THE'HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1911 7 CENTRAL OREGON AS SEEN BY HOODJIVER PARTY (Continued from Pave 1) farm after einerRluK from Hevernl inilt-M of riinyim. CoiiiiiiimIIimim farm Iioiim-m antl tiullillniiH were nottcentile throughout SIhtiiuiii eounty, liullt 111 the ywirn when wheat farming there wan profitable. WaMco, the tlrnt SheriiiHii county town reached, prenented an oi appearance of de cay noil Improvement; of wooilcn ItilllilliiK1 (lewcrteil antl lirlik Htruc turcH recently titillt. From there to Moro, the county Heat, and (iriiHH Valley, mile after mile of rich wheat (toll lay on every hand, miliject to the tickle KO'hh'HM of rain for production. We were Informed ly the owner of 11 law wheat farm that lltflit cropH had liceii harveMted for Hevernl yearn and that thin year much of the wheat wait Injured liy rain during the tlirenhtiiK hpiihdii. Me Htatel, however, that expectation) for a line crop next year ran high, due to the heavy early Septelnlicr ralim. Ilowlini; itloiig ami climlilnu: rapidly we hit Kent at an elevation of S.MM) left. Ten tnilcH Houth of Kent we croHHcd the Hue liack Into WaHcu county ami ncvcn iiiIIch further on came to Shaulko, the teriulniiH of the liranch railroad that runx out of I'.lKK". ami for many yearn the Htart liK point for the entire central Ore jjon country. At an elevation of nearly 4. (M0 feet Khantko hitiiim nearly on top of the world, and ltn main nnnvt In Hcenery. For inlleH urouml t here In no row liiH thlnK except here anil there HtraKKliuK patchen of hmc tirunli. Hut the view thin In imiKnllicent. Spread out for nillen l the Hiirround liiK country with elRht miiow capped peak In the distance Mount WuhIi liiKtou, Snowy l?utte, the Three SIh terw, llamoinl 1'eak, Itlack Hutte, Mount Jeffernon,. Mount Hood, Mount AdauiH la fact the entire ranne of the CaHcade mountain Im outlined atcaliiHt the nky for a dlntance of i.'iM iiiIIch. W ith the hulldliitf of the rall roadu up the )enchuten the jilory of Shaulko im a trading center Iihm de parteil, hut Itn Hcenery ft 11 1 reinaliiH. The hundrednof men, hornet), freight wiikoiim ami Htaert that traverned the roadH from the Interior to thin point In all klndn of weather are no more. The toot of the locomotive whlntlcat Madranand Kedmond un nouncen that prorenn han teen car ried KHI mllen furt her Into the Inter ior. Kxcept for the Antelope and part of the John Day country there In little left for Shaulko. Two hoteln, a Mrf wool warehoune and a live little newHpapcr are now Itn chief datum to dlxllnctlon. Nine inllcn further Houth drought unto Antelope, at the eile of the ntock country and a drop In eleva tion of almoHt 1.1MMI feet NentlliiK at tile hottom of foot IiIIIh, amid poplarit planted many yearn nun by Itn thrifty Scotch and Irlnli pioneer reHldentn, thin little center for nheep am) cattle men Hlept peacefully In the Hunllnht. The dayn when the cowboy rode In and nliot up the' town have appar ently none and not hlny; remalnn of Itn Htreutioun pant but bullet holen In the celling of Frank Sllvertooth'n fainoun Muloon. Ilnrdy, Intelligent Scot and Irlnhmen ami their dencen dautn are to be found 111 the Antelope country. I'ant mantern at raining and Judging hornen, cattle and nheep they lament the punning of the open range. Not the leant Interesting of them In Franklin Mclleth, born with the Htnell of heather In bin nontrlln ami landlord for l." yearn of the Oc cidental hotel. True to I'ncle Sam. but ntlll a lover of bin native land, every year or t wo he entertalnn the Oregon Scotch Society which gath crn at Antelope, and then there are great dolngn. The bagpipe plpen, kiltn tlanh In the Hiinnhlue, nimble feet leap over the broadnword and "Annie Laurie" and "The lilue lielln of Scotland are nung an only Scotch men canning them. 1-t It Ik nald alno that Franklin Mclleth In an good a hotel keeer an he In h Scotch man, which In nay lug a great ileal Indeed. leaving Antelope and Itn luterent Ing cltlzenn to the eant we took the road to Madran, panning through tliefamoun Cow Creek canyon and over the no lenn celebrated dobe IiIIIh. In the dayn of freighting Cow Creek and thene lillln were the terror of teamntern In wet weather and men, hornen and wagonn were frequently lont In getting through thin dauger otiHgup and nea of mud which af forded the only route to Madran, Itciid, I'rlnevllle and