varieries.good
trees; fine trees 7c to 10c. Phone
218-K or write me at Hoot! River,
Ore., if you .want apple trees.
All trees guaranteed true to name
and free from disease. J. T.
Nealeigh. 28-52p.
For Sale Set of Stoddard lec
tures, set of Shakespeare, one
office chair, square of linoleum
and a lawn mower. Address
Ervine Klein, Pacific Power &
Light Co. 51-2p
Wanted -About 3(H) feet, more
or less, of second hand wooden
main pie. State size and price.
Address P. O. Box 14, Parkdale.
Lost- Girl's grey striped water
proof cape with hood, green
plush lap robe, blue waterproof
cape, 2 pieces red and grey can
vas. Finder please leave at
News ofiice, or phone 2112-L.
hat, on
Pin Grove and
Finder please
leave at News
I ost-Ladies black fur
LThanksgiving night.
where between
Tucker bridge,
phone 338-M, or
ofiice. 50-51-c
Lost One white pig, wt. about
20 pounds. Last seen near
Advent church, on Jerico Lane.
Please notify A. II. Rerry, phone
204-L. 50-51-c
fall planting we have a
fine line of Roses, Shrubs and
the old fashioned Perrenials;
also an extra good collection of
Peonies. You better come and
see the Roses, etc., in bloom and
pick them out; and those Rulbs,
too, that you want to bloom
next spring. Cut Flowers and
Designs to order on short notice.
Fletcher & Fletcher, the Pioneer
Florists, tf
WANTED Salesmen wanted to
look after our interest in
Hood River and adjacent coun
ties. Salary or commission. Ad
dress The Victor Oil Company,
Cleveland, Ohio. 51-52.
The I'ulviTMlty of Orison ('itu t'lub
will K've It Hiiiiiiiil n nicer t ttt the
Monroe operii hoiiHe, ThtirHilny even
ing. Ieo. ".'Int. The xlxteenth protn
I Men to lie the iIiiIi'm umxt Huccenxfiil
eiiMon, (or dirge innl appreciative
allillehcert have met the Oregon ImiIh
In the concert tour of Southern Ore
ifini JiiMt completed.
Melvtu Ogilen, of I'ortl'iud, director
of the (lull, Iiiim revolutionized the
program tliUyear, doing away with
I he Mandolin ( lull Hid adding more
college Hong and a greater numlier
of hUIm, depleting the Hiiliny Hide of
college life.
.nnerted hy many to lie the clever
ent nklt ever given hy the Oregon
(ilee Cluli, In the one entitled "Mr.
Crane YIhIIh Oregon," with which
the program In cloned The plot wait
written liy Dean Collin, a graduate
of the claHM of Ml), now known an
'.NeHclux Niltn on l'unkendorf Sta
tion, while Director Ogden furnlnhed
niiwt nl the word. The nklt repre
Kent ri Mr. Crane, the wealthy editor
of The Valve World, tin a vlnlt to the
I'nlverHlty of Oregon, in which he
Iowm hU view concerning the worth
Ichmiicmh of the American college.
The I'ldverMlty (ilee ( lull thin year
In fortunate In hating Hereral per
former who would lie a credit to
any professional tr inpe. Hum
I'owell. of Cortland, the president
and leader of the cluli, linn few equalx
In the Nort Invent in the art of trom
bone playing David Campbell, a
half-brother of I'. I,. Campbell, pretil
dent of the Uiilvc ridty. In ii piano
player of no Hinall genlu. At the
tender age of live Cnmptiell played In
recital In IiIh home town. Mon
mouth; at l"i he gave recltaUand at
1H he won n Hchohtridilp, Including
tuition and all expeiiHex, at Whitman
College cmiHervatory of uhihIc. Thin
fall he ha Jtmt returned from two
yearn npent In Merlin under the taaln
Ingot the greatent piano inanter of
Harry Ding, another inemlier of
tlie elub. In a Portland Chlnene boy,
with a good American bann voice.
