THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1. 1911 SAVAGE SPORT. Slapping Gam at th Bontoo Igerretaa a Unique Contaat. Ery oatloo bn It own Idea of sport. That of tb wild Igorrotea of northern I.nioD used to consist prtn rlpall of head bunting, grisly and blood; recreation which, tbe American occupation discouraged. Hut not all tbe pastimes of tbe lgnrrotea are aa horrible aa this. One rather amusing game of which the; are fond la thus de-rlUl by lean C Worcester In the National Geographic Magazine: A constabulary officer tell ns that If we want to see a unique com est we must axle for the alapplng game of the Hontoc Igorrotea. We want to see all there la going and aay ao. A wooden bench la brought out. and two lit be and muscular young men step forward. One of them squats on tbe bench, grasping his right tblgh In bla bantla ao aa to tighten the r lscles as much as possible. The other stands beside him and stretches out his right arm. lie throws bla arm back aDd then sweeps It forward in a full round arm awing. The blow falla on thin air. close to the tightened tblgh tuuacles of bis oppo nent lie now swings bis arm back again, bla whole body turning with it. rises od the toea of bla left foot a ad puts every ounce of strength which he poa sessea Into a blow delivered with the flat of his band upon tbe riid titisS of bis opponent. Knots of muscle spring out on his arm. back and legs aa be strikes and tbe blow cracks like a revolvet shot. The recipient endeavors, sometimes with poor success, to preserve an ex pression of contemptuous Indifference. Tbe judges examine bla tblgh. If tbe blow baa been bard enough blood will show Just beneath tbe skin and be will not bare tbe stlsfaction of taking a whack at his opponent, but If this result bas not been achieved tbe other must take bis seat on tbe bench and submit to be smitten. Tbe contest continues until one suc ceeds In producing the bloody mark on the other. DECAY OF THE TEETH. Lima Starvation th Baaie Causa, Saya a Chemist. The almost universal decay of the teeth is proof positive that our nation la Buffering lime starvation." writes a chemistry lecturer in the Dietetic and Jlyglenlc Gazette. Our dentists prescribe tooth washes and tooth pastes, advocate local hygi ene, fill cavities and fit bridges, and II this time ignore the fact that the basic cause la lime starvation. "Dentlsu will tell you that tne sugar you take In your mouth acts directly upon your teeth. Dentists abut their eyes to tbe evident fact that decay tarts first in the pulp beneath the In tact enamel and honeycombs tbe In terior tooth until tbe shell-like bridge of enamel breaks beneath tbe strain. The enamel gives absolute protec tion against the external attacks of acids and sugar. I have Immersed sound teetb for months in a solution of fruit acids and sugar and have been unable to detect any eroalon of either the enamel or the pulp. "When you eat aweetmeats tbe sug ar, with its Irresistible affinity for soluble lime, combines with tbe cal cium of the blood, and tbe blood re taliates by sapping tbe soluble from tbe pulp and substance of the teeth. Druggists make use of this affinity of soluble lime for sugar when preparing the official sirup of lime. Lime forms a aolutlon thlrty-flve times stronger In simple sirup tnan In the same quantity of water. If you want your children to have sound, white teeth, see that their diet is rich in lime and poor In sugar." A Fin Savag Custom. The untutored mind of the Indian or savage often appears strange to us, but there is sometimes reason In what ut first sight seems eccentric. A South African tribe has an effectual method of dealing with bores, which aulgbt be adopted by western people This simple tribe considers Ions speeches injurious both to the orator and his hearers, so to protect both there is an unwritteD law that every public orator must stand on one leg ouly when be Is addressing an audi euce. As soon as he bua to place tbt other leg on the ground bis oration Is brought to a close. London