all that nectlon of Oregon country. We now struck Crook county and at Hay Creek, 1 JO mllen out from The Dallen, a rich hay country wan reached. Three mllen further.over nage brunh htlln nparnely timbered with juniper treen, brought un to Madran, now reached by both the Oregon Trunk and lienchuten rallroadn. Situated In a nandy tint Madran nppeared to be a thriving little city with the drawback, however, of hav ing a ncarclty of water. It In the (Grocery Bargains Sugar prices are soaring but you can save money by buying from us. Best Fruit Sugar, per Sack... S7.25 The Dalles Diamond Flour rcrSack- ( Tcr Parrel .. QjAv Clovcrlcaf Butter, per roll 75c Cbttolcne, 10 pound pail 1.50 Cottolene, 4 pound pail 60c Swift's Silverleaf Lard, 50 pound can 6.75 Swift's Silverleaf Lard, 10 pound pail 1.50 Swift's Silverleaf Lard, 5 pound pail 75c Swift's Jewell Compound, 50 pounds 4.75 Tea Garden Syrup, l-pal. can 85c Tea Garden Syrup, 12-gal. can 45c Karo Corn Syrup, No. 10 pail 00c We are Closing Out a 5tock of Chinaware at 5oc on the dollar. Call and look it over FHUIT JARr MASON Tint BRc Quart .fw Half Gallon $ .85 SCIIUAM PintToc Quart .85 Half Gallon 1.30 ECONOMY. ..Pint 85c Quart 1.10 Half Gallon 1.10 L. H. Huggins center of a wheat growing ami ntock country, hut In inont, InntanceH water han to tie hauled inllen for both do inentlc and drinking purponcn. Mad ran wan given a IiIk hoont when the rallroadn reached It and for a time Itn renldcutn entertained the belief that the railroad nhopn would tie lo cated there, hut It In now nald that they will lie placed at Opal City or Metolun, where both rallroadn take the name track. At prenent Madran In the ntartliiK point for ntacn (which hy the way are automohllen) and freighting teams for Kedmond, ltcnd and I'rlnevllle. Preferring a country where water wan a little mure plentiful, we punhed on to Kedmond. 33 inllen nouth. The run wan through a thickly-grown nage brunh and Juniper tree country, with lofty, rock-bound lillln. Here we Btruck the tlrnt evidence of the big Irrigation project of the IK' chutcH Irrigation and Tower Com pany, and alno got our tlrnt gllmpne of the fentlve jack rabbit. A number of thene leng eared npeedcrn ncooted acronn the road In front of the ma chine an we neared Kedmond about nuudowu, and In getting over the ground had un lieaten to a frazzle. With Irrigation, the country around Kedmond nhown evidence of lelng brought Into a high ntate of cultiva tion. Many new clearings are vlnl ble, and the noil, a rich, nandy loam, neemn capable of growing anything that will nurvlve late and early front. Kedmond wan putting on aim on ac count of the railroad having reached there the day before, and, attended by a vlnlt from (Jov. Went and Sam Hill, the traditional golden eplke had been driven by the little daughter of Mayor Jonen. The tow'i wan full of life and buntle, and preparatlonn were being made Jor a general whoop up Sept. Iluth. Kedmond du!m Itnelf the hub of Central Oregon, anil there In nome truth In the anner tlon. Half wny between Madran and Bend, It U the nearest railroad point to the I'rlnevllle country on the eant and Slntern, Laldlaw and Metolun on the went and nouth, and han a big area of good boll tributary to It. Comparatively npeaklng. In thin land of magnificent dlntancen It In near tliulier. An a bunlnenn place, Kedmond nhown enterprise and pros perity mid Infant building up. It In believed that fruit can be grown there nuccennfully, a In-llef borne out by the fact that at Slntern, l." miles nearer the Cascades mountains, some of the (luet peaches In the stare are grown. leaving Kedmond Saturday morn ing, we ran to Bend, a distance of 20 miles, parsing along the main ditch of the Iieschuten Irrigation nnd Power Company, 20 to 30 feet wide and conveying a large volume of water. The country between Bend and Kedmond Is comparatively flat, covered with nage brush and Juniper and with scattering pine timber, hand holdings are living cleared. Ir rigated and cultivated In thin nectlon, and It given promise of being one of the most productive and properoun In the Central Oregon country. At Bend we found the citizens excited by the coming of the railroad, which In expected to reach there October th. For a time at least, Bend will be the terminus of railroading Into this section of the state, and showed a more substantial growth than any town we