THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1911 10 A. W JM To have pure and wholesome food, be sure that your baking powder is made from cream of tartar and not from alurn. The Label will guide you Royal is the only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Alum No Lime Phosphates LETHARGY IN 1912 TAKE BACK SEAT (Continued from Pajre It CIihh. Hull, former prvwlilent of tin? cluli. mailt a few remark t'mlnrnlni; Mr. .nnti;imerv'n view that hIiuuIi) lie Huuil Kiver'K ipnirtuiiity. .1. A. I'ppiiitf Hilriteil!y eununeil tin ratine uf the real estate dealer, Haying that the real entate men n the valley have c ieat larire huiiih for lulilk-ity ami he iiiHlMril that the real ectate man Is nut the ehark and pirate anil mliUT that many believe j him to lie. VV. I Cornell of Upper Valley lu- i anil .1. K. M i into imery wtre elivted ai ilireitoiH of the i-luli, w h K h also pai-seil a resolution eoni plet Ini; the chance of the name of the organiza tion from The Hut-nalo Coniinerrinl Chili of Hooil kiver to The llooil Kiver Commen ial Cluli. The report of the wecretarv received. The t(K'ial feature of the evenlni; were very enjoyaMe. .1. A. Kpplhi: rendered two vocal nolo which won vliroroun apiilatift, a did hit Htoriet. He aim) led the cluli in the cllinin of a club onir which he coiupofd. At the codcIuhI .hi of the teion cainl wichi'H, cake am) coffee were nerved. Oregon Hotel Special Dinners A special talile d'hote dinner will lie nerved at t he Hotel ( reijoii every vited the memlrn of the cluli tu at- j Sunday from 5::(0 tuMW p. m for 7.". tend a lecture liy Stephen A. Lowell j -nt. An a la carte meal wfll nlmi of l'endleton on I )ec. 2n at Mount I ,e served. Mimic liy the Mandolin Huod im the nulject. " Law and j i. Mine with im RAISE S1.020 FOR CHURCH 6LDG. FUND i, r-pil.- the incli'liieiicv of the u t- i i tu t ., it t w ii lniinlreil and t hirty at down to the liainiiet of the Klv erli'e i ' nun ua I iomil t bun li let In, I :,y ewnlm;. ill t I I l-Vllow hall, i.inl di l fnil Ju-.ti.-e to a inenii which mirpuhxcd .1 11 previiiiin effort of the womeii H s. t let y . After the Invocation liy lr. K. 1.. Iloiixe. a sonn hy the ulrU who acted an waiirexnerf wan ulveti. After the limner, t he report of the varloun tie part men t were read. It wan whowu that a lnnluet of over "J,liH for home expense had lieen micccwHfnlly met; that the women'H noclety had accti Ululated JlL'n diirinn the year, and that the Sunday cehool in tmiiHtain liii; it Isk'hest average in doth at ; tendance and offerlni;-.. Tlie trustee j lack only a littl" over $:i.0iKi to com plete tin liuildim; of the new church. Mr. Harris lioved plait of the . Iiast iuciit and main tloor of the new j luiildlni;. together with a coloretl sketch of the window, on the ntere opt icon Kev. V. A. Scliwimley, of Ashland, : cave a lirlef address, followed liy a ' stiliscrlpt ion eainpainn which added ! J?l.n-Jil to the litiildlnir fund. .1. H .leffrey and Ir. K. I.. Scoliee were elected trilsteen to succeed i Messrs. Truman Ittitler and C. I). Thompson. Messrs. A. C. I tuck and (i K Castner were elected deacons. Mrs A. C. I'.uck waschosen to till the vacancy in the Imard of deaconesses caused liy the removal of Mrs. Treiher. Other otlieers were re elected. liy unanimous vote, the pastor's salary was raised to $1,700 for YM'2. After voting their thanks to the ladies anil memliers of Miss McLar en's class, and the others who con- and treasurer were! trltuitt'd so largely to the pleasure of j the occasion, the assemlilaire dis persed for another year of hard work La wvers Dr.' J. if Yesterday I. Watt, nml i inlay. K. lioliertson All kinds of printing at News office. together. Interest in Minnesota-Oregon Society "I am already "jetting results from the publication In The News of the plans for the formation of a Hood Klver liraneh of the Minnesota-Ore-iron Society," said Louis A. Heed yesterday. "Several applications have reached me, and a number of persons who knew of former Mlnne sotans residing here have Riven me their names." ' Mr. Meed already has quite a list if former residents of Minnesota, which he Is odditis to dally, and It Is likely tluij he will send personal letters to these, or else turn the list over to the Portland headquarters of the societv and have them .