4 SCHOOL TOPICS Edited by E. K. Coad III TINtJ Why do tlit Mi'hooU ti'ni'h it form or H.VHtt'in of writing that Iiiim no ,lm'i' lu the ImihIiichh hcIiooU or In i-oiiiiiierciiil life where the lent 1m ile liiaiKli'ir.' Huh the iii-Htlou ever oc curred to jnu? I have had to aiiHwcr It iiittn.v tliiieH and often the liujiirv hilH Implied the It'llef that 1 had local remedial power In my own handrt. TIiuh Ih Introduced thecourxe of utility, a more formldalile expren hIoii than uioHt perHoim realize. The courMe of Htudy In any Hchool, In any ftate, determlneH what a child may Htudy and what ti teacher Khali teach. Some Htateri offer a mere nin KeMtlve courwe of Htudy which the hcIiooU may follow If they wImIi. Other HtnteH have a mandatory eolirw of Htudy hut leave the Helec tlon of the text hookn to either the county or the Hchool illntrlct Hut lu Oregon we have a maudatory courHe of Htudy for Hecoml and third chiHH Hchool (llstrlctH ami thin In clirlen the text liookn ued. The text IkioUh are nelected liy t he State Text Hook ('ommlHHlou for a period of hIx yearH am t lie hcIioi iU are not allowed to line another lio.ik to take the pluce of the hook Helected. Ten yearn nyo the vertical HVHtem of writing wan forced upon the teacher of the state and they were compelled to line It. No matter If they were KraduatcH from a courwe In IiuhIiichm writing they were com pelled to teach vertical riling III t he hcIkxiIh. At theeml of nix yearH, four yearH hko, the Hyntem wait changed mcaln to what Ih called the Outlook Hyntem, thin Im'IiimT a ctohh liet ween the vertical and nlant writ Inir. And we have Imm ii told that we liiUMt teach thlH. The law reijulreti It and It miiHt he done. So for two more yearn we munt teach a Hj Htem of wrltliiK that ban little or no place In the IiiihIiicmh world. Vertical writing Ih mere copying. You can not write It and une the niUHciilar movement ho ueceHHary for eany rapid writing. Ah a matter of fact I have not felt like trying to do very much with writing for I have felt that my hand were tied by the Htate requirement. Many of the teachern can do excellent work In writing hut they cannot line the Out look Hyntem. Ten yearn ago I opponed the adop tlon of the vertical Hyntem of writing hut my protent did not Nee in to have any appreciable effect. I know that the Htate HUperlutendeut will favor a liunlnenn Hyntem of writing for the nchooln of the ntate when the time comen fijr a change. There are a few faddintn left who ntlll want vertical writing. If you have any opluloun on the iUCHtl')ti I am mire that the ntate department would like to have your viewpoint. lo you want your child taught a common neitne liunl nenn handwriting? If It were ponnl hie to Introduce hucIi it nyHtem Into the public nchooln at thin time, and It In poHHlble that It can he done would you Htand back of the nchool hoard In doing It? Other nchooln In the ntate are teaching bunlnenH writ Ing, why not Mood Ulver? HOOD RIVER POULTRY YARDS J. ft. NICKELSLN. Proprietor Breidar of S. C. W. Ltghorm. W. P. Rickl and S. C. Rhodt Itltnd Reds. Indian Runner Ducks A few good Cockerels for sale at $1 to 2.50. K. I. Reds are from first prize Cockerel Portland Show IVOO V. P. Kocks ilishel strain i W. Leghorns are from I). I. Casey's trap-nested first pen at Spokane, 1910. Eitirn anil Day Old Chirk aflor Jan. 1st. Or dra UMiktil now. Poultry yani l' j miloa west of city, at r ranktun. I'hmie &!2-X. HEIGHTS CLUB TAKES UP WEIGHTY MATTERS At a meeting of the Men'n Mutual Improvement league held In the reading room of the liaptlnt church on Friday, Oct. loth, the following rcHolution wan