8 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1911 I iI P P3 TTfi F3 O Hr I v f r m 1 Il U 1U II 1, Jj O I Fir All KUf.Kr(Ri THAT UF JTMOULn OUIT Tur My l SILLY ?ACTCECrCVfV5LA3K7WLCSS SOMETHING THEY CAV US 1 rt MANTy NiCF U5FFIJL1HING5 LIKE GLOVc 5", HANDKERCHIEFS NECK WEAR AM) THE LIKE- VE HAVE ALL THE THINGS YOU WEtfU 4 BUSTER BROVI r v,t . i r w i 7 om,tj.T B e virtu taowwco- caiCe TTC M CritTnA. TKCC OUR ENTIRE STORE SERVIBE AT YOUR DISPOSAL TO MAKE YOUR PREPARATIONS COMPLETE Jtore Open Ei-Venings Thursday and Friday Headquarters f2 Useful Gifts Store Open Late Saturday Night H It IiP I 1 1 b.tp. Dnm k . i -r RET50LVED That there is ,yo fvn it? GOING OUT IN VjNTER UrVLESS You ARE WARMLY DRESS ED BUT WHILE Yof ARE BUYNG UAR CLOTHES WHY 1VOT G Ef TH E 5T YU S H AVD HArVDJOME AT.TrlE JANE TIME- GO To THE 5TDRE WHERETHEY KNOW HOW TO FVWSH ff CLOTHES Rl C HT AM) f Qr A V RIGHT PRICE - . A BUSTER.DK 4 m No. SO. ?. 7"0-7T-...- wm ;md manioc. LADIES' CLOAKS HALF price: FRANK A, CRAM McKIBBIN FURS AT ACTUAL. COST rur v v 1 " 7 v vir 7 v ratT7 v v LOCALSandPERSONALS E. It. Pooley spent the week end in I' inland vinltln frit-ml. I). ('. Kcclt-M of S.-ilt I.fik-' 'ity. th" well known I'tnli ii.pHalift, im here Sntunlay mi a lui-inci-n visit. T. i. Fri)iin rctcutlv uii'l'Twctit an operation at tlif lionjf of broth er In law, ('. ). Mckflcn, ati'l U liiakinji a Katlrfartory rwnvry. Silver Su'Im for ;V- at I.-irk jewelry store. Try a Suii'lity at I'ark'lale I'ark. S(e tiil raten on Mount llooil Knil roa, Ma 'le ( lean, liakei cl-an. oM 1. an- ioo.l llnilth I'.r. ail. Save th ). .oii Soli t,y 1'arker'K. The (jll'.-ker a eol'l I- Ot tell ri'l of the itaiier f r :n ( rn-ti rn o i.i ai ! other wrlmin ilifi-a- -. Mr 1'. W. I.. Hall of Wiiverly, a . hrm l.v lielieve ( 'ha 111 lierla ; n 'f otili '. m- e.l t.l lie ali'.l'iIe.V the lie-t pre :i- rnthiii on the market for roM- I have n-i . .in nieinleii 1 1 to lay f r o r , . ! - II in they ail lit'ree With t'le " l',r nale li all ih aler From a Woman's Voini of VicUt To saw; on ;r"s in rookit.tr i.i a jrrcat sati.-f;.' tion. Crescent Baking Powder n,al' of w h i t e of t-yj and ihojihat', Haw" on am) ItAI.SKS THK DOUCH i;i:TTi;ii. MlIU BT (ikflMKS .r , , , 25 IIMS C:escenl Mg. Co. SEATTLE Wnkiirj vt M.ililmnR, Crui.tiit Mituring litriuti and SplcKi, LuttieJ, lets, ItL. Mr. I'hil AHplnwall left for Port lan'l Monilay for a lnit with her parent. Mr. anil Mr. A. W. I'.oor mim. ; ( liristiaii Scienc e Hervieen are hei In Cemlinu llooin. No. 'i. hinilwui 1 linililiiik'. Snii'lay at 11 a. in am) Weilne.;iy ,,t s p. in Sumlay nrhool at l'i a. in. i Thrift inai mTvircs at the Thanh of the I llltliai-llla te I I .inept ic hi will le art follnui: I'irHt iii.irt at :!-": -roiii) mart at v.'lu; 1 1 1 i r-1 mafat 1 l'i:i Special nii)ic. A Thrift mart tree hart heell Co llf ec ra t e. 1 fir tile Smi'lay fctii ol chil In ii .1. T. I'.atche,er hai mov.-il hif ! otlice to the Iiavl'l-on tmlliliii, room J. atll Will lie .-;i -!. J fit rti-e partiex ' ho haw Ira pr. ive, anil n ni in pri veil app lain) In the lloiel Kiver valley f'.r -ale. I'artief having; ileflra'ile j pri.p'-rtiert that they wl-h to fell will Ii well to fi e hilll It hollf iei y art i ije h if Inner- f,,r filch propertief ' I'r; e- iii t t lie riht ; i r i I only ex-cpj-!e il-tia'rt can he coiif iihreil. I 'hone P;:: A. T.. I'ae rueive. 