4 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1911 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS rvHLinnn tiUvir hobnino by MOOD invlr NEWS COMPANY, Iik. Hood Kivca. Okcoom W. H. WALTON V. tUiNMCHSEN . . ... r.uiToi Manage SubHcrlpllun, $1.50 a Near In Advance t.niemd u eror.d-cUaa matter. Feb. 10. 1W. t the pnat .irfir t Hood Kiver. Oreguo. unJer the Act of March J, 1878. Another LShrl of HUtory. Ski'Ih lit- lfu rehabilitated. By her own 1'ivtry the norlj fi-r sonie- tliinn 1'icr i.:it? o'n'urles has placed her In the t 'li-opntr.-t class or worse. Now 8 r'rem h Investigator bus discov ered In Ki.'M't ur somewhere docu ment tlut prove Sappho to bave leen a conveotinti.il tind eminently proper Orek 1.1. in who kept a young lady'i emlnary. If these onh.ieoloist do not quit flKfrlnt: a old dust beaps and prying open ancient vaults they are liable to npset most of tbe history of the world. Already they have discredited the cherry tree story of G. Washington, discovered that Jefferson did not write the Declaration of Independence, that Shakespeare may have been Bacon or almost anybody else besides himself, that William Tell never shot at an apple, that there was more politics than lore In Mark Antony' affair with Cleopatra and generally that so called history abounds In fable and In accuracy. To upset tbe legend of Sappho, how ever, gives a distinct shock. To be ure. the other exposure were more r less disturbing, but this is a dis turbance of another sort. Tbe gener ally accepted view of Sappho was It self shocking, and to have It cast into the rubbish betip furnishes a shock by the removal of one. Sappbo was ac cepted as the feminine Lord Byron of antiquity. To bear It now announced that she was entirely respex-tuble. a perfect lady, so to speuk. will make a certain class of folk disconsolately murmur: "Oh. piffle: There is nothing left but banality and mediocrity. What Is an erotic poetesx without Uer touch of tenierament ?" Yet we are glad to welcome this new Sappho, rehabilitated and er-reno-Tated. as it were. The editor of the Toronto Globe says that Canada is now sorry she re jected tbe reciprocity agreement. Well, our end of It is still on tbe statute books. If she is really sorry let her call a new e'.ectlon and ratify it. Aft er the slap she gave us deeds will come with better grace than empty words Tbe general belief is that the man who said rubber could be made from an osage orange was stretching the truth. The government is going after the match trust. Somebody will get bis fingers bunied. Do your Christmas shopping now, and do it in your home town Wireless Is Stretching. The other day Mr. William Marconi since he is half Irish we prefer this form to tbe Italian Signor Guglielmo sent a wireless message from Italy to America, beating the world's record by something more than a thousand miles. We are glad Marconi wus tbe one to do this since be is the Inventor of wireless nnd is entitled to lead in the Improvements of it so long as be lives, or rather so long as some greater pi-ii his does not get ahead of him. Yet It was u great feat, driving a message 4.) miles: Sitn-e it was Marconi who first suc cettli'd In sending across the Ktigllsb channel, a few years later dispatching across the Atlantic and now capping that by Including tbe Atlantic and most of the Mediterranean, one is moved to Inquire, what next? Will he now estublish a station in India or CMiiH unl hurl messages to America? Then will he make a station big enough to flash around the world? It Is a great nge in which we live, my musters Science Is doing such marvelous things that the news there of hrenks over Into the newspapers, w In. h get It all mixed up. Yet this feat of Mr Marconi's came straight. I. ring that It was addressed to a news- pllptT. The incident shows the difference ImIh.mu Imentors. Nikola Tesla says he an In k to Mars, but does not dolt. M.in-onl keeps closer to tbe earth, neter says a thing, but goes on stretching wireless distance thou sand tulles or so at a time. That Is a rather grim story told of Yuan Ktilh Kni. the new premier of CI. Inn During the Boxer uprising Yuan was Hint or of an Interior city. The B.