The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, October 25, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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Oood, Reliable Shoes
We sell each
Women's.Boys' and Girls' requirements are always represented here by the best shoe
ey can buy. We fit each shoe carefully and
A new Shipment
priced . . $15.00 to $25.00
Tailored Suits 15.00 to 30.00
Holeproof Hosiery
Every pair guaranteed
Ihme rumor hm it that several
fall weddings will soon tuke place.
Mr. I.. V. WlnaiiH, of I'ortlanil,
HiH-nt a few days here last week In
connection with her business Inter
est. Mr. and Mm. A. M. William of
The Pallet were over Sunday guests
at the home of Mr. and Mr, Truman
Ir. J. K. Locke wan a Sunday vis
Itor at Hood Hlver, having been
brought here I y a complicated surgi
cal case.
B. S. Peck, father of Mr Collie,
who has Is-e n spending the summer
at the home of the Col lien left Thurs
day for hln home at 'ialva. III.
Frank Stanton returned last week
from WatMonvllle, Calif., where he
wan a vlrOtor at the Pajaro Valley
apple hIiow. Mr. Stanton Htutc
that the nhow wan a hilt HUccenH and
that the quality of the fruit wan firnt
clann. Many law exhlliltn were on
dlnplay. one of them totalling In
nuuil-r 170 hoxen.
I'ure and nweet, ood toeat. that'n
I .ok ( al.ln I'.reud. For nale at li. V..
( illwoli'n l!akery.
Wanted A jftrl to do general
houne work , Kood wiik'i'K. Apply to
Mm l-'ratik A. Cram."
Six room bungalow, corner 10th and
Cacaile avenue, for sale. Choke lot.
See ow ner on premises.
I or Sale A line lot of hay in the
Ml. Hood district. Near Mt. Hood
I'ost Office. Phone, Odell 38 or
I.ame lnwk In one of the mot cotn
niou formn of iiiimciilar rlieumatlnm.
A few applii atloiin of Chalulierlalu'H
l.lnluieiit will Klve relief. For nale
I v nil dealem
children tl .it are pale, nlekly and
Inli. wit h dark rlnifn under the
!, lickle nppi tlte. and w ho ap ar
to yet no noiirinhmcnt from the food
I hey rat, lire niirely nufferlrnf from
worniN (ilve them White' ( ream
Vermlf'iue and note the wonderful
Impr jveiin'iit. They noon take on
flenh and are ron.v, active and cheer
ful I'rU-e L'.V per liottic. Sold hy
Cli.4. N. larkc."
year thousands
Ilev. T. S. Ilandnnker, pastor of
the First Christian church was taken
sick Saturday with typhoid fever
and In now confined to his home.
Harry I. a Fore, i f Seattle, and
Kllrt Wood ward, of Cascade Locks,
were married here Wednesday, Octo
berlMh, hy Justice of the Peac" A.
C. buck.
Christian Science services are held
In Peadinir lioom. No. !. Iiavhlson
liulldlnu. Sunday at 11 a in. a:id
Wednesday at p. m Sunday school
at 10 a. in."
Iiurnette liuncan piloted two auto
loads of Hood lUver gentlemen
through the Camas Prairie district
last Saturday. They enjoyed hiiihI
duck hunting at Cotilioy lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Truman I'.utler and
Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Cram went to
The Halles Thursday to he quests at
a Mrthday party of a friend In that
city. The party started for The
Dalles In an auto, hut were forced to
turn hack on account if the had
roads over the hill between here and
Mosler. On their return to town
thev took the train.
Chicago ticket for man. F.rnulre
the ( ircicon hotel.
iet pour vetch seed at .lohnson
Pros. Jc Hale, Van Horn station."
(;iod Health llrend-white, whole
wheat and graham home made, you
will like It. Save the coupons. Sold
by Parker's."
Will trade for anything fiacre
orchard in heart of Hood KlVer val
ley apple lands, l uder 4 miles from
town. Chan, i; Hlckn, Independence
I (recoil ."
A jfood remedy for a bad coiijih In
liallard'n Horehound Syrup. It
heals the luniks ami iilets irritation.
Prl'-e iV. .VK- and $1 K) hot lie. Sold
by : hrn. N. Clarke.
P.lllousness In due to a dlnordered
condition of the stomach. Chamber
laln'n Tabletn are essentially a stom
ach tneiliclne, lnteniled espt cla ll. to
acton that ortjan; to clean-e i,
i strengthen It, tone and Invigorate It,
to reiiulatethe liver and to banish
biliousness positively and effectually.
For nale by all dealers
Are sold in the
Best Stores Everywhere
of shoes and
Slightly mussed; a complete
sample line at Actual Cost.