1 wor.froina I i Mi .iiiif aliormy I relay that he If one i.f il,.. h irf to an Knt'li-h entati vai'li'lat over viii.iiiki,ihmi. The im. t it- has I... a In litigation for over Veal'-. Illlt feprertelltativert of t lie I'.iye family in America are ftill tiirlit.ii for it In the ciniitrt. 'I he In :r- ire m ry iiimit..ih. I.ut fhotihl th.'V rt i. I III ulhliiliir filch fin ere .1 moiif .--tate they will nil lie m ol- x ry u nit hy. f mt a l f. .r f ale ii I lai ke'f 1 1 rnir ft., r- I Ihai'li llrea l put up In a fault i ry wrapper ! fore I. a ill' t he hakery a e the coapoiif. -'or f 1 1" n t I 'a rkerf . I In I. a. lie- Ail) fociety of lielmollt M He I,-1 i him-li will In .M a caf. t. ria Hllpper U e.pll fil l evelllllir. I'ec L'7. at I'ai k krrai.e hall IP a 1 1 1 i j i ii If n rt.iiipt.m of inili (Ve-tiull l ake II ilo-e iif llerllilie In fu ll case I he pain ili-apirt-nr In ftatitU. 'Iheliowelf operate f pee I lly ami ou f. el line, imonx ami (heerflll. I'r Ire ."fir. Sohl h.V ( ha. X. ( larkf. : II. K. Miller, manager of tlie Itoue i Kiver Fruit timwer' AMHoclatlon, j maile i brief vlult in llooil Uiver Sat j unlay. Kvery family han need of iv nood, rellalilelinimetit. For Hpraltirt, lirnlnert anil Horelieifrt of tile tilUHclt rt, ami i rheuinatie paliiM, there In none better than ('tiamberlaiu'H. Sold b all ; dealer. j Pr. M. K. Welrh lian a Hon at New Kirhmond, Win., who Irt editor of the I Kirliuiotid Newrt. Ilchafjiift gotten j out a rtperial edition of the NewH IthatfhoWrt that he In a tieWHpaper man of no mean ability. 1 he edition IcontaitiH Hpecial writeupn of New I Kiclimond'rt induftriert, with llliirttni- tloiirt, and is a very liitererttliiK IrtHiie. A. I'. I'.ateham of Monler, preident 'of the Oregon State Horticultural 1 Society, who haw done Home very ff.-rtivc work !n liitrref tlior u ninii 1 her of the mortt Influential men In I Portland in the 1:i1l apple nIiow, wan a ifin rtt at the 1 1 otel ( trefoil I Saturday. Mr. Pateham wan ar irompanled by hlrt dautfhter. Miff Mamie I'.ateham. Ilev. Allen Mirkey and Mrn. I. X. I'.yerlee arrived III town Saturday for a viflt with Mm. ien. l.ynn. Mr. Mickey, who If Mrn. Pynn'n Krand ! father, wan fO yea rf old Friday and i Irt one of the pioneer preachern of the ! ftate of Iowa, lielnu: one of the oldent ; men preaching the ifofpel at the pn-feiit time. Mrn. I'.yerlee If Mr. Hickev'rt daughter and Mrx. I,ynn-M mother. With the vlfitor prenent four ireneratlotirt were reprefeiited at t he I .y mi home Sunday. i Try a loaf of Good Health I'.read at l'arker'rt. '-t'n (,'ood to the hint crumb " Save the coupoiirt. ( or Sale- A fine lot of hay In the Mt. Hood district. Near Mt. Hood I'ofit Office. Phone, Odell 3H or ; 2002.x. I ijood Health Pread-whlle, whole 1 w heat and uriiliinii home made, you ! will like It. Save tlie eoupiilirt. Sold by l'arker'rt Pad taote In the month Is removed with a ill me of llerbllie. It rtWeelelirt the rttotuacli and puriliert the liver and bowelrt. Price ." Sold b. I hai X. lark.