2 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4. 1911 EVANGELIST ORGAN STARTS CAMPAIGN Evangelist Organ U ntnrtlntt it re vival meeting til the Kirn I Christian church, this city, w here Mr. Hand Maker Ih pastor, and lie In said to te different. He Wglns on time and closes on time. He uses n cot net. He liken lltsul Kiver an.) our apples. He dis-s not put en high pressure. H I r , .. EVANOEI.IST OKiiAN letu ever.v man decide (or himself. No personal work l carried on dur Inn the invitation. Hp often says, "We don't want you to come down the aisle unless you mean business." Yen, you will enjoy these tneetlugs. Try It tonight. Already several have lieen adiled to the church, anil many others are thinking of duty. The prospects are bright for a great meeting. The ser mon for the next few day are: Wednesday "The Ideal Preacher." Thursday "The levU and His Way." Friday "We Would See Jesus." Saturday "Love and Ols-dience." Svndny morning "The True Gold en Hule." . Sunday evening "Convincing the World." Monday "The Second Coming of Christ." Tuesday "The Great and Final Judgment." You are asked to read the book of John through now and all of these sermons are taken from that hook. F.ach service Is'glns promptly at T.'M and closes at 9 o'clock. Come early to get a good seat. Big Excursion To see fine 10-rooin modern home and Iwatitlful grounds, also two nice view lots In Is-aring orchard. Finest location In city. See It. It. Owens at W. F. Hand home. Phone !t-K-For quick sale, cheap, on easy terms, or for rent. r"nby Part. G A. R MoeU mt the K. of P. '-'hall the second and fourth Saturdays of the month at 2 p. m. (jwj. P. Croweil. commander; S. V. Blythe, adjutant. Canby W. R. C. No. 16-Meet second and fourth Saturdays fif earn month in K. of P. hall at 2 p. in. Mrs. Abbie Baker, president; Mrs. Kath ryn Gill, aecretary. fourt Hood Kier. No. 42. F. of A., meets every Thursday evening- in K. of P. hall. Vimtinir Foresters always welcome. Wm Flemminif. C.K.; F. a Brosius. F. S. IJood Kiver Ivxlire. No. 105. A. F. A A. M Meets Saturday evening on or before ea-h full moon. Geo. Slueom, W. M.; D. McDonald, secre tary. Hood River Camp. No. 77(12. M. W. A.-MwU in K. of P hall first and third Wednesday niichts. C. 8. Junes, V. C; C. V. Dakin. clerk. Hood River Tamp. No 770. W. O. W.-Mwts at K. of P. hall the second and fourth Wednesday nitrhta of each month. W. E. Shay. C. C; Floyd Biierhna. clerk. IIoihI River Valley Hjmane Soriety Phone lo. H. Hartwia. president; Harold Herahner, aecretary: Leslie Butler, treasurer. Tdlewilda ly.Iire. No. IT. I. O. O. F.-M.-ets in Fraurmal hall every Thursday evening at 7 :r, t the out-tier of Fourth and Hkk streets. Vieitir. if brothers welcomed. A. K. Crump. N. G ; G. W Thompson, secretary. Kemp Lnrix-e. No. 11. I. O. O. F.-M-U In the Oiid Fellows hall at Udell every Saturday niarht. Visitinir brothers cordially welcomed. O. H. fbavjea, N. G.: F. L. Kelso, aecretary. Laurel Rebeka I-odire No. H7. I. O. O. F.-Met tirst and third Mondays in earh morah. hdith Wilson. N. G.; Nettie Muses, secretary. Mount Hood I-odice, No. 2U6. I. 0. O. F . meets every baturday eveniris in Gnbble's hall. Mt. Huud. M W. bhearer. N.G.; G. W. Dunmick. aerrwtary. Mountain Home Camp. No. 349. R. N. A -Meets at K. of P. hall on the aerond and fourth Fridays of each month. Mra. Lulu Cary, O.; Mra. fclla Uakin. recorder. Oleta Asaembly. No. If. U. A.- Meets in their hall the first and third Wednesdays, work: aecund and fourth W'edneadays. aortal. C. L. H enrich. M. A.; W. H. Austin, aecretary. Ore,. Grape Rebekah Ixlire No. 1K1. I. O. O. F - Meets every aerotid and fourth Wednesdays In each month in Gribble s hall. Mt. Hood. Or. Mra. Mamime IimniK-k. N. G.; Mrs. Nettia tribble. secretary. Riverside Ixxire. No. 6H. A. O. tT. W.-Meets In K. af P. hall the first and third Wednesday niarhta of the mmth. Visiting- brothers conitaliy welcumed. Newton Clark. M. W.i Cheater Khuta, recorder. Waueuma Ixlire. No. 80. K. of P.