-xers woll-lted hini to Join their or.ler one of their claims was that their member were Immune from tor iil'ii l.ullets Yuan shrewdly said that I' thei could establish this claim be t .mid Join To make the test be pro f .e-ed th.it one of their leaders let blin-h,- r Is- shot at with a foreign sua. The re-nll wss one less Boxer, but It nns the milking of Yuan Shlh Kal. Tbe Canadian Lure. Although refusing our reciprocity agreement, Canada coutlnues to ad vertlse for American farmer. Through ber alluring press agent stories it 1 es timated that she will Inveigle some thing like 145.000 Americans across tbe border this year. Just why a farmer from tbe United States should emigrate to Canada la oot plain. Of course any real estate proposition can be made to look well n paper. Canada has been assiduous In soliciting these new recruits. She has established agents throughout tbe States. She has subsidized every pos sible avenue for advertisements and press notices. She has spent millions of dollars In the effort to people her frostbitten wilds, not only from the United States, but from other lands. Her recent census shows that she has got little for her outlay, that ber Increase In population was pitifully small and much below ber expecta tions and that a large percentage of the people who did migrate to ber ter ritory became dissatisfied and left. The very fact that she has bad to go to all of this trouble and expense to drum up Immigration gives ber case away. If her lands were really desir able the people of the world would discover the fact and would go to them without solicitation. We have to turn back immigration. Although Can ada Is as old as the United States and larger In area. If we exclude Alaska and our Island possessions, the Domin ion has less than one-twelfth of our population. That alone tells tbe story, and her frantic efforts to Inveigle our farmers Into her domains make the case plainer. In other words, ber lands are so undesirable that people will not go to them of their own motion and will go only in very small numbers after an elaborate campaign is made to lure them thither. Tbe American farmer who goes to Canada loses his citizenship in tbe re public to become a subject of tbe British king. He exchanges a temper ate clime for one where tbe cold is ex treme and tbe seasons short. At tbe same time be turns his back on mil lions of acres of unoccupied land In his own country. The United States gov ernment Is now going to great ex pense to Irrigate tbe plains of the west Dry farming Is being carried on profit ably all over tbe plateau east of the Rocky mountains and elsewhere. There are unoccupied lands in tbe south- and others that may be bad at low prices in a section that is awak ening to new life. Why desert all these advantages for a hazardous ex periment in a frozen wilderness? The American Family. It Is time there was a revival of the old American spirit, and at no point Is It more needed than In family life. Tbe three great forces that have bullded this nation were democracy, universal education and the borne. To what extent these bave been under mined or attempted to be undermined he who runs may read. Fortunately, the conscience of the land Is reawakening, and in the light of this quickened moral perception cer tain things are growing plain. One is that through divorce, race BUlcide and other of the offspring of lax morals and selfishness American family life is threatened. It should be tbe business of every true man and woman in tbe land to see that these three pillars of our national temple, and especially tbe pillar of tbe home, shall be maintained In all their former strength. Tet what shall we say of a certain doctor who In an address In Chicago recently advocated the limiting of the size of families by law? To be ex plicit, he proposed state legislation to prevent a man receiving no more than $3 per day from having more than three children. If the rule were adopt ed that poor people should be restrict ed In the size of their families, what would become of the race? For It Is notorious that a large percentage of the rich have few or no children. Large families are not only best for the nation and tbe world, but for tbe child. Even though there is compara tive poverty tbey are still best for the child. Where there are limited means and several brothers and sisters tbe children are taught