THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1911 7 NEW ELECTION PRECINCTS CREATED IN THE COUNTY (Continual from l'ave 1) the I nine line, thence eiixt on the lniHe line to the xoutheiiHt corner of town hIiIu 1 mirth, runnel) K. W.M.. theme north tilonif the enxt lioniuliiry of Htild towiiHhlp to the HoiitheiiMt i-or-ner of Hectlon I'l, hhIiI towiiHlilp ji ml rmiKe, thenee eilMt 'J inllen to the HouthefiHt corner of Mectlon !(), town ship 1 uorth, rmte 10 K. V. M., thence northerly 4 mile to townnlilp line, thence weHt 1 mile, thence north to the point of lietflnnlntf. The new liolirxlurlc of Udell, P.uld wln, KHt and Center nre hh follow; Odell 15elnnlnj at the noutlieiiHt corner of H.t.ttton 1, towiihhlp 1 north, riiiiue 10 K. V. M.. thence wet 4 tulle to the northeiiHt corner of Mec tlon II, Hiiid towiiHhlp mid ratine, thence northerly 1 mile iiIoiik the An East Side Twenty For $10,000 GOOD TERMS Five Acres, 4 to 8 year apples Twelve Acres, yearling apples Half Acre, 3 year pears Near Church, School, Station and Store The Hood River District Land Co. THE SMITH BLOCK HOOD RIVER, OREGON cunt boundary of Mectlon 5 to town Hhip line, thence went 1 mile, theuce uorth to the Htream of Mood itlver, thence down mild Htream to ltn Inter Hectloti with the north and Mouth center line of Mectlon 14, lowiiMhlp 'i north, range 10 K. V. M., thence Month on Hiild line to the center of Mectlon L':t, Maid towtiMhlp and ratine, thence eaMt one-half mile. Mouth one and one-half iiiIIcm, thence eant 1 mile, thence Moiitherly to the point of tie. tclmiliin. liultl win l'enlnnlnt; at the Mouth eaMt corner of towiiHhlp .'t Mouth, range 10 K. W. M., thence north Is inileM to the liane line, thence went 1 mile to the HoutheaHt corner of towiiMhlp 1 north, range 10 10. V. M., thence north on the cant line of Maid towiiHhlp 5 mllcH, thence went to the MouthweHt corner of Meet too 4, town Mhlp 1 north, range 10 K, V. M., thence Month .'! ml lew, thence went 1 iiiIIcm, thence Mouth 2 iiillen, theuce weMt on bane line to the northi UHt corner of towiiHhlp 1 Mouth, range II K. V. Ml, thence Mouth on went I hie of Hald towiinhlp to the Houthwent corner thereof, thence went to the went boundary line of Hood River county, theuce miutherly along said bounilary line to the Houthwent cor ner of Hood Itlver county, thence eiint to the point of lieglnulng. II U) LOCK MCCOIMIMELL Real Estate And Insurance Next to Mt. Hood Hotel Unimproved Farms a Specialty Office phone 45-L, Residence 345-K Real Estate Bulletin $5,000 -Thirty-two acres in Wil j low Flat Section, close to rail I road, church and store, on the main road, red shot soil. Two pieces of this description are on the market at the present time. Terms $3,000 down. $1,750 -Five acres 4 miles out; house and barn, part in trees, balance cleared on the main road on West Side. Mortgage $G00. Want cash for equity. $2,000 New bungalow and barn, lot 100x100 on corner, near High School. This prioe for quick sale. GEO. W. DIMMICK Real Estate and Insurance Room J, Smith Block Phone J68-M Hood River, Ore. ...Insurance... G. Y. EDWARDS & GO. Office Hotel Oregon Bldg. Phone No. 2K W. J. BAKER Real Hstate Loans Insurance APPLE AND STRAWBERRY LAND A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited Hood Itlver Center Iw-Klnnlntf at the Interned Ion of tlie ntteiim of llooil Itlver with the north and hoii tli center line of Hectton 14, towuHhlp 2 uorth, rmiLje In K. V M , thence north to the Month line of Mectlon:.'';, towiiHhlp 3 nortn, rune ID K. V. M , thence eant to l'lini'llne Ave., thence eant on Morrln Ave. to Twelfth Mtreet, thence Mouth on 12th Htreet to Iatju. Htreet, thence ennt on I .en a Htreet to Sherman Ave. and euMt on Sherman Ave. to Itn InHernec- tlon with the Serpentine road, theuce eanterly on Hald road to ltn lntentec- tloo with Fourth Htreet, theuce nouth on Fourth Htreet to May Htreet, theuce eant on May street to A Third Htreet, thence Houth on A Third St. to the center of section ::ti, townnlilp 3 north, runu 10 E. W. M., thence eant to the Htream of Hood Itlver, thence up Hald Htream to the point oj belnnln. F.ant Hood Itlver IleglnnlnK at the southeast corner of Mectlon 9, towdnhlp 2 north, range 11 F. v. M., theuce went three uilleM, thence north one-fourth mile, thence went to the Htream of Hood Itlver, thence down nald Htreem to