-Meets In their laatie iiall every Tuesday nihu when ekaitina' brothers ant fraternally welcomed. K. W. btark. C. C; Lou. 8. laenberr. K. of R. B. Temple Pythian Sisters. No. -Me1eth first and third Tuewlay of ea K month at K. of P. Kali, bell Uobeon. M. C C; GrtruJ Stark, M. a) H I C mam i J Overcoats and Suits One of the new overcoat styles that is froing to be worn a lot this fall is the new Italian. You know how a Kaplan is made with an over-the-shoulder seam; jives it a swajrjrer look. Hart Schaffner & Marx know just how to do it rivrht; their llaplan model is one of the snappiest we've ever seen. You'll find here a lot of other tfood things, too. Any day you feel like looking at some good clothes, we feel like showing you some. II. S. & M. Overcoats 01 P Cfl and for OlDiOU up Other makes for $5 and up to $ I 5 II. S. & M. Suits J-jg QQ and Other makes for $5 and up to $ I 5 Hood River's Largest Department Store Cosvhabl Hart Schaffner St Msrx Special Kid Gloves 47c At these prices you have your choice of black, tan and white Kid Gloves, sizes 5 12 to 7. Gloves that formerly sold at $1 yty a pair; slightly mussed. Your choice t j PARI Millinery You do not want to overlook our Milli nery Department if you wish to save money on your millinery purchases. Hesides, we will give you the very latest styles and at a less price than you can get the same quality for elsewhere. Our stock is the largest in the city and under the charge of one of the best milliners in the state. We also carry a full line of trimmings of all kinds, includ ing one of the largest lines of plumes and feathers ever brought to the city. Let us show you. 2nd Floor Outing Gowns A fine line of Children's Outing Flannel Night Gowns from 3 to 14 years of age. They are made of good quality outing flan nel in plain colors or in neat pink or blue striped etl'ect. Well made, neatly finished SET 45c, 50c, 70c and SI. 00 An extra fine line of Ladies' Flannelette Night Gowns; shown in plain colors or in neat pink or blue stripes. All weights in light, heavy or medium. Extra well made SnniaV.70c,85c,S1 ai.dS1.25 Ladies' New Fall Suits We are showing an unequaled line of Women's Nobby Fall Suits at prices of $10, $11. $12. $15, $16.50, $20, $22, $23 and $25. We ask your critical inspection of workmanship, material and style; we'll be proud to show them. Materials are serges, fine worsteds, cheviots and English suit ings in greys, browns, greens and blacks. Exiert fitter in attendance,' insuring you a perfect fit where alteration is necessary. SpecialLadies Tailored Suits and Coats Here is certainly a big bargain in Ladies' Tailored Suits and Ixng Coats that we want to close out quickly. Values up to $30.00. You do not want to miss this chance. Your choice of any suit flr nn 'or coat on the rack for only OuiUU We have a fine lot of Children's, Misses' and Indies' Rain Capes and Coats. These are just the thing for fall and rn winter wear. Prices from... uliuU ur 2nd Floor A full line of Misses' Winter Coats just received. Come in and look them over. 2nd Floor A. I JR. The 5tore that Saves You Money EXPECT BUSY WEEK FOR CIRCUIT COURT With a lar;t iiuhiIkt of civil ntnl equit.v PiiHi'H on tltt tliH-kft, nnil the Km mi jury In hchkIoii. the Ortnlier term of circuit court openeil here MoiuIm.V, Jiulite Bnnlwha w preeiillni;. A number of the ciiac w ill lie curried over for another term, lull the trial of several of them, ami arumae ntx on motion ilennirrerH, In expect ed to occupy the attention of the court for mont of the week. Aiming the latter will come up the applica tion for an Injunction rent riilulnti the city from telllnt the water IioihIh. Although the jtrand jury Ihih made no report an yet, it expected that It will return neveral indlctmentx, among them one uiritini-t the hox car thieves recently arrented here. With considerable buxliienn in niht, it liuny week In expected In court. Among the civil tnnen In that of Matt Douglas and l)avld I'eck, who are suing the county for f J.imki