The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, October 18, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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BIT fa W
Complete Line of Ladies' and
Children's Warm Underwear bought
direct from the best mills in America
: Taw
has that perfect fit which
lends distinction to the
close-fitting gown.
Made for women by
women who know your
particular requirements'
A shape, size and fit to
give style to any figure,
whether tall or short, stout or
slender, or medium regular
sizes and extra large sizes.
Made of Eneat grade ol lisle,
aflk-and-lisle, silk-aod-cotton, mer
ino, wool, and silk aod-wool, in
graded weight.
Union suits and two
piece garments.
Perfection in Fit, Style and
Finish Dainty Durable.
We invite your in
specticn cf cur very at
tractive line cf these
Splendid garments.
Garments 25c to $2.50
Unions . 50c to $5.00
Every Department is "right up and com i n g"
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, etc., were never
so alluring in style, quality and price.
Excellent Outing 4c
Standard Calico 5c
Comfort Challie 5c
Kimona Cloth 12jc
36 inch Muslin $C
Cotton Blankets 50c
Table Linens
by the yard or in pat
tern sets
Table Linens 35(lt0 $2
Doz. Napkins 75C ,0 $9
Sets . $5.90 to $18.00
Men's Suits
Cheviots, Serges, All
Wool Worsteds, in
browns, greys, blues,
blacks and mixtures,
$10.00 to $25.00
New Reversible
The craze of the hour
the east. Priced
$12.50 to $20.00
Men's Pure Wool
Regular $1 .50 value
we offer at . . $1.00
Union Suits $1.50 tO $5
Men's Overcoats
with the new conver
table collars, blacks,
browns and fancy mix
tures . $15 to $25
Child'n's Cloaks
in every style and ma
terial. Priced from
$2.95 to $9.85
New line received.
Men's Flannel
New olive drab, pure
wool or mixed as de
sired. Priced $1 tO $3.75
Boys' Knee Suits
Xtra Good Brand,
sizes 2 to 17 years,
m all the new materials
and colors, $3.90 to $10
Buy your Winter Outfit at our Reliable Store and have
both style and quality, besides the advantage of cash p rices
Dress Goods are here in
all the sta pie : jin idf a . n icy
weaves, rich in the new
autumn shades and tex
tures. Prices 25 to $2.50
J AJJkw XVJL Hen's, Women's and Children's for Sale Mere
nr7 v k 7 ir vnacr7 v x
'p " 1 - '
7 V X1Q
T CA T -Sand DFX? .SON A T n
Mr. Ir.-d cla rVs of The Kail.
1 ".-tit Friday In 1 7ie lty vlsltim; rela
tive. Mis Ignore Adatii of Hood Iliver
visited at the l..iim of Mi-- l.ol Tay
lor la The I'.i'iV for fU'V ral days the
pant week.
If the wrnrfier 1 favorable F.vnn
irrlint Tii)m will jin-.-u'li in the I'nioti
cbtin h at d II in-xt Simdiv aft. r-
Iioot) at .1 oYI.m k. This will ! the
Iat oMirturil(y of the woje of
('elj to heap U"v. )rir in lcfore lie
ret lirtix cant.
A t lie iru.-ct if Truman I u t l-r. C.
II. Woodwortli ali'l I U -1 1 j ' 1 1 n i 1 1 I.oin
l nrl. i oiuiect.-l w ith the hit; bank
Ititr etal.i;-liinf nt of I.a.hl iV 'l lltoti.
of I'ortlaiid. HjM-nt I 'olumt.UH liny at
Hood Kiver unci were taken for a
ride over the valley. The vis'titii;
Keiitli ne-n wre le re looking over
t he reiaolirceri (f(ie country nridre
tiiriieil in Port la nil highly Impressed
with It- r.i."iit deveoiiiient ami
flit lire i ,ilt !(..
Sanii-il A irl to do sreneral
lioiixe work : iroo'I wanes. Apply to
Mrs. I'r.uiK A. ( rani.
Six rMim bungalow, corner lOthand
Cascade avenue, for sale. Choice lot.
See owner on premises.