Globe. Generosity. Patrick worked for a notoriously stingy boss and lost no chance to let the fat t known. Once a waggish friend. wLsbltig to twit him. remarked: Tat, I bear your boss Just gave you a I rand new suit of clothes." "No." sold I'at. "only a par-rt of a suit" "What partf' "The gleeves It the vest" New Tork Times. Th On Flaw. "I suppose yoo are engaged to the dukeT" "Well, nearly." "What's the bitch? AwaitlDg bis father's consent?" "No; be can't marry without a ma jority favorable report from bis cred itors " Kausris City Journal. Comfortable. " fellow looks rather comfort able In spite of the weather" "Ye: he takes things easy Ilea a pickax ket. you know." New tork TIujhs A Pessimist. A pessimist la a person who tells you that nhat appenr to be a silver lining In your rlond Is only a low grade of tin full GalvaatoD Ntwa. I Hood River's Largest IfCk 0 Department Store V '(Kmttam hunt Thursday Hfternooti Mis. I'. M. Morse Htul Mrs. It. H. Hart let t gave a reception tit the home of the latter, iu honor of Mrs. J. K. Ferguson ntxl her mot her. Mr. Hawthorne. '1 he rooms were lieim tifully decorated with fall flowers. On the pergola, where punch wan served, h dainty tiower whs formed of autumn leaven, a pretty nii!i'H tion of Halloween lieltiir carried out in the dec-oration. Assititikc in serv ing were Minn leila llernliner and Miss Imlioltz. The hostesses presiil ItiK at the talile were Mr. Hlanchar. Mth. Kanaka, Mrs. rititli, Mrs. II bur and Mrn. Schaffner. A pleasing diversion from the iiHiial afternoon function wan the Informal supper afterward, at which the hostesses ami their tiusliatids were given an opportunity of meeting Mr. Fergu son. Other present in the eveiiinir were Mr. and Mm. I.anullle, Mrn. Ire land and Itev. HnrriH. Mr. and Mrn Ferguson, who are old friend of the Mornen. have jut t completed a hand Home new home 'n the valley. They have left a liont of friend in Astoria, their late home. Mrn. F. I. Friday and Mr. V. F. Sherman wi re hotee lat week at a nerien of delightful whiwt partien at Economical Spices There is a big Saving when you buy good SPICES. You don't have to use much of any particular spice in order to secure a delightful food or preserve. We have piquant, sharp, pungent and tart spices that give a relish and zest to cooking. C MA S.N. CLARKE - GLACIER PHARMACY Hood River :: :: Oregon II. for the tieautiful country home of Mrn Sherman. The first event took place Saturday afternoon, when eight tallies were put In play, and the hon or were won liv Mr. Stauion and Mr. Ftta Hancroft. The afternoon wa concluded with a two-con me luncheon. Saturday evening thir teen talile were put In play and Mm. Frank leem won fimt prize and Mr. K. V. Pratt necond. On Monday evening t lie party wa still larger, fourteen talile lielng tilled, and a large party of city people were present, who made the trip on a special train on t lie Mt. Hood Hall road The honor of the evening were won liy Mrs. F. ('. Hronlu and Mr. ('. T. lioliert. and the guent were nerved with an elaliorate luncheon. The Phllathea Clan gave a unique nocial at the home of Mln Imholtz Monday evening, when all the guet, who were girl, of .'otime, appeared In pnj.'ima of varloll delicate hue. Naturally, naughty man wa ta ttooed on the Innide, iiu It I related that tie gathered In force outdoor ami purloined t lie refreshment that the charming young ladle had pi, iced on the bark piazza. The dl. covery of 1 lie disappearance of the You young fellows that want smart style in clothes can get it here without taking any chances on quality. One is just as important as the other. What good is your style if it doesrrtjast and keep shape... Hart Schaffner & Marx All-Wool Fabrics and Fine Tailoring are worth having. They're economical,too; such clothes are profitable to you as well as to us. S. & M. Suits $18,00 and up and II. S. & M. Over coats for $16,50 up Other makes in Suits and Overcoats from $4.63 up to $1 5 PARI dainty feed Is said to have canned a noisy feminine protest. The young ladles, however, declare they had a most enjoyable evening and know nothing of pajamas or the absence of refreshments. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Horn Wednesday. Oct 2.1, at Oak (irove to Mr. and Mrs. ( lias. Morse Sherrlll, a boy. Horn To Mr. and Mm ieo. Fri day at Pine drove, Tuesday, Oct. L'4, a boy. Name Norman I'.ratz Friday. Mrs. ('. I). Hlnrich, who ha been visiting in the east for several months, returned to Hood Hlver Sat urday. Mrs. S. W. 'Arnold reached home Thursday evening from a three mouths' visit with relatives In Penn sylvania. A representative of Halfour-liuth-erle spent Saturday here as the guest of ('. K. Hone, and was taken for a trip over the valley. A. L. I'avles, w ho has tieen II vlng at Troutdale, has moved bark to Hood Hlver ami Is again In tlie em ploy of the Davidson Fruit Co. Saturday night, Nov. 11th, will lie Tieman night among local Masons and a banquet will be held to which all members of the order are Invited. Attorney (Jeo. Wilbur has moved into the Hall block, taking the room vacated by Attorney K. C Smith, who ha moved into the quarters lately occupied by A. A. Jay lie. Veterinary Mike Welsh has received notice from County Clerk Hanson that he ha been appointed county stock Inspector for Hood Hlver coun ty and has entered on his duties. Mr. and Mrs A. W. Hoorman left Monday for 1'urtlniMl where they will make their home this winter with their daughters, Miss Alta Hoorman and Mrs. Ma'ielle Hanley, The Men's league of the heights at their meeting next Friday night will continue the discussion on "The Commission Form of (iovernnient for Towns." It Is expected that ma terial will lie on hand which will furnish an Intelligent lev of t tie plan. Ashley Cash will have ctiarge of tlie morning services at the Christian church next Sun, lav. Miss Tidd will sing, "My Tusk." Kev. Jj A. I ten net t of St. will-breach In the even ing; tin- I'.itcii ii quartet will sing. You are cordially Invited to worship with u. Hev. .1 A. Unmet t. a minister from St. Louis, will speak at the Valley Christian church Sunday morning. Subji-ct. "What Do Ye More Than Others?" Tlie evening service will be in charge of Hev. J. U. Tate. It Is earhestly requested that all member and friends of t he church attend. I CHICHESTER S PILLS DIAMOND BRAND Jmr rrrl.t fr CTTT-CH P-THR'S C.OI.O metallic eraled Wllh BlueA) IilAMONu Iiuai-ii tiTf I a I- u... - f r n . mmm r.e n.i nr.n.j r.iiq vi nas u niitiii pii.i.a, (. twentv flo years rirrd-d lw, 8a tent, A I way krllahla. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIM F. CUrOVtAUCDC WORTH Ifc if KIMONAS AND HOUSE DRESSES We have a splendid assortment of Ladies' House Dresses and Kimonas in both short and long lengths from 50c up No. 707 Kimona Robe, printed flannel ette, trimmed with buttons to match, Persian-Japanese novel design 90c No. 3279 Flannel Plushe, grey fine mer cerized trimmings, rich Persian designs in medium and dark grey, each $,00 No. 493 -Silk trimmed Challie Kimona, Persian and Oriental patterns, each. -$.00 No. 793 Superfine Flannel Kimona, rich ly trimmed, rich Persian and novel design -each $.oo No. 2279-Kimona of Flannellette Plushe fine mercerized trimmings, Persian, Or iental and novel design, each $125 No. 2713 Ladies' Kimonas of Duckling Flannel, silk and satin trimmed, rich Per sian and novelty design, each $,50 No. 224 Blanket Kobe, German Flannel, silk trimmed collar and cuffs, fancy gir dle at waist, rich Persian and novelty de sign, each $,50 FAIR LEARNING TO COOK BECOMES POPULAR At the lecture on Cakes, Saturday, Mrs. Lawrence addeil a most helpful and practical talk on Bread, and made Parker House rolls, bread sticks and cheese stnws--which proved to be delicious, of course right there. A vote was taken and It wa found that a discussion of meats would tie preferable to the topic planned for next Saturday. Consequently, on Saturday next, the 4th, one of the local butcher will tie on hand with half a Is-ef. and it will Isj dissected and put