damages. The firnt cane put on trial wan that of thr M osier Fruit (irowem' Asnociutiou ngatnnt the Oavldnon Fruit Company, growing out of a re fusal of the latter to accept neveral shipments of fruit claimed liy the Da vidson Company not to lie according to the contract. The cane occupied the session Mond.iy afternoon and evening and also Tuesday. The Da vidson Company In represented liy Attorney S. W. Stark and the M osier association by Stearns Derby. See Frank Chandler When you want a demonstration. Delias the agency for the K. M. F. and Flanders, the world's best sell ers on merit. A guarantee with every car. They surely have no com petltors In their claws. Accessories carried In stock, i'hone "L': X . DIED JOHN I.. 1IAVIK John L. Davis, a well known resi dent of tlie I'lne lirove district, died at his home there Sunday, October 1st, aged !:! yearn. Mr. Davis was bora in ( hio and came to regon In 171, settling in Washington county, in he was married to Miss Jo anna ''. Winters, afterward remov ing to Yamhill county where he re sided for :n years and was engaged in mercantile pursuits. In I'.Mil Mr. Davis retired from business ami came to Hood Kiver. where he resided un til the time of his death. In addition to his widow lie Is sur vlved by four children, Ammond M. and Harold M. of Xewberg, Ore., iierl'ii of Sell wood and Mrs. Daisy I'ape, of Willows, Calif. The funeral of Mr. Davis was held at Fine (irove church Tuesday after noon at ami burial was in I'lne (irove cemetery. Deaths Friday. Sept. I'iltli. Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tyler. I'.urlal In Mlewilde Cemetery. Tuesday, Sept. 2'ith, seven months old child of T. Schabata. MARRIED OOHllONSPAUKH J.Kdward liordon of Portland nnd Miss Caroline Sparks were married Sunday afternoon at the home of J. II. rioodpnsture, the ceremony being performed by Kev. W. IS. Young of Anbury Methodist church. Mr. and Mm. liordon will reside In Portland. Births Horn To Mr. and Mm. Milo Fred erlck, Friday. Sept. H'.Kh, a girl. I'orn To Mr. and Mm. J. II. Hutch. Monday. October H, a boy. Trv t he Classified Column. W P Economical Spices There is a big Saving when you buy good SPICES. You don't have to use much of any particular spice in order to secure a delightful food or preserve. We have piquant, sharp, pungent and tart spices that give a relish and zest to cooking. CM AS. N. CLARKE glacif:h pharmacy Hood River :: :: Oregon y ' : ' I II ri 1 "lliJsaWiaBasaamaaamaaKasaB L'nder the auspices of Mrs. Doletha Mortimer antl Mrs. D. Etta Iiancroft, now In charge of the Inn at Hood Kiver Mineral Springs, a series of the most enjoyable and brilliant social affairs of the setismi was given by Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Done Friday and Saturday. On Friday Mm. Done was hostess at a 1 o'clock luncheon at which :JT guests were present. Seven courses were served, the guests being seated In the dining room and on the large veranda, which was transformed into a bower of beauty by the use of autumn leaves Interspersed with electric lights. The color scheme In t lie din ing room, which was also prettil decorated, was pink and white. During t lie serving of the luncheon, guests were entertained with music furnished by the Hood Kiver Mando lin Club. An afternoon of whist fol lowed, the honors being taken by Mrs. A. A. Jayne. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Done entertained n large party at progressive whist. Nine tables were put In play. Die honors going to Mm. V. C. Drock and Mr. A. W. Rallies. Satii'day evening nine tables at bridge were til led, the fortunate ones being Mrs. i. C. Haworth and Mr. James P.. Montgomery. A featu re of the even ing affairs was the lighting of the beautiful driveway, lined with pop lar trees, with electric lights. A number of the lady friends of Mm. J. W. ( rites entertained Saturday afternoon at the home of the hostess at whist, concluding with a dainty luncheon. The first prize was won by Mm. Kanaga, Mm. Harry DeWitt