The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, October 25, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Tired of Ihi' delay In it iirgnthi
tlmiH to Mi ll tin- lliiuil Kivcr water
I ii mi In t.i ili ! r1 Unw , 1 he city conn
ell Mniiila.v night dlrtvlol tin-city re
corder tn imtilv the 1 on 1 house that
iiiiIckh t lie ileal i closed In flu- iiiAl
few da.vs th-lr chirk for S-1 . m m hi. ti
has Im'cii placed in tin1 hands nf 1 1 it
rltv treasurer, will le forfeited. lit n
the ultimatum ilt-clilfi on by the city
fathers In rivrlved liy Morris Hros
It In e ptvted there will lc s I u t hlng
stirring. It was expected that the
In hi. I ill al would he cIom'i 1 1 1 Mime
Unlearn, The delay, according to
t In- IhiihI hniixe, i helm: caused b.v
1 lift r attorney Hlm lias lint Vet
passed 1 1 ti the legality nf the Issue.
A free for all good ti nit at the
Hi-hiinl uti Hallowe'en Fvcry family
l.f till" Cnlllllllillit.V in making big
preparation to attend the enliven
tiuii of witches tiiii! ghost which
will at the Central Vale school play
grounds mi next Tuesday evening.
A tile pile nf logs w ill lie kept liliril
lug while the ghost and witches eti
tertaln. Hollow eyeil pumpkins
with their lialefnl gUiie will keei
watch nver the hungry multitude
w lil It It i being mysteriously fed,
friini the haiiilx nf uhnst-i, on pump
kin pies, doughnuts, gingerbread,
etc. A final! caravan f gypsies are
on their mad over the inoi.ii lain am!
their lent will te pitched on our
ground hi i that we may have our
fortunes revealed. It I the desire of
the entertainment committee that
not one liii inU r of a f ingle hi me in
t IiIh eommniiit v lie absent from the
assembling of the Uroom riling
wltclief and fpectred forms.
Mr. Waldo Amen returned from
Portland Monday with his tin it her,
ln ha recently cnine from New
York City. They will I've on the
Wooth place till their new building
l completed on their ranch.
We are glad to fee no much fruit
moving out to market while the
roads remain ho good.
Cameron and Ieinlrger have hern
very busy this week hauling lumber
for Mr. Ariies' house.
Ourftenchcr report a profitable an
well a pleasant day fpetit at the
liK-al institute held in the Ilarrrtt
fchool building last Saturday. They
bcllev etliat Central Yale w ill not far
liehind, if not abreast with, that
neighborhood In en tahlishing the
three hour study plan, and spending
the remainder (if the school lav in
practical work in shop and in the
study or horticulture. v e h"pc be
fore long w e may have the teachers of
the county come up and dedicate our
new room which hat t een ho re
cently completed.
The young people report a very
pleasant evening spent with Minn
Mary Miepard last i-rtday evening.
Tliey underwent the first operation
if llng converted Into witehe and
ghosts for Hallowe'en. The trans
forming power of Miss Miller 1m ex
cellent, and there In no ijueHtion that
we will have real ghosts and w itches.
Their next meeting In Wednesdav.
A Pretty
Pictu re
Is an ornament any
nbere, but a photo
graph Is more lifelike
and true to nature.
We take them.
How about those
Your friends mould
appreciate one of
our lite-like photos
(il you as a Christ
mas present.
Come earl).
Wood Sawed br Gasoline Power
Fir and Vine
O.k nd Slmba
Pt.onr 147-K
GOc l'r Cord
. 7jc Ter Cord
J'hon 27 VX
Telephone 277-M Hood River, Oregon
Oi KhUAIil.h T K K K S
Roiled Barley, liran, Shorts
anJ Straw
Fourth Stn-rt tK-twern 0k and Stmtc
Oonfootonory and Cigar
Cfntrml tin Ciimrt, Tvtmtcm:
Cmndiw. Urn Crm. Etc.
SIAllONtR'i On the Height
Concrete Building Blocks
ko.-.wnid lh Html. W
mak thrtn In Hml KiYr
mm p
I "-I' Mfc - I rlK
The cwneert ttven liy the amateur
muHk'lanrt .f the valley, under the
n u up ices of the lariie nf the t'imj;re
jiationnl chiin-h, at (Mil Fellow h hull
Frlilay evening whh the nmnt iitnlii
tiUH iu character ever attempted
here. From ii municnl pnlnt of view
it wax uIho the lient and iniwt largely
Itsjhearty reception liy the larjj;e
audience left nu doubt an to the ap
preciation Jof the effortn of the per
formers, and alwo of the well-nelected
program, which, it may he added,
was neither too loiij; to prove weari
some nor too ahort to send the mu
hIc lover away unsatisfied.