hail yet visited. Several stone otlice buildings, built of red granite quarried In the ucar-by hills, were no ticeable, and the mnglc touch of water gave It green lawns to enhance the beauty of a number of handsome dwellings. Situated on the bauk of the Iieschuten river, which Is as placid an a lake at this point and for 40 miles above, the town reposes In the edges of pine timber. The hum of a sawmill announces that the timber is being transformed Into lumber. Bend's people are progres sive, and, like other Interior towns, the automobile has preceded the rail road. Substantial banking Institu tions, well-equipped stores and good hotel accommodations also mark the steady stride of progress. In dln tance. Bend In midway between The Italics and Medford, 175 miles from the Columbia river by wagon road and l."0 by rail. From Bend we dropped back on the went side of the Heschutes to Laldlaw, happening to arrive when a district agricultural exhibit was being held, and saw many tine speci mens of grain and vegetables grown without Irrigation. Lower down we stopped to view the celebrated ('line Falls, where the Deschutes drops. '10 feet, presenting a beautiful spectacle, and then pushed on over the plains to Crooked river canyon. Here we took the opportunity of seeing the Crooked river bridge, one of the mechanical marvels of the year and the third highest transpor tation bridge In the world. Tower ing above the yawning chasm for 32.1 feet, thin structure Is 300 feet long and Is anchored by huge abutments set In the solid rock sides of the can yon. One peep over the sides of thin mammoth crack In Mother Earth, caused, no doubt, by the sudden cooling of the earth's surface ages ago. In niilliclent to Instill fear Into the hearts of ordinary observers, al though the bridge workers swarmed over the spans of the partly com pleted bridge like files, apparently unmindful of any danger. The bridge Is located about ten miles be low Kedmond. Many of the huge parts of the structure were freighted In by wagon, and Its cost, when fin ished, will approximate half a mil lion dollars. Construction trains were running over it the day we were there, although the riveters were still at work. Passing under the railroad trestle we headed for I'rlnevllle. the county seat of Crook county. A tire blow out caused a sudden halt, and while It was lieltig repaired, lunch was pre pared and served In the open. The cook allowed no kicking, and, the Journey being resumed, we headed into the Crooked Klver valley at O'Neill and sped for I'rlnevllle, trav ernlug 13 miles of the bent looking country seen on the trip. Broad acres of hay and grain land, sleek, ntock, big ranch houses and farm buildings lined the way. The rouds were excellent, and the city of I'rlne vllle, lying at the head of the valley, proved to be the most attractive and prosperous visited. A handsome stone court house lends ofticlal dig nity to the town, while well-kept, sprinkled streets, broad sidewalks, a commodious garage, numerous au tomobiles, fine teams, good hoteln, splendid dwellings and well-stocked and fitted up stores of all descrip tions denote unquestioned prosper ity. With the railroad but twenty miles away, I'rlnevllle feels that It Is now almost a suburb of Portland, and Its enterprlnlng citizens have subscrllied $50,000 toward the con struction of an electric line to trav erse the valley and secure rail trans portation direct with the outer world. Power will be taken from the Crooked river, a few mllen east of the city. The termluus of the road will be at Kedmond or Opal City. A night ride through the Grizzly mountains of 50 miles brought un back to Antelope. On this run the jack rabbits, startled by the lights, cavorted around the car, dart ing In all directions, and one that wan too venturenome wan run over. IeavIng Antelope the next morning we panned through Shaulko, crossed the line Into Sherman county, struck Bakeoven and headed fur Nherar's grade, the terror of all who travel It. Down Its rocky ledge of road we slowly dropped, fearing each turn would send un to the bottom, no guenslug bow many hundreds of feet In-low. At the bridge over the Des chutes we saw the two new rail roads, Harrlman on the Sherman county bank and Hill on the Wasco side, and also the famous old Shemr place and water power site, valued at 50,0oo. The crawl up the grade on the Wasco side, was