The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, November 29, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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La3 iLj Cfr.'.a
Ladies' Suits and Coats; Men's Suits
& Overcoats at fiflanufacturer's Cost
f VV V
;4n,LlH: Mil kid v HV
rf pfe in i mi h s -
Already it is time to consider the pleasant
Chrimas Season. We have anticipated
the popular demand this year and will
have on display at this store the strongest
line of XM AS GOODS ever assembled in
Hood River. As usual, we are short of room
to display goods, but we have them, so
what you don't see, just ask for and we
will be glad to show you, whether
you are ready or just scouting round
the circle. . . . .
New Furs, Linen Handkercheifg, Bath Robes, Felt
Slippers, Gloves, House Coats, Neckwear, Silk Ki-
t - -
monas, Neckties, Fancy Goods, Sweater Coats, Muf
flers, Silk Hosiery, Suspenders, Silk Socks, Etc.
Boys' Suits & Over
coats Special Sale
Everything; Is
Store Closed Thanksgiving: Day
- I S.'-" " " i
if i m '
K mi:. biVii-A -
1 -t-' J V''. ,.V4i
rv: .4'' A.?
tell N.r-y-"
Cushion Sole Shoes
For Cold Feet
Newest Shapes in
McKibbin Hats
Mr. Mini .Mm. .1. I; Shili.m left J,.r;
7 v racr7
7 v vm
" ei
Mrs. Kitz fpfiit tlit week etnl In
I'lirtlaa'l with lur muttnT. Mr
J. H. 1 1 flllTi in rwr, Iliirii'tte I'lm
run am S. K. Hnrtnn'i- were at A r
linjitdll lant week, t'l.nw limiting.
Chan. I Mi'oily, nf tin' I'l'per al
ley, acciii)iariieil tiy liin mother, left
Thurnlay murnir, for Lm Aime,.-t
w here lie will t-eti'l the w inter.
W'hlteheairh for lime ami vitriol."
Made tle;i n, I hi ke. clea ii, m' 1 cl- ;i n
(iiil Health Ilrtal. Save tlieemi
miiH. SuM I iv 1'arker'B.
Herniate the Imwi-N when l:n-i
fail tn innve .r rl v. Hethiiie i- nil
mliiiiralile Imwel reiiiator It ;
1 he liver ami ctum.-e h mi I r. -I . r. a
line feeling i .f i-t r. im t h a n -1 I n a : i.
Price ."Hie. Sol, I I' y h a- N. im;...
"Diamond Quality"
selected, lie-Cleaned Seed
KM ;
r..r .: !'.ii'!rf 2 Vk-: V' .'jl
"Shadeland I Jjf,K
Challenge" ?7 1
Hnt wi,itt.iaotA,i'' i.fJ , ..-J
r.,. Win.rr ' J-.vJ
Swedi.h Red
Black Ruitian
for tiiriii(f I'lmitirg
"Shadeland Climax
KurliMt, ito-l I'r.hi., I
Ir. M 1". Shaw in i oteil jiK a miet
in I'tirtlaii'l Til n rcl .1 I y the tire
g !iiaii.
'. Ii. U'en 1 z. of I'orrl ni l. w a- a
vi-itor ln-re I'ri i iv. Mr Wentz
ha vin iim' ai'ple a 11 I clea re. I t Hi
winter ami ill i-ei ii'l'litional acre
a u'.
Mi-- llolio'.vell. Mi I '-her ami
Mi- Nickcl-en have re-im-il their
ni-iti..ii- a nnr- at the ('uttaae
lio-pital Their place- have heen
Hiijiiei with nnr-e" from I'ortlaml.
Tie' town was full of -how till
atel actor men ITi'la y. t he ili--l ch
of Thc-j.ian "! inir the menilier- of
t he 1 ii ilil.-n 01 1 ( oiu I -any . w hidi a ji-
1 11 n r-1 ;i t M:jnr i-t.i Iioi-" I rl
pay eveiiin. I he company playcil
at llui,'iii'toii tic ni:h! hcf,,r.' e,,m
iti' h.-re, a iei -v. ii t t o 1 1 r t : . 1 1 1 I f 1
lr. .1. K. I.ocke of I'ortlaml, owner
of property at Hood Klver, spent
1 Sunday here.
I.adie of St. Mark'ri liuihl will
1 meet at the rectory at 2:'-U Friday
'afternoon Iiec. 1. A full attendance
In denired as mattcrn of luiiiortamc
; are to come before tho UH'etiiitf.