I or Sale A line lot of hay in the
iMt. II.mhI di-trict. Near Mt. JIom1
lost Olfice. I'hone, Odell 3H or
a 1:00,1 . t. May . I iroo'l to
day, will lie u I tomorrow. Iax
al.ln lln a.l. l or nale at . I".. ill
foirw I'. ikery .
I.ame tia. k In one of the tnont cixu
inon I. .hum i.f iiMiKc ular rhi-iimallHin.
A few a'iralloiiH of ( hanilM-rlain'H
l.lnltneiit w ill jrlve n llef. I or nale
I y all ilealerw
Children that are .ale, nlrkly and
mi' ImIi, w It h dark rlnu under the
.yen, tick I.1 aietlle, anil who npM-ar
to "o liourlMhni. nt from tin food
the) eiit.nre mirs-ly Miffcrlim from
w orniK lilve them WMte'H Oeam
't-r in If usii and note the wunderfiil
lnirovemciit. They tooii tnkf on and lire rot-y, nrli ve and cheer
ful Frlcf i'.V per Jiotlle. Sold l
Clint. N larko
Attorney A. I". Tift of Portland
wa a week end visitor at Hood
A. P. I'.atehatn In at Wat-onvllle,
California, where he will jnd;re the
apple exhibit at the Wat-onville Na
tional Apple Show.
Jud'e John Inland HenderM-n
npent a few day her- laxt week. The
jilde Ik Hi hale and hearty ok ever
and looked fit for oi.e of hi old time
lonr dirttanee KWlm. He I now liv
ing in a pleasant home In the kii1
urliK of I'ortland. with an otlii e In
the Chamlier of Cummerce liulldln.
A goodly fhare of Mood Illver men
folkK were more IlltereKted l.'IKt Week
In Portland'M cllnit) for the liaeli ill
pennant that: they were In the vlidt
of Prenldeiit Taft. When the I'ort
land paper arrived the Kportlnu
paue wa pem-ed HrKt. afterward
the account of the Mi; man' vlrlf.
whathenald, what he had to eat.
how he liked Portland, etc. When
the pennant I cinched the fan will
have time to cohi'ldcr ftnall thin!
like a v'nlt from America' lirHt citi
zen, hut not liefore.
Chicago ticket for man. Kiepiire
the Oregon hotel.1
iet pour vetch Ni-ed at .IoIiiikoii
IlroK. iV Hale, Van Horn Ktatlon.
iood Health I'.read-w hlte, whole
w heat und Kr'il'"ln home made, you
will like It. Save the coupon. Sold
by Parker'.1
Will trade for anything '1 acre
orchard In heart fit Hood Plver val
ley apple land. I'nder 1 mlleK from
town. Chan. I'. Hick, I ude-nence
' rl'fon.
A remeily for a had coutrh l
I'.allard'M Horehound Syrup. If
heal the limn and jiili t Irritation.
Price .Vie and $1.H l.ollle. Sold
ley ( hr. N. Clarke.
I'.illoiiHiie I due to a dlord n l
condition of the utomin li. ( haml-r
lain' Talilet are f-HKenllally a kIoiii
ach medicine. Intended CKpi-clal. to
act on that ornan; to cleanHe It,
Kt renut hen It, tone and Invigorate It,
to regulate the liver and to hanlHli
lilllouticH poKlllvely and effectually.
For nale hy all dealer
Mr. P.urnette Duncan Kpent the
week end In Portland a the K"eMt of
friend In that city.
Why not remove the band Htand
from the court hoiie Kround? It I
no longer UKeful and even the verlet
tyro will admit It I not ornamental.
A a matter of fact the ground
would lie Improved by It removal.
C. 15. Iialzcll, deputy factory In
Kpector. wa here the latter part of
the weel looking over the machinery
lu the arlou manufacturing enter
prie here. He report that the
Ktate regulation are lelng compiled
with pretty generally and that Hood
Itiver 1 getting to ue cotilderable
Plunged In the calaboowe for hav
ing Imbibed too freely of I'eruna or
HoKtetter' Pltter a Hood IMver
reKldent laft week made thing lively
for the city marHhal by Hettlng fire
to the jail iK-ddltig. While little dam
I ane wa done, ow ing to the timely
, arrival of the cuto lian of the eace,
the Kcare occaKloned the departer
from the Ktralght and narrow path
I aid to have had a moxt Kalutary
' effect.
j Increa1ng bulneM ha made It
l neceKary for PitmaKU-r i.uca to
apply to the poKt olfi'-e department
' for additional help and he 1 endeav
oring now to get another clerk, 'i he
large volume of mall matter handled
by the Hood I'.lver pout office I con-
Htantly lncrea1ng and It 1 hoped
the department will grant the re
(juet In order to maintain the gooo
iter vice which Mr. I.uca and the
other employe of I 'tide Sam' local
poHtal olli'e are now giving the
Copy for ad vertlwment taunt I;
In the office by Monday noon.
