THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 1911 UNDERWOOD Mr. ami Mr HuHxcy were clInntT Kiit'HtH at Skokuin OrclmnlM limt Siiiiilny. Mr. nni Mr. I!rookn, ni-ci mpriiittc ly tlit-lr daughter, Imve none to hiiii t lit winter at tlit'lr In nn In Ih-nvtT, Colorado. II. M. (ircliicr, mnnnner of I'diiiz'h Kt'iicral iiit-rcliiimlW Mtort, Iium moved IiIm family down from the orrliard on Nobility Hill Into a pretty new limine In Iluinlltou'H addition. MrH. Packard In reported to lie nlowly r.x-overlntf from a xpnilneil ankle anil a Hpnilned knee aemilred In Portland nine week no. She now walkH about the hoime without att Hlxtance. Kxeellent Sunday Hervleeo are held regularly In the Kchoolhouxe. Sun day nehool every week at 10 a. in.. MIhm lledrlrk In charge. Preaching every other Sunday at 11a. in . Iiy Itev. KomlUKer. Our genial poHtmaHter, II. S. Ad nniH, hax entirely recovered from the effect of a hitIoum runaway aerldi lit. In which he wax hurt, when return ing from a L'.'id lifrthday party on the Lttd of laHt month. The rnderwooil wharf Buffered a rollapne under the weight of cemnnt delivered for the Imnenient of the tine $."i,ikni liunualow lielntc coiiKtrtcted for the P.rookx family between (iod dard'M and Cooper'H. MIhh Ituth Cooper liax unne to Wll lamette 1'nlvernlty. She will be IiiIhhciI py the younger net, with whom hIii had liecome ipilte popu lar during; her wliort rcHldcnce here. Mr. ( 'ooper accompanied her. The latent arrival on t!ie niacin In I ,ti ml y Stewart'M new K.-M.-I" pax Heliger automolille, which now di vided the honor with the Wendorf autotruck hauling pcachcx. No ac cident have lieen reported ami the new car Man appreciated addition to our livery equipment. Special Meetings Itev. M. .1. ( armlchacl of McMInn vllle. Ore., will lie-in a nerlcn of nk--rlal meeting In the Alliance chapel next Sunday morning, Sept. 24. at 11 o'clock and continue each evening except Monday and Saturday. ('. K. 1'erry, Pntor. MOSIER School opened with 7:1 pupils In DlHtrlct No. r.J. MlHri (telle JoIiiihoii came up from Hood Klver Wednemlav evening to vlwlt frlendri. Ir. IColiliiHon returned Saturday from l'endleton where he attended a medical nHHoclatton. Ml Hill of the W.C.T. V. preached lioth morning and evening In the Im tnanuel church Sunday. The Hoclal given Thurnday evening by the lilue Hide In the content In the union Sunday Hchool wiih well at tended. I.nnt Tuemlay little Howard Koot fell Into a boiler of hot water, Hcald Ing both arniH to the elbow. The lid wan on the boiler or lie would un doubtedly have lottt IiIm life. l. I). Hall left the lirHt of the week for Portland where he was married on Saturday to MIhh Cheverle. After a Hhort wedding trip they will make their home In MohIit where the Kriiuni Is IntereHted In the real eHtate IiiihImchh. MARRIED 1IAII. I IIKV KHIK A quiet home wedding wiw hoI emulzed l'rldny at the home of the brlde'ri aunt, Mrs. V. A. Klver, In I'ortland, when MIhh Laura Cheverle became the bride of 1. I). Hall, of Monler. The ceremony wan per formed bv Father O'llara of the Itnniiin Catholic church. After a wedding dinner, the couple left for California points and will return to Monler the hitter part of the month where they will lie at home to their frlendri In the cottage on the comer of Vahlngton Htreet and Fourth avenue, which the groom Is having prepared. lixaminatlon for Forest Rangers The I'nlted States Civil Service CommlriHlon announceH that an ex amination will Ik' held for the posi tion of axHlritant forest ranger Octo ber 2-V2i. lull. Age limit 21 to 40 yearn. Persons who desire to com pete should apply at once to the secretary of the Fleventh Civil Ser vice IMstrlct. Itooin S24 Post Oltlee Itutldlng, Seattle. Wash., for appli cation Form ImK) and full Informu-tlon. Grocery Bargains Sugar prices are soaring but you can save money by buying from us. Best Fruit Sugar, per Sack S7.25 Ver Sack.... $1.30 The Dalles Diamond Flour or Barrel $5.10 Cloverleaf Butter, per roll 75c Cottolene, 10 pound pail .. 1.50 Cottolene, 4 pound pail 60c Swift's Silverleaf Lard, 50 pound can 6.75 Swift's Silverleaf Lard, 10 pound pail 1.50 Swift's Silverleaf Lard, 5 pound pail 75c Swift's Jewell Compound, 50 pounds 4.75 Tea Garden Syrup, 1-pal. can.. 85c Tea Garden Syrup, 12-gal. can 45c Karo Corn Syrup, No. 10 pail 60c We are Closing Out a stock of Chinaware at 5oc on the dollar. Call and look it over FKUIT JARS MASON Pint Kic Quart .