THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 4. 1911 5 STRONG LOCAL INTEREST IN CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (Continued From Fw 1) point. It U utterly InipoHHllile,' bt I'Hiiric, cltht-r imiteiiiillty with ull of It nilHcouct'ptlou, or Bplrltuullty with ull of Its perfection, must le true; mid the acceptance and knowl edge of the one ineunn the uuullillu tlon uud obllterutlou of the other. We (Hunt rle to the spiritual nttnl polnt of t'brlatja order thut we limy realize the purity aud uplifting which come to one w hen he kIvch up look ln at the Chrlut teaching from a iiiuterlallHttc utandpolnt. "The Scribes aud rharlneen failed to KfiMP the truth of the Mauler' tcaclilUK l)ecauHe their whole en deavor was from the 1uhU of Intelll-K-nt dlHcerument and dlMciiHHlon, and the world ban followed In their (notHtepH ever Hlnce, and utrlvlnn to underHtaiid bin teuchingH from t lilt viewpoint coutttltuteg an endeavor toJuHtlfy prenent condition rather than an endeavor to know the truth which be taught. "ChrlMt knew they were trying to harmonize Spirit with matter, the real with the unreal to prove to theiiiHelven the eternallty of matter anil the temporality of Spirit. And no he tiald, 'I thank thee, O Father. Lord of heaven and earth, because thou bant hid tbene thing from the wlwjiiud prudent and revealed them unto babe.' "The world at large ha had great mlHapprehenHlon a to the pOHltlon accorded to Mr. Kddy by the t hrl tlan NclentlHt. "They have never looked upon her a a Creator, but simply a a Kev elator, who, through couHccratlon, Helf-abnegatlon aud profouud ttplrlt ual Bearding of the Scripture, din cerurd the great Truth of the life 'bid with ChrUf lu Uod', which she traiiHcrlbed lu the Christian Science text-book, 'Science aud Health, with Key to the Scriptures,' so simply that any one who I willing to study may comprehend and know the 'Truth' which make man free. "Newtou did not create anything whenheguve to the world the law of gravitation. He simply dlnpelled It Iguoratice relative to something that had alway existed. "Fulton did not create anything when he ruvealed the power of steam to the world. He simply eliminated It Ignorance relative to the way In which It might be ued. NEW, PRACTICAL FRUIT CLEANING MACHINE Let your gasoline engine you use for spray ing clean your apples at about one-fifth of what it has been costing you and get better work with the... Enterprise Fruit Cleaner The Davidson Fruit Company will represent the manufacturers and are ready to make practical demonstrations of the machine and take your order at the same time. Owing to lack of facilities for manufacturing these machines, only a... Limited Number Can Be Furnished This Season THE MANUFACTURERS HAVE COMPLIED STRICTLY WITH THE GOVERNMENT PURE FOOD LAWS IN THE MANUFACTURE OF White River Flour It Is Unbleached For Lime, Cement and House Plaster See STRANAHAN & CLARK Electrical Contractors 'Bailey SSL Colby Harimcss Hldg. Thonc 60X Estimates Cheerfully Furnished High (iraJe Llectrlc Fixtures Up-To-Date (ilassware estlnghouse tllcctrlc Motors Heating Apparatus, lite. Full Line of Flectric Wiring Supplies We (iuarantee Satisfaction J. M. SCHMELTZER F. A. BISHOP HOOD RIVER ABSTRACT COMPANY ABSTRACTS Insurance Conveyancing Surety Bonds "Accuracy" is Our Motto Office In New Mcilnronner Building Phone 2J Hood River, Oregon "Marconi lu giving uh the wireless, Morwe lu giving um the telegraph, and Urahatu and Bell lu giving u the telephone, gave uh nothing new, They dimply eliminated Iguorunce relative to facta, principle, aud law that had always leen. "Mm. Eddy found the world steeped In Ignorance of the spiritual fact of the Intiulte (iod, and, because she has ellmliiuted thin Ignorance to thorn) who have studied the Chris tian Science text-book, she Is the avenue through which God's word Is Income practical as a 'very pres ent help In time of trouble,' and Is a revelator of right thinking based on the fact that tiod Is Mind, which Is salvation or the kingdom of God come unto us. "Christian Science Is not Mrs. Ed dy's science, It la Christ's science or Christ's eternal continuity, presence, and activity manifested In works as well as words, teaching us that only as we Intelligently know and have righteous faith In hi in, and prove It by demonseratlon, have we lecome as little children accepting the king dom of heaven which is 'within.' "We have scant record of what Jesus the Christ said while on earth, but the testament Is Gllled with rec ords of what he did, and In working out our salvation it Is Just as essen tial that we do the works In obedi ence to his commands as It Is that we obey his words, for he said, 'He that belleveth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; be cause I go unto my Father'; and no one may say that he did not mean that his statement should In? taken literally. "The arm of the Lord Is not fore shortened unto this generation. The Word of God has not disappeared from the face of the earth. The law of (iod has not ceased to be law, nor