Its Intersection with with the eant and went center line of neetlon 30, townMblp 3 north, ranue 10 K. W. K., thence went to the center of nald Hectlon 30, thence uorth to May street, thence west on May Htreet to Fourth street, thence north on Fourth street to Its Intersection with the Serjientlne Itoad, thence northerly on nald road to Its Inter Hectlon with Sherman Ave., thence east on Sherman avenue to Its Inter section with Third street projected south, thence uorth to Columbia river, thence easterly along the south hank of null river to the east boundary line of Hood Itlver county, thence south on said bonndary line to the point of beginning. PACIFIC AND HYDRO COMPANIES CLASH (Continued From Patfe l) and under their Instructions Its em ployes have been working hard to get the plant ready for operation January 1st. Representatives of the company have also been endeavor ing to renew contracts with consum ers who were to get service Jan. 1st. As many who had contracts with the Hydro company now believe that they will get some concessions from the l'acltlc and that the Hydro company may sell out to the latter, they are refusing to renew and nre awaiting developineiitsl to take ad vantage of the turn of events. (iovernors' Special Attracts Attention The (ioveruors' Special, carrying an exhibit of state products his been visiting the principal cities of the country anil has attracted great at tention every where, and Oregon has been favored with more Interest than any other state, judging from the great nuinlier of Inquiries asked of those on board. It pays to advertise. SHARP-ROBERTSON CASE TO BE TRIED AT HOOD RIVER The cade of K. F. Sharp vs. W. II. iiobertsou and the I'. S. Fidelity V (Guaranty Co., which was et for trial at Cortland. In Multnomah county' on the 20th Inst., has been brought to Hood Itlver county for trial. This Is an action brought by K. F. Sharp to recover S.VMj damages off Mr. Itoliertsoti and the Surety Com pany because Mr. Robertson con tracted to clear 00 acres of land for Mr. Sharp, near I'arkdale, for $'',imi, ami the Surety company went his bond for the faithful performance of the contract, and Mr. Robertson was unable to clear the land for that amount of money, fc. V. Stark Is the attorney for Mr. Robertson ami the Surety com puny, and Attorneys Huntington and Wilson, of l'ort laud, represent Mr. Sharp. Schubert Trio Pleases Audience A large anil appreciative audience gathered ut the I'ulharlan church Thursday evening to hear the Schu bert trl'j, a local musical aggrega tion that will give a series of concerts here this winter. The trio Is com posed of William Chandler, violinist; Culver Osgood, baritone, and Hans Hoerllue, pianist. The performers gave their uuillence a very entertain ing evening. (displaying talents of no mean order. All the numbers were encored, much to the delight of the audience. The next concert will be given Tuesday, January !, I!tl2. Oregon Makes Hit at Chicago At the Chicago Laud Show this state has played a prominent part. Oregon Day, December 7tb. was marked by a very large attendance of Interested people who were eager to learn more of Oregon. At St. Paul's Laud Show, which opens this week for 11 days, Oregon will also be represented by delegates and an exhibit. These big features will do much to polut land-hungry people to this state, where agricultural oppor tunity awaits them. BASE BALL For the world's championship Don't fail to see this ball game in MOTION PICTURES AT THE OEM FRIDAY & SATURDAY, DEC. 29 & 30 We Wish you a Merry Jfmasf $12.00 Boys' Overcoats Xmas Special $9.85 $10.00 Pendleton Blankets $8.35 Fancy Colors, Satin Uound, Pure Ore gon Fleece Blue Label Blankets. CO QC Xmas Specials. $8.00 Blankets as above . $6.85 $2.50 fluids' Coney Coats Sizes 2 to o yrs. Xmas Special . . $1.75 $7 to $8 Misses Coney Coats OA QQ (i to 10. Xmas Special. yTiUU Xmas Gift Spc'ls Throughout our Stock aretoonum orous to mention in limited space. You can complete your Xmas pur chases HERL in comfort and with out loss of time. All Stocks arranged for easy selection and marked in plain figures Children's Lambswool Hose in white and colors on imas Special . . UU $2.50 Long Yelour Kimonas 01 QQ Satin Trimmed. Xmas Special y I lUU $1.25 Women's Felt Slippers, OQn Fnr Trimmed. Xmas Special UuU Wool Fascinators and Scarfs 1 0n Xmas