adopted, after a very Interentlng dinclinnlon: Octoln-r K 1011. To the Honorable Onwald .Went, Coventor of the State of Oregon: At a meeting of the Men'n Matual Improvement League of the town of Mood Itlver, held on the i:ith day of October, litll, the nubject for tllncun hIoii waH the policy Governor Went han purnued In the treatment of crlml naln in the ntate penitentiary. At the clone of the dlncunnlon ft ren olutlon wan unanlinoiinly adopted approving of nald policy an the mont Junt and humane, the mont wine, ant (Qnwjery Bargains Best Sugar, per sack $7Q2 The Dalles Diamond Flour, per sack $1.35 The Dalles Diamond Flour, barrel 530 Columbia River Jewell Flour, per sack 1.25 Columbia River Jewell Flour, barrel 4.90 Krinkles Corn Flakes, 3 packages $ .25 Jvrinkles Corn Flakes, per case 2.75 Ripe Olives, in bulk, pint... 20 Ripe Olives, gallon 1.00 Imperial Cream Oats, 9 pound sack... .40 Bayo Beans, 4 pounds-.. 25 Small White Beans, per pound 05 Holly Milk, 3 cans 25 Pillsbury Cereal, regular 20c package. 15 Climax Maccaroni, per package 10 Sugar Cured Hams, per pound 18 Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, per pound .18 Picnic Hams, per pound 16 New rigs i JUST New Raisins mvuirn New Currants I KhChlVED ev ii:n i:n im:ii . - . .NJ, i ii ii i utii ici un iiic Miitl1 .P" Iv rnh In nil. Vnr nittit will buy more from us. ar. L. H. Huggins the inont Christian which an eullght ened and progreHnlve age Iiiim yet dlneovered. We hope and lielleve that ltn benellcent result will Justify aut Impel a continuance of thin pol Icy, and that Hie governorn of al other Htaten of our I'nlon will tie per nuailed ere long to follow lu the foot HtepH of our progrennl ve and coura geoun governor. Thin renolutlou In forwarded to you with the belief that mich wonln of comiiieiidittlon from a few of your fellow cltlzenn, who, with yournelf, are earuently thinking and Htrlvlng for lietter political eruditions, will not lie unwelcome. K. K. (.'oak, (Supt. of ScIiooIh) if. LKK FoKlllMi, Committee on KenolutloiiH. At lant Friday evenlug'n meeting the nubject for dlncunnlon wan Wom an'n Suffrage. The amusing feature of the dlncunnlon wan the fact that nearly every man present npoke In favor of giving womeu the right to vote, while the only woman who npoke wan very strongly opponed to the Idea of women "having the prlvl lege forced upon them by n lot of mingulded men." A Painful Mistake Rtttar piiMripnre is 11 wonderful teacher. No doubt the youug lady of whom London Ideas tells bad often been told that she ought to wear glasses, but bad neglected or refused to do so. Thoro most determined look Id ber eye. however, as she marched Into the optician shop. "I want a pair of glasses Immediate It" nlii. unlit "(rood, strum? ones. I won't be without them for another day!" "Good, strong ones? "Yes. nlense. 1 was out In tbe coun try yesterday, and 1 made a very painful blunder, wblcb I have no wish to repeat." "Indeed! Mistook an enure stranger for an old friend, perhaps T "No. nothing of tbe sort. I mistook a bumblebee for a blackberry.' Lifa In Persian Oases. Dr. Sveu Hedln, describing his over- Innd Journey to lodlu across the Per sian desert, gives a graphic account of the oases where bis party occasionally camped under palm trees. There tbe singing birds wblcb twitter during tbe day are silent at night, but tne "song of the desert" is continued during the bours of darkness by tbe melancholy serenade of tbe Jackals. These oases are Infested by three objectionable and dangerous Inhabitants a deadly snake. black end white scorpions and a poi sonous tarantula spider, wblcb. al