The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, December 20, 1911, Image 1

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Get "Results
Highest Grade
Job Printing
May Bond County F or
Needed Public Dock
Rival Light and Power Corporations Fight
ing For Control of Local Field Pacific
Granted Temporary Injunction Restrain
ing Hydro From Turning On Current
City Council Aids Local Company By
Passing Ordinance Forcing Pacific To
Hake Big Changes In Its Lines at Great
Expense Hydro Fearing It Will Be Un
able To Supply Service January First Is
Making Effort To Renew
Tilt' fight between the PneUlc
I'mvcr & Eight Company fur control
of I he I nhI ih'hh In the local Held Ih
getting more unite and every day
now neeri Home new move on the
part of one or the other of these cor
orntloiiH. A temporary Injunction win grant
ed Wednesday In the I 'tilted State
circuit court by .Indue Itolit. S. Bean
against the Hydro Electric Com
pany, of Hood River, to rcHtrnlu It
from Interfering with the electric
wire of the Pacific Power light
Company near thin city.
The I'acilic Cower & light Com
pany lsing a corporation organized
In the state of Maine, alloWH jurls
diction in the case to come in the
1'nltcd State court.
The Injunction Ih sweeping In It
nature, restraining the Hydro Com
pany from r n ii t I n i; wires under or
over i hone of t he Cacllic Company,
"ttlng pole near the latter', climb
1 nt; their pole or In any way using
or tampering with the Pacific Com
pany' plant or line.
1'nltcd State Marshal Scott sent a
deputy to Hood Kivcr to nerve the
Injunction onh r on the ollicer of the
Hydro Klectrlc Company. They are
directed t o a ppea r l.efore .lanu.irvl
to hIiow cause why (he injunction
hIiouM not he continued.
A It I alnioHt Impossible fur t lie
workmen of the Hydro Company to
erect the new plant without violat
ing ome of tlie many teclmlcal
point covered In the rent raining
order, It ha practically Htoppcd
work on the new line until the case
can lie heard In the l ulled State
court. The I'acilic Company states
that it ha taken till action due to
I he Interrupt ion In It service which
have iM'cnrrcil during the pat two
week, (itnl the fact that the pole
and line of the Hydro Company are
U-lug placed In poHltiun that will
prove a damage to It Hue In the
future and make them dangerous to
highway and street tralllc.
Another Interruption wa canned
to the ervlce of the Pacilic Company
ThiirHilay afternoon, when the line
men of the Hydro Company are ald
to have dropped a wire on a trnns
former and liurned the latter out,
putting Hcrvlcc on the went hideout.
News Snapshots
Of (he Week
; A -i-. ?y ft sci i h'i 'Bj. ? i i " ! -Q r--jB tv'k
John D. Aniilsild succeeded John I). Rockefeller as president of the Rtandiird Oil roniatiy. Tu Hlity-second rongrpm opened, with Champ Clark us
speaker of the house. Republicans control thp senate and Democrats the houae. President Taft'i first message dealt entirely upon the subject of trut
legislation. IU will lend other messages from time to time dealing wllb other subject.
of liiiHlne.
On Tliurda.v the Cacllic nee tired
anut her lujiiuct lull from the federal
court practically stopping the Hydro
company from turning on the cur
rent In It wire on nivoiint of the
provision that Ic I restrained from
operating wire In which there I an
electric tluld that pa over or under
or within a certain distance of those
of the Cacllic company. Thl order
alo rctraln the employe of the
Hydro company from climbing the
pole of the Cacllic or in any way
Interfering with It plant, and I re
turnable Jan. lt. Not wit liHtandlng
the order of the court the emyloye
of the Hydro company are ald to
have dlregarded It and It in expected
that the olficer of the company will
lie HUtuuioiieil liefure the federal court
to anwer to a charge of contempt
of court.
The city council added fuel to'the
tire Monday night hy passing a hog
tight, Hplke fast ordinance in regard
to the uialnteiiaui'e and placing of
electric wire aimed to handicap the
Cacllic company and which will put
it to great expense in changing them
A $Jihi line, with the alternative of
lUO day In Jail, I a t tached t o t he
ordinance and an attempt wa- made
to railroad it tln-oiiuh the co'incil
Monday with an emergency clause
at tached making it operative Tues
day morning. Hail not Robertson,
Early and Mayes objected to till
proceeding the Cacllic would have
lieeu up against a heavy tine for a
viola t Ion t hat it wa Impossible to'
t Iii-iii to remedy. President Kvnns
of the Hydro company, who wa In
favor of the ordinance, wa preen:
at the council meeting and stated
that In' hiiw no rcaHon why It hould
not go Into effect at once.