-. U hen you have a cold K"- ii hot lie of I ha III bel'hl I n'rt Tolllill Pemedy.' It Mill Moon lix j on i-i all rluht and nill ward off any tendency toward pneumonia. ThU remi d.v colitalnf no opium or other nun-otic and may be (.'Hen an (-onlldciitly to a baby an I an ii 1 1 ii 1 1 . Sold by all dealirf. Mr. and Mm. Howard Hartley re. turned from t heir weddini.' trip Fri day and are at present Htalntr at tile Hartley home Through her attorney. S. W. stark Mrrt. Jennie P. Moore hart rtecureil a divorce, and the ciirttodv of her three minor children, from .1. A. Moore. W. S. t'nrran, road mipervirtor from that dlrttrlet, wan here Saturday on an official visit. The road dirttrict In Vletito contemplate dolm; con slderalile work on the ma If there next year. H. I', (iillman and A. W. Powland of Houston. Tex., were here Thurs day and took a ride a round the val ley. These ircntlemcii have been In the district in Texas where the crops were burned up hy the heat la-t Hummer and are ccntemplatlnc; a change of residence. ('has. Ij. Coke of Cascade Pocks wan here Saturday dolnir some shop ping Mr. Coke Irt rcprcseiitlmr the F. M. Howell To., printers of em bossed stationery, on the coast. The Howell company has iis place of business at Klmirn. X. V.. mid Is one of the largest establishment rt of t he kind In tin- I 'lilted Statert. Mrs. Marlon MacPae writes the News that she Is now on an earttern trip and will upend tie- wlnt T on the Atlantic coaft. She wan In Thlcaijo last week anil will spend this week In Council Kluffs. la., and Omaha. Xi-br. While In Chicai.'o she met Mr. and Mrs. ,Ioe Carter and also Mrn, Sciiiulck and Mm. Pishop, at one time owners of Valhalla orchard Mtm. MacPae Mays she finds a irreat deal of Interest In regard to Hood Plver throughout Iowa, and while the Chicago land show was well at tended It was verv poor. PcK'ilar Sunday excursion to Park dale. Pleasant trip for yourself and friends. f or Sale A fine lot of hay in the Mt. Hood district. Near Ait. Mood Post Office. Phone, Odell 3H or 2002-x. For coiiiilis and colds use Mallard's llorelioiiml Syrup. It acts soothing, ly In the irritate I lninis a ml t hroa t . Price J.'.c. .'.(ic and $ 1 .nn per bottle, oi l by Tiias. X. Clarke. When your feet are wi l and cold. an. I .1 our body chilled t hroiinh a ml throilKh from expoMilc, take a liljr done of I haiiiberlaia rt I oiiuh K'-me-dy, bathe your feel III hot water be fore k'iIhk to lied, and y on ureal most certain to ward off a severe cold. For sale by nil dealers. II. C. Peters left last week for Cim ciiinali. Ohio, ami will spend tin winter at his former home. A basket social ami li I era ry en ten talnmeiit w ill be ui ven at dolman's hall, on tin- Ih-iejitf, tonight, to w 1 1 it-1 1 all a re In vi ted. The M.-t hoiiif i Siiinl iy school will hive the Christmas entertainment Friday eveiiliuf of t his week instead of Monday, as first planned. Mcinbers of l In- II. ioiI piver Valley Hi.maiM- Society are kindly asked to pay in their yearly dues forl'.lil to t he treasurer M r I,"lie Puller. C. A. Pel!, w ho has been rnii li.n-d to the house for a week with all attack of ".rip. hart recovered and, has been about ayaiu for the past few dayx. C. D. Xlckelsen, now In biifliu ss in Portland, was here Sunday ami spent the day with his family. Iliw dnuiihter, MIs.h Vlola'Xickclseii, w ho wart taken with a mild attack of appendicitis. In reported an recov ering. A. I. Mason returned Friday from Portland, where lie was a delegate to the State liood Koails convention lield at tic Commercial club moms. According to Mr. Mason, Governor West's road tneasurert received scant attention at the hands of the con vention. W. P.Clark, Truman P.utler. P. S. I I.i vidrti hi and Chart. Hall went to Portland Sa t unlay a ml were nui-sts at the railroad men' sdlnner nivcii at the Commercial Club The ilium r was one of tin- bltf affairs of the sea rtonand was atlinded by many of the most pronii.i.int