THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1911 SWANSON INJURED IN AUTO SMASH According to an Omaha paper H. Swdiimiii, Hliiiimim a twenty acre orchard on the east side And who Is well known here, wan dangerously Injured In an automobile accident n few day ago anil Ik not expected ti live. The story of the aecldeut an tol.l by the Omaha Hit- Is h follows: "Hellwlg SwaiiHon, manager of the ladles milt department of the Ne braska Clothing company, was crlt leally Injured; John A. Swanson, president of the Kings wnnson com pany, wiih seriously bruised, and John (J. Seefus and daughter of horn were badly scratched and bat tered In an automobile collision two miles thin utile of Klkhorn lute yester day afternoon. "Hellw 1 Swnnoon In In Clarkson hospital with rt fractured skull and may not survive. John A Swanson was taken to his home at 40i'." Izard street. His Injuries consist of several bruises and possibly Internal Injuries. Reports from 1'lkhoru say the See fuses were not dangerously injured. Miss Seefus was more seriously hurt than her fattier. Her head struck a side lamp of ttie auto when she was thrown from the car. "The SwansoTis had been In Fre mont in Hellwlg Swanson's machine and were returning home. Hellwlg Swanson was driving. The Secfuses were on their way to Klkhorn in their car. "The Swanson car was coining at a pretty good clip down the grade on the approach to the new iron bridge on the Omaha road. Seefus tried to turn out. but was not (jul'-k enough. The cars were hurled Into the ditch on oppot-lte sides of the road. "Hellwlg Swanson was pinned lie neath his overturned car. John Swanson was hurled nearly fifty feet dowu the Incline. Mr. Seefus and his daughter were thrown from their car. "The two Omahans were brought to Omaha about midnight by Dr. W. H. Walker In Bralley Jc Dorance's motor ambulance." Mr. Swanson's orchard is just com ing Into bearing and It was his ex ectatlon to retire from business and Ve haveadandy line of SUIT CASES thatjiyould make a fine present foreither gentleman or lady, and we have thern priced most reasonable 1.15, 1.50,' 2.00 and up Smoking Sets, Smoking Jackets, Slippers a splendid line in felt and kid for men, ladies and children; Cuff Buttons, Stick Pins, Initial Handkerchiefs, in PureLinen and Silk; Men's Bath Robes, Men's Fine Neckwear, Combination Sets" Men's Silk Half Hose, Men'tT Silk Mufflers, Dress Gloves for men, Sweaters and SweaterJoats, Men's Fancy Vests, Pajamas and Night Gowns, Boys' Blouses, Shirts, Caps, Hats, Stockings, Leggins, Boys' Wool Gloves, Leather Gloves. FELT SLIPPERS We have a swell line of these for; ladjs, gentlemen and Children for. 35c, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 and up IS he fflHart Schaffhers Marxtt P A R IS FINE LAWN AND PURE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS We certainly have some big values in this line. Handker chiefs at 5c each that you wouldfgladly givedoubje this price for. ' Fine Lawn Hemstitched Uandkerchiefs. neat embroidered design injhejiorner, in a neat Xmas Box. The box.. -. -- -. - - - - - - ..60c All Pure Linen Handkerchiefs with lace and embroidered edge, or with initial in the corner for 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 50c FURS Don't forget that one of these will make your wife, your mother, your sister or fyour 'sweetheart happy for many years to come. We have a splendid assortment of prices g from 50c to $35. We have some big bargains in McKib bin Furs that we are selling at a Big Reduction. TOYS, WAGONS, SLEDS We have a fine line of Toys. Everything you can think of to amuse the children. Wagons, Sleds, and it will soon be time that they will enjoy one of these, and we have them at all prices from 60c up FAIR come to Mood River this summer to reside. For the past tii years it has been customary with him to spend several weeks here during the summer. He bought Ji acres of the Van Horn property, adjoining Geo. Smith's property. Later advices from Omaha are to the effect that Mr. Swanson will recover. Christmas services will be