Th" ordinance will now liecome a
law-In thirty day. It main feat
ure I that wire containing a high
power current mut lie separate from
thoe of leHcr volume. Thl will
make It necessary for the Cacllic to
drop all I! secondary wire four fi-et
lielow tlioe containing a greater
current than tlou volt. There are
many other feature of the ordinance
which will alo necessitate great ex
pellee In changing the ytcin of the
Cacllic. As the Hydro company'
Judne Walter Rordwell sentenced the McNiiinnrii tirmlierti. Jiiine It im sent to prison for life for tilowins tip the Ijw An
peles Times building, thereby musing the denth of twenty one persons, and John .1. pot fifteen years for dynamiting the
IJwellyn Iron works. William J. Burns, the detective who worked up the case against the McNiMiiams. marged Samuel
(Jumpers with having hnd knowledge of the brothers' guilt prior to their confession This was dented t.v Mr
plant will only he capable of gener
ating a low voltage It will not lie
affected. The ordinance requiring
that all light, telegraph and tele
phone win lie placed under ground
will iiIho he dug up and presented at
the next meeting of the council.
During the pant week the Hydro
company ha had It attorney here,
(Continued on Paj?e 7)
Harry Ping, a full lilnoded Chlnee
hoy, will feature In tie' concert of the
I'ulverstty of Oregon tilee hilled at
Of the P. of O. (ilee Club
the Monroe opera house for next
Thursday night.
Harry Ding's part In the program
will be singing solo In both Chinese
and Knglisli. He ha In his reper
tolra lullaby witli which the mother
Mongolian sing their little ".lohnw"
to sleep, that has taken by storm
every audience before which the club
ha appeared. Ping appear In the
costume of a Chinese nobleman, with
cue In absentia.
f A
End Of Long Water Fight
Believed To Be In Sight
Water Committee Asks For Special Meeting Thurs
day To Consider Matter and Takes Action To
Secure Printing of Bonds Council To Force
Compliance With Fire Escape Ordinance.
Action taken on the rccommenda
tlon of the lire and water committee
at the aiectlng of the common conn
ell Monday night, when the commit
tee aked thut a special meeting of
the council lie called for Thursday
evening to consider an Important
proposition relating to the water
condemnation suit; also the panning
of a motion made hy Councilman
Karly, chairman of the water eam
tulttee, Hnklngfor permission to have
the bond printed for an amount
neceBary to defray the expense of
the suit, lead to the belief that a
Hettleinent of the water tight 1 near
nt hand and that It will be wiped off
the board.
It 1 understood that the officer of
the Caciflc Power & Light company
have reached au agreement with the
water committee of the council and
It 1 expected that the committee's
recommendation to settle the suit
will be endorsed by the council and
the citizen.
Other matters brought up at the
council were those in regard to the
placing of fire escapes mi all two-story
otlice and public buildings and the
authorizing of the tire and water
committee to enforce the ordinance.
The action of the owners of the Ho
tel Oregon In complying with the
law 1 forcing the matter, and all
owners of property subject to the
ordinance will be required to place
proper ewenpes during the next thirty
Krank Howard and Archie Mulva
ney, electrical worker, had petition
ers before the council asking that
their names be taken from the peti
What Hood River People
Think About Christmas
City's Business and Profes5ional Hen Express Their
Sentiment In Regard To Observance of World
Wide Holiday Views In Regard to Gift Giving
Interesting New Thoughts Brought Out.
Christ mas Day is almost here. For
a brief season the world will almost
universally lay aside thought of
gain, plan for personal advance
ment, ambitious scheme or at least
they will be retired somewhat to the
background--ami that motto, twen
ty centuries old, "Peace on earth,
good will to man." will ring from
thousands of choir lofts, and sing
through many million of brains.
And It seem, too, that the latter
portion of the motto, today, get
special emphasis, and that all hu
manity feels It heart warm with the
feeling of fellowship and love fur the
whole of mankind.
Yet human nature possesses In fin
ite variety, and Christmas Day ap
peal to different people In different
way. Kach look nt It from hi
own angle. This Is well Illustrated
In the following thoughts or brief ex
pression of ( hii-tmas sentiments,
tion of the electrical workers asktng
for the pawsage of an ordinance,
framed fortha purpose, they claimed,
of Injuring the Pacific Light & Power
company, and the council compiled
with their request and cancelled
The grading for several blocks of
streets on the Height was accepted.
