The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, October 04, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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S-S Slits
$30.00 Br55?F $35.00
BOYS' FALL SUITS S4.00 to $10.00
New Shetland Veils only 95c
New Pall Silks Now on Display
$1.95 to $5.00
New assortment here
Regular 40c Values
Special Offer 25c
A practical childs' hose
Regular40c values 25c
Ladies' and Misses'
All popular leathers
A regular $1.50 lambswool
Special price $1.00. Hurry!
Army Flannel Shirts
$1.50 to $3.75
Pure Wool
All collors, $1.90 to $4.50
Including; The Flex Sole
and Cushion Sole
Big1 Reductions on
Men's Fall Suits and Overcoats
To Start the Season
Outing Flannel
25 in. wide 4c
Standard Calico
5c per yard
IS. Shelley Morgan sj-nt Thursday
here looking after hi Interest.
Kay F. Murphy, who ha spent the
hint two yearn nt the I'nlverslty of
Oregon, In assistant principal of the
high school at Haines, Oregon, thin
Mr. Harris will preach at Klvershle
cburt'h next Sunday morning and
evening. Morning theme, "Two
Mlten anl What Came ol Them."
"The Water I'rolileni," the secoml in
the series of town topics, will lie pre
sented tn the evening. The piilillo In
Them. Harlan, n veteran I'-n-lfie
ciiitxt editor, said to Is- the oldest
memler of the newspaper profession
In Oregon, wan a visitor at the News
office Thursday. Mr. Harlan, among
other papern, started the White
Salmon Knterprlse and the Meilford
Mai!, and Is now the owner and edl
tor of the paper at I.yle, Wash.
liegular Sunday excursion to Park
dale. Pleasant trip fur yourself and
Wanted A girl to do general
housework ; good wages. Apply to
MrH. Frank A. ( ram.1
"Hello. I'.lll Silvern, lets go to the
hasket Nix'lal Friday evening of t hln
week." 'Til go you, old hoy."
Six room bungalow, corner I Oth and
Cascade avenue, for sale. Choice lot.
See owner on premises.
IIikkI Health Itread put up In a
sanitary wrapjs-r In-fore leaving the
liakery. Save the c-ouponn. For
sale at Parker
lAine back one of the moot com
mon forma of muscular rheumatlnm.
A few appll-.-nttoim of riiamls-rlaln's
Liniment will g'v relief. For sale
hy all dealer.
Children that are pale, sickly nnd
n-evlnh. with dark rings under the
eyes, tickle appetite, and who app-ar
to tret no nourishment from the food
they eat, are surely suffering from
woruin. (ilve them Whlte'a Cream
Vermifuge and note the wonderful
Improvement. They noon take on
flcah and are rosy, active ami cheer
ful. I'rU-e per hot lie. Sold l.y
Chita. N. 1itrke.
Minn Kuby Hazlett, f)f Hoopston.
III., a counln of Mm. Chan. X. Clarke,
In the honne guesst of the latter.
('Ill Stem, Portland's premier lmse
hall pitcher, accompanied hy hln
wife, wan the guest here Pridny of
Joe Wllnon at luncheon ami a drive
around the valley.
Knte liroslus hnn returned from
Kugene, where he npent a few dayn
at the opening of college with the
Alpha Tail Omega fri.ternlt.v, of
which he In a tuemlK-r. He leaven In
a few dayn to travel In Kuron dur
Ins the winter. In the company of
Theodore (J. Wllliamn and Minn
Wllllamn of I'ortlanrl, nun and
daughter of the late Judge Williams.
Jack Morrison han (inlnlied lit ting
up hln roomlns ho line over hln place
of tdinlnenn on Second ntreet uml now
han (julte an entahlUhment. The
apartmetitn contain 1'! roonin. 12 of
which have liecn newly fiirnlnhed for
roomlns purponen, and all have out
ntde lisht and ventilation. Mr. Mor
rlnon will occupy neveral of the
rootnn an hln residence. Hlectrlc
llifht, hatha and other convenleticeH
have tn-en nilpplled for suentn and
the Hparttnentn have In-en carpeted
throughout with Itrunneln carpet.
iet pour vetch H-'d at Johnnon
I'.ron. Ac Hale, Van Horn nlatlon.
(iood Health I'.read-whlte, whole
u heat and icraham home made, you
will like II. Save the coupon. Sold
ty J'arkerV
"S;iy, Jim, where are you Kolnn
Friday eenlnlns of thin we-k'.'"
"Why, Fin Kola to th" Imnket no.
clal at the Valley Chrlntlati church "
A s'''d remedy for a had couli In
liallard'M Horehound s.rup. It
healn the lunn and (piletn Irritation.