Special.. . I 0U Old Fashioned Shawls at OFF These are samples recently bought and only one 01 each pattern. The price starts at 83c Children's Felt Slippers Fur Trimmed and Plain. Xmas Special 75c ALL PURS in Sets and Single Pieces at Special Reductions Merry Xmas to You Its time to plan that DIN NER now and it will be very little trouble if you come here to buy. ! JUST A FEW SUGGESTIONS Fresh Eastern Oysters, Cel ery, Lettuce, Unves, rickles, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Dates, "Chrse & Sanborn's Seal Brand Coffees," Gold MedarButter, Mince Meat, Nuts, Candies, Popcorn, Oranges. For your conven ience our store will be open Thursday, Friday and Satur day nights. THE STAR GROCERY "GOOD THINGS TO EAT" Perigo & Son ALL KINDS OF FOWL -o- Jfe. Rent Money m you never see again. Installment money paid on the right kind of A Home of Your Own is money put back into your own pocket. Improvements on Pine Street have greatly increased the value of lots in niddle ton's Sub-Division, but they have not risen in price. Cement Sidewalks on Pine Street, City Wat er and Sewer. Expense of connection small. Abstract of Title Free with each lot bought for cash. Just 24 lots left. Prices $25o.oo to $300.00. Easy Terms. If you want beautiful view select lots on Top of Hill, near steps. The Original Hood River Town side Company is closing out its lots at very low fig ures and with easy terms. Lots run in pairs, 50 ft. E. and V. by 200 ft. N. and S. New Sewer Line. Prices $450.00 to $500.00 a pair. Reed & Henderson, Two Doors North " of Postoffice ao to J. H. HEILBRONNER& CO. For Peal Estate Bargains in Totun and Valley Heilbronner Building Hood River, Oregon LEADS ON THE HEIGHTS Bahery, Coifectlonery, Fruit, ice Cream, soft Drliks, Etc. AUTO DELIVERY OF LARGE ORDERS Come in, try our Piano, and feel at homm k. " : 1 'A lBragg Mercantile Company j can bo purchased liore ami wo warrant thorn in the finest condi tion, because they are carefully reared for market purposes. We have Pucks, (loose. Chickens. Hroilers. all plump and healthy and tine looking. Whatever you want in the Poultry lino you can get here at very fair prices. I5ut it is the quality rather than the price upon which wo lav stress. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET T. C. Yorxu. Prop. 1 JOHNSON BROS. & HALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE Groceries, Furnishings, Shoes, Hardware, Etc. Agents for Bane Wagons, Racine Hacks, Baggies and Farm Implements Phone 20J2-M Pine (irove Orange Building V an Horn Station F. B. SNYDER B. B. POWELL i nood River Plumbing company Sanitary Plumbing and Heating. Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Repairing Promptly Attended. ESTIMATES FURNISHED CASCADE AVENUE- GARAGE-We have the asrency for BRUSH and CARTERCAR Automobiles. Let us give you a ride. Jp You are going to have your Auto over- hauled this winter let us figure on your work. VUlC3IliZing 00n6 0ils- Gasoline and Auto Accessories, Tubes. Casings and Batteries. Visit our Garage for repairs and supplies. J. F. VOLSTORFF 1216 0 Street. Hood River Heights Telephone 2S3K MEN! COME TO PORTLAND AND BE CURED IN FIVE DAYS I Treat and Cur From 25 la 40 Cm pr Dar of Varicose Veins, Blood PO'ioi, Neawous Ceiihit I cn xm will rur ynt. I ho tb bt e-m-ppoJ nitnli calot'ii on tb" Col. I tni( v "ii t rim to my (fled. I will cip!im o my trvat mn t f-r V rr Vi-mr S fi t -mh I b ' it y. Y-h -) I'ui d iY-r. 1 : At it 'a, I'.Ad'itT K--Ipv rrintaiu 1 tt Ailmenra nd :vy(u ! UKK p''y.l finnrtjiii. if U '!. i y a rn irriM-upi 4 pi h-ni:-4 tni v-i t mtmn. Viu nh.-uM tak ft'h T-tAf ut th opi-n tnnity U i ru jsur t'U p 'vi. ! romlit .in A pvmmntnt Cwi J uAgl y-m UTTH lilAIT(l v r'tn kua- rur .r tiv v -'V I t 1 t- t. i r ..r refund ry l i mr yti , I'Sii.l My ; Tt.-r ruit Tun !.( ti.lif 'itIm I run- full ! ,; ri.iini,.' n! tiu murt' thai yu rr ' w...tnf Uj t fur in fltt. Qtilct H 'U'i 9a.m. to s p.m. BumUyf, 10 m. to 1 p m. nf. mor KiTllrh 9 w- ttt ih-i 'ie I' I-o l't A. nillh. M. It. ti.i tUyfu not lwri.o 0. titi.un .'rof Phi'lrh. 1 1 uM ph-t. ruph... .-rr-- tllK A P QMIllJ 606" voi iieoi fnioi x r ii ii ii t i fi i i ii c t i r it, one Ttr.ttmePt rrt",t mi vi ( n-l .! -it i. . 1 h nw frnfMly hi hn n-. (u,i) l in t !hm.hi'i ot cin. I.rt in p'iu il lu y 'l 114 MOtfo it , POft ilOOUD 9 i M N N H H M N N N K H '