Ding niugn noIoh tlrnt In Kngllnh anil
then III Chlnene. Melvlu Ogden, the
liintructor of the club and u gradu
ate of the I'lilvemlty of Oregon, In
the clunn of 11)11, furulnhen two inter
esting feature of the concert, lie
deplctn on the piano the depreda
tlonn of Jai-k - Daltou, rutliau. and
later given a fair Imitation of the
famoiin Mine. Scuhman-llelnk.
Among the ntuntntern, Vernon
Vawter, of Medford. Norton Cowden,
of Nil verton; Del Stauuard, of Port
land; Kaphael (ielnler, of Portland;
tilen Storle, of Pendleton, and Jerry
Martin, of Klamath Falln, makeup
a coterie that In hard to lieat on the
amateur ntage.
Tn the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, in
amJ for IIimmI Kiver County.
Sidney H. Carnine, 1'laintifT.
Ailt-lia A.Stranahan, Kila May Jones. A. H.
June. Alliert K. Stranahan, Correan Strana
han. Kthel Anderson. Koy Anderson. May
Motlishaw. Kred Mottihaw, Clinton Mooney,
Jtessie Mooney. Hope MiMiney, a minor. timer
K. McCray. iruanlian of Ho Mooney, a
minor, David E. Berdan. Addie Kerdan. Anton
knudson, Ole KnudHon. Knute knudson.
Mary Kude. and Chrmtion Rude. Defendants
To Kthel Anderson. Koy Andersen, May Motti
shaw, Kred Mottmhaw. Hope Mooney, a minor.
Llavid K. Herdan. Addie herdan, Ole knudaon
and Knute Knudaon, defendants, impleaded with
the other defendants above named, and to each
of you:
In the name of the State of Oreiron: You are here
by required to appear and answer the complaint
tiled airainat you. and each of you. in this Court,
in the above entitled suit, on or before the last
day of six consecutive weekM from the date of the
first publication of thia Summona. aa hereinafter
stated, and if you fail to do so. for want thereof,
plaintiff will apply to this Court for the relief
demanded in his said C-omplaint, and will take
judirment for the reformation of three certain
deeds of conveyance constituting a continuous
chain of title, by amending and correcting the i
erroneous description of land contained in and
running down throuirh all of said deeds, so that .
the same will conform to the real and true intent i
of the partiea thereto, and the said description
therein read as follows:
Commencing; at the quarter section corner on !
the south aide of section 3o in township 3, north, i
range 1U. east of Willamette Meridian, and run
thence north alor r the quarter section line run-1
ntntr north and south throuirh said section 35. a
distance of ln.H.r chains, more or less, to the point
markinir the northwest corner of the tract of land
owned by (ieorire It SteinhotT and Kdith O. Stein
hotr. husliand and wife, and run thence south.
F4MIK ' east, along the north boundary of said
SteinhotT 's land a diatance of 3.50 chains, more or
leas, to the southwest comer of the tract of land
owned by Itertha K. (ilasa. for the point of com
mencement of the tract hereby deacrilied: thence :
running; northerly alone; the east boundary of said
(ilass' land 4 chains, more or lens, to the south- j
west corner of the tract of land now owned by i
Owi-jre Walter Uwrrnrc. thence running easterly j
along; the south boundary of said lawrenre's land j
11 chains, more or leas, to the southeast corner
thereof: thence runtime; south parallel to the said '
east boundary of said (;iass land 4 chains, more I
or less, to a point in the nail known aa the Ava
Ion Wav. south. K!l OH ' east of the point of com
mencement; thence north. Oh ' west 11 chains,
more or less, to the point of commencement.
Said deeds beinir: One from O. I,. Stranahan
and wife to Ilavid K. Herdan. dated February liu.
lHirJ. recorded in Hood Kiver County IH-ed Records
Volume K. paire '?.;; one from Ilavid K. Benlen
and wife to Christian Knudaon, dated August IK,
harj, recorded in Volume A, psu-e f75, same rec
ords; and nn from Christian Knudaon to Sidney
M. ( amine. dated October 7, 19U7. recorded in
Volume I patre ii2i, aame records.