$ .05 Half Gallon $ .85 SCIIRAM Pint 75c Quart .85 Half Gallon 1.30 KC0N0MY--.rintsrc Quart 1.10 Half Gallon 1.10 L. H. Huggins VALLEY CREST J. Clark sold his cow and bought pig Instead. P. II. Mohr Is liullillntf a new barn on his homestead. The recent rain In the I'pper Valley has done much damage to the hay crop. Francis Sandman returned to Pine ( J rove a ftvr several weeks' visit with his tmcle, P. II. Mohr, on his home stead. Mrs. C. T. Kawson made a business trip to Hood Klver Friday and re turned Saturday, driving each way. Carl Mohr, after spending several weeks lu the mountains visiting his sisters and brother, returned to Pine drove Friday. Miss Susie Mohr came down from her homestead with her brother, P, II. Mohr, Friday expecting to visit at Pine Grove over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. flush ranie down from their homestead and made a short business trip to Hood Klver Saturday. They returned the first of the week. The Line Shaft and Governor of Body The spinal cord within the spinal column Is the "llneshaft" of the body furnishing power to most of Its or gans and parts. The spinal column Is the "gover nor controlling tne nerve rorce to the vital organs and other parts of the body. The Intervertebral foramen, with Its continuous structures. Is the check valve" for the vital force. Kneli vertebra and section of the spinal column Is controlled by Invol untary rmscles. The stimuli for these muscles are toxins within the organism, general ly within the alimentary tract. Injuries may move, or "subluxate" a vertebra to a position In which these muscles are unable In them selves to return to Its proper apposition. These Involuntary muscles along the spinal column, as well a the subluxations from Injuries, cause asymmetries In the position of the vertebrae. IMsease Is the direct result of these changes along the spine. Disease Is not an "accident." but the result of definite physiological functions. Dli. K. K. ('AliPKXTKIt, 17-ls Hellbronner Building, Phohe 21.Vx Mood Klver. Ore. Baptist Church Notes A meeting of men In the social rooms of the Haptlst church, on the heights, last Friday night resulted In the reorganization of the Men's league with the following ollicers: President, Prof, (ilbson; secretary, A. F. Howes; treasurer, Mr. Seobee. The next meeting will be held on Friday night of this week. All men Invited. On Sunday night at the Baptist church Mr Hargreaves treated the theme "l 'oiiiiiieri'inll.ed Christianity" Next Sunday he purposes speaking on the other side of the ipiestloli, taking as subject "The church and and the kingdom of iod." Service at 7::. PARKDALE Mr. and Mr. Palmer m i l.-a trip to Portland last week. Mr. fin-gory was ngaln working In the store at Parkdale last week. The new residence of J. I! Mi-Isaac of Parkdale Is Hearing completion. Mr. (Jrlbble of Mount Hood has foundation started for a new up to date store on the site wl.,re the store used to stand. Five new directors of the Middle Fork Irrigating Co. were el.-eted at the last meeting. The tim e receiv ing the highest numlter of votes will serve two years and the other two one year. Coming State Events The annual convention of the Ore gon Wool Orowera' Association will be held In Baker November II and 15. Problems that confront the wool men will be taken up and illHciiHsed and the tariff will be one of the lead lug features of general Interest. The second annual Clarke county fair, to be held at Vancouver. Wash., Octoler 4, ", 6 anil 7, will be of Inter est tu Oregonlans and October 7 has been fixed as Portland day. Splen did exhibits of products of southwest Washington will be displayed and fine live stock shown. October 1 has been set finally as the date for the opening of the new Southern Puclflc Hue to Tillamook aud adjoining sections of the coast country. A portion of the new road Is already In operation, but on that date trains w 111 be run from one end of the line to the other, and regular service will be established. Dispose of Fine Homes A change In ownership of two city residences was announced last week when the flue properties owned by Attorney A. A. Jayne and Mayor Hartwlg were sold. Mr. Jayne