In a program of such width of va
riety, comparison, us to excellence in
out of the question. Likewise, any
technical criticism that might lie
made Is unnecessary. Indeed the
latter is so far overborne by the
fact that a community the size of
Hood Hiver Is able to supply the
talent necessary to put 0:1 a musical
entertainment of this high class char
acter, that it Is entirely lost slht of.
One fact was demonstrated most
fully that the ability displayed. If
encouraged and cooperated with.
w ill make Hood Klver a bright spot
In the amateur musical world. The
annoniiceiii'nt by Mr. Kpping that it
is the intention of the inii-icians who
took part, and others who wish to
participate in the movement, to give
a series of concerts this winter, was
heard with interest and pleasure by
the audience, and if properly curli'd
out should bring very gratifying re
ults. The forming of a larc chorus
would help wonderfully in develop
lug the natural miish-al talent of the
ICopfngbc Han Sctuffhct 4 Uin
Hood River's Largest
Department .Store
Economical Spices
There is a big Saving when you
buy good SPICES. You don't have
to use much of any particular spice
in order to secure a delightful food
or preserve. We have piquant, sharp,
pungent and tart spices that give a
relish and zest to cooking.
Hood River :: :: Oregon
j i uu ti iiiiu lit it: rj i
L ' styles in clothes this
really be puzzled to know which one is
best for you; they'll all look so good
: you can't make a mistake in selecting.
Hart Schaffner
& Marx
l i
nave an unusual variety
to show you in colors, weaves patterns;
grays, blues, blue grays, browns; all
sorts of combinations and patterns.
Fine worsteds, cheviots, tweeds serges, j
imported and domestic cloths. j
H. S. & M. Suits ---.$1 8.QO and up
H. S. & M. Overcoats $1 6.50 andup
community as a whole.
In the performance Friday night
there was little to remind one of the
amateur, the self possession of the
' performers and the smoothness with
I which the numbers anil encores were
given, adding much to the merits of
the affair. The singers were In
capital voice, while nothing
marred the execution of the Instrumentalist-).
While far from being the
most diltioult, "The Hlue Danube
Waltz." arranged for a mixed ijuar
tet, was perhaps the most pleasing
mi m Iter to the audience. Its dreamy
cadences and rythin appealing to the
Americhii's natural love nf tune.
The program, to which the per
formers graclousfy gave encores to
each niinilier, was as follows:
I'akt I
Duet, ( Moszkowskl)
Mrs. C. K. Collin, Miss (irace Carter
Contralto Solo, "Spring." (Fdith
Dick) Mrs. Charles Henney
Violin Solo, (Selected)
Mrs. Charles Mall
ISarltone So.o
la) "Good-bye" (Tostl)
(Ii) 'A Year at the Spring" (licneh)
Mr. .1. Adrian F.pping
Km pin ml. mi Solo, "Carmen,"! I
Mr. Charles Henney
Paut II
I'iano Solo, I'relude, ( Kachmalnoff
Mrs. C. K. Coffin
Soprano Solo, "When the Heart Is
Young." (Iiuek)
Mrs. F. K. Deem
Vocal Duet. "The Crimsnn Glow,
( Koot )
Mrs. IV S. Davidson, Mrs. ('. Henney
ISass Solo, "Nrafel," (Oliver King)
Mr. (). T. Wedemeyer
'iuartet. "The Hlue Danube,"
Mrs. Davidson, Mr. G. K. Wilbur,
Mrs. Henney, Mr. Charles Henney
Accompanists Mrs. C. F. Collin
and Mrs. Gen. It. Wilbur.
j iiv t iuvuo iii
fall that you'll
i i.i
01 goou uungs
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Simons, who
live in the Oak Grove district, have
just returned from a two weeks' mo
tor trip through central Oregon and
Willamette valley to Portland, fol
lowing the I'licillc highway sljns re
cently placed by the Portland Auto
Club from Portland to Ashland.
Mr. Simons shipped the machine to
The Dalles, where Mrs. Simons joined
him. The trip extended tlirouirti
Grass Valley, Slianiko, Madras,
Prlneville, Redmond, lient, LaPine
to Klamath Falls, crossing over two
mountain ranges to Ashland, thence
north through Medford, Jacksonville
Grants Pass, Ungeburg, Kugene, Cor
vallis, McMlnuvllle to Portand.