togettier again by ttie ladles during the lec ture, and the cuts sold for Sunday dinner. Saturday night, at s o'clock sharp, Mrs. Lawrence will give tier long-talked-of lecture arranged particu larly for those who have to "hatch it," and their friends. Following Is the program: Hrolled steak, doughnuts, baking powder biscuit, roist chicken, mashed potatoes, glhlet gravy, cof fee and tea. This will be followed by a few help, fill suggestion on the carving of the steak and the chicken. The eatables will tie auctioned, to provoke some fun, and the batchel ors and their friends can all join In a little Informal fun after the lecture. Admission toea.ili if these lecture Is .10 cent. BRILLIANT CONCERT TO BEGIVEN NOV. 7 I'mler the aiiwplees of the Loyal Iterean class of the Christian lilble school a concert will be given Tues day evening, Nov. 7, In tlie Christian church. For this occasion the school has been exceptionally fortunate in securing ttie services of three well known artists, Mrs. Lulu Until Miller contralto, Koht. K Millard, flutist, and Mordaunt Ooodnougli, pianist. Fx tended comment concerning these musician Is unnecessary. Mrs. .Mil ler Is possessed of one of the finest contralto voices on the coast and Mr. Millard was formerly tlutlst with the famous Inties band. Mr. (iood nough is already well known In Hood Hlver. The admission Is fifty anil twenty-five cents and tlie pro gram, tt Is said, will be the finest ever heard here. si l Star Orchard Ladders Strong, ) Light Durable) Blowers Hardware Co. HIGH GRADE SHOES We have received during the last week many cases of shoes, all the very latest lasts and styles in Tans, Gun Metals, Patent Leathers and Velvets in lace and button. We can please you in shoes for all occasions and our prices are the lowest. FURS AND FUR SETS . We have one of the largest and best lines of Furs and Fur Sets that has ever been dis played in the city and our prices are the lowest. All kinds and styles and in prices from 50c a Scarf up. RUGS AND ART SQUARES In this line we can save you money, besides giving you a very large assortment to select from of the newest designs and colorings. We have them in all sizes from the very small rug, 18 inches by 24 inches, up to ex tra large rugs, 12 feet by 15 feet. It will pay you to look this line over if there is any thing in rugs that you wish. You will find them on the second floor and we would take pleasure in showiug you. NEEDS CLEANING That's All! If you've that kind of a timepiece, let us reno vate it for you. The cost will be trifling. Arthur Clar1(e The Jeiueler Six room bungalow, corner 10th and Cascade avenue, (or sale. Choice lot. See owner on premises. C. G. YAN TRESS Public Stenographer AND Notary Public ELIOT BLOCK Phone 308-M V.R.LISMAN Public Stenographer Phone 252K Room 1 2, Hall Bldg. And the T7 Price V Is Right The Store that Saves You Money A POORLY RUNNING WATCH IS WORSli THAN NONE You never know the right time, can't depend upon it for keeping business engagement!, liable to stop any minute. Notice All subscriptions made to the ak ti'ove M. V. church are now due and tile to I lie treasurer, J. II I'.ng llsto, Houte II. on or Is'fore thel.'thof November. .1. H. Hngllsh, Treasurer. All kinds of printing at News office. Thirty Per Cent of the new business written by the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Wis consin in 1910 was received from old policy holders. Its enviable record for large div idend savings produces its exceptional low cost insur surance. John Goldsbury, Hood River, Oregon. WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS Have you ovrrwnrkdl your nervous nvii tcm and caiisril trouble with your klil neys and bladder? Hiivn you pains In lolnn. Rldn, buck and tilnddir? Have you a flnlihy nppi'ftrnnrp of the fare, and un der the eyi-a? A frequent desire to pass urine? If so, Williams' Kidney Pills will cure you lirtnrKlnt. Price 60c. WILLIAMS MFC CO., Prop., Cl.T.Und. Ohit Vor Sale by Carl A. Hath, Druggist TKLMU LILII I II Mb lib TKSTHIl