I 'rice U.V, 74)c ami $1.W l.ottle. Sold
y ' h rn. X. Clarke.
ItlllounneMn In ilue to a dl-ordi-n-d
condition of the Htouwu h. ( hatuU-r-laln'n
Taliletn are enm-ul lally a ntom
ach medicine, lutendi-d enclall to
act on that oran; to t,
treiiKthen It, tone and Invigorate It,
to resulatethe liver and to liatiUh
liUlotinnena positively and eff.-ctu.-illy
For nale hy all denlern
J. M. I'arry, who han heen ntnylns
at Mum durins the nummer. returned
to Hooil Itlver hint week.
Mr. and Mm. Kdward Me(iresor,
who have heen npendins the nummer
here, will upend the winter In Port
land, where Mr. Mc'irejror recently
lioiiKht a handnome renlilence In I toni
city Park.
The Woman'M Clul) announcen that
at their next regular meetlns, Oct 11
they will have a nterloptlcaji lecture
I iv Howard Kvard Weed. the Chlcaso
landscape artlnt, oti "A More Beauti
ful Hood Itlver." Mr. Weed comen
hlshlr recommended, he havlus
charse of the parkins f the Lom
Fir Cemetery at the prenent time
The lecture will he slven aftrr tin
Imnlnenn. promptly at .'1::!U. All cluh
memlM-rn are ured t he prenent and
brins their frleudn, ami a Mn-cial In
vitation In extended to the men. An
adnilnnlon fee of ten centn will lie
charsed vlnitorn.
Three npeclal cnrloailn itt llarriin.'iii
otticialn panned throush Hood Itlver
Friday, lioninl for Itedinoiid and
I'.end to attend the cclelirallon In
connection with the extennl in of the
railroail to thone placen, which oc
curred Sept. tlnth and Oct. "rd.
Anions thone In the party were K.
P.. Miller, Traflic Manas'-r. F. W.
Kohilinoii, (ieneral Freight Atfeut,
John W. Scott, AnnlnUmt (ieueral
Pannenser Asent, Koht. I'.uniM, Illn
trict Asent at Wallii Walla, A. X
Oliver, Travellns Frelsht Asent, I.
Mulkey, Portland City Ticket Asent,
and Hush O'Neill, connected with
t he s""eral ollicen of the company In
Portland. While the train Mopped
here the olliclaln Inspected the new
Try a Sunday nt Pnrkdale Park.
Spcehil rutin on Mount Hood liail
road. Six room bungalow, corner I Oth and
Cascade avenue, (or sale. Choice lot.
See owner on premises.
For Sale Some sood homen and n
n u in 1 x-r of wtiiiiiI IiiiihI rlsn, cheap.
Apply at the Fashion I J very Stable.
irand banket social at the Valley
( hrlntlan church Friday evenlns.
Oct. '. nt Come, ladles with
their bankets and ttiesentlemer: with
their money.
lir. I'.roslun a nnounces hln Summer
Home entahllnheil at OIlKLI,. -iionk
JU, where he can In' connulted morn
bis and evenlns- City ollice HOOI)
KIVFIC, I IIOSK i It, open an untial 10
to 4 daily. Sight Callt aiiswered
from ODKLL, piionk ID tf
Councilman J. M. Wrlsht and F.. '
It. M oiler are noted an suents atone
of the Portland hoteln over Satur
day. Mm. ('. I-e Morne, who In at pren
ent vlsltlus at the home of her sinter,
Mm. Nellie l. Kalues, at Van Xenn
City, Kan.. In reported In the l.osan
County Newn, published at Winona,
Kiiiim , an havlns been (julte sick, but
now linpro Ins.
A very Inti-resllns open ineetlns
wan held under the aunplces of The
Mi-n'n Mutual Improvement l-asue
at the Itaptlnt church last Friday
nisht. I'.et Hti-n lifty and hlxly peo
pie enjoyed a hospitable social even
lns. In the sermon series on "Supersti
tious Fallacies nnd Itealltien" which
Mr. Harsreaves is preiichlns at the
Itaptlnt church, the next dNcunnlotl
will he o:i "Tin? Place of the Ceremo
nial In It.linlon." Thin theme, will
be opened next Sunday nisht. Sons
service nt ":."). Sermon at H o'clock.
K very bod v welcome.
Xo dirt or scrms flood Health
liread-A sanitary wrapper. Save
the coupons For sale at Parkers.
The bent planter. A piece of Man
uel dampened with Chamberlain's
Liniment and bound on over the
affected parts In siis-rlor to a plan
ter and costs only one tenth as much.
For sale by all dealers.
Hoti't trllle with a cold In sood ad
vice for prudent men and women. It
may be vital In case of a child. There
In iiothlus In-tter than ChamlM-rlaln's
finish Kemedy for coushn nnd colds
In children. It Is safe and sure. For
sale by all dealers.