though it lives out In the desert. Is at tracted to the oases by tbe tight of tbe campQres. Her Self Sacrifice. "She's awfully self nacrlticlng." "How do you make that out?" "Well, she stayed at borne from church Sunday to sit up with a sick woman." Hub: She Isn't a regular church goer. I don t see anything self sacri ficing In that." "You don't? Rut. my dear, she bad a new gown and a new bat that bad Just arrived Saturday night." Cleve land Plain Dealer. Real Ingratitude. "Republic are uucrnteful." nnld the ready uinde philosopher. "Perhaps." replied Mr Chugglns. "but If you wnnt a taste of real In gratitude take a party of friends out for un automobile ride aud listen to their sarcastic remarks If you happen to break down." Washington Star At the Literary Club. "Maria, what was done at the meet ing of your literary club last nlghtT" "We fined Mrs. Chllllron-Kearney $S for accusing Mrs. Ulghmus of chert lug at bridge-" Chicago Tribune. It pays to advertise. A Basket of Goodness Well X , is a basket of our Fine Groceries. We guarantee the perfect purity of every article we sell, and pride ourselves upon the rep utation we have made for fair and honest dealing. We keep only the freshest and finest of Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, Hutter, Egga, Flour, etc., and challenge comparison of qualities at equal prices. If you are not already dealing here, you are robbing yourself of many sources of sat isfaction. Free delivery J. M. Wood THANKSGIVING TRAGEDY, Rostand's "Chantecler" Put Into Shade by These Four Spasms. SPASM 1. A farmyard. The gobbler has gathered his family about Mm and has announced that the morrow Is Thanksgiving- and that one of them Is In deadly peril. tub oobbleb: "Dusk Is drawing on apace, and unless our wits Avert the blow tomorrow one must die. Tbe cock's shrill note proclaims each coming morn Unto our master's house. To this cock's sympathies We must appeal." SPASM II. The same. The turkey fam ily visit the cock, led by the gobbler, who struts Into the presence of tils host with great dignity.. tbe oobbleb: "Honored cock, tomorrow Is Thanks giving, and I fear that ne of us Is doomed to die To satiate the gluttonous proclivities Our common master and his brood dis play. We have observed that at the morn you dally sound A clarion note. That note tomorrow Will pronounce our doom. If you will but neglect To crow our danger will be past. And, grateful for your service, we will fast Tbe livelong day, and you shall feast Upon our portion." the cock: "Shortsirhted bird! Our master has a clock that sounds the hours Of day and night upon a deep toned gong. My voice no longer rouses him, and I Am powerless In the premises. Your offer of reward Is worse than naught. For If the master rises not at morn Pray whence will come the feast you promise me?' the gobbler: " 'Tis well. We'll stop the clock." SPASM III. The farmer's dining room at 9 o'clock p. m. The turkey family gather round the ancient clock. The cock Is an Interested spectator. the gobbler: "I will turn back The bands, and you, my love, bold fast the pendulum." the hex: "My lord, the pendulum Is stilL" omnes: "And we are safe." 8PASM IV. The farmer's dining room at midday on Thanksgiving. The fam ily and a number of friends nre seated around a table KroanlnK benentn Its weight of toothsome viands. The sun shine streams through the ample win dow with greater warmth than at morn ing when It awoke the farmer the farmer: "Lipooon. please return our thanks." (The deacon delivers an invocation. "Marlar, pass the turkey." Very Thoughtful. Mrs. Cornier (on a tour of Inspection through