-ipl-enled to from there. The foll.oviim Is a sampii of the application ln'inir received: resided at St Onirics. Minn., f ir lover thirtv vears. Count lilt til on 1 tht Mililiesofa flub, if yon please." One of ( he feat u res of t he orsaniza , thin which makes it attractive Is the i fact that It will often lulus t.set her old ;i'i tm Iti t ; iii'i'i who may be rt siding In the Heaver slate, who have not met since leaving Minnesota and who otherwise tnlsht never know that thev were res idlus in the same western state, possibly close 1 1 met her. railwayen secure COAST ORCHARD LANDS C. II. l'lnlay, an otliclal in the pas se Hirer department of the l'ennsylva nla Knilwa.v at Chicago, is develop. Ins ' -10-acre tract of virgin timber land between the l.yle and Snowden roads, live tulles northeast of White Salmon. The land was purchased by Mr. l'lnlay for an Investment, but the possibilities looked so nllurins that he decided to clear It and set it to standard vurict les of apph-s next sprlns- A crew of men Is now ens'ist'd in clearlns a portion of the property, and Mr. l'inlay w ill erect a modern bunsalow and spend a part ( his siitnmers there. Several railroad ollicials are pre pares for retirement from their work with the sreat continental railway systems J. H. itaird, sen- eral frelsht agent of the Northern I'acllic Railway at St Paul, has n lit acre Uact set to standard varie ties of duplet and pears, four miles from there, where he spends n por tion of his summer vacations, don nins overalls and worklns anions his trees, cultlvatins the soil and workins at otltl jobs totally foreign to his line of work. Change In Teaching Force There has been a chanse In the tendinis force of the Hood Klver schools, Samuel Adler having been secured to take the place formerly held by A Hrayman. Mr. Hrayman recently resisned his position, having decided to return to his home In Kansas and enter busi ness In eoinpany with his father there. Mr. Adler. who will take charge of Mr. l'raytnan's classes. Is a gradu ate of Cornell I'lilversity, and has had twi) years' teaching experience, one year as Instructor at Cornell and one year In the Sturgls preparatory school at Ithaca, N. V. TlRhtneis In the Chest. Irritation in tho Throat and a Dry Uicklntf Cunt) means a miaurttble night fur th whulu f.ttnily. BALLARD'S Horehoun S yrup Is An Effective Remedy for the Throat and Lungs. It relieve tlcklla In the throat, tightness In the chest. infUmfd lunRS, difficult breathln.t niel wheezing la the bronchial tubei. Conveys a Boothlng. hcallmr Inrtuonce to tho sore lun. (irum.i... easy expectoration anil contributes to tho enjoyment of a quiet nltsht anj restful Bleep. Put Up in Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1.00 per Bottle. Buy the Dollar else. It contains five times as much as the 20c slao. unJ yuu set with ta -h t.nm. a ur. tlerricK. s Itea i-eppcr rumui ' JAMES F. BALLAHU llfll 1 KTOR ST. I.Ol".. V.I. For Sore Kjem, Vraaulatcd Litis. Redness of the K.yeball. Wenk Sluht, Smart Init la fte use Stephens Kye Salve. It Is a remedy nl uroien merit. JSolp And RtCQMMtNntoRvp CI IAS. N. CLAHKK aail Mist" tfOt C. D. HOYT TO TRY TO RAISE FILBERTS HERE C. I. Hoyt of the middle valley Cfintemplates experimenting with fil berts next Hprlns on his fruit ranch near Summit. 'Ha.eluuts t hrlve throughout this resion," s;ilil Mr Hoyt In wpeaklns of his plans, and "I believe that fil berts should tlo well where hazelnuts grow wild. 1 am not solus Into lilherts heavily, of course just put in a few as an experiment." Mr Hoyt has about a dozen l.n gllsh walnut trees on Ids place, which are live years old. and he had a showing from these last full, there being quite a number of blossoms and a few nuts. Ah I'ligllsh walnuts are not supposed to come Into bear ing until they are eight vears oh) Mr. Hoyt feels certain that he will have a good crop by that time. I'hilllp Kolles of the middle valley has a Uyear old Kngllsh walnut tree