1 There will lie union ervlfen at the
Valley Chrintlap church on Thank
'ulvlim Hay at ln::in a. in., to w hich
! all are cordially Invited. The new
j pastor, i. A. I'.enuett, of St. Louis,
w ill conduct the ineetlnjr.
The ladies of the liaptlst church,
on the lleluhts, will hold their an
niial liazaar nn the afternoon and
evening of I (. 7th. In their church
parlors. An Interesting prouram
will lie remleeil am) refrfshments
The Home Telephone Company
w ill have out a new directory In a
few days. A ood many names
have lieen added. In addition to
a numlier of channes of address
The new directory will do doiilit lie
welcomed liy the many telephone
11-ers n t Hood Klver.
1 : 1 v . r
.r an tir
I leatie.
nelit at
no- ;u,.l itih.l at W hite
Try a Sunday at l'arkdale I'ark
-i rati on Mount Hoo I Kail
road Six nsim bun'.dow , enrner 10th and
C iscaJe ast-nuc, lor sale. Choice Int.
See ow ncr on premises.
1 1 1 I h alt h ; lea I pat up in a ir ura;.i ), f. ire lea inn the
!.; i.i-n . sae the r. c, p. a,-. I . ,1
-al- at I'.u kers.
- I . on I ;.. de n. t. a 1 h r o,' 1 lo-
Willlatn Itollans, division superin
tendent of the O..YV. K. - N'., was i
visitor here Friday.
A. I'. I'.att'hain, recently elected
president of the Oregon State Horti
cultural Society, was here Wednes-
.1.... . I ... A.. At...
I ijhj , previous 10 suiriiiiK lor me
National Apple Show at Spokane.
Hurley A. Katet and Hazel Ijiciis
were married Tuesday, Nov. Li, Ky
Justice of the Pence A. (', I'.uck.
Mrs. Kates Is a sister of Mrs. A. L.
Havles The yoiimc '-ouple will re
side at Troutdale.
Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Smith, after
spending several w eeks here, ret urneil
to Portland Friday. Mr. Smith,
who Is a brother-in-law of Fred
Pane, expects to purchase a ranch at
Hood Klver and reside here.
Arthur McCreety, who lunmht the
Carter ranch, left Friday for San
Francisco. From there he will no to
southern California for a visit and
later n- on to New York w here he
will spend thi' winter at his home.
Kawretice & Smith, who took a
number of prizes at the Hood Klver
and Portland Apple Shows, have
rented a corner store, temporarily,
In the new Venn biilhllnn in Port
land, ami are sellinn u poitloii of
their apple crop to the retail trade of
that city. The fruit Is exhibited in
the window s, packed In full, half and
ipiarter boxes, and Is briiinlnn n1""'
'II' !'
-o'l i
A ;
w id I "
;::.' p
a tid I 1 1 - i . 1 1 (ill I a le, N hi
at 1"1J Hull -He. I. ol. e 1 d. i
of the Kapti-l I ' h 1 1 1 c 1 1
1 ciai i h.ii.k-nivitin l n dim,.
s. I e. I at the M anil II..,,,
'I bur-. lay eveninn from .''i" t'
m. i iihle d'hote. 7", 1 cut-.
nr.. I
Hntl.iinrt t 1. it y.
11 g 1 1)0 buna. !n 1
T'i W II I 'I '
uii.i y 1, . i J 11. d
fnif Vo ii'.er yt,u urr ,,.fni, ' innine
".rtifri.l"." O.i'boiif buii it.r,- ! J,m
9ur f'ttrt ,itiit t'f'e. I't c i't 1 1 hi' y.,
fluHKef tlunl to I'lnnt u., (.I'.t l.rri bUt
Writ fur Samplra aud Price
Atk lotliulm N. AM',
rOUlANO, 0180
! 1 l.ill.lain-, fr..-1
1 can be i n r.-d 1 1 h
1 a 1 h nis of I '.a lla i d
' It .j ni. k iy nli. a -
tl of t he lle-ll.
?" I on per hoi I le.
"1 do Hot b. lii e
m.di'ine so noo,
coiin h as .' b,
edy." w rites
I feet
1 e
Ii I,, I,
1 1,
1 tid-.
t W I, llppll
V l.illilll.lit.
or lender
.'. , .'.a,- and
b has N.
III other
I for iiooi.inn
in hi t la I li s Cons I. K- 111
Mrs. I 1 a nets i urpiti.