Try a Sunday at Parkdale Park.
Special rate on Mount Hood Kali
road. Six room bungalow, corner I Oth and
Cancade avenue, for Hale. Choice lot.
See owner on premise.
For Sale Some good horne and a
iiuiiiIht of Hccond hand rig, cheap.
Apply at the Fahlon 1.1 very Stable.1
iood Health I'.read put up in a
Kanltary wrapT In'fore leaving the
i bakery. Save the coupon. For
I Hale at Parker.
I Ir I'.roMlii announce hi Summer
! Home etibllKliei at OIlFI.I,, I'Iionk
' I'U, w here he can Ik' cmiiltei morn
j lag and evening. City ofllceH(KM)
I 1:1 'Kit, I'IIovk 1J I',, oH'ii a UHiial P)
to 4 dally. Night CalU aiiHwered
from (il)KKK, piionk W. Zstf
Mr. Sam Itlower of Portland
vlMlted friend In Hood Kiver for sev
eral day lat week.
The Apple Land and Orchard Co.
ha recently received a full et of ta
tlonery from the lithographer which
bear It handome label In color.
AIko a, return postal to be placed In
the packed bo.xe of apple.
Mi Viola WIIon of Hood Kiver
arrived In town Thurday for a
hort vllt with friend. While here
he wa the guest of Mr. Harry
(ireene. The lialie )ptlmlt.
W. S. Chapman, one of the owner
of a large tract of the river prnerty
opposite the depot, wa here Friday
Inspecting a roadway which I being
made from the railroad right of way
to the river, und which. It I said,
I to connect with a warehouse and
dock to Im' constructed In the near
Newton Clarke, department Com
mander of the-rjrund Army of the
Kepubllc for Oregon, left last week
for an Inspection tour of the posts
throughout the state. Mr. Clarke
will first cover the Kastern Oregon
district and then visit the cltle lu
the Willamette Valley and Southern
C. IS. Compton, i government em In the Philippines, w ith head
juarter at Manila, ha purchased a
tract of orchard In two and three
year old trees, near Dee. The prop
erty formerly belonged to C. K.
'ireene, foreman of the Oregon
Isr company' mill. Mr. Compton
will have the orchard taken care of
for two or three year, and will then
come to Hood Kiver to make hi
home. He state that he bought at
Hood Kiver after having fully Inves
tigated all other fruit-growing dis
trict on the const. He left Friday
to return to Manila, taking with him
a bunch of Hood Kiver literature
which he will distribute among hi
friend In the Philippine.
No dirt or germ flood Health sanitary wrapper. Save
the coupon For sale at Parker.
The best, plaster. A piece of flan
nel dampened with Chamls-rlaln'
Klnlment and bound tin over the
affected part I siiHTlor to n plm
ter and cost only one tenth a much.
For sale by all dealer.
Don't trifle with a cold I good lid.
vice for prudent men and women. It
may Is- vital lu case of a child. There
I nothing Is tter than CliamlsTlaln's
''ough Kemedy for cough and cold
In children. It I safe and ure. For
sale by all ilcalera.
W. K. Clark returned Wednesday
from Walla Walla where he was
called on a visit In connection with
his business.
('. I.. Morse has moved til cigar
and tobacco business from Second
street to his new ipiarters on Oak
street formerly occupied by the Oak
moving picture show, which he has
hail newly titled up.
W, E. Damn, formerly of Kock
Island, III., arrived In Hood Kiver
Monday and expects to become a
resident here. Mr. Ihiuui first became
Interested ill Hood Kiver through an
advertisement inserted in a religious
paper by A. T. Allen.
