The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current, September 20, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Dr, Sowerby has moved
into new Quarters the
Henderson Building, east
of Court House.
A. J. lirnnuist. who has lieen rep
resenting I'.etter Fruit at the state
fair, returned (ruin Salem Saturday
evening. He reports tliat although
It was too early for the liest In the
line of a fruit display, yet It wad a
great (air. The horlcultural exhibits
thin year were mure elaborate than
ever and provided a striking ileiuon
stratlon of the fact that every Bee
lion of our wtate. although differing
la noil, topography and climate, with
Intelligent and up to date method
In eapalile o( enormous yields and
good profits.
The attendance at the (air wnu
good considering the (