"The trip," said Mr. Simons,
"through the central portion nf the
state was enjoyed. The roads were
In excellent condition and free from
dust or mud, the air was clear and
crisp, affording splendid views over
that promising portion of the state
with its thousands of fertile acres
awaiting the settler. Tlr. wooded
section south nf Itedmnni will fur
nish ample building material and
fuel for many years, large areas are
and will be under the water ditch,
which will give forth bountiful re
turns to the growerand furnish large
tonnage for the recently constructed
transportation lines In that section
of the state,
"The road over the mountain was
wet ami muddy for . of the (HI miles
Is-tweeii Klamath Kails ami Ashland.
From the latter place n perfect road
was encountered to Glendale In ( ow
Creek canvon; from Oakland to Cot
tage Grove the road was worse than
a trail, for it invited travel, but the!
ruts, deep mud, chuck holes and miles
of adobe from eight Inches to twenty
Inches In depth made travel slow and
very unsatiffactory. From Cottage
Grove to Portland, via F.ugene. Cor
vallis and McMiiin villi- the mad was
fair and the only regret was Hint the'
trip terminated so early.
"We had no machine t rouble, the
Cadillac performing perfectly even at
an altitude of .7MX) feet."
Mr. Simons found the Hiilij.i t of
good roads to be the foremost
throughout the trip and In the three
valleys traversed on the west side nf
the Cascade mountains there Is room
for work. 1
"The old stage road throughout
Douglas county," he continued, "is
the main line of travel for vehldi s j
north and south, and that rnudj
'needs fixln' ' fur 0 VT the
distance through the county. A new
survey would undoubtedly locate a
better route over the mountains, re
ducing many of tne 'JO to :V) per rent
grades, and this feature should be
carefully studied before money Is ex- j
pended with a view nf making a per-;
maiient highway, l'nder the exist lug
conditions of sharp turns and grades
the trip should not be undertaken by
any novice In automoblllng
"The mountains, valley, canyons,
nnd prairies form a beautiful chang
ing kaleidoscopic panorama, and
with the autumnal change In colors
of foliage, the trip wm fascinating
In the extreme ami thejoiirney would
lie made by thousands under Is'tter
road conditions. There Is an aglta -1
1 hi In the east, Inviting motorists
to Journey through the country, and
espiilally our Paclllc northwest.
Such a pilgrimage would make a
talking advertisement of every occu
In the line of everyday work pants for men we
have a full line and can supply you with about
anything you wish from a pair of pants in khaki,
cottonade, whip cord, Funston, or corduroys to all
wool worsted dress pants in fancy mixtures, blues,
blacks, grays and browns. Pants for men, the pair
$1.00; $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 and up.
All sizes up to 50 waist.
in all ages from 2 years up to 17 years in plain
colors and fancy mixtures, full peg top and well
made. Prices 30c, 40c, 50c and up
We have a most complete line of men's and boys'
hats and caps for winter wear. We have one of
the finest assortments of high grade hats you can
find anywhere. John B. Stetson and the Roth
child Bros. Star Brand flats -the best hat you can
get. Hats that will stand the wear and will hold
their shape until the last. We have one of the best
hats you ever wore for the very small price of
$1.50. It is equal to most any other hat that you
would pay $2.00 for. We have men's hats
for 50c, 75c, $1.00 and up.
Men's and boys' caps from 10c up
pant fn a motor car. Our roads,
however, must be greatly Improved
and lie made permanent or their bad
condition would kill any advantage
we should enjoy. At the present
time the roads would cause a dull
thud nf prntest Instead nf the favor
able Impression the country should
Ghosts Serve at Dinner Party
A unique social entertainment dur
ing the week was given fit the coun
try home nf Mrs. .1. W Ingalls who
gave a Haliowe'en dinner party to a
number of friends Thursday evening.
Covers were laid for fourteen and the
house was beautifully decorated for
the occasion. Guests were met at
the door by members of the house
hold dressed as ghosts, and were
also served at table by these uncan
ny spirits, who playfully Invited the
diners after concluding a sumptuous
repast to take a stroll In the ceme
tery. Declining this pleasure the
party was Invited to play "itH), the
prizes being won by W. I,. Clark and J
Mrs. C. II. Jenkins, the former tak-i
lug first honors and the latter sec-!
ond. Those present were Dr. and
Mrs. Kaluga, Mr. and Mrs. K. D.
Gould. Mr. and Mrs..!. H. Stelnhoff.
