The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, October 04, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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For Sale- 80 acres of land within
7 miles of Hood River, and there
is no better or nicer piece of land
in Hood River county, as every
foot of it can be cultivated ex
cept about 3 acres in one corner.
It is an ideal place for sub-dividing
into 10 and 20 acre tracts. I
am in urgent need of money and
will take $5,000 if the major por
tion is paid in cash. Address
News, Hood River, Ore. 38-40c
For Sale Several pood 5 or 10
acre tracts 4 12 miles out on
main Dalles road; mostly cleared
ready to set to trees; a good lo
cation for a fruit or poultry
ranch. Price $250 per acre; half
cash, balance on easy terms.
Would take part of balance in
work if desired. If interested
address owner, P. Saltzman,
(Jrand View Farm, Hood River,
Oregon. 39-40p
For Sale or Trade Orchard lands
in 5, 10, 15 or 20 acre tracts,
uncleared or cleared. Prices ac
cording to improvements. Or
chard, house, well and other im
provements on part of tract. Will
make price reasonable to pur
chaser. Frank K. Forsberg, 10
miles out on west side, R. 3,
Hood River, Ore. Phone 28X2F
Wanted To trade house and lot
for carpenter work. To trade
2 or 3 lots in good location for
house and lot; will pay difference.
A good lot for lumber. An auto
mobile for lumber. Have you a
house and lot in Portland to trade
for a good house in Hood River.
See me for other good trades.
-N. T. Chapman, Phone 239M.
For Sale Twenty acres of first
class orchard land, Willow Flat
district; 6 acres in 3-year-old
trees; about 4 acres ready to set;
8 acres in stumps; 2 acres in tim
ber. Price $8000; one-half cash,
balance long time. E. Kline,
Hood River, Ore., with Light &
Power Co. 38-41p
Why pay rent when you can buy
a lot with $10 down and $5 a
month. See me for a bargain.
I have a few lots centrally lo
cated, for sale cheap. Will build
you a house on the installment
plan if you wish. See owner,
N. T. Chapman. 37-40p
lllanted, Real Estate I want to
H exchange two or three good
lots on a house and lot. Will
pay di (Terence. Good runabout
automobile to exchange on house
and lot. Will pay dilTerence.
Address "C" News Office.
For Sale five acres near Park
dale in best commercial apples,
$250 per acre; easy terms. Also
5 acre tracts uncleared $125 per
acre. Fine land. Grand view
of mountain. Address I5ox F.,
News office. 25tf-c
"or Sale - A large 8 room house,
"large lot; good location; close to
ligh school. Will accept smaller
louse or good paier as part pay
ment; balance installments to
suit. Address "C" News Office.
For Rent for the Winter Nine
room house, furnished; free
water; hot air furnace. Rent
reasonable to right party. 422
Twelfth street, phone 87-M.
For Sale Twenty acres red shot
slope soil, easily cleared; joins
Sutton farm; $150 per acre, half
cash. Address J. L. J. News
office. 39-tff
For Sale - 230 acresof land, from
$50.00 per acre up. Will sell
20-acre tract with part In trees.
S. J. Calkins, Phone 50-K. 2Gtfc
For Rent-Home on Cascade av
enue; modern conveniences;
close in. Inquire of A. T. Loef
fler. 39-40p
For Rent Modern 5-room bun
galow, located at 505 May St.
Call and see it. Phone 2((-L.
38-4 lc
For Rent-New 4-room cottage
with bath; on the Heights
Mrs. L. H. Huggins. 39-41c
House and lot on installment
plan. See owner. N. T. Chap
man. 37-40i
Executive position or business
opening in Northwest by east
ern young man, 28, University
graduate, C. E. degree, 5 years
general business experience, as
sistant manager, manager, hand
ling help, buying, selling, etc. A
good opening more desirable than
high salary at start. Kindly give
details, replies confidential. Ad
dress James Wallace, Gen. Deliv
ery, Portland, Ore. 40-41 p
Wanted - Man with family wants
position on ranch or fruit
farm the year round. Will call
and see parties answering this
advertisement. Address. Lafe
Yates, Silverton, Oregon. 37-40p
Wanted By middle-aged lady,
place to care for invalid or as
housekeeper in small family.
Can give best of references.
Address "B" News office. 39-40p
Wanted -By Japanese young
man, place in private family
to do cooking and housework.