held at the liaptist church Sunday night. The program will consist of special musical selections, followed by a brief address by Mr. Hargreaves. A Christmas welcome in the Christmas spirit for all. t ! i li Economical Spices I There is a big Saving when you buy good SPICES. You don't have to use much of any particular spice in order to secure a delightful food or preserve. We have piquant, sharp, pungent and tart spices that give a relish and zest to cooking. s CHAS. N. CLARKE GLACIER PHARMACY Hood River :: :: Oregon Indian Lottery Brass ware Aluminum AT Blowers Hardware Company PARKDALE JUNKET TO BE BIG EVENT The excursion to PnrktPile tonight to hear Judge Stephen A. Lowell and to partake of the hospitality of the I'pper Valley Progressive Associ ation promises to he a big success. Over.")!) of the business men have bought tickets on the Mount Hood railroad, which will run a s'ilal train, and it is expected that the total number will he swelled to liM) by the time the train gels ready to leave. W. 1. Cornell and II A. Hose, who were here during the week preparing a souvenir program for the occasion, were treated very liberally by the business men of the city and valley. A number of the programs will lie distributed tonight. The I'pper Valley people are ex pecting to make the event an enjoy able one and t lie excursion is being looked forward to by the lower valley people with pleasurable anticipation. PINE GROVE MARRIED SCIII.KIiKI.-AIISTKN F. H. Absten's home was the scene of a pretty wedding Saturday when his eldest daughter. Lulu, and W ill: lam Schlegel of I'ortluiid were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony by Itev. Ilershnerof Hood liivtr. The ceremony was performed at 12:-'!0 In the presence of a number of relatives and friends. The bride was beautifully dressed In white silk a mi carried a show-r bonnet of while carnations The bridesmaid, Mis I in ii Absteii, wore pink silk and can led pink carnations. Mr. Vale was best man The house decora lions were Oregon grape and ferns. Immediately after (lie ceremony the guests were seated at at delight ful lunch. The table decorations weie pink chrysanthemum, ferns and myrtle. The gifts were choice and costly. The bridal couple left on the afternoon train in company with Mrs. Kggeter, mot her of the groom, and Mr and Mrs. Vale, brother In law and sister of the groom, for Cortland where Mr. and Mrs.Schelgel will make their future home. (iem to have National Baseball Series Probably the most Interestlr.g Mini that the iem moving picture show has had this year will be exhibited Friday and Saturday, Iec. 2!) and .'!, when it will put on a series of pict ures depicting the games for the world's baseball championship lie-twe'-n the New York Giants and the Philadelphia Athletics. Manager Dakln has been endeavoring to se cure the tilm for sometime and has just succeeded In getting It, and an nounces positively that It will be put on Pec. I.".) and :i0. (irace Church Notes )r. P. O ISonebrake brought us a very practical message last Sunday at t he vesper hour. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Chrlst ' mas sermon by the pastor at 11 o'clock. At 4 p. m. the chldlren and , the young people will render a splen ' did Christmas program ! In llolman halloa the heights, at !"::!') Sunday night, the Hev. .1. I(. j Parsons will preach and conduct an 1 an evangelistic service, j .L P.. Paksons, Minister Notice of Annual Stockholders'Meetinx The annual stockholders' meeting of the Fanners' Irrigating Compnnv will be held .Saturday, .lanuar.v PI, YM'i. at Pta. in. at Commercial Club hall for the purpose of electing seven directors to serve one year, and for the purpose of transacting such ot her business as may legaly come before the meeting P.y order of lllrectors. M. II. Nh kki.skn, Secretary.1 .1. i. Kllpack. traveling represent ative ot the lioys' and (ilrls' Aid So ciety of Portland, was here Tuesday and asks the News to thank the people of Hood Hlver for their gener ous donation to the society at Thanksgiving time, Judge Stephen A. Lowell, who will speak at Parkdale tonight, was here Tuesday morning on his way to Portland. lie will return to Hood P.lver today. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Van Horn have spent the past week in Portland. Ned Van Horn, a student ut Hills Academy of Portland, is home for the holidays. Will Norrls is a bachelor no more from all reports, a housekeeper for life he has secured. Miss Florence A very, a student at the state university, came home Sat urdav to spend the liolldaxs. Miss Iellit (ihrrklng, who was called to Kndersby mi account of the serious illness of In r mother returned Monday. Pine (irove school is the proud possessor of a brand new piano, t lie present delight of hot h teachers and pupils. Miss Katie Walker, who has been visiting here for some time, lias re turned to her home at Wushougal, Wash. Miss Kliznheth Piddell, a student at the state university at F.ugene, Is spending the holidays with her sUter Mrs.-L. K. Luge. Mrs Win Scobee, Frank Dethman and lias. Lage a t tended the district meeting of tiie Artisans held In The Dalles last week. Mrs. Dick lister entertained a number of friends last Friday even lug. A very enjoyable time was had by those present. Mrs. Daisy Helgel, who has been keeping house for Hans Lage for the past year, accompanied by her son Herman left for tier home lu Illinois Tuesday. At the recent school meeting Percy Lara way was elected to till out Mr. Huberts' term. The district decided to help pay for th- piano. and several other Improvements on t lie property was decided upon One of the pleasant social events of the winter was an evening given by Mrs. Dragsetli In honor of Mr. Drag seth's birthday last week. Those present enjoyed every moment of the evening, especially the dainty refresh ments, paramount of which was the beautiful white birthday cake with Its burning red candles CENTRAL VALE Mrs. F. X. Arns moved Into her new bungalow. Pill Coverette made a business trip to Mosler last week. Miss Zenn Miller Is going to Ore gon Cltv to spend the holidays witli her parents. A ten pound son arrived at Nor ber's Sunday. He was named Fred erlck Raymond Albert. Mr. Walstrom, president and man ager of the Middle Crest Orchard Co., has gone away for Christmas. Mr. Nehaun, who recently bought 40 acres of improved laud from llni'-e and Hoffman, visited Central Vale last week. Lloyd Moss and sister llessle are going to Portland where they will meet their sister from F.ugene and spend t 'hrlstmas. Oil Friday of last week Fred Was- son purchased F. Norlierg's ranch lu Central Vale. Mr. Wasson already l owned a large amount of land here. Mr. Haiigh'in of San Francisco, i wlio recently purchased the Pert j Wuth ranch, visited Central Vale last I week and made arrangements for set t ing out more t rees Mr. liaughuii Is connected with the Pacllic Chris tian Advocate, published lu San V ranclsco. FRANKTON F.dgar Locke was a business visitor in Portland last week. 15. W. LuMar Is suffering from a stroke of paralysis In his hip. Johnny F.lllot t of Spokane, Wash., Is a guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs .1. M. Klliott. Miss Helen Absten came up from Portland Friday to at tend the wed ding of her sister Lulu. Mrs Thomas Calkins Is visiting In Portland, lu her absence her sister, Mrs. C. It. Morton of Kalaina, Wash., is in charge of her home. are' m? Hrc Rpachp for Christmas This is the month of good cheer and gift giv ing. Better take stock early; don't wait until the joy bells are ringing. We are happy to state that we can make you happy in your selection of mi Unlirlau fiiftc from RnmnlptP Assnrtmpnt s IIUIIUUV UIIIU our uuiiiuiuiu nuuui iiiiuiii Diamonds, Watches, Jetoelry, Toilet Articles, SilHJerbuare, Cut Glass, 7mbrellas, Etc. The least expensive up to the most costly has our Guarantee of Quality and your satisfaction goes with every purchase Examine our Stock Get TTN, our Prices before buying. KlxB IT WILL PAY YOU. Opp. Butler Banking Co. in the Brosius Block. ARTHUR CLARKE The JEWELER We Engrave Free of Charge All Goods Purchased Here.