has the will of God ceased to bring out the lawful sequence of (iod, Christ, man and the universe, all co existent aud all In agreement as cause aud effect, one and Insepara ble, all spiritual and etsrnal, mani festing Life and Truth and Love. "We really sum up all the teach lugs of Christian Science when we bring out the right knowledge of Love. It Is Love that healed the sick through Jesus of Nazareth. It Is Love that healed the sick through his disciples. It Is Love that healed the sick through patriarch and prophet. It Is Love that was maul tested to this world through the leader of the Christian Science movement, rs. Kddy. It Is Love that Is the redeemer of promise. It Is Love that comes Into our thought, driving out hate, malice. Jealousy, enyy, striving, contention, and mad ambition. "It Is Love that prepareth a table Itefore us In the presence of our ene mies, teaching us our enemies are not the brethren, but the wrong thoughts we have and cling to. "It Is Love that establishes In earth Ills kingdom as It is In heaven. It Is Love rightly understood that establishes the universal brother hood of man, wherein there Is no way-, no will, and no law save (Sod's. "And It Is this Love manifested through Christian Science which has drawn Jew, Gentile, Pagan, Agnos tic, and Atheist unto Christ through lifting him 'up from the earth' Into the realm of Spiritual reality and consciousness, wherein God Is wor shipped 'In spirit and In truth.' "Christian Science has not attained Its unassailable position In the relig ious world through the worship or adulation of personality, but has grown as It has through the elimi nation of personality through the elimination of the belief that the mortal man which David, writing of his own human birth, tells us Is 'shapen In Iniquity and conceived In sin,' Is the God-made man, the man that lie made In Ills Image and like ness; and the establishment in thought of the Individuality of the Spiritual or real man who Is the Image and likeness of God. "The proper comprehension of man comes through worshiping God In spirit and In truth, rendering one Immune from any matter what It tuny seem to te, giv ing one a measure of that peace which conies with active, conscious growth In grace unto a right knowl edge of (iod. "Mrs. Kddy, the Ix'ftder of the Christian Science movement, was one of the humblest and meekest fol lowers our Master ever had on this earth. She thwarted every attempt to give her adulation, for she realized If the time ever (came when personal worship entered the ranks of the Ktl enttsts, that would be the time when they hail ceased to worship the one God and had descended to tjie plane of the children of Israel, where as God, through Moses, led them out of the land of sorrow and woe, they turned unto the worship of the gold en calf. Christian Science teaches that personal worship Is abhorrent unto God and an Insurmountable barrier between God and himself to any one who Indulges In It. " 'The Christian Science text-book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mrs. Kddy's legacy to suffering and slu-slck humanity, en ables one to find the spiritual truths lu the Illble, simplifies and elucidates their teachings and makes practical the example of our Master while on earth. It does not not supersede nor does It take the place of the litble, but makes It more desired and studied than ever before. "legitimate Christian Science fs re vealed only through profouud spirit ual scriptural research based on the desire to Justify God rather than man, and the Christian Science text book in its absolute Insistence on un qualified obedience to the commands of Christ Jesus has been literally a light unto the world and the Ulera tor of all mankind from the letter of the law which kills. "The Bible teaches that God Is Love, and this Love Is all that can bring to us the Infinite and unbound ed sense of good. "It is futile to strive to know God In any other way than In the way Christ knew Him, for there Is no oth er 'way' than Christ. The 'way' has not changed, so we must walk In It that we may be saved. "Jesus the Christ said to Saul. In the vision on the road to Damascus, 'It Is hard for thee to kick against the pricks,' and striving to know God In any way but Christ's Is kick ing 'against the pricks.' . "In every step of the struggle out from materiality Into spirituality do we find Love with us, not thrusting temptation from us, but Instantly freeing us when we resist It and en dure 'unto the end.' Jesus said 'Come unto me, all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.' Christian Scientists are dem onstrating the absolute truth of his statement. No matter what the problem calls Itself, no matter how It presents Itself, they take It straight to God, the Great Physician, and the Word does not return unto Him void, but heals them from all their diseases and delivers them from all their destructions. "The message of Christian Science to mortals Is the message of hoe, the message of activity and the mes sage of Joy. It Is the glad