Can give reference here in Hood
River. Phone 1G0. 40-41 p
llanted - Situation as bookeeper,
II general office man or clerk of
any kind in Hood River. Best of
references. Eugene G. Rexford,
Phone 190-K. 38-41p
Wanted At once, an experi
enced woman for first class
home cooking at the Dickenson
House, East State St.; Phone
294 K. 40tfc
lllanted Grubbing contract; call
I! by phone 28X2F. Frank E.
Forsberg, 10 miles out on west
side, Hood River, Ore. 38-41p
Wanted -A girl to do general
housework, good wages. Ap
ply to Mrs. frank A. Cram
Tor Sale Eight (8) shares of
TGlacier Irrigating Co. water
stock (Mt. Hood); par value $120
fully paid. I have no use for
this stock and wish to sell it at
once; tnis is a bargain. Any
one desiring information address
Mrs. J. L. Groft, Cornelius, Ore.,
R. F. D. No. 1, Box 23. 2G-40c
Tor Sale A small quantity of
rhve well seasoned stove wood.
Call or phone W. II. Warren,
Belmont district; phone 2092-L.
39-4 lp
Tor sale A 3-passenger run-
alout; 22 horsepower, fully
equipped with top, wind shield.
lamp etc. Inquire of 1852-K. 23-tf
For Sale 1 light buggy and har
ness, also 1 cart and light rid
ing saddle. Phone 271-M. 38-tfc
For Rent or Sale Fine piano,
cheap. Easy payments. C. D.
Nickelsen. Phone 89-M. 38-41c
For Sale -75 ricks dry pine and
fir wood. M. H. Maher, phone
320X. 37tfc
For Sale Good strawberry plants
R. I). No. 2; phone 2082-K.
For Sale - Pine and oak wood.
Phone M. II. Maher, 320-X.
Notice to Apple Tree Planters
Nealeigh Bros. Square Deal
Nurserv Co. I. C. Nealeigh,
Sholls, Washington County. Or.,
and J. T. Nealeigh, Hood River,
Or. We are going to have for
sale for the spring planting of
1912 some Newtowns, Spitzen
burgs, Arkansas Blacks, Winter
Bananas and some of other
choice varieties; also Clark's
seedling strawberry plants. We
would be glad to receive any
communication from you in re
gard to same. Yours truly,
Nealeigh Bros. 28-52
fall planting we have a
tine line of Roses, Shrubs and
the old fashioned Perrenials;
also an extra good collection of
Peonies. You better come and
see the Roses, etc., in bloom and
pick them out; and those Bulbs,
too, that you want to bloom
next spring. Cut Flowers and
Designs to order on short notice.
Fletcher & Fletcher, the Pioneer
Florists, tf
I2:3 r
Tor Sale A combination team of
Iblack mares weighing 950 lbs
each that will take you over the
road at a good speed or cultivate
your orchard. Each has an easy
gait under the saddle. Not afraid
of automobiles. Will split team
giving buyer choice or am willing
to trade taking in part payment
horse that rides and drives. Wil
show this team in town or at
ranch 3$ miles out on main road
East Side. Phone 201k. E. L. Mc
Clain. 30 tfc.
For Sale-Young S. C. White
Leghorn Cockerels for sale at a
sacrifice in order to thin out my
flock for the winter. They are
of the famous Ferris strain of
Grand Rapids, Mich. Harleigh
Glass, ldth St. below Columbia,
Por Sale 1 Team and harness.
Itrue pullers, good travelers; 1
No. 2 raultless stump puller,
complete; 1 Jersey cow, 4 years
old; these are very cheap buys
it will pay you to investigate
D. Currier, Jr., Odell 84, R.D. 2.
Por Sale Big team horses, over
13100 pounds, age 6 and 9, A-l
in e ery respect, gentle, not
afraid of automobiles; will sell at
sacrifice $400 with harness,
Homer A. Rogers. Parkdale,
phone Odell 277. 39-40p
For Sale Rhode Island Red
.cockerels from prize winning
stock, also some fine pullets.
Will sell cheap if taken soon as I
need the room for younger stock.