railroad and business men of the state, Owinirtoa mistake, nn advcrllse tneiit C. A. I'lalli had been rililliinn In the News, nnnoanciii"; that he would nlve away a doll with pur chases ainotiiitlnir to a certain sum, was atain Inserted hifs week. The n-fiilt wax that Mr. I lalh wim kept biif.v i 1 1 1 1 a i 1 1 i 1 1 if to customers that the newspaper was to blame and that the foe doll campaign was over. No dirt or ncrins-i Jood Health I'.read-A sanitary wrapper. Saw the coupons l or sale at Parkers hroiil,' rheiiiiia l Ism contracts the muscles, distorts the joints ami un delliiines (he strength. A poweiful pi-net ra I inir and reiclinr reiued. w ill be found in Pallanl's Snow I, lid ineiit It rest inert st remit Ii and sup pleiiess to t he aclillii; HiiiIim. Pi Ii i 1'."ic. ."iUc and IKI s-r bottle. Sold by ChaH. X. I larke. Leslie P.utler returned Thursday from a trip over In the Puct Sound country, where he spent several days mi a business and pleasure visit. Statistics from the 'record of the Oregon State Hoard of Health show that durinic pilo Mood Kivercounty had 1'iJ births and ,Vi deatlis. The sh-iwlii"; made by Mood Plver coun ty III lids respect Is one of the best of any of the counties In the state. The J. P. (i. tills were entertained Tllesd i.V evclilli": of last Week at the homes of Mrs II. M. Huxley and Mrs. P. II. Ilartwltf. Miss Viola Wilson, Miss Jennie Hall ami Miss Ihnldson, a cousin of Miss Mae Iiavidson, were the jruestrt of honor. The party first enjoyed nu hour or two with Mrs. Huxley at a Christmas party, after which they proceeded to Mrs. Mart w lii'rt where a sumptuous dinner I w as served HU-'ceedcd by music. A ( very enjoyable time was had at both places. Mrs. Mart wit; expects to leave this week for southern Califor nia to join her husband. hen the h mils chap badly and the skin splitrt on the (inner tips.; every motion Is painful. Pallanl's Snow I.lulment puts an end to the misery. One or two applications. Ileitis all soreness and restores the hands to sound condition. Price I'.V, .Vic and .1.imi per bottle. Sold hy ( has. X. ( larke. "I had been troubled with consti pation for t o years, and t rlcd all of the best physicians In Prlstol, Ten n , and they could do not hlnir for tile," writes Thos. I',. Williams, Middle boro. Ky. "Tw o packages of Cham berlain's Stomach and Plver Tablets cured me." For sale by all dealers. FREE CAXAMGi T":,or' Jr i ln.t.llin,lA, ,',( e,,,, Vt h,' I t"i:,T1,h"' we ' 5 rr.P.,ID.-l5,,. . . . 1n ( . Inim,., 1 W $ i ( , J , C.ilwmn llunii.l.iw 'mnl l)nri ... 5lHI V jt l i !n i " 7m' 1 u pMW w M --...H T ..K'W,.ijHl. flit .... yj mumni. mraikiingt. Uia, I'untt. Uniklinf rlt, I lr.lwi. Kiil.n. All '. i I. I... .1 t U ,' ,' " " i" - "infow. " tm may- M ofuy- Mnp anywhata. 3 Ul Vt Hurt Send lor Our Complrte Your Bill The Satisfactory Solution of Your Water Supply Problem will be reached by installing in your home a pneumatic Leader Water ffipk Supply system W w w You can have abundant water hot or cold for kitchen, bath, laundry, the lawn and any other purpose required, at a moderate cost. Will also afford fire protection. Tl. tntn A.nnAn.!nl nnt rti,nnl. able water lupply System to be had. Ask your local dealer to explain about the Leader System or write for our bonklrt, "How I Solred the Water Supply rrohlcm." LEADER IRON WORKS, Dept. 22, Decatur, III. fv f;ti Apple Land and Orchard Company OltiQO, No. 9 Oak Stroot, Phono 26 or 2002K, Hood River