Mrs. Hanlierry, from whom the city
bought the site for the new city res
ervoir, for $mm), had a communica
tion before the council, asking for
the payment of the lnteret on the
money. This matter was referred to
the finance committee. R. I), (Jould
asked for permission to excavate
under the sidewalk of hi business
building and to make other Improve
ments. The request was turned
over to the street committee. City
Knglneer Morse recommended that
Cascade aveuue from Fifteenth street
west be straightened out by taking
fit) feet off the liatchelder property, a
matter that was left with the street
committee also.
A communication was received
from the Security Savings aud Trust
company, refusing to take 9,000 In
sewer bonds Issued under the Han
croft act, on account of defective
printing, stating that the bonds
were not according to the law. The
company offered to have the bonds
reprinted properly In Toledo, aud the
matter was referred to the finance
committee for adjustment. The re
ports of the city treasurer and city
recorder were read and new books
ordered for the city treasurer-elect,
Louis Henderson. Action was also
taken by the council to provide for
the Incoming city treasurer's bond.
from some of t lie leading buslues
and professional men of Hood River,
which were given at the solicitation
of The New s.
It I noticeable, however, that one
thought tuns through a big majority
of 1 hem. That Is, that the giving of
presents at Christmas has become an
abuse, in certain ways, which should
be corrected, and that the true
Christ ma spirit should be, one might
say, "resurrected," to the end that
Christina once more become the
thoroughly satisfactory season It
formerly was, and be rescued from
a "commercialising tendency that j
ha opened tlie way to deserved crlt-1
Iclsin, not of the day, but of the man
ner of It observance.
The following I what some of the
professional and business men of
Hood Kivcr think In regard to the
prcsi-nt day observance of Christmas,
taken at random:
I.. II. Httgglns, liroeer Some de
cry the Increasing tendency to an ex
change of gifts at Christmas time,
but I think that Is a great Improve
ment over the manner In which
Chi 1st ma was observed In early
day. In my boyhood home In
southern Missouri It was made the
occasion for an extended carouse
and merry making In which liquor!
played an Important part. This has ;
passed away, and 1 feel that the,
Christmas observance of today I an j
Improvement over those time which ,
1 much to be commended.
(i. A, Moulden, Manager of l'.ragg
Mercantile Co. Christmas has been j
"commercialized" too much In riven t i
years. In my opinion. There I not
the same reverent regard for the day
and what It represent a then' was
when 1 wa a boy. I Uileve that It
would be an Improvement If that
old-time spirit could be revived.
Charles X. Clarke, Druggist At
Christina time I believe we should
haven feeling ;f charity toward all,
and obtain that measure of happi
ness fur ourselves which can only be
accomplished by giving other pleas
ure and making them glad.
(ieorge R. Wilbur, Attorney--We
lire gradually returning to the origi
nal concept Ion of t he Christmas time.
Ps-seiit were brought to the babe
(ContiniMH) uo I'kicv 10)
County Court Will Give Taxpayers Opportunity To
Vote On Question If Circuit Court Passes Favor
ably On Jackson County Bonding Act Would
Prove Great Benefit To Community.
Believing that the majority of the
residents of Hood River county
would be In favor of bonding for
good road If they had the oppor
tunity, the county commissioners, if
the Jackson county road bond case
which Is now In the circuit court is
decided favorably, will shortly send
to each taxpayer In the county a re
turn postal card on which they will
be allowed to express their views In
regard to also bonding for a public
dock. It Is thought by many that a
county public dock would prove a
great benefit to Hood River In the
very near future and that this
method 1 the only one by which a
dock could be secured In a reason
ably short time with an expenditure
which would lie equable.
The communication which the
county court will send out will lie as
"It Is probable that soon after the
first of the year the state supreme
court will hear the Jackson county
road bond case, and If the decision
of the circuit court of that county be
atlirmed, we shall lie legally able to
call an election In thl county to
vote upon a bond Issue to perma
nently Improve our roads, and In
connection with thl question I
should like to have your opinion ex
New Election Precincts
Created In the County
Voters In -Pine Grove and Dee Will Hereafter Cast
Ballots at These Places County Court Also Re
districts AH Other Election Precincts Center
Hood River Voting Precinct Made Smaller.
At the meeting of the county court
during the first part of Decemtier,
two new election precinct ere cre
ated and the boundary line of three
other re-distrlcted. The new pre
cinct created are those of Pine
lirove and Dee, and odell, Baldwin,
Hood River Center and East Hood
River changed. The boundaries of
the new precinct are as follows:
line tJrove Beginning at the
southeast corner of section '2, town
ship 2 north, range 11 K. W. M.,
thence west three miles, thence north
one-fourth mile, thence west to the
stream of Hood River, thence up said
stream to It Intersection with the
north and south center line of section
14, township 2 north, range 10 E. W.