wholesome self sactflce and self reliance. These breed real men and women. If Mexico must have revolutions that Is her own affair. We have noth ing to say so long as she confine them to her own territory. But we bave a right to object to tbem being spawned ID American soil or being fought on fbe American border. A New York horse that had strayed away was found drank after a hun dred mile chase. Show tbe Influence f environment First tbe New York women took to tippling, and now It is tbe horse. If the rebels have no other way to drive out the Manrhu they might turn Dr. Wa Ting Fang loose and let him Ore a few volley of questions. Doe It requlrt the flusstan army to put down on American In FerMaT DUSSELDORF ON RHINE AND ITS ENVIRONS Mayor K. II. Hartwljj hit just re ceived from the Lord Mayor of Iim nehl.irf on Khlne, the noted Hue art city of (iertimuy, nu elegantly flu lulled and bound booklet descriptive of that city of arts, trade, com merce, manufacture and municipal enterprise anil economical Impor tance. Such a manufacturing city exist neither In Great Britain nor the Uni ted State, and at the name time this fine art city lias a further repu tation an a garden city, Htul has been a central point of artintlc effort ami Is a favorite residential town. Its public Institutions and building are of world fame, and, above all, Its educatlou.il system and municipal organization aud government are worthy of study and emulation Nowhere do cltlzeus enjoy o much (r o littl. The present Lord Mayor. Ilerr OlicrlHTgcrmeUter, has nerved over ISO vearn. He wa not chosen of the city residents, a In America, but wa selected from another part of Germany, and U an expert In gov. eminent and civic affair. The city own light, water, foctorle, restau rant, theatre, and even tree legal advice office. Catarrh Canuot Be Cured with local applications, as they can not reach the seat of the disease. Caturrh I a blood or constitutional disease, anil In order to cure It you must take Internal remedies. Mall's Catarrh Cure 1 taken Internally, and act directly on the blood anil mu cous surfaces. Hall' Catarrh Cure I not a ijuack medicine. It wa pre- Mcritied by one of tbe best physicians In this couutry for year, and I a regular prescription. It I composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surface. The perfect combination of the two In gredients Is what produce such wonderful result In curing catarrh. Send for testimonial free, K. J. Cheney & Co., Prop., Toledo, ). Sold by druggist, price 7."c. Take Hall' Family Fills for constipation. Gene Bush's Brother Dies in Portland Henry M. Bush, for 10 year super intendent of the mill yard of the Jones Lumlier Company, died recent ly, at his home In Portlaud. He I thought to have died from paralysis, having sustained a stroke two year ago. Mr. Bush retired Sunday night apparently In good health and wa found dead Monday morning. He 1 survived by a brother. Gene Bush, who live at Hood Blver. When In need of printing rememler the News. Summons. Tn the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, Mhe county of Hood River, Henry J. Lindsay, Plaintiff, vs. for H. de Reding; Cornelia Edmunds Hal lam, a widow; M. Yasui; J. Thornton and W. H. Halton and Middlecrest Orchard Company, a corporation, ueiendanta. To H. de Reding. Cornelia Edmunds Hallam. widow. M. Yasui. J. Thornton and W. H. Walton. and Middlecrest Orchard Company, a corporation, and each of you. defendants. In the Name of the State of Oregon:-You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint filed against you and each of you in the above entitled suit within ten days from the date of the service of this summons on you and each of you, if served within this county, and if served within any other county in this state, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this summons upon you and each of you. and if you fail so to answer, for want there of, the planum will take a decree against you and each of you for the sale of the hereinafter deacribed real property situate in Hood River County, Oregon, for the foreclosure of that cer tain mortgage dated September H4th, 1909, made, executed and deli vet ed by defendant H. de Red' ing to said plaintiff Henry J. Lindsay to secure the payment of the sum of Twenty Six