THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1911 7 WHARF RAT COLONY INVADES ASHLAND "Wharf rut n Imve U-en noticed fur the. pant year, frequently at point near the railroad tracknatid enpeelal ly In the railroad yanU. A lirood of them fume tu Unlit during the nl Hence from home for the Hummer of a family who live on Alldu tnet,y Ma.VH the Axhlund Herord. "A colony of rat In now located In the Hcrap heap In the rear of the round hotine and alH under the Hand Iioiiho. Thene wharf rata were brought Into AhIiIiikI by the railroad, but up to n few yearn uk they were not very noticeable. "Their native habitat In the nea level, but having Iteen brought Into a higher Inland Hectlon, the youug iMTame uccllmated. Though not llourlHhlng an In their natural envi ronment, Htlll they are making norue headway here. "On account of the bul.onlc plague REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BUTLER BANKING COMPANY at Hind River, in the State of Oregon, at the clone of business September Ut. lilll. RESOURCES Loam and diaeounU I Sli6.138.30 Orerdrafta. aecured and unsecured 7,922.1)8 Honda and warrants 9,442.09 None None Furniture and fixtures 5.700.55 Other real estate owned None Ihie from banks (not reserve banks) None Due from approved reserve banks 115.xx6.76 Checks and other caah items 12.718.77 Exchanges for clearing house None Cash on hand 27.911.44 Stocks and other securities . Hanking house.. Total $ 66,?j4.(t LIABILITIES Capital stork paid in I 50.000.00 Surplus fund 50.000.00 Undivided profit, less expenses and Uxeapaid 12.921.M Dividends unpaid None Due to banks and bankers 1.761.28 Individual deposits subject to check 4.r;7.62y.66 Demand certificates of deposit 26.4K9.43 Certified Checks 5X7.38 Cashier's checks outstanding 159.90 Time certificate of deposit 39.XX3.46 Barings Deposits 45.812.22 Notes and bills redincounted None Hills payable, including certificates of deposit for money borrowed None Liabilities, other than those above stated B50.00 Total f 6X5.794.X6 State of Oregon. County of Hood River, as. I, Truman Buller. Cannier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the tiest of my knowledge and belief. TRUMAN HUTLER. Cashier. Subncrilied and sworn to before me this 8th day of September. 1911. EaNKKT C. SMITH. Correct-Atteat: Notary 1'ublic Lkhlib Hl'Tl.ER, F. McKbrcher, Directors. which vlntted Nan FranclHco and vl tlnlty a few year ngo, a great sum of money whh expended In that city and other neaport (It leu In that we tlon for the purpone of exterminat ing ratH, which are known to be a HcrloiiH factor In preadlng Infection of varloiiH klndn, particularly bu bonic plague. "It would be nn enny matter at thin time for the people of Anhland to exterminate thin colony lefore it getn too numeroiiH and wldenpread A H.VMtematlc campaign In the rail road yardn and vicinity would tiring rt-HiiltH, an thene ratn are known to lie eaHtly polnoned, eating eagerly all klndH of bait without discrimination." Birth Statistics for July and August The birth Htatlntlcs taken from the hook of Dr. AI. F, Shaw, county health ofllcer, and Dr. Malcolm Itron Hon, city health ofllcer, show that 31 children were born in the county of Hood Itlver during the inontliH of July anil AugtiHt. The nexefl were almont equally divided for the two montliM, the books showing 10 boys and 15 girls. ISIrths in the city nuni-iM-red 15. The birth rnte for the two months was almost three times that of the death rate. The county during that time had 11 deathn, hIx of which oc curred In this city. Monster Cornice Pear The AHhland Keeood says that while in Medford this week H, O. Fronbach, the Ashland fruit process or, secured a ( omlce pear thirteen and a quart .ir Inches in circumference and weighing twenty-two and a quarter ounces. This Is a very re- markable size for a Cornice to attain. The specimen was grown by A. C. Allen In the Hollywood orchard lie tween Medford and Jacksonville. Mr. Fronbach will process It and Mr. Allen will keep It as an ornament to his home and a Hample of what his land will do. Student Body Elects Officers The student body of the Hood Klver high school have elected the following ofllcers for the year: Viola Nlekelsen. president; Angus McDon. vice president; Elsie McLucns, secre tary; Edyth Fernal, treasurer; John Ooshow, athletic manager; Ed Franx assistant athletic manager; !olert Ura Kg. advertising manager. We have some very attractive acre age propositions In 1'aradlse farm for home sites on sub-division schemes. Inside city limits. I,. A. Henderson, with