Priced ... 19c to $1.18
Mr. and Mrs. (1. I). Woodworth
and daughter Idel will leave this
week for Ctillacan, Mexico, where
they will spend the winter, and
where Mr. Woodworth ban larne
land Interests.
F.. P. Mlchell, now residing at Sea
view, Wash., and formerly interested
In the News is here for a few days
vlsitini; friends. Ilin many friends
will be ;l!id to know he Is much Im
proved In health.
Mr. and Mrs. (ien, Stratwihan are
amoni; the Hood lliver people who
are arranjilntf to siend their winter
In Portland. They will let their
house furnished and expect to leave
for the Hose City thin week.
W. W. Swan and family, of White
Salmon, left on Tuesday evening for
their old home In Kansas, where
they will visit a couple of months.
The auto trip has been given up. the
machines being left at Hood Hiver.
Mrs. C. .1. Wlnnek, sister of Mrs.
J. P. Lucas, and the former's daugh
ter, MUn Lorlne Winnek, are making
an extended visit at the Lucas home.
Mrs. Winnek accompanied Mrs Lu
cas to the convention of federated
chilis helil ut Hoseblirg last week.
Grace I'. II. church, Hew .1. P.. Par
sons, minister. Next Sunday Is rally
day. Something special at every
service. At 10 a. m. the Sunday
school program; at 11 a. m the pas
tor's appropriate message. C. L. at
:tu, Mrs. Ford, leader. At::oi:ew
Mm. .1. W. Sprecher of Portland will
assist the women of our missionary
society In celebrating Woman's Kay.
Six room bungalow, corner 1 0th and
Cascade avenue, for sale. Choice lot.
See ow ner on premises.
For Kent'-Furnishcd, strictly mod
ern five room bungalow with furnace
and piano. Phone I4K-L.
For Sale Some good horses and a
numls-r of second hand rigs, cheap.
Apply at the Fashion Livery Stable.
l or Sale-- A line lot of hay in the
Mt. Hood district. Near Mt. Hood
Post Office. Phone, Odell 3 or
(iood Health I'read put up In a
sanitary wrapper Is'for" leaving the
bakery. Save the coupons, lor
nali- at Parkers."
Iir. P.roslus announces n permanent
Ollice established at OliLLL, iuio.nk
where he can be consulted morn
ing and evening. City ollice IIODll
lilVLK, I'IIonk 1'.' I'., open as usual In
to 1 dally. Night CalU answered
from ODLLL, i-iiovk i'0. IMf
Keep Dry Feet
Are the
our business
whether for
Henldents of Hood Hlver sustained
a severe shock Monday when the
news reached thin city of the death
of Mrs. A. A. .layne, who died sud
denly In Portland from heart
trouble. An account of the sad
event In the Oregonlan says:
"Stricken wMth heart disease while
on a St. .lohnn car coming Into Port
land last night. Mm. .layne. wife of
A. A. .lavne. of Hood Hiver, fell In a
falntontlie floor of the car and ex
pired shortly afterward at a drug
store, where she was taken.
"Mrs. .layne had Is-en complaining
of feeling III earlier In the evening.
She had been suffering from heart
disease for soni" time and valvular
affections had become chronic.
"When It was noticed by passen
gers that Mm. .layne had fallen In
her seat, the car, which had traveled
several blocks past the place where
she became III, was stopped at I'
avenue and Russell street, and she
was taken Into the Russell drug
st ire. Strong restoratives were ap
plied, but she expired fhortly after
being carried from the car.
"Mrs. .layne was -1:1 years old. lr.
Yielding, who attended her, pro
nounced the cause of deat h valvular
affection of the heart."
Mr. and Mrs. Jane last week left
Hood Hiver, Intending to make their
home In Los Angeles.
I'.efore going south they were stop
ping a few days In Portland. While
known to be far from well. It was
not thought that Mm. .layim had
any organic trouble.
Funeral services were held In Port
laud yesterday afternoon, conducted
by Rev. Ldward True Simpson, pas
tor of St. Mark's episcopal church of
this city, of which Mrs. .layne had
been ail active and devout member.
The services were attended by a
large party of Hood River people,
who went to Portland Tuesday
morning. Rurlal took place In Port
land. Made clean, baked clean, sold cli an-
iood Health lirciid. Save the cou
pons Sold by Parker's."
I'on't trifle with a cold Is good ad
vice for prudent men and women. It
may be vital In case of a child. There
In nothing ls-tler than Chamberlain's
'"ough Remedy for coughs and colds
in children. It Is safe and sure. For
sale by nil dealers."
Shoes are in
A Class Alone
est Kind
is growing by leaps and bounds. Men's,
a dress occasion
Skirts & gowns ZVl
Men's Night Shirts
Priced . . . 50c to $1.25
The San Sonet Club will meet
Thursday afternoon of this week
with Mm. Hlagilon
Workmen started wrecking the old
depot Monday and It will be re
moved an rapidly as possible.