on his place from which he gath ered two gunny sacks full of nuts last fall. "However," Mr. Hoyt said In com menting on this last item, "I hardly think that Khglish walnuts will ever be a profitable commercial proposi tion for this section. For Lime, Cement and House Plaster See STRANAHAN & CLARK S. E. BARTMESS Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer KSTAHUSHEI) IS YEARS MOOD RIVER, OREGON Kev. .J I.. Hershner spent several days In The Ihilles last week. PURDY & CHAPMAN Complete Lines of General Merchandise Feed and Grain Prompt and courteous treatment ODHLL. OREGON Don't Let the X-mas Problem Worry You For a Minute FRANZ has appropriate gifts for all ! Just run in and let us suggest and show you the very thing for Father. Mother, Husband, Wife, Son or Daughter. Gift things of beauty and utility, the kind that outlives the season and is a perpetual re minder of the giver. Can you imagine a more delightful gift for a man than a safety razor, a rifle, or a big easy chair to enjoy during the long winter evenings, and what housewife would not be overjoyed ti find a set of silverware or a new rug or davenport in her Xmas stocking. Come to the store that is brim full of such good things, where 4helpfulness and good cheer" are the watchwords and where you'll feel perfectly free to just "browse" around, taking your time for making selections. But please come early; don't run the risk of sore disappointment in finding the piece you "intended'' having laid aside, sold to some one else. OF The Joys in Toy Land Santa's Headquarters for Me! Why! you'd never dream that such a world of toys exi.-ted. Engines that run, tin tops that hum, trumj-ets that blow -and dollies? Goodness yes! The whole dolly family. Teeny, tiny ones and mid dlin' sized ones and reat bi 'uns. Mr. Franz says he is bound Santa Ciaus shall not run short of dolls so he is offering 1 dozen. Just think! That's 300 specially fine bijj dollies over a foot high with eyes that open and sh'jt, beautiful hair, all dressed up i Only I rains agon Itl'Kk flames lea Sets Irum 1 5 Cents Each len I'ins Doll I urniture Viatic Lantern; I'y I flephnnes KiJnijC Morses Hums Sleds Coasters skate Camphell Kids I wee Deedle Character Ooll.s SAHPLB LINE Imported. Decorated China At Half Price This is the finest lot ever open er in Hood Iliver. Decorations are all hand colored. There are 4')0 pieces and we will certainly never aain be able to offer a value equal to it. It would look very reasonable if priced at dou ble. Hut if you come early we will reserve your selections at these prices. Chocolate Sets, twelve designs Dainty Sugars and ('reamers, set Plates, Cups, Saucers, Spoon Trays, Salad Dishes, Etc. S3.50 UP 90c UP Fifty Year Guaranteed Oneida Community Silver Serviceable as Sterling Have just received a shipment which includes all of the newest creations in this famous ware. Some of the choicest designs are The iletaooa The Shcraton The Tleur is No more enduring Kift. could be than a piece or a set of Community Silver. IS T HERE? FOR HER Decorated China Silverware Coffee Percolater Brass Jardeniere Carving Set Kockinj? Chair Kitchen Cabinet Vacuum Cleaner FOR HIM A Shaving Cabinet Foot Hal I Morris Chair A Knife or Gun Safety Razor Some Good Tools Smoker's Set A Watch At the 5c-1 Oc-1 5c Counters Worlds of Dainty Little Gift Things for Everybody Vases Blocks Picture Blocks Boly Polys Dolls Tubs I lorns Balls Animals Tran. Slates Boats Baskt ts Puzzles Dominoes Checkers Ito Games Furniture Banks Fire Kngines Sweepers Tin Dishes Nodding Figures Tops RMNZ'S PRICIES ARK ALL "SPECIAL" $2.)5 Pine Rattan Rocker Full si '.i'. roll rdire: Tort land stores are ad vertising same rocker as Special Sl.oO value j $15.75 Brass Bed 2 inch posts, satin finish. Only a few sell at this low price. to PRANZ'S PRICES ARE ALL "SPECIAL" Leather Bed Davenport $22. OO Less Than Portland Price. Think of that. This beautiful piece would make a mighty fine present for the fadly. Give Brasscraft Nothing nicer for young or old. Complete sets and odd pieces 35c, 50c, $1, $1.25 and up Corner 2nd and OaK. fll. Ao PIRANZ COIMPANY Hood Pi-Ocr, Oregon