has disposed of his residence on Colum bia street to Attorney K. C. Smith. The property of Mayor Hartwlg, on the heights, consisting of his resi dence and several lots was sold bv him to J. A. Davidson. The price paid for the Hartwlg property was approximately $."i,000. ATHLETES WANT STUDIES PERCENTAGE REDUCED At a meeting of t he student body of the Hood Klver high school held Friday to organize fur the season of l!ll Kill' the matter of the recent de. elslon of the school board In regard to raising the standard of ipmlltira tlun In studies fur participating In athletics was brought up and ills- cussed. By unanimous vote It was decided to -t I T if n the school buard to lix the standard at 7."i per cent In stead uf mi as announced by the board at the beginning of the 'term. A Basket of Goodness Well I ; filllP is a basket of our Fine Groceries. We jruarantee the perfect purity of every article we sell, and pride ourselves upon the rep utation we have made for fair and honest dealing. We keep only the freshest and finest of Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, Butter, Eggs, Flour, etc., and challenge comparison of qualities at equal prices. If you are not already dealing here, you are robbing yourself of many sources of sat isfaction. Free delivery J. M. Wood The Old, Reliable True-to-Name Nursery Of Hood HiOcr offers to planters for fall and spring, 1911-12 their usual choice stock of all leading varieties adapted to this locality. Our 15 years' experience in the Nur sery business in Hood River, the thousands of vigor ous, prolific trees that are annually testifying to the wisdom of our methods, and the hundreds of pleased customers should be sufficient recommendation to merit your patronage. Our trees are all grown on whole roots and all buds and scions are personally selected from the best bearing trees in Hood River, which insures healthy, vigorous, early bearing trees of known parentage and above all true-to-name. We are now booking orders for fall and spring de livery. Order now before stock is exaustea. Address all communications to The TruetoName Nursery Phone 2002-K Hood River, Ore. LEADS ON THE HEIGHTS Bakery. Coileciloncry, rruit. ice Cream, soil Drinks, lc. AUTO DELIVERY OF LARGE ORDERS Coma In, try our Piano, and feol at homo I'.fhrts from Sowerby. typhoid cured. Ir. FALL OPENING OF Millinery On and after Sept. 15th Dress Hats will be ready t for inspection. g I J. & L HAWLEYS Cottage Hospital Hood River's Medical In stitution. Open to the public for the treatment of Medical and Surgical cases. Rates on applica tion. Address, COTTAGE HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION 8 affltofflmm mi hmmmmmitM&m s 1 i HP W P mm v i THE LIGHT DELIVERY AUTO $750, F. 0. B. Portland 5. Vofstorff Oistri6uter 1213 D Street. Hoc River Money to Loan cgp un income rroaucmg rroperty TTTl In quantities from $1,000 to $20,000 "f rrL With Interest at 7 Per Cent (OF . .... .. R , VV . ; . IN I U M U L f 'J One tKan Wfto Se(t Crcnord and Hasoment First National Bank SNYDER B. B. POWELL River PlumDInij company I Sanitary Plumbing and Heating. Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Repairing Promptly Attended. ESTIMATES FURNISHED CASCADE AVENUE OUR NEW FALL PATTERNS HAVE REEN RECEIVED IF YOU NEED A NEW SIUT GIVE US ATRIAL Cleaning and Fressing. Workmanship Guaranteed THE TAILOR p G RAY, I Third Street, Hood Rier, Or. w 12 N r m m m m -w N OpposltB the Post Office t Home Phono 20 L fi CP. SUMNER .. DR. J. SOWERBY Nerve Specialist and Chiropractor y A Relief lor All Diseases $ Pcrauson hnildina TclcDhonc 222 VlPm mm- Spray and fc Garden llose llllllU)lll( 4th & State St. Phone 248k 0. P. DAliNEY & SONS FURNITURE, FURNITURE, FURNITURE, STOVES AND RANGES We buy, sell and exchange everything in House l:urnishings. Campers Supplies, etc. Don't forget Ihc -llh i Stntc D Express and Baggage Furniture and Yianos Mo-Vcd All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work Wood Yard and Feed Store in Connection Office Phone 29 Residence 23k TAFT TRANSFER CO. VLV-l. F irst Class Livery Phone 5 1 Translcr and Livery company Freight and Baggage Transfer ii:i:kL sroRAtii: MOOD KMM R, ORI. I ,iOV I cnnnnninnaEEEcnHania rt NEW LATEST MODEL n u n C3 n WHITE SEWING MACHINES u n Inquire at JVclafJ Office n nnninnnnnnnnnnonn