M., thence south on said line to t lie
center of section I'.'t, said township
and range, thence east one-half mile,
thence south one and one-half mile,
thence east one mile, thence south
along line common to townships 1
,lIuj north. 11 east and townships
1 and '2 north, range M east. T miles
Joseph W. Morton of Hood River
Is a candidate for Putted States sen-j
ator from Oregon, say the Portland
Journal. He I anxious to try it out ,
Ivfore the voters with Senator
Bourne, Pen Selling and Stephen A. ;
Lowell, and make the fourth man .
In the race If the prophets are right
In predicting that Selling will shortly ,
announce Ids candidacy.
"Morton was once a representative 1
In the legislature from Sherman and '
Wasco counties. He has practiced I
law In Hood River and Is now Inter-'
estcil In a fruit and dalrv farm near j
that town. He came t
from Iowa when lit year
Oregon i
f age, at-1
tended Mc.Miniivllle college, spent one
I year In business college In Portk-uul,
land lived live ears In Tillamook
j county, lb' Is a iles.eli t.tnt of a
signer of the Declaration of hide
jiendence and a relative of Oliver
Perry Morton, the war governor of
"Morton' entrv as a candidate
' fall to tart a ripple on the political
(water in Portland, as he Is pr.nti
cully unknown there. He declares
i he believe In progressive principle
and favor the removal of excessive
tariff duties, especially on the mve.
sarles of life. He say the govern
ment I In duty hound to contr l the
trust and protect the people from
the "Iron hand of soulless corpora
Hons." He would have no Interest
to serve, he asserts, except t lie peo
ple of Oregon and the nation."
pressed on the enclosed postal card
as to whether yon would favor the
construction of a county public dock
on the Columbia river just east of
the city, to be a future permanent
part of our high way system, Upon
the early completion of the Panama
canal and the opening for naviga
tion of the upper Columbia, the
greatly Increased shipping oq the
river Incident thereto will doubtless
make It one of the busiest highways
of traffic In the northwest, and I be
lieve we can readily foresee from this
result a reduction of long distance
transportation rate to less than
one half the present rates and the
consequent carrying of three-fourths
of our fruit products by the river
crafts. Then looking forward to
such time should we not provide our
selves with suitable river facilities
for the promotion of this shipping?
They will le easier obtained now by
bonding along with our roads than
any other way. The cost of a suit
able dek now would probably vary
from 10,tXXJ to $2.",000, governed by
the location and storage facilities
provided In connection. Delay In
the matter may mean ten times that
cost. Remember the present experi
ence of Portland and Multnomah
county. Think It over."
to base line, thence east on base llu
to the boundary line between Hood
River and Wasco counties, thence
north on said boundary Hue to the
point of liegluulng.
Dee liegluulng at the point where
the stream of Hood River intersect
the east boundary of section 30,
township 2 north, range 10 E. W. M.t
thence up said stream to the north
boundary of township 1 north, range
9 E. W. M., thence west to the north
west corner of ald township, thence
south along the west boundary of
said township to the southwest cor
ner of said township, thene wet to
the west boundary line of Hood
River 'county, thence southeasterly
along the west boundary of Hood
River county to It Intersection with
the south boundary of township 1
south, range K. W. M., thence east
along said south boundary to the
southeast corner of said township
and rauge, thence north along the
east boundary of said township to
(Continued on I'skc T)
r With this Issue of the News W. II.
Walton i.nd C. P. Sonulchsen, who
have owned the paper and the print-
lug business In connection with It
for tlie past three years, will retire,
having sold the plant to It. B. and
K. S, Bennett, experienced news
papermen, who, until recently, were
proprietor of the Ashland Tiding.
R. B. Bennett, w ho will assume ed
itorial management of the News, I
a graduate of Vale, of the class of
Since that time he ha been en
gaged In newspaper work and was
fur a time with the Portland Kveti-
Ing Telegram. Ill brother. I.. S.
Bennett, w ho will be business mana
ger, obtained his experience of tlie
printing and newspaper business la
New York el'v and, lat-r. In Port
land, I re. The Ueliuelt brother
are native of New York stats. They
were Huccessfid In conducting tlie
Tiding, ami the retiring owner of
the Hiiod River Ncv Company trust
that the new owner wili Is- given
tlie liberal patronage that ha char
acterl.ed the buslues of the com
puny In t he past.
A to the N.-w, It speak for ll If.
It has been successful from all points
of view. It retiring owner w1li
the people of II. in. I Blur lung life
and pros-rlty and a. very Merry
i hrlst mas.