Hundred and Ninety Dollars (SBWOJ and interest, which said mortgage was duly filed in the office of the County Clerk of said Hood River County, Oregon, on January Zlnd. 1910 at 2:40 o'clock p. m. and recorded in book 3 of mortgages at page 646, for the payment and satisfaction of all sums secured by said mortgage, including said sum of 1 wenty Six Hundred and Ninety Dollars. ($'26901 and inter est, the sum of Two Hundred and Seventy Dollars ($70) attorney's feea in this suit and plaintiffs costs and disbursements herein, and will take decree against you and each of you for such other relief as prayed for in the complaint herein and shall be deemed by the court proper. Said property is more particularly deacribed as follows, to-wit: The North half NS of the South-west Quarter sW l) of the North-east quarter INK of Section Eighteen (1 Township Two2 North. Range len U0) Kast of Willamette Meridian You are hereby served by publication of this summons, by virtue of an order of the honorable George U. Culbertson, as County Judge of Hood River County, and State of Oregon, duly made. granted and dated on the 2nd day of December A. D. 1911, for the service of this summons upon you by publication thereof, and in accordance therewith, and which order prescribes that you shall appear and answer the complaint, on or be fore the last day of stx consecutive weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons. and the 6th day of December A. D. 1911 as the date of the first publication of this summons, andj you are nereoy it.rxner ncineo mat sain date la and will be the first publication of this summons. iMted December 2nd, 1911. d6-jl7 I.. A. A A. P. Rrkd. Attorneys for Plaintiff, Hood River, Oregon, Summons Tn the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the Onjntjr or Hon! Kiver. K. Howard laenberg. Plaintiff, vs. ZeIHa F. Isenherg. IVfewlant. To Zelda V. laenberg. Defendant above named: In the name of the Htateof Oregon. Yrni are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint of the plaintiff tiled in the above entitled court and cause on or before the 13th day of De cember, Till, and if you fail to so appear and answer paid complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the court foe the relwf prayed for therein, to-wit: f or a decree of said court dissolving the marriage contract now existing betwmn the plaintiff and defendant; for a decree of aatd court adjudging and decreeing plaintiff to he the sole and exclusive owner of lota Three 3), four 4 and Five (5, in Hlork K of Goe s Third Addition to the City of Hood River, Hood kiver County, Oregon; for a decree of said court adjudging and decreeing plaintiff to be the owner and holder of certain pnimiaeory notes owing to plaintiff and defendant jointly, which said promissory notes are set forth and fully described in plaintiff's complaint in the above entitled court and cause; and for auch other and further relief as to the court may seem equitable ann just. This summons is served upon you by publica tion thereof tn The Hood Kiver News, a paper of general circulation, published once earh weak in Hood Kiver, Hood Kiver County. Oregon, by virtue of an order of the County Court of Hord Kivei County, Oregon, made and entered on the rth day of October, 111). The date of t hi ft rst publication of this summons in said newspaper is November 1st, tWl. 8. W. St sag, Nov. 1-Uec.U Attorney for Plaintiff. Nolle tl Sheriffs Salt Tn the Circuit Court of tha Stata of Oregon, for nuud Kiver county. Uuat Ueonrouaia, Plaintiff. H. C. MarahaU and Geo. W. McCoy. Defendants By vtrtua of an axacution. dacraa and ordar of aaladuly iaauad out of and under tha aeal of tha Circuit Court of tha 8 lata of Oreiron. for tha County of Houd Kivar, to ma directed and dated tha 6th day of November. Mil, upon a decree for tha roreclueure of a certain laborer a lien and judgment rendered and entered in aaid Court on the 14th day of June, in tha above entitled eauee in favor of plaintiff and aitainat tha defend ant in the aum of U6o.60. and in tercet thereon from the 6th day of Auiruat. islu. at tha rate of per cent per annum: and for tha aum of I60.UU attorneys fere: and for tha aum of 116,75 coata and diabureementa, and the coata of and UDon thia writ, and commanding' me to make