John Inland Hen demon, Inc. .'11 tf (Grorary Bargains Sugar prices are soaring but you can save money by buying from us. Best Fruit Sugar, per Sack S7.25 (per Sack.... $1.30 The Dalles Diamond Flour Fer Barrel . $5.10 Cloverlcaf Butter, per roll. 75c Cottolene, 10 pound pail 1.50 Cottolene, 4 pound pail 60c Swift's Silverleaf Lard, 50 pound can 6.75 Swift's Silverleaf Lard, 10 pound pail 1.50 Swift's Silverleaf Lard, 5 pound pail 75c Swift's Jewell Compound, 50 pounds 4.75 Tea Garden Syrup, 1-pal. can 85c Tea Garden Syrup, 12-gal. can 45c Karo Corn Syrup, No. 10 pail 60c We are Closing Out a stock of Chinaware at 5oc on the dollar. Call and look it over FKUIT JART MASON Tint oHc Quart $ .fi!i SCIIUAM rint7oc Quart .85 KCONOMY-.-PintKoc Quart 1.10 Half Gallon $ .85 Half Gallon 1.30 Half Gallon 1.40 L. H. Huggins LOCAL AND PERSONAL Skin diseases cured. Dr. Howerby, Copy for advertisements MUST be In the office by Monday NOON. Wyeth Allen will leave Saturday to enter the I'litverstty of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Mrs. N. G. Stagge of Washington, I) C, was the guest of Mrs. Marlon MucKae last week. (inint l'almer, Rajmond (JlasH and Edwin Sounlchsen, young Hood itlver tltlzeus, hiked to Mosler Sat urday for ao outing. Not lielng used to hoboing they returned a little footsore but pleased with the trip. Sam Samson, the Stevenson capi talist, was a Hood Itlver visitor Wednesday. Mr. Samson Is the owner of the mineral springs and sanitarium at Stevenson and 1s also Interested In other enterprises there, Mrs. Hugh Pan-ells returned to her home at Vancouver, WohIx., last week after a visit with Mrs, C. F. Sumner and other Hood Itlver friends. As Miss Ella Evans she was for several years a teacher In our public school. All members of t'auby Relief Corps are requested to be on hand at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon, as It Is expected that Mrs. Josephine D. Cooke, department president of the Women's Relief Corps, will lie present to Inspect the local corps. (leorge James, formerly night clerk at the Hotel Oregon, will hereafter 13 on duty as day clerk, aJid L. S. Isenberg will succeed him tin night clerk. John Van Kyke, formerly clerking at the hotel, on the day shift. Is now traveling for a com mercial house. Hood River Is wise In It Ix11ef that If money for road building Is avail able. It should first le appropriated for the purpose of Improving local county roads. Then, as speedily as possible, make provision to work In conjunction with the Columbia river project promoters. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parker have arrived at Little Roy ranch, six miles west of Hood River, where they are completing one of the hand somest homes in Hood River county. The Parkers have spent the summer at Vancouver, U. C. and will go to London, Eng., for the winter. Frank H. leonard, C. S. R., mem ber of the board of lectureship of the mother church, the First Church of Christ, Scientists, In Ronton, rtellv- ereil a free lecture in Hellbronner ball last evening. Owing to the hour of going to press we will not be able to publish nn extended write-up In this Issue. To tie In keeping with the Improve ments on First street, the Transfer and Livery Company is remodeling Its stable by putting a new front in the building. Norm believes It will soon lie iiiressnry for them to tear out the old structure entirely and put In a modern buldlng of pressed brink. Ir. M. F. Shaw has nn Interesting collection of relics which lie brought home from Mexico nnd California, where he spent the summer. The collection consists of pottery made by the Indians, together with a num- ler of photographs taken in the Na tional Museum of Mexico. The doc tor prizes the relics very highly. Chapman & Co., on the heights, have sold their general merchandise business to W. I). Rogers, the trans fer lielng made last week. Mr. Chap man will retire after a succesHful business career. Mr. Rogers Is a well known Hood River man, formerly a photographer, and recently conduct ed a confectionery on the heights. J. H. Sutthoff of Seattle visited his family over Sunday at Oak Orove. Mrs. Sutthoff won a dinner hostess Sunday. The Hood River-Underwood team ferry has just been put into service. It has been fitted with mill and is ready to accommodate patrons who find It convenient to cross at this point. Automobile drivers will find it ueceHsary to cross on the White Salmon ferry during the winter months. It being Impossible to drive across the bar. Crocker & de