Five pound pails of lard 7."c, la
t u in I - Jl ."a at Mdiulre Pros.
Try a loaf of (Jood Health
at Parker's, "it's nood to the last
crumb " Save the coupons.
For Sal" Some nood horses and a
number of second-hand rlns, cheap.
Apply at the Fashion I.lverv Stable."
I or Sale-- A fine lot of hay in the """letnh-r Whitehead's when yon
are In tin- market for lime ami
Post Office. Phone, Odell 3H or v,frl"
20ii.x. Six room bungalow, corner 10th and
i -. . .1 H....I.V. n- 1 ...i.i... ...1.. 1 Cascade avenue, for sale. Choice lot.
heat ami nraham-home made, v,, Sce owm:r "n Pnilses
will like It. Save the coupons. Sold for Sale A fine lot of hay in the
bv Parkers I Mt. Hood district. INear Mt. IKkhI
Madame Andre l, neddress j'"fst "' ,,h"ne' 0,B" 3H or
makinn parlors In the Fernnson ,
buildinn. where she will be n'adto ''I damp, chilly weather there is
meet patrons w ho il.-sire the latest j always a larne demand for Kallard's
in women's wear. i Snow Liniment Keen use many people
In severe cases of sore lunns von w h" k,l"u' '' '-M''Tli tie Its nreat
1 dan Internal and external ,.',.,.! rell.vlnn l-ower In rheumatic aches
edv. Kuv t ollar size P.allard's "t"1 pain- .repare to apply If at the
llor.l , svrup and vou net lw.,ll"'"f Price L'.V. .Vie and $1 t
remedies for t lie price of Oi:e. With!1"'1" h"UU'- l''r ''' ' ''"" N'
every dollar bottle there I- 11 free !' I'"''-
Derrick's Ked Pepper Porous Plaster1 ' ha inberlaln'M Stomach ami Liver
for the client. Sold byChas N Crke i'l alilets do not nlckeri or nrlpe, ami
i am pi..,.-,) to recommend Cham-i '""v ,"' "a-,,n w,,h ,"rf',', ""f,,'V ''-v
betlaln's Counh Ketnedy as the .e,t ,l'",,,," Wolliati or t he
loutin'st child. 1 lie ol'l ami leelile
t Id nn I k now of ami safest,
for 1 ul,.. el. Is .....I i,p,.,.i.i ', I ld also lind them 11 most Hiiltable
.lunctlon ity. re. i his reined 1 l
also iinsurpas-ed for cold- and croup
For railc by all dealers
trouble." w rites Mrs L. It. Arnold of '"""" mr niuinu ami hi renm iiiiinK
lierner. Colo. ' W e have used It re. , their weakened dln'-stloti and for ren
peateillv and It has- never failed to uln t Irttr the bowels. For sale by all
Ue relief." For sale by nil denier. dealers.
Mr. Mini Mr-. .1. K Shell. n left for
Topeka, Kans., Friday and will be
the nnests of friends In that city
Christian Science services are held
in Keadinn Koom, No. 1;, liavidsoti
buildinn. Sunday at 11 a. m. and
Wednesday at p. m Sunday schind
at In a. in.
Mosier visitors in Hood Kiverifnr
l:in the past week were Mr. and M rs.
.lohn Carroll, Mrs. I. M. Hunter,
Mrs. I'. A. Allinntoti, Mrs. V. C.
Vounn. Mr. ami Mrs. .1. F. Hinle;.-,
Misses Marna ret te lietiuy and Ftliti
Harvey, and .lohn Fvnus.
.losefy, the manlclan ami iniiHliian,
will be the next attraction in the
Lyceum course under the auspices of
the Fulled I'.rethren church. Josef
Is said to he one of the best attrac
tions mi t he road, ami will also up
pear at Plae lirove and Park dale
He will be at Hood Klver tomorrow
l. Fvart Itaker. president of the
executive commit let of the Orenon
iiirisiiaa r.micrivor i.nion, will lee
ture at the christian church Friday
eveninn, Hecember 1, 7::!i p. 111. under
the auspices of the local Younn Peo
ples' liiloti. Tht re will be a short
musical pronram ami social follow
Itin: Unlit refreshmelifs will be served.
An earnest Invitation Is extended In
all younn people of 1 he city and val
ley to attend.
Kenular Sunday excursion to Park
dale. Pleasant trip for .011rsclf ami '
No dirt or nerms iood Health
Kread-A sanitary wrapper. Save
t he coupons. For sale at Parkers
Owner of Income ben rinn city prop
ert.v will trade for ', T.O or In are acres
fif beatinn orchard. Address '"
care of News, with iartlciilars.