Chan. T. Karly wan a Salem visitor
Thursday, where In- wan In attend
ance at an Important hearins In the
( )resoii State Supreme Court.
The subject before the Men's
I-asue of the lielshts at their regu
lar mietlns In the P.aptlnt church
readins room next Friday evenlns
will lie, "The Pacific States Tele,
sraph and Telephone Co. vs. The
State of Oregon In a suit now peml
Ins hefore the I'lilted States nipreme
court." This siibj'-cl In of particular
interest to t he people of Ori son an
the future of the Initiative ami liefer
endum depelidn nmnewliat on thin
decision of tin- supreme court. Prof,
tilhsou will open the dint-ussion. All
men Invited.
For Sale A fine lot of hay in the
Alt. Hood district. Near Alt. Hood
Post Office. Phone, Odcll 3ii or
2002 -x.
When the bowels become Irn-sular
you are uncomfortable, nnd tin
lonscr this condition exists the
worse yo-i feel. You ran j;et rid of
this misery i-ulcMy by u-liis Herblne.
Take a done on solus to bed nnd see
how fine J oil feel next day. Price
."iOc. Sold by ('has. X. Clarke.
You are not experlmenllns on
yourself when you take Chamber
lain's Polish Iteniedy for a col l, us
that preparation has won Its sreat
reputation and extensive sale by Its
remarkable cures of colds, and can
always be depended upon. It In
equally valuable f'r adults and chil
dren, and may be slven to youns
children with Implicit confidence, as
it contains no harmful drus- Sold
by all dealers."
n g
11 For Sale Cheap g
Inquire at flcbos Office
After five months with her mother
In the I'pper Valley, Mrs. Harris P.
Mien and youns son ha ve ret urned
to their Inline In .New York City.
J. W. Pifer, the popular book store
man, has rented the room in the
Hotel Oregon buildins formerly oc
cupied by Devlin & Fireballs'', and
will shortly in-jve Into It. Thechanse
In m. -I de necessary by Mr. Pifer's
sroulus business, w hich requires j
more room. ;
Try a loaf of Hood Health l'.reud
at Parker's. "It's sood to the last
crumb." Sa ve I he coupons.
For Sale-A fine lot of hay in the
Alt. Hood district. Near Alt. Hood
Post Office. Phone, Odcll 38 or
There are a few choice lots left In
the Mlddletoii Subdivision Jiirt south
of t he II ih School, both lunide ami
outside of Hie new sewer districts,
hlch cm be purchased for .'loo, $:;n
cash, $10 no n i lily- Installments. J.
I.. Henderson, Inc., by 1.. A. Hender
son. Chronic rheumatism contrac ts t he
muscles, distorts the joints and un
dermines the strensth. A powerful
penetralliis and rellevlns remedy
will be found in liallard's Snow l.inl
meiif. It restores Htrcns'h and sup
pleness to the nchlnif limlm. Price
J.V, .Vic and $1.00 per bottle. Sold hv
Chan. X. Clarke.
Joints that ache, muscles . .'
drawn or contracted, sin c:
treated with liallard's Snow I Jul
llient. It penetrate to the spot
where It In needed and relieve suffer
Ins. Price 'J.V, .0c and $1 (HI per bot
tle. Sold by Chas. X Clarke.
saateVs to 74-
5-croM Panel Doom, Gr quality $U0
Quutet-rouad. J. in., per 100 ft. 30 ct.
Odu Siding. 4 and 5 it. . $ 8 per M. 1
Flooring. 4 and 5 ft. , . $1 1 per M.
Drop Siding, 4 and 5 ft. . $11 per M
All No. I and 2 food Aaadaid flock.
bur ciir3 from our ttaory. is
middlemen ptolila. Onn
txic. sell la urbody, tlup
urwhera. Send ue your ka
fat eftimabof pocaudlreuil.
The Satisfactory Solution of Your
Water Supply Problem
will be reached by installing in your home a pneumatic
Leader Water JmM
Supply System
You ran hflvr n?atrr lint nr n1d
- - - - v., wvt.k i r . .
fnr Utrhen. bnlh biimlro tti isarn anA an J IrV'J
. ' " Vtl,
omer purpose requirea, at a moaerate cost
Will also afford fire protection.
The most efficient, economical and depend- 2is
able water supply system to be bad.
A sic ynnr local dealer to explain about tba
Leader System or write for our booklet,
"How I Solved the Water Supply Problem."
LEADER IRON WORKS, Dept. 21, Decatur, III.
.154. IS
4 b mt
Apple Land and Orchard Company
Oltloo, No. O Oak Street, Phono 26 o 2002k, Hood River