her friend's house) Uracious! Why do you have such a high bed for your little boy? Mrs. Ilouseler So we can hear him If he falls out. You have no Idea what heavy sleepers my husband and I are. Chicago News. All kinds of printing at News office. Ready For Him. Ehe made her flnt cake. and. wishing to "Jolly" her. the husband winked at her brother and said: "Nice cake, dour. Are you ure, though, that you used baking powder In it?" "No," she said as a ilttle tsmlle flick ered around her mouth. "I didn't have baking powder, so I put In a substi tute." "Ah," said the husband brightly, "and what wus that?" "Cement, deur," suld the wife sweet- Scorn. Mrs. Mumps Your "usband wears 'la uir terrible short, Mrs. (Juhb. Mrs. Uubb Yes. the coward! M. A. I. ITleunt Hcecl Raifroad Time Tabic No. 10, Effective April I7ih. I2:CI A. M. A.M. -South No.i-P.M, 8.00 Hood River 3.10 8.05 Powerdale 3.05 8.15 Switchback 2.55 8.35 Vanllorn 2.30 8.40 Mohrs 2.25 8.55 Odell 2.15 y.10 Summit 205 9.20 Bloucher 2.00 9.40 Winans 1.50 9.45 Ar. Dee Lv. 1.45 10.15 Lv. Dee Ar. 1.25 10.25 Troutcreek 1.20 10.40 Wood worth 1.05 10.50 Ar. Parkdale Lv. 1.00 Sundays, north bound train will run two hoim late, above acncdulc, leaving Parkdale 3 p. m. A. WILSON, Agent. Cottage Hospital Hood River's Medical In stitution. Open to the public for the treatment of Medical and Surgical cases. Rates on applica tion. Address, COTTAGE HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION 4th & State St. Phone Z4SK 0. P. DABNEY & SONS FURNITURE, FURNITURE, FURNITURE, STOVES AND RANGES We buy, sell and exchange everything in Mouse Furnishings, Campers Supplies, etc. Don't forget the place-Cor. 4th & State JOHNSON BROS. & HALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE Groceries, Shoes. Gents' Furnishings Hardware Pine Grove Grange VAN HORN Building Phone 2C32-M Tall Trees for Short Prices Prime Newtown Nursery Stock, ranging from two to four feet, six cents in lots of one hundred or over up to twenty thousand. Ready for fall planting, or will hold for buyer till spring. Paradise Farm State and Thirteenth St. Hood River, Oregon 7 C. P.SUMNER P Opposite the Post Office Home Phone 20 UP. Spray and Garden Hose A A s s s N s An East Side Twenty For $10,000 GOOD TERMS Five Acres, 4 to 8 year apples Twelve Acres, yearling apples Half Acre, 3 year pears . Near Church, School, Station and Store The Hood River District Land Co. THE SMITH I? LOCK HOOD RIVER, OREGON First Class Livery Phone 5 Transfer and Livery company Freight and Baggage Transfer GENERAL STORAGE HOOD RIVER, OREGON. LEADS ON THE HEIGHTS g Bahery, Coifeclloncry, Fruit, lec Cream, Soli Drlohs, Elc. AUTO DELIVERY OF LARGE ORDERS J Coma In, try our Piano, and feel at homo B. SNYDER B. B. POUELL I Hood River PiumDinij Company Sanitary Plumbing and Heating. Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Repairing Promptly Attended. ESTIMATES FURNISHED CASCADE AVENUE DRAYING Express and Baggahe Furniture and Tianos Mox)cd S All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work Wood Yard and Feed Store in Connection S Office Phone 20 Jj S Residence 2J!K i S TAFT TRANSFER CO. 5 ysss Ay s s s .s s ass. s s s.s.SuS s s s.s s.y.y BlQBBBEZSnnaiiS! S. E. BARTMESS Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer ESTABLISHED IS YKAKS MOOD RIVER, OREGON NAM OCIt & MCCO.YNI LI Real Estate And Insurance Next to Mt. Hood Hotel Unimproved Par ins a Specialty OHiee phone 45-L, Kcsulenee .1."-K p n M u For Sale Cheap NEW LATEST MODEL WHITE SEWING MACHINE in a n a n ta n ts n u u n Inquire at JVcUts Office onnnnnionnannnnnannn People Will Read the Ads