Redding, local fancy pack apple dealers, have had a large number of price list folders printed In two colors, at the News oflice, and shipped them to the inalu office of the American Express Company, in Chlcugo, where they will lie dis tributed to every express oflice In the I'nlted States and Canada. The American Express Company, in con nection with the National has given them exceptionally low rutes on apples, therefore Crocker & da Red ding are prepared to deliver to any point in the United States or Canada, their well known seventeen-pound boxes of extra fancy Hood River apples at the following prices, all charges prepaid (excepting duty charges): Spltzenburgs, $2.25; Newtowns, 2.25; Ortleys. $2.25; Winter Bananas, $2.50. Crocker & de Redding announce that this year they are better prepared than ever to handle and ship fancy pock apples, arid will give special attention to orders at home, as well as to the filling of orders from other points. A Basket of Goodness Well I . is a basket of our Fine Groceries. We guarantee the perfect purity of every article we sell, and pride ourselves upon the rep utation we have made for fair and honest dealing. We keep only the freshest and finest of Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, Butter, Eggs, Flour, etc., and challenge comparison of qualities at equal prices. If you are not already dealing here, you are robbing yourself of many sources of sat isfaction. Free delivery J. M. Wood C. P.SUMNER Opposite, the Post Office Home Phone 20 Spray and Garden Hose Plumbing An East Side Twenty For $10,000 GOOD TERMS Five Acres, 4 to 8 year apples Twelve Acres, yearling apples Half Acre, 3 year pears Near Church, School, Station and Store The Hood River District Land Co. THE SMITH BLOCK HOOD RIVER, OREGON S. E. BARTMESS Funeral Director and Practical Embalmer ESTABLISHED 18 YEARS MOOD RIVER, OREGON $ DR. J. SOWERBY Nerve Specialist and Chiropractor A Relief for All Diseases Frrnusnn Rnildiiui TclCDhonC 222 Cottage Hospital Hood River's Medical In stitution. Open to the public for the treatment of Medical and Surgical cases. Rates on applica tion. Address, COTTAGE HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION IIADLOCH & McCOiWI LL Real Estate And Insurance Next to Mt. Hood Hotel Unimproved Farms a Specialty Office phone 45-L, Residence 345-K 4th & State St. Phone 14K 0. P. DABNEY & SONS FURNITURE, FURNITURE, FURNITURE, STOVES AND RANGES We buy, sell and exchange everything in Mouse Furnishings, Campers Supplies, etc. Don't f orKCt the plncc-Cor. 4th & Slntc The Old, Reliable True-to-Name Nursery Of Hood HlxJcr offers to planters for fall and spring, 1911-12 their usual choice stock of all leading varieties adapted to this locality. Our 15 years' experience in the Nur sery business in Hood River, the thousands of vigor ous, prolific trees that are annually testifying to the wisdom of our methods, and the hundreds of pleased customers should be sufficient recommendation to ' merit your patronage. Our trees are all grown on whole roots and all buds and scions are personally selected from the best bearing trees in Hood River, which insures healthy, vigorous, early bearing trees of known parentage and above all true-to-name. We are now booking orders for fall and spring de livery. Order now before stock is exausted. Address all communications to The True-to-Name Nursery Phone 2002-K Hood River, Ore. LEADS ON THE HEIGHTS g Bakery, Coilecilonerg, Fruit, Ice Cream, Soil Drinks, Etc. AUTO DELIVERY OP LARGE ORDERS Dome lit, try our Piano, and fool at homo THE LIGHT DELIVERY AUTO $750, F. 0. B. Portland SF. VoCstorff Distributor 1213 D Street. Koed River Money to Loan On Income Producing Property In quantities from 91,000 to $20,000 With Interest at 7 Per Cent W. S. NIC H OL l u. Ohe IWan Who Oells Crcftara Hand Basement First National Bank F. B. SNYDER B. B. POWELL Hood River Plumbing company Sanitary Plumbinc and Heating. Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Repairing Promptly Attended. ESTIMATES FURNISHED CASCADE AVENUE DRAYING ExPRE5S AND Baggage jj Furniture and Pianos MoxJcd All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work Wood Yard and Feed Store in Connection Office Phone 20 Residence 23SK TAFT TRANSFER CO. 3 Class Livery ZZTsMnR Phone S I Transfer and Livery company Freight and Baggage Transfer i (iKM.KAL STORAUi; HOOD R1VLK. ORIXiO.N. II J nnnnocnEanaannninncsnuccaana a ri ll Por Sale Cheap s VI Ml n n E3 NEW LATEST MODEL a B WHITE SEWING MACHINE I Inquire at Jetafj Office a a a inannnonnonnna r