Rev. .1. A. Ilennett of St. Louis,
Mo., will preach In the Christian
church next Sunday, both morning
and evening.
Voslierg, the harness man, has fin
ished placing his stock In his new
store In the Sprout building which
he has had newly titled up. The old
frame building he formerly occupied
has been torn down and carted
Fvangclist Organ cloned a very
successful meeting Monday night at
the Christian church. I here were
'!) additions here and eight In the
Odell meeting, totalling 7. Mr. and
Mm. Organ left Tuesday morning for
Tillamook, their next appointment
Try a loaf of (iood Health I '.read
at Parker's. "It's good to the last
crumb." Save the coupons.
No dirt or germs (Iood Health
Rread-A sanitary wrapper. Save
the coupons. For sale at Parkers."
The best plaster. A piece of Man
uel dampened with Clianilierlaln's
Liniment and bound on over the
affected parts In superior to a plan
ter and costs only one tent h an much.
For sale by all dealers."
When the bowels become Irregular
you are uncomfortable, and the
longer this condition exists the
worse yon feel. You can get rid of
thin misery quickly by using Herblne.
Take a dose on going to bed and see
how fine j oil feel next day. Price
.7c. Sold by ('has. N. Clarke."
Chronic rheumatism contracts the
muscles, distorts the Joints and un
dermines the strength. A powerful
penetrating and relieving remedy
will Im- found In Itallard's Snow Lini
ment. It restores strength and sup
pleness tri the aching limbs. Price
V, 7W. and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by
Chas. N. Clarke."
You are not exH'rlmentlng on
yourself when you take Clianilier
laln's Cough Remedy for a cold, as
that preparation has won Its great
reputation and extensive sale by Its
remarkable cures of colds, and can
always be depended upon. It In
eiuall.v valuable for adults and chil
dren, and may be given to young
children with Implicit conlidence, as
It contains no harmful drug. Sold
by all dcnlers."
of Advertising
or everyday we
A new line of fancy patterns,
strictly all wool, tailor made.
Priced . . $3.65 to $7.90
Walter Johnson, an aged Hood
Hlver resident, and said to be a half
breed Indian, wan found along the
the O.-W. H. - N. railroad track a
mile and a half west of the city Mon
day morning wit h hln head crushed
and dead. While no one saw the ac
cident It In believed that he wan
killed by a train. The body wan
brought to thin city and will be bur
led by the county authorities.
Freight Transfer Charges Discontinued
An announcement that will lie read
with Interest by valley shippers In to
the effect that free freight Inter
change lias been granted between
theO -W. R. & N. and the Mt. Hood
Railroads In quantities less than a
carload, and from now on there will
be no charge for the transfer of
freight. Since the removal of the ex
press ollice to the building near the
Mt. Hood Railroad depot, the charge
for transferring express has also Is-en
discontinued, making a considerable
saving to shippers.
Try the Classllled Column.
Try a Sunday at Parkdale Park.
Special rates on Mount Hood Railroad."
The Satisfactory Solution of Your
Water Supply Problem
will be reached by installing in your home a pneumatic
Leader Water
Supply System
You can have abundant water hot or cold
for kitchen, bath, laundry, the lawn and any
nthr-r nnmose renuired. at a moderate cost.
Will also afford fire protection.
The most efficient, economical and
able water supply System to be had.
Ask your local dealer to explain ahont the
Leaifer System or write for our booklet,
"How I Solved the Water Supply Problem."
LEADER IRON WORKS, Dept. 22, Decatur, III.
Apple Land and
Oltloo, Ho. 0 Oak Street, Phone 26 o 2002 K, Hood River
leather mon
will please you
McKibbin Hats
None better made
Joints that ache, muscles t hat are
drawn or contracted, should be
treated with liallard'n Snow Llnl
ment. It penetrates to the spot
where It Is needed and relieves suffer
ing. Price iV, ."iOc and $1 "HI per bot
tle. Sold hy Chas. N Clarke."
3-croM P.nel Doort, firft quality $1.30
Qiaiter-rouad, -in., per 1 00 h. 30 ct.
Siding, 4 and 5 ft. . $ 8 per M. 1
Flooring, 4 and 5 ft. . . $11 per M.
Drop Siding, 4 and 5 It. . $11 per M.
All No. I and 2 food Aindud ftock.
Sfwi poa fof Calalofu No. R2 ud
buy dirn from our faaorr. S.v
niddlemcD pfonit. O.s
pnc. tell to ybody. thip
urwrm. Stnd ia your La
depend - 'His
Orchard Company
- i v I