tidings that at last we know how to wor ship God and how to 'Walk In the Spirit' that we may not fulfill 'the lust of the flesh,' but 'press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God In Christ Jesus,' 'For of hi m, and through him, anil to him are nil things: to whom lie glory for ever. ' if you want to Is? comfortable burn coal. We are prepared to furnish It In any quantity. Plenty on hund and more coming. e handle the best quality of Wyoming coal. Transfer & Livery Compaoy. Phone 5. Kffects from typhoid cured. Dr. Sowerby. Bring Your Horse Here to be shod as he should be. We will shoe him with shoes that fit, that will correct many a fault in his gait. SHIVELY & DRISCOLL The W. G. Aldred Co. CONTRACTORS EXCAVATING AND GRADING Crushed Rock and Gravel HOOD RIVER, OREGON WE FURNISH FRUIT PICKERS AND PACKERS And All Kinds of Employees... N I GUM A & CO. Phone 160 14 Fast Oak Street Hood River, Or. HT cunt Weed Raifreacl Time Tb1 No. 10, Efftci. April l.'ih. 1 3:C I A. M. N OWTM P.M. 10 05 A.M. SouTW I 8.00 Hood Kiver 8.05 Powerdale 8.15 Switchback 8.35 Vanllorn 8.40 Mohrs 8.55 Odcll 9.10 Summit 9.20 Hloueher 9.40 Win and 9.45 Ar. Deo 10.15 Lv. Doe 10.25 Troutcreek 10.40 Wood worth 10.50 Ar. Tarkdalo 3, 3 2, o o it 2, 2 o 2.30 25 15 05 00 50 45 1 Lv. 1 Ar. 1.25 1.20 1.05 Lv. 1.00 Sundivi, north boumt rritn will run two houri lite. hw Khcdulc, hiving Parkdak J p. m. A. WILSON, Agnt. Oregon Hotel Special Dinner A HiHtlul table d'hote dinner will I) nerved at the Hotel Oregon every Sunday from 5:.'f0 to 7:.'!0 p. ni. for 7. cento. Analu carte meal will alxo be served. MuhIc by the Mandolin Club. Dine with us. Stomach trouble cured. Dr. Sowerby. A. W. ONTHANK NOTARY PUBLIC Dealer in CITY PROPERTY Legal Papers carefully drawn. Money loaned on First Mortgages Fire Insurance in best Companies. Surety Bonds of all kinds. Stenography and Typewriting. Business promptly attended to. K6 Onk Street Hood River W. J. BAKER Real Estate Loans Insurance APPLE AND STRAWBERRY LAND A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited lient & Garrabrant Confectionery, Cigars Fishing Tackle Spaulding's Sporting Goods All Kinds of Soft Drinks Oak Street, oppoaita Smith Block. Hood River. ALL KINDS OF Painting and Papertianging DECORATING WORK GUARANTEED FRED WALSH Phone 283-M On The Heights ' H. YAMA GARBAGEMAN AND DAY WORKER Phone 160 14 Oak Street Telephone between 7 and 10 p. m. Cdc arc now tafung ordero for Hpplc Bopces Stanfey-Smitfi utti6er Co. Heed Ricer, Oregon Prtena 124 Upper Valley Lumber Co. We are now in a position to furnish ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER of the various kinds Apple Boxes and Strawberry Crates for this season. Orders and bills promptly filled. Also 1 6-Inch Rick Wood for Sale. HAY & VVEISEL 1 l-Z miles Southeast of Parkdale THE Middle Valley Mill Is now open and ready to furnish Lumber and Building Mateaial Located 3 1-2 Miles South of 0 d ell MT. HOOD MILLING CO. - Phone 641 MEN t J, jv 1 r j COME TO PORTLAND AND BE CURED IN FIVE DAYS I Treat anJ Car From 25 to 40 Cam per Day of Varicose Veins, Blood Poison, Neryqos Deiiuit I can and will car yoa. I hare the best equipped inedi cloftic on the Coast. I in Tit yon to come tn my office. I will explain to yon my treatment for Varicose Veins. Nervous Debility, Blood Poi oo. Piles, Fistula, Bladder, Kidney, Prostatic and all Man's Ailment-sand give you FREE a physical examination; if necesAary a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions. Yon should take advantage of this opportunity to learn your true physical condition. A permanent Curs is sal ym von. A ptrmtnent Curs W what I give. WIITTII OUslsfni My written guarantee means a cure or no pay. I guaran We to euro or refund erory dollar you have paid. My aerrices cost you nothing unless I cure rou. Terms axe reasonable and no more than you are able ana willing lu pay for benefit. Office Hours 9 a.m. to I p.m. Sa&dayt. io a.m. to t p.m. a. O. Snilch. M. D. I im the only nciliat in Portland who doe sot soverto a fictitious name or phototrsrh. I puhliah myown photoirTsph.corTet name and personally conduct myothi-e. "606" rOI ILOII 0IS0l I use Professor Ehrlich's. wonder, ful new discovery, MJ" in casea of Specific Blood Poison It cures in One Treatment and is the greatest marrel of medical science. This new remedy has been eueceHfully uwd in thousand of canes. Let me explain it to yoa. nO A D C If ITU S4M0miI8O8T.,COl IIOOMD UfliMi Us Oml I n roETLAXD, oaxeo APPLES FOR EUBOrE LONDON OUR CHARGES 6 cents per box & 5 J. B. Thomas GLASGOW & EDINBURG, 10 cents per box & 5 Jas. Lindsay & Son Ltd. HULL 8 cents per box & 5 White & Son Ltd. , and Rawson & Robinson Cash cabled if required the day after sale. References at First National Bank, Hood River, Ore. We also ship Denmark, Sweden, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany and Austria. We are not salaried or part of any Eu ropean firm who must ship to their prin cipals . CONSULT US for the best markets and PROPER CHARGES. 1 i. w M 11 by 76 PARK PLACE, NEW YORK