Many Hood Kiver housewives are
getllngto depend on Japanese help
for housecleaulug and other home
duties. In fact the demand for this
variety of labor has liecome so great
that the service of these Oriental
house servants has to Ik' booked
ten day ahead. Not withstanding
this fact, It Is almost Impossible to
gi't other help of this kind. The Japs
have a monopoly at present and the
situation does not seem likely to Im
prove. While women prefer an a
week position lu a store or factory
to a much lietter equivalent In the
home, housekeeping, of necessity,
must remain on a more or less nn
stable basis unless one can afford a
dishwashing machine, the vacuum
cleaner man and a tireless cooker.
Regular Sunday excursion to Park
dale. Pleasant trip for yourself and
Six room bungalow, corner 10th and
Cascade avenue, for sale. Choice lot.
See owner on premises.
Made clean, baked (dean, sold clean
Good Health llrcad. Save the cou
pon. Sold by Parker'.
When the bowel become Irregular
you are uncomfortable, and the
longer till condition exist the
wore yo'i feel. You can get rid of
this misery quickly by using llerhlne.
Take a dose on going to bed nnd see
how fine you feel next day. Price
.V)c. Hold by Cha. N. Clarke.
You are not ex-rlmentlng on
yourself when yon take Chamber
lain' Cough Kemedy for n cold, a
that preparation ha won It great
reputation and extensive sale by Its
remarkable cure of colds, and can
al way lie depended upon. It I
equally valuable for adult and chil
dren, and may l given to young
children with Implicit confidence, n
It contain no harmful drug. Sold
by all dealer.
Mrs. V. M. Pane and Miss Page of
The Dalles were guest over Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mr. A. I..
Page in this city.
Christian Science service are held
In Reading Itoom, No. (i, Davidson
building, Sunday at 11 a. m. and
Wednesday at N p. in Sunday school
at HI a. m.
The occasion for a jubilee at Moslcr
last week was the unfurling of the
star and stripes to the gentle breezes
that blow o'er Miyerdale, the beau
tiful home of Mark A. Mayer, of New
York Portland Moslcr. Incident
ally, Mark had a birthday annivers
ary on October atli. A large party
was present to witness the flag rais
ing and to partake of Mr. Mayer'
Joints that ache, muscles that are
drawn or contracted, should Is'
treated with Mallard' Snow IJnl
ment. It penetrate to the spot
where It Is needed and relieves suffer
ing. Price I'.V, .Vtc and $1.00 per bot
tle. Sold by Cha. N Clarke.
Try a loaf of (iood Health Mread
at Parker'. "It's good to the lat
crumb." Save the coupon.
For Sale A fine lot of hay In the
Mt. Hood district. Near Mt. Hood
Post Office. I'hone, Odell 38 or
Chronic, rheumatism contract the
muscles, distort the joint ami un
dermine the strength. A powerful
penetrating nnd relieving remedy
will be found In Mallard' Snow l.lnl
tneiit. It restores strength and sup
pleness to the aching limbs. Price
&, "iOe and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by
Cha. N. Clarke.
- it i
saveVs to V4
3 -croat Panel Doors, , quality $ 1 JO
Quartef-touad, .in., per 100 h. 30 eta.
Cedaf Siding, 4 and i h. . $ 8 per M.
Flooring, 4 and 5 It. . , $11 per M.
Drop Siding, 4 and 5 It. . $1 1 per M.
All No. I and 2 good flandan) dock.
Sad poal fat CtulfiM No. K tod
buy direa horn our ftaory. S.v
middlemen prohlt. Ona
pfic sell lo Mrbody, ship
anrwhei. Smd ut your ba
The Satisfactory Solution of Your
Water Supply Problem 1
will be reached by installing in your home a pneumatic
Leader Water MM
Supply System
. . -oC.T!FTl
You can have abundant water hot or cold 0 z
for kitchen, bath, laundry, the lawn and any
other purpose required, at a moderate cost.
Will also afford fire nrntertinn.
The most efficient, economical and depend-
able water supply System to be had.
Ask your local dealer to explain about the
Leader System or write for our booklet,
"How I Solred the Water Supply Problem."
LEADER IRON WORKS, Dept. 22, Decatur, III.
Apple Land and Orchard Company
Of floe, No, 9 Oak Street, Phone 26 00 2002 K, Hood River