Male of tha real property embraced in auch decree of fore closure and hereinafter deacribed, I will at tha nour of 10 o clock in tha forenoon on tha 7th day of December, lull, at tha front door of the County Court Houea. in Hood Kiver, Hood Kiver County. Stata of Oreiron. aell at nuhlic auction to the hitcheat bidder for eaah in hand all tha right, title ana in tercet which defendant. Georve W. McCoy, had on th 14th day of June), 1911. th data of the judftinent aforesaid, or which auch defendant. George W. McCoy, haa aince acquired, or now has, in and to the following deacribed real property eituatea ana oemg in the County of Houd Kiver, State of Oreiron. to-wit: The aoutheaat quarter of Sec ton 25. Townahip 2 North. Kanre 9 Kaat. W. M.. or ao much thereof aa will aatittfy satd judgment and execution, to-wit: The turn of S265.60. and interest thereon from the bth day of August, ltflO, at the rate of per cent per annum; for the aum of 4W0.00 attorney's fee, with interest thereon from the Uth day of June, mil. at tne rate of s oer cent ter annum: and for the sum of 116.75 costs and disbureementa. witn interest thereon from the Uth day or June, 1911. at the rate of a Mr cent tr annum, with costs and accruing costa. Said property will be old subject to the following judgments, to-wit: A judgment made and entered against said de fendant. Ueorge W. McCoy, and avainst said de scribed real property on the 13th day of June, 1911. in and for the sum of and interest thereon from the 6th day of August. 1910. at the rate of 6 per cent per annum; and for the sum of S 100.00 attorney's fee with interest thereon from the 13th day of June, 1911, at the rate of 6 per cent per annum; and for the sum of 121.75 costa and disbursement, with interest thereon from the 13th day of June, 1911, at the rate of 6 per cent per annum. And a judgment made and entered against said defendant. Geo. W. McCoy, and against said de scribed real property on the 3Ut day of May. 1911. in and for the sum of At 00. and interest thereon from the 6th day of August. 1910. at the rate of 6 per cent per annum; for the sum of $40.00 attor ney's fee, with interest thereon from the 31st day of May, 1911, at the rate of 6 per cent per annum; for the sum of $3.80, with interest thereon from the 31st day of May, 1911. at the rate of 6 percent per annum; for the further sum of $61.00. costa and disbursements, with interest thereon from the 31st day of May, 1911. at the rate of 6 per cent per annum; and for the further aum of $61. IX) costa and disbursements on said judgment in the Supreme Court of the State of Oregon, which two judgments last deacribed are prior judirment liens on said land. Said property will be sold subject to confirma tion and equity of redemption as by law provided. Dated at Hood River, Oregon, this 6th day of November, 1911. Thus. F. Johnson, Sheriff of Hood Kiver County. Nov. &-Dec. 6 State of Oregon. Administrator'! Notice To Creditors. "Mot ice is hereby given that the undersigned has A been appointed by the County Court of Hood River. Co. Ore., as Administrator of the estate of Sarah J. Phelps, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me. duly ventied. at the Butler Banking Co 'a Bank, or at the office of E. H. Hart wig, in Hood River. Oregon, within six (6) months from the date of this notice. Dated this 25th day of November. A. D. 191 L Holland a. Phelps. E. H. Hartwio, Administrator. N29-D27 Attorney for Estate. DR. F C. BR0SIUS Physician and Surgeon Residence, Oak and Park. Office. Oak and Second Office houra. 10 to 11 a. m 2 to Send 7 to 8 p. m. Rooma S. 4 and 5, Broaiua Block. Hood River, Ore. H. L. DUMBLE Physician and Surgeon Calla promptly anawercd in town or country, day or nig-nt. Telephonea Residence 611. Office 613. Office in the Broaiua Building. DR. E. 0. DUTRO Physician and Surgeon Office in Smith Building Home phone, Ree.71B; Office phone 71 Hood River, Oreg-on SHAW & BR0NS0N Physicians and Surgeons Eliot Block Phone 84 Hood River, Oregon J. F. WATT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office. Home phone 30. Reaidenee, SOB Hood River. Oregon Dr. M. H. Sharp Edna B. Sharp DRS. SHARP Osteopathic Physicians Graduates of the American School of Oateopathy, Kirkuville. Mo. Office in Kliot Building Phone-Office 114. Reaidenee 102-B. Hood River. Oregon Phone Rea. 87-M Houra. 