Those of you found by the Court in its decree to
he chargeable with that duty willlie required to
make and deliver new doeda of the form, sub
stance and intent of such aaid onginala described
aliove, but containing such corrected and reformed
description, within a detinitely fixed time after
the entry of such decree, or in case of failure so
to do. such decree to stand aa and for auch new
I'laintitT also prays that thecloudupon hia title
to aaid land, caused by said incorrect and defec
tive deed, tie removed and that hia said title be
forever quieted against you: and for other equita
ble relief.
Vou are hereby served by publication of this
Summona by order of the Hon. Geo. I. Culbert
son. County Judge of Hood River County, Ore
gon, entered Ilecember lath, lull, wnicn order
nrescnlied that you shsll appear and answer the
complaint on or liefore the last day of six consec
utive weeks from the date of the first publication
of this summons; and you are further notified
that the ilale of the lirst publication of this sum
mons is Ilecemlier 2ii, l!ill.
Hood Kiver. Oregon,
Dec 20-Jan 3l-7t Plaintiff! Attorney.
Unitarian Church Notes
A ctilldren'n Chrlntmaa Party will
be held at the church Friday evening
at 7 o'clock, for the Sunday nchool
children and the children of thone In
terented In the church. The paretitn
and other membern of the congrega
tion are cordially Invited.
At the ChrintmuH nervlee next Sun
day Kev. Inane Peart will participate
In the morning worHlilp. Until Mr.
Peart and Mr. McDonald will npeak.
Mr. Peart'n nubject will be, "A Ulg
(iuentlon and a Pig Annwer."
Special ihiihIc In iM'Ing prepared. A
cordial Invitation In extended to all.
Farewell Service
We will be glad to meet our many
frlendn at the Alliance chapel next
Sunday, Dec L'4, at 11 a. in., an thin
will lie our farewell nervlee before
leaving for Stockton, Cal., our new
tield of nervlee.
There will be a Chrlntman nervlee
for the Sunday nchool In the evening
at ":i0 o'eltx'k. C. K. Perry.
Chan. T. Karly In noted by the Sa
lem papers an a vlnltor In that city
Hood Kiver angler are wrathy
over the fact that two local linh deal
em are gill netting the Hood river
ami thereby are threatening to de
Ktroy thetrout llnhlugln that ntream.
An tUtiing In the river In one of the at
tractloun and renourcen of the town
and valley, cltlzeim are protentlng
loudly ngalimt the jirocedure.
15y placing netn ncronn the lower
part of the river and taking every
thing In the llnh line t tin l comen
along, the ntream would noon be
cleaned out. While nothing can be
(lone at prenelit tontop thene depre
datloiin, it In ntated that application
will be made to tlientate uuthoritlen
to have Hood river made a npawn
Ing ntream. which. If granted, will
make It unlawful to une netn In It.
Live Local Topics
Mr. find Mm. W. I. Kogern were
pleanantly nurprlned by their frlendn
Saturday evening. The evening was
npent playing card and dancing.
Hefrenhmeutd were nerved.
Klaborate nervlcen are being pro
vided for Sunday at Mvewlde church.
A npectal iiiunlcal program will be
given In the morning. Yenper nerv
lee at 5 o'clock, by the Sunday nchool.
The nteamer J. N. Teal, of -the
Open Hlver line, will make Itn hint
regular trip next Friday. The Ta
Iiijiiih will iie put on the Tea In nched
ule and make the run for the rent of
the winter.
The Chrlntman tree and Sunday
nchool program of the Paptlnt
church will lie held on Friday even
ing. The congregation and friend
of the ncholarn are cordially Invited.
Kxerclnen at 7:"I0.
Services at St. Mark'n church next
Sunday will be an usual. On Mon
day, Chrlntman Day, there will be
holy communion at 8 o'clock. At
10::W there will be a full nervlee with
nerinon and special munlc.
Destruction or cutting of treen
within the parks of the city In ponl
tlvely prohibited. Any and all of
fenders will bf vigorously prosecuted.
l?y order of the Common Council.