securing second. At the home of the hostess on the Fast Side, the ladles of the Congre gational Aid Society were enter tained by Mm. II. S. Keed. About :r ladies were present and at 4 o'clock an elaborate luncheon was served. (irace U. I). Church News The I'.rul herhoood is already a po tent factor for good In this commu nity and proposes to undertake large things during the winter months. F. K. Dartmess, the aresldent, ap pointed representative commit tee men for every department of the work, at the meeting Inst Friday night. v Wednesday evening there will Is- a meeting of the olliclal hoard, follow ing the tnhl-week prayer service. Sunday services, as follows: Sun day school at Ida. in. The pastor will speak at 11 a. in. Subject: "Is tin; Christ Worthy of Hood Kiver's Dest?" Christian Ktnleavor at fi:.'SU p. in., Minn Marion Sloat, leader, (iospel service at ":'-Vl Sicctal music h both services. J. D. Parsons, Pastor. Christian Science services are held In Heading Koom, .No. 0, Davidson building, Sunday at 11 a. in. and Wednesday at H p. tu Sunday school at 10 a. in. IMPERIAL POTENTATE GUEST OF SHRINERS Met by 4" Shriners from a dozen different temples John Frank Treat, Imperial Potentate of the Mystic ( Irder of the Shrine for North America was escorted over t he valley Thurs day and afterward given an informal reception and luncheon. Tlie trip over the valley was made in ten automobiles owned by meiiib. em of the Masonic fraternity, ending In a visit to Allen (i. Lewis, a fornn r townsman of Mr. Treat at Fargo, North Dakota. ( n the return of t lie party to town a reception was held and later Mr. Treat was the guest of honor at supper. A. A. Jayne presided an toantmaster and informal talks, in teresting to members of tlie order, were made. As the guest of Col. Tucker and ('has. Hall Mr. Treat was taken fur a ride through tlie I'ppi-r Valley Fri day, leaving for Spokane in the evening. faintwhenTlea for liberty fails Sick antl in a pitiable condition Fdwnrd (1. (iilison, arrested last week for cashing worthless drafts,' was given n hearing before Judge Duck Friday, (iibson made a strong plea to be allowed his liberty. Con- i fronted with wrongdoing at Salem In addition to his escapades at Hood Kiver hit promised if liberated to sipiare himself. On being Informed by the Judge that the law would have to take Its course (iilison fell to the floor In a fit and had to lie taken to the hospital for treatment. flt pays to advertise. j A POORLY RUNNING WATCH 15 WORSF; THAN NONl: '' j . ,. . . i . . . r;. mu never kihiw ine ngni time, can t depend upon it for keeping business engagements, liable to stop any minute. NEEDS CLEANING That's All! If you've that kind of a timepiece, let us reno vate it for you. The cost will be trifling. Arthur Clarf(e The Jeteteler Another Musical Treat The mimical treat which the ladies of the Congregational church are promising Hood Kiver Is taking shape and a delinlle program will be announced next week. Tlie names of those who will take part, how ever. Indicate an evening of rare pleasure. Among them are Mrs. ('. Iv Collin, Mrs. Frank Deem. Mrs. ( has. Ilennev, Mrs. P. S. Davidson, Mm. Chan. Hall, O. T. Wedemyer and .1. A. lipping. Copy for advertisements MUST be in the office by Monday NOON. COAL! Rock Springs COAL TRANSFER & LIVERY COMPANY Diggest Snap in Hood Kiver For sale or rent, 1u-room modern home and beautiful grounds, also two nice view lots In on-hard. See K. P.. Owens at once at W. F. Kami home. Phone Ml-!. GHiGSiESTEft SPILLS BRAND v . rwa if f J"' 'r..t for Cnt-CHHS-TKR'S Ll A. MONO I.,, , ....'. tu - in lhu aniu "rs, ITIIN Wlta I Klblion. Till no tirUKS. Bara. tlAMONU HKANU Pill.", for I wrntT (l-O years rrKsnlrl as Br.t. Kslt-.l. Always krllsble. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE DIAMOND II. C. JOHNSON Carpenter and Builder Second and State Sts. Phone Shop 243-X; .Res. 87-L Star Orchard Ladders Strong, ) And the n Light Price V Durable) Is Risht 0 Blowers Hardware Co.