Dr. and Mrs. ('. II. Jenkins, Mr. and i
Mrs. W. I, Clark, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Ingalls ami Miss Freeman.
Death Caused by Appendicitis
Mrs. Heulah Showers, daughter of
.1. I.. Walkt-r nf this city, died In
Portland Sunday night from an at
tack of appendicitis Mrs. Showers
was a widow with one child and
was well known at Hood Klver,
having spent the summer here. In
addition to her parents she Is sur
vived by her sister, MlssOtta Wal
ker, and two brothers.
Girl For
Star Orchard Ladders
Blowers Hardware Co.
You will surely make a mistake if you do not
visit our millinery department before you pur
chase your fall and winter hat. While our
stock is not as large as it was by a good deal,
yet we are getting in new stock all the time,
besides we have a capable milliner in charge
that can make up any kind of a hat you de
sire, and our prices mean a good saving to
you. 2nd Floor.
We have one of the swellest lines of...
fur trimmed and flexible lether soles; Peer
less Comfys for ladies', Misses' and Children
with patented spring heels and bottoms, rib
bon trimmed, assorted colors. Slippers for
Ladies from, the pair .$1.00 up
For Children from, the pair 70c up
If you wish the best in the Corset line, some
thing that will give wear and give you com
fort in every way, buy a...
We are exclusive agents in Hood ftiver. We
carry a complete line in all sizes for stout and
slender figures. We will fit you properly in
any kind or price you wish from 50c up
I Jkj&MiX
9 -
.V-v . C'TTV
If you've that kind of a
timepiece, let us reno
vate it for you. The
cost will be trifling.
Arthur Clarke
The Jebueler
$30,000 REALTY
( )ne of the largest real estate ileuls
nf the season was made last week,
when W. I!. Shaffer, vice-president, nf
the Prestnn Sharfer Milling Co.. with
large Hour mills at Waltslmrg.
Wash , and Athena, Ore., purchased
of W. S. Farrls. t hrough lladlock &
McConnell, the K. E. Harbison ranch
of 40 acres, located one-half mile
southeast of Odell, for $:i).lMM). Mr.
Shafer gave as part payment (HO
acres nf valuable wheat land located
near lone, Oregon. The Harbison
tract Is all set to trees except ten
acres, and Is considered one of the
most valuable tracts In the valley.
Mr. Farrls will care for the ranch
Piles! Piles! Piles!
Williams' Tnillnn rile ointment will rure
Hllnil, UlenllnK anil Itclilnn riles. It ab
sorbs thu tuiiKirs, allays HrlniiK nt nnra,
arts as a pmiltlr-. Klves Inxtunt relief.
WIIMnms' Imllnn I'lle Ointment Is pre
pared for I'lles anil ItrhlnK nf thn private
pnrts DruirKlet-i, mnll doc ami 11.00.
t WILLIAMS MFG. CO., Props., Cleveland, Ohlt
I For Sale by Carl A. Plath, Druggist
Strong, ) Antl the n
Light Price V
Durable Is Riht n
The Store that Saves
You Money
Vou never know the rlitht time.
" - - -
van ucpenu upon u lor Keeping
business engagements, liable to
stop any minute.
The Tennis Social Club comes nut
with an oiiii.mnci tii. il t this week of
a Hallowe'en mnsiiierade dance,
which will be held In I lellbroiiner
hall Thursday evening, October :!lst.
There will be special decorations ami
111 1 1 , and one of the most enjoyable
dances of t lie season is bring planned.
Ihuiclng will sliirt promptly at s::'u,
with unmasking at III o'clock.
Special Hallowe'en refreshments will
be served during the eventim, ami
the committee informs those who
contemplate coming to be prepared
to have a good time.
until spring, nt which time It Is the
Intention of Mr. Shaffer to make It a
home place.
Nuticf is hiTfhv itivpn that thn unrlerniirnrel
hnn lM-n sppuintfri x-rutrix of thn hint will smi
-hI1- nf John 1.. Ilivm, ilTe-t-l, hy the Oiunty
Court of Hood Kivrr County, Oniron.
All leroni havinK rlaimn aiMiniit Haul pntalr
are herrtiy notiliiil to prewnt eanie, duly venfiiil
to mr at oltire of K. H. Ilnrlwm. or Hiillrr llaiik
ln Co . Hood Kiwr. On-iron, within ais nienlhn
from th date of thin notice.
Dated this llth day of Ortoher I'll I
JOANNA:. I'AVIS. Keeutri.
r.. H. Martwki. Attorney for Kstate.
Oct. 11-Nov. H.