Phone 2012-M. E. F. Batten,
For Sale Cheap Al young team;
just the pair for a small place;
perfectly gentle, good pullers
and broke to drive or ride; weight
2000. Phone 3342-M. 33tfc
lllanted To dace cood tpam
II with responsible parties after
Nov. 15th for the winter for their
keep. Hammond & Heilbronner,
K. U. No. 3, Box 74. 40-43c
Por Sale Good team, weieht
about 800, 4 years old, including
new harness and buggy; price
$140.00 lor outfit. Address Box
44, Underwood, Wash. 40-41p
Por Sale Two dozen thorough-
I bred brown Leghorn hens and
six Cockerels. J. L. Carter,
Phone 197-M. 39-40p
lllanted - Immediately, a gentle,
II reliable hors to use for its
keep. Phone Miss Teal, 326-K
Por Sale-200 white legK--n
I pullets hatched in March. F
C. House, Avalon Way R. D. 2.
40-4 lp
For Sale Team, wagon, harness
and farm tools; cheap. Will be
sold separately. Phone 320-X
For Sale Team, wagon, har
ness and farm tools: rhean.
Will be sold separately. 37tfc
For Sale Horse, buggy and har
ness. Inauire at Belmont Meth
odist rarsonage. yy-40c
Tor Sale A brood sow and some
I pigs. t. H. I ay lor, Oak Grove,
phone 285-F. 39-42p
Por Sale Fifteen young pigs. S.
W. Curron, Viento, Ore. 38-n
Notice Notice is hereby given
that J. Wei land, formerly our
concrete foreman, is no longer in
our employ. We will not be re
sponsible for work or bills con
tracted bv him. The V. ft.
Aldred Co. 39-4 lc
Loan Agency Ixans offered,
$500, $700. Loans wanted.
fcttX). $f,00. $1000, $1200. $1500.
$2000. $2500. Apply to A. W.
Onthank, 305 Oak street. tfc
Wanted -To buy second hand
cook stove. Phone 322-L.
1n!nrn Directory of ch CUr.
Town i nil HlHRf In r-tn nmf
iiohitiRlnii, sit in ft lerrlptl
ptkctrh of nirh plnrr, t mention.
Hhtppln Knrlhlle unH a 4 I n mi
s' I rtt llrrr.rr of e b llunloma
luiit rrofmnlwn.
It, L. 1'OT K CO., Inc.
Famous Locked Rooms In 8omo of the
Old British Castlss.
Perhfli tue moot famous locked
room Id the world Is at Glamla castle,
the old home of the earls of Strata
more. In this rambling pile there U
supposed to be a secret chamber, ac
cess to wblcb Is known only to the
Earl of Stratbmore, tbe beir apparent
tod tbe factor. Tbe mysterious cham
ber Is supposed to have been, centuries
ago, tbe repository of grim family
scandal, the nature of wblcb could
only whispered even In those wild
There U In Poulton Old nail a mys
terious locked room wblcb bas never
4een opened except by a represents
Uve of tbe Green family. Tbe ball and
Its lands bare sometimes been let, but
tbe Green family have always retain
ed possession of this mysterious room,
wblcb is supposed to contain several
relics arrd other family treasures. It Is
aid that tbe last tenant a prominent
Mersey shipowner, would have given
them an Increased rent for It If be
could bave bad access to It or could
have cleared away the mysterious con
tents, but the owners refused to give
up possession, and so the tenant left
There Is a very similar tradltlnn at
Hether Hall, the Cumberland seat of
tbe Sen house family. Here, aa at
Glamla castle, tbe position of the se
cret chamber la known only to the
heir-at-law and the family solicitor.
Tbe room. It Is understood, bas no
window and op till now bas not been
located by any one not In possession of
the key to the mystery.
A tragic Interest attaches to tbe
ruins of Minster Lovel house. In Ox
fordshire. While It was tenanted by
a fanner a concealed vault was dis
covered, and In It was the perfect
skeleton of Lord Lovel. seated at ".
table on which was lying an open
prayer book. There were some Jars
and barrels which had contained food,
sufficient no doubt to last some
weeks: but. the mansion having fallen
Into the hands of King Ilenry VII.,
the prisoner was unable to regain his
liberty. The discovery cleared up a
mystery which bad surrounded his
fate for nearly two centuries. Pear
son's Weekly.
Tho 8chomo Looked Good, but tho Old
Man Lacked Confidence.
Living on a plantation fifty or sixty
miles out of New Orleans Is an old
poker playing, chicken fighting, horse
racing sportsman, who Is always will
bag to gamble on anything and who
Isn't averse to gamble even wben he
bas a shade tbe better of It Not long
ago a professional gambler came to
him and said, "Squire, you know that
Phillips man who used to play cards
on the river?" . ,
"I do."
"Well, he's showed up here with a
lot of money. Now, I've got a scheme
to get that money."
"Go on; you interest roe."
"Well, I'll get him down here, and
we'll pot him Into a game of poker
Just tbe two of us and bim. Then I'll
cold deck blm, you'll get the money,
and we'll divide."