even longer and more dangerous and not until we were up on the plateau did we leel safe. From here we could look off for milt's and see the White Klver, Tygh Valley aud an Immense section of country that we had only skirted. From Sherar's bridge the run was through Boyd over ever stretching out and rolling wheat and hay lands to The Dallen. The trip past Chenowlth, through M osier and over the Cascades brought un again Into the valley of waving apple trees and the editor was made suddenly aware of thin fact by a whoop from his companion In the back seat, who was unable to restrain himself properly notwith standing that It was the Sabbath day. The conclusions reached by an In vestigation of the central Oregon country are that the coming of the railroad means a process of cutting up big acreages Into smaller ones, the Influx of a greater population and a rapid Increase In the refine ments of a greater civilization. The hardy cattleman natually re sents the plowing up of land be re gards as lietter adapted and more profitable f;r grazing than for farm lug. He points to the day when the big ranges were covered with cattle and declares times were then more prosperous In this big country, and It must lie admitted there Is much point to his argument when succes sive failures In wheat farming are taken Into consideration. On the other hand the wheat, hay and gen eral farmer desiring a more segre gated life presses his claims and is fast driving the stockman out. In the meantime the Iron horse Is lie coming more potent than the wild one. as has been tils' cane In other parts of t lie country, and the days of land freedom In central Oregon are over. The ultimate prosperity of thin great country far from being without Itn charm; where scenery Is a drug on the market, will depend on ah Intelligent selection of crops best adapted to semi arid conditions and high altitudes. An East Side Twenty For $10,000 GOOD TERMS Five Acres, 4 to 8 year apples Twelve Acres, yearling apples Half Acre, 3 year pears Near Church, School, Station and Store The Hood River District Land Co. THE SMITH BLOCK HOOD RIVER, OREGON S. E. BARTMESS Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer ESTABLISHED 18 YEAKS HOOD RIVER, OREGON XT V 5 DR.J.SOWEKBY Nerve Specialist and Chiropractor A Reliet tor All Diseases Ferguson Building Telephone 222 IIADLOCH & McCOiMINELL Real Estate And Insurance Next to Mt. Hood Hotel Unimproved Farms a Specialty Ottiec phone 45-L, Resitlence 3-15-K The Old, Reliable True-to-Name Nursery Of Hood Rlx)cr offers to planters for fall and spring, 1911-12 their usual choice stock of all leading varieties adapted to this locality. Our 15 years' experience in the Nur sery business in Hood River, the thousands of vigor ous, prolific trees that are annually testifying to the wisdom of our methods, and the hundreds of pleased customers should be sufficient recommendation to merit your patronage. Our trees are all grown on whole roots and all buds and scion3 are personally selected from the best bearing trees in Hood River, which insures healthy, vigorous, early bearing trees of known parentage and above all true-to-name. We are now booking orders for fall and spring de livery. Order now Defore stock is exaustea. Address all communications to The True-to-Name Nursery Mood River, Ore. Phone 2002-K LEADS ON THE HEIGHTS Bakery, Coilcctloncry. rruit, ice Cream, Soil Drinks, Etc c3 AUTO DELIVERY OF LARGE ORDtKS Come in, try our Piano, and leol at homo THE LIGHT DELIVERY AUTO $750, F. 0. B. Portland 5. VoCstorff Oistri6uter 1213 D Street. HccfS River .nLJUIJUI JULJUIJUIJLJJU! JLLJLLJLJ JLJ JL JJ j UIJUIJUIiLJJUI.lIJLIAIt!XJU ' F. B. SNYDER B. B. POWELL i nood River Plumbing company Sanitary Plumbing and Heating. Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Repairing Promptly Attended. ESTIMATES FURNISHED CASCADE AVENUE r s, U Y 1 1 N vji t-xpREs3 and AGGAr'E 4 i: s Office Phone 29 is. Residence 2J8K N Furniture and Tianos Mo)ed Wood Yard and Feed Store in Connection 3 i Mr i i nMor cn w w . n First Class Livery Phone S 1 Transfer and Livery company Freight and Baggage Transfer (ilNLRAL STORAGE HOOD RIVER, OREGON. II J n liFor Sale Cheap NEW LATEST MODEL n ii g Inquire at Rictus Office q H DDoannnnoonnninonnnnnannnna WHITE SEWING MACHINE i FOR SALE Range, Heating Stove and Other Household Furniture. 721 Columbia St. Phone 1 54-M