H. 15. LAMiii.i.K, City Kecordcr.
Hoiikrt Li:viM, Mamhal.
We Repair
Motor Cycles
Lawn Mowers
Sewing Machines
Type Writers
Cash Registers
Moving Picture Machines
Small Motors (wtV"uTl)
All kinds of Locks
All kinds of Fire Arms
Saw Filing
Gun and Locksmith
Stewart Hardware Co. Building
Phone 1 1
Victor Talking Machine
Edison Phonograph
And a few New Records for same. You
don't even have to wait until Christmas,
They are good every day in the year.
These records are the best made and will fit any
make of machine. Leave or send us your address
and we will mail you new lists each month. Buy at
home at Factory Prices. A complete line of....
Victor's and Edison's at
Waggener's Music House
Waggener Wants Your Trade !
Hurrah! Toyland Is Open
Dolls Games
Mechanical Toys Blocks
Children's Books Christmas Cards
Handkerchiefs Gift Boxes
Pictures Bells
China Tea Sets
Everything imaginable to make a Merry
Christmas. COME ON Point your shoes
toward the .
Christmas Store of Hood River
e5f 10, 15 Cent Store
Xmas Cheer Comes but Once a Year
let Us Assist You in Making Your Selections
Xmas Candy
We have everything in this line
that can be desired Fancy Can
dy, Chocolate Bon Bons, Nut and
Cream Centre Candies; prices to
suit every purse.
Jardinieres, Card Receivers, Fern
Dishes, Ash Receivers, Desk Set
Match Holders, Clocks, Pen
Holders, Ladies' Hat Pin Re
ceivers, Jewel Boxes.
Xmas Perfumes
Some in Fancy Bottles; some in
bulk sold by the ounce; some in
the old stand-by, known the
world over.
Xmas Stationery
Fine quality of Irish Linen paper
and envelopes, put up in attrac
tive decorative boxes; many styles
to select from. Prices range from 5 Oc to $5
Bristle Goods
Cloth Brushes, Military Brush
Sets, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brush
es in Glass Holders, Hat and Bon
net Brushes.
Fountain Pens
Waterman's Ideal, Conklin's Self
Filling, from $1.00 and up, ev
ery pen guaranteed to give satis
faction, you to be the judge.
Xmas Cigars
Choice Smokes that will win the
heart of any smoker, packed in
neat Xmas Boxes.
Manicure Sets
Something that every lady of re
finement ought to have on her
dresses. Styles and prices to suit every purse.
Shaving: Set Complete
Razor, Strop, Hone and
Mug. Prices to suit all.
Selectinga Xmas Kodak
at our store is a very simple matter.
Our stock is complete from the little
$1.00 Brownie to the most expensive Special Kodak and we can explain clearly
and simply their various points of excellence. Let us assist you in selecting
the Camera best suited to the person for whom you are buying.
Lighting Talks
To the People of Hood River:
This is the first of a series of plain, straight-forward addresses to the
people of Hood River upon the business aims and purposes of the Pacific
Power & Light Company, chiefly concerning the relations of this company
to the public and the welfare of the city.
Here is a subject of genuine interest to YOU, because it is a subject
of real importance to every taxpayer, to every consumer and to every man
who cares at all for the progress and development of this community.
Whatever misunderstanding or misconception may exist in this com
munity concerning the affairs of this company and its relation to the city
of Hood River ought to be cleared away for the benefit of the people of
Hood River quite as much as for the .good of this company.
The first facts which we wish you to remember are these:
1. We are here to give this community the BEST SERVICE at the
LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES commensurate with the best service.
2. We realize that our own welfare is closely identified with the wel
fare of this city and community; and we are determined to do everything
in our power to promote these mutual interests.
We propose through this series of addresses to the people, to demon
strate the fairness of our operating policies and the fact that we consider
our rights in this community in the nature of a public trust through which
we are privileged to serve you.
Watch for "LIGHTING TALKS NUMBER 2" next week.
Pacific Power & Light Company