"How do you propose to do that
"Why, I'll deal blm four queens, and
I'll deal you four kings, and he'll bet
all the money he has. A.I1 you've got
to do is to bet npnlnst blm, sho-w your
four kings wben he's through, and
we'll split tbe pile."
"You mean you'll deal him four
queens and deal me four kings out of
a cold deck?"
"That's It."
"All ritht son. all right But wben
you are dentin' them four kings to me
Just deal me one ace also for a sort of
confidence card" Saturday Evening
Big Notes In Japan.
The nose plays a very important
part in Japan, owing, probably, that a
difference In. nose constitutes about
the only distinction between one Jap
anese and another. The nose is the
only feature which attracts attention
As there are very few large noses to
be found In Jnpnn. a Indy with a large
nose Is regarded ns one specially gift
ed by nature. She Is Invariably a
reigning beauty anil tbe envy of her
less favored sisters. In all Japanese
pictures In which ladies are portrayed
the artists are particularly careful to
make the nose of liberal dimensions.
London Telegraph.
Sweet Child.
Tes," said little Klslo. "mamma
says she Is always glad to let me
come to parties at your house."
'It Is very nice of your mamma to
say that."
' 'Cause she says you're so savin
that there's never any danger you'll
give me anything that will be rich
enough to hurt me." Chicago Hecord
Ilerald Her Undeveloped Senee of Humor.
"The trouble with you women." he
said. "Is that you have no sense of hu
"I know It" his better half admitted.
i suppose i ougnt to mum ikmuk umi-
ried to you Is a lovely Joke, but I can't
leem to see It" Chicago Record Her
"I fine yon $5."
"Judge. I only snssod a policeman."
"I fine vou for foolishness. When
there are so many things yon could
have done, why did you select this?"
Washington Herald
Making love Is easier than making
fortune, hut It Involves greater
chance King.
The MercliuntH Mercantile Com.
puny of Portland U preparing to
publish ii credit guide for tills din
trie t.
By thU HyHtem the county w 111 lie
put In direct touch with credit con
(lltloiiri nil over the I" lilted St(iten und
whenever anyone moves here from
uny other part of the country the
merchant!! here will at once be pouted
through thin company uh to bow tbe
party paid bin IiIIIh where be for
merly lived.
Tliene credit gulden are made up In
dlMtrictH covering: nearly every Htate
In the I'ulon. They are made from
the combined experience of all the
merchants In each of thene dlstrlctn
and every merchant rate bis own
cUHtoiiiern according to how they
paid bliu. Iiefore a customer Is rated
he Is given notice by letter that be
will be rated and In given a chance
to pay up bis old account and thus
secure a good rating.
Kach merchant and professional
man Is funiHhed with a copy of tbe
guide ho that he may refer to It and
look up the rating of any customer
or prospective customer lefore giv
ing any credit.
Byron's Menagerie In Italy.
Lord Il.v rou's etitttblisliuient consists,
besides servants, of ten horses, eight
enormous dogs, three monkeys, five
cats, an eagle, a crow and a falcon,
and all these, except the horses, walk
about the house, which now and then
resounds with their unarbitrated quar
rels, as If they were musters of It.
After I have sealed my letter I find
my enumeration of tbe animals in this
clrceun palace was defective, and that
In a material point. I bave Just met
on the grand staircase five peacocks,
two guinea hens and an Egyptian
crane. I wonder who all these ani
mals were before they were changed
into those shapes. From a Letter by
Water Colors.
Pigments bave been used from the
earliest times and are now used by all
savages for decorative purposes. But
tbe paint used In Babylon and Nineveh
and lu Pompeii was composed of pig
ments mixed, not with oil, but with
water to which had been added a lit
tle glue, egg albumen or perhaps some
times casein, which is albuminous mat
ter from milk or the gluten from
cereal grains. Glue, however, which
was well known to tbe ancient
Egyptians, was the most used binding
material. Such paints are now known
as fresco paints or water colors.
Low One Way Fares
to all Points on
Daily until
October 15
Chicajro. $33.00
Cincinnati 37.90
Milwaukee 31.50
St. Louis.... 32.00
New York 50.00
Detroit . 38.00
St. Paul 25.00
Kansas City 25.00
Omaha 25.00
DesMoines 27.85
Indianapolis 35.65
Denver.. 25.00
From other eastern points in
Tell your friends in the east of
this opportunity of moving west
at low rates. Direct train ser
vice via Burlington Route. Great
Northern, Northern Pacific and
"North Pank" lines. You can
deposit with me and tickets will
be furnished people in the east.