Children who have worms are pali-,
cross, fret ful and sickly nni.t of tlsf '
time. To lid the little body of t hesf
pnrasites W hites Crea m Vcrinifune ts-
an approved remedy. When th
worms have been driven out the
child nrows slronn. heall hy ami ro
bust. Price L'.'m' per bottle. Sold by
has. N. Clarke.
Tin re Is little d inner from a cold
or from an attack of nrlp except
when followed by pneumonia, and
this never happens when Chamber
lain's Counh Keluedy Is u-eil. This
remedy has .von lis ureal reputation
and exteii-lvr sales bv Its remarkable
cures of colds ami nrlp, ami can be
rellcil upon w It h Implicit confidence.
Fur nale !' all dealer.
Mrs. I' red Shoemaker Is vlsltlnn at
the home of her mot her, M rs. May
( illbert , w it h w hom she will spend
Friends of Mrs Charles Kathbun,
who recently underwent an opera
nt the Cot th n1' hospital, for appendi
citis, will be nlad to know that sin
Is makinn a nood recovery. Mis.
lieo. P. Cullier'son, w ho Is also at
the hospital under similar condi
tions, Is slow ly recuperatlnn
Six room bungalow, corner 10th and
Cascade avenue, for sale. Choice lot.
See ow ner on premises.
State of Ohio, I ity of Toledo, Lu
cas County, ss Frank .1. Cheney
j makes oath that he is senior part ner
ol the drill of I-. ,1. ( lieney & ( o., 1I0
Inn business in the city of Toledo,
county and state aforesaid, and that
said tirm will pay the sum of One
Hundred Irollars for each and every
case of ('11 1 a rrli that cannot be en led
by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Frank .1. Cheney. Sworn to before
me and subscribed In my presence,
this Hill tiny of llcccmber, A. I. lsii.
Seal A. W. ileason. Not a ry Pub
lic. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternrlly, and nets directly on the
blood ami mucous surfaces of the
system. Send for tesllmonlalnls free.
F. .1. Chen.iy - Co , Toledo. O. Sold
by all drunnlsts, 7.V. Take Hall's
Family I ills for const I pa Hon.
I ir. I In 'sius a nn ounces a permanent
oilice established at OPKLL, iuiom:
L'O, w here he I'll 11 be consulted inorn
Inn and eveninn. 'ity ollicellool)
KIVKK, i'iiom: 12 K, open as usual la
to I daily. Night Cullt answered
from oliKLL, piiom: ja. -Jstf
TmhimwIi f,,v, ul-n J m "di-rt.
,T "i'l""' "I" v rl"" l-"X
t7,Ci,",,ra '
$-rt.M l'nrl D.,tt 15 ilm . . . . II v.
(;t.ii....i,,im, iju,. Jt (mm)mf, M
Lialtvnan H,inml.,w I-,. ml !,.. . ' m, tiiinit.l. w Hr tn. tb;l
ln, f Vl'in.towt I urn, in ttt 4 (u wcra
2-lmiiiW,d.,i.ilf,l.2-i24 . - .
C'Jumiii MmiUinj.. C'.taas. f'ainli. BuilHi
Plr, I lanlwa.r, K,.ln,. All lim k.
n Kin. k f.r r.,nirt l,inantt.
bo.!y. Slup nywlici.
I el l' K.ute Send l.,r Our Compln,
Lai !.,(, it
5 no
rii aii KtMif - - -.
U . K-II.O,- X
lur Comvlrtc M
The Satisfactory Solution of Your
Water Supply Problem
will be reached by installing in your home a pneumatic
Leader Water
Supply System
You can have abundant water hot or cold t
fnr Iritrhen. hnth. l:mrKlnr thi hern nnrl nntr l,,
other purpose required, at a moderate cost, r-.
Will also afford fire protection. 1
Tt,.-.i.ic.: . : 1 A 'S
1 1IC lllll CIllLICUlt CtUUUIIIIl.dl (I1IU UtJJVUU' . X vv I
able water supply System to be had.
A-ik your local Hraler to explain ahout tne VS JX'j
Lrirler STStrm or write fur our honklrt, uiJ
"How I Solved the Water Supply Problem."
LEADER IRON WORKS, Dept. 22. Decatur, III.
Apple Land and Orchard Company
Otlloo, No, 0 Oak Stroet, Phono 26 or 2002K, Hood River