10 to 12: Office 2 L, 1:00 to 5 00-6:00 to 7 Other houra by appointment DR. E. R. CARPENTER Chiropractor : Nerve Specialist EaM for All Diaeane Room 17-18. Heilbronner Bldg. Hood River, Ore. DR. JUSTIN WAUGH Eliot Building EAR, EYE, NOSE AND THROAT Tues. Thurs. Sat 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. Dentist Office. Hall Building, over Butler Banking Co. Office phone 2X. Reaidenee phone 8-B Hood River, Oregon H. Dudley W. Pineo, D. D. S. Denti3t Office over f irat National Bank Office- Home phone 131. Reaidenee- Home 131-B Hood River. Oregon DR. E. L. SC0BEE Dentist Open evening! by appointment Ronma and 1, Broaiua Budding. Phone S00 Hind River, Oregon M. E. WELCH Licensed Veterinarian Hood River, Oregoo E. H. HARTWIG LAWYER Smith Block. Entrance on Third Street Phone 168-K Hood River, Oregon L. A. HENDERSON Civil Engineer Formerly U. S. Land Surveyor Philippine Inland Two duora north of poatoffice. Phone 41 L. A. & A. P. 'REED ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW Two Doora North of Poatoffice Phone II Hood River' Oreiron ERNEST C. SMITH LAWYER Rooms 14 and 15. Hall Building Hood River. Oregon STEARNS & DERBY Lawyers First National Bank Building Huod River. Oregon Phone 309 Rooma -10. Smith Block GEORGE R. WILBUR LAWYER Hooil Kiver . . Orei;oii A. C. BUCK Notary Public and Insurance Agent Room 12. Broaiua Block Hood River. Oregon R. R. BARTLETT ARCHITECTS Heilbronner Building HOOD RIVER. OREGON Phone 1 ALBERT SUTTON Hrcfritcct Hall Buildinq Hood River. Oregon . MURRAY KAY CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Phone 32 Bromus Buildinq Hood River P. M. MORSE City Engineer and Surveyor CITY AND COUNTY WORK Heilbronner Building Hood River. Oregon ROBT. T. NEWHALL Telephone 277-M Hood River, Oregoo REPRESENTING MILTON NURSERY CO. THIRTY-THREE YEARS OK RELIABLE TREES M. E. JOHNSON Carpenter and Builder Second and State Sts. Phone Shop 345-X; Res. 87-L BROWN & DEITZ Wood Sawed by Gasoline Power Fir and Pine 80c Per Cord Oak and Slabe 7Sc Per Cord Phone 147-K Phone 275-X O. B. EVINOER Oonfootlonory and Cigar Cmnmrml Lin e Cigmrt, 7oaccoe, CaneVee. re Cream, fc. STATIONERY On tha Heights KELLY BROS. MAY and OATS Rolled Barley, Bran, Shorts and Straw Phone 237-M Fourth Street between Oak and State C G. VAN TRESS Public Stenographer AND Notary Public ELIOT BLOCK Pho'ne 308-M Butler Banking Co Established Capital One Hundred Thousand Dollars Deposits Over Five Hundred Thousand Dollars Safe Deposit Boxes Leslie Butler, President Truman Butler, Hood River Banking & Trust Co. Extends a cordial invitation to you, personally to call and open a checking account. Any amount will open an account in our savings department. We pay 3 per cent interest, compounded semi-annually. We promise the best of service and satisfaction. M. M. HILL, J. W. COPELAND, R. W. PRATT. President, Vice President, Cashier C. H. Stranahan, Wilson Fike. Capital $100,000 FIRST NATIONAL BANK HOOD RIVER, OREGON FASHION Livery, Feed Wholesale and Retail Lumber, Lath, Shingles Etc. Lumber delivered to any part of the Valley ...R.eady for Santa... Our new Goods, direct from the East are now on display. They are the nicest and best we have ever had. We want YOU to see them while the line is complete. Toilet Sets, (Ivory, Ebony, etc.) Hanicures, Hand Mirrors, Brass, Purses, Hand Hags, Calendars, Work Boxes, Games, Post Cards, Booklets, Xmas Ornaments, Ulc, lite, Utc. We can only enumerate a few conn and scu tml-m all Keir SSL Cass Pcliable Vrufsts SMITH BLOCK HOOD RIVER Nineteen Hundred Savings Department Vice President C. H. Vaughan, Cashier Chas. G. Pratt, lot. Coceland Surplus and Profits $24,000 TAKE A LITTLE FROM VOI R PAY ENVELOPE and deposit it in this savings bank. If you keep up the habit you'll have a tidy sum to your credit at the end of the year and you'll know the immense satisfaction of having money ahead. Commence next pay day. Three Per Cent Interest paid on Savings Deposits. We furnisha a house bank free STABLES and Draying STRANAHANS & RATHBUN HUOD RIVER, OREGON Horsesboutfht, sold or ex changed. Pleasure parties can smeJijlassKsSbecial attention given to moving fur niture and pianos. We do everything horses can do. Stanley Smith Lumber Co.