Details will be furnished on re
quest. E. A. Gibert.
Agent, White Salmon, Wash.
W. E. Cowan, General Freight
and Passenger Agent.
Bring Your Horse Here
to be 5 hod as he should
be. We will shoe him
with shoes that fit, that
will correct many a fault
in his Rait.
ill ST. :.. .... -v-
' ' a0eBlaaV& ' T'
k o?:?"' lf ; fl '
W. R. Parker, Crack Rifle Shot, Completes
One of the Most Remarkable
. """ Trips Ever Undertaken.
Located in the interior of the State
of Oregon is a dreary waste of sand,
absolutely barren and with long
stretches of 50 to 90 miles between
water. For days at a time, at this
season of the year, the traveller over
this vast expanse of unproductive land
braves the scorching enervating heat
of an almost tropical sun, without
having the monotony of his journey
broken even once by the sight of a
single form of life. It is a most
arduous and trying journey at best
when one's means of conveyance is
especially adapted to the trying con
ditions that must be overcome.
It was over 2,000 miles of this desert
that Mr. W. R. Parker recently
travelled in a Chalmers-Detroit an
almost incredible feat. At times he
reached altitudes of from 3,000 to Q.ono
feet, and some of the towns at which
he stopped were anywhere from 100
to 300 miles from the railroad. Sev
eral of these had never before been
visited by any one in an automobile.
Mr. Parker is the travelling repre
sentative of the Remington Arms
Union Metallic Cartridge Co., and
Live Local Topics
Made clean, bnked clean, Hold clean
Uood Health ltread. Save the cou
pons. Sold by Parker's.
Six room bungalow, corner 10th and
Cascade avenue, for sale. Choice lot.
See owner on premises.
Rev. J. ISowersox, pastor of the
Evangelical church of Portland, one
of the prominent divines of the ftate,
was the guest Monday of Mr. and
Mrs. A. P. Slade In a ride over the
valley to see the orchards.
Fenway Candy
Pure, Fresh and Wholesome, wul give more real satisfaction than
five pounds of cheap stuff made with ingredients of questionable quality.
We do not offer adulterated candies of any description. All the
candies we sell are up to a standard set Ly us as they are manufactured
especially for us by the Fenway Candy Co. of Boston, under the most
sanitary conditions by skilled help.
Bidea thi we r in position to take tho vety bett er
of your candy need at all times of tho year owing to our
immense business and the very largo lino that wo carry.
We planish our stock daily, thereby insuring you strictly
fresh foods always.
CARL A. PLATH, Druggist
4th & State St.
We buy, $ell and exchange everything
in House Furnishings, Campers
Supplies, etc.
Don't fornt't Uie Slh S. SI cite
gave exhibitions of his remarkable
shooting ability at every stop. Some
of the feats performed by him seem
well nierh impossible. Using a Rem-'in'ton-U
M C .22 Repeater, with sight
obstructed or covered, he hit objects
or targets thrown into the air. He
also shot flying targets with a Rem-ington-U
M C .35 Autoloading Rifle
after they had been thrown straight
out, making the shot infinitely more
difficult. He varied this particular
feature of his exhibition by turning
the gun upside down and firing His
aim is so infallibly accurate that he
seldom or never misses.
Another of his remarkable "stunts"
is to hit a single target, holding the
gun upside down, and then covering
the gun, to send a shot flying into
another. He also doubles with the
gun upside down.
Using a .38 revolver, he hit small
flying targets, glass discs, washers,
etc. Removing revolver from holster,
after throwing the objects into the air,
shooting a .38 revolver and sighting
with mirror, he split cards held edge
wise. In addition to this, he performed
other equally remarkable feats, too
numerous to mention.
A particularly spectacular piece of
work was shown when he ejected
two empty shells from his pump gun,
one immediately after the other, and
sent a shot into both while they were
in the air just before they struck the
Hundreds of people gathered to
watch Mr. Parker perform at every
stop that he made, and his Chalmers
Detroit was constantly surrounded by
crowds anxious to get a glimpse at the
mechanical features of the car that
stood np so well under this remark
able journey.
Thirty Per Cent
of the new business written
by the Northwestern Mutual
Life Insurance Co. of Wis
consin in 1910 was received
from old policy holders. Its
enviable record for large div
idend savings produces its
exceptional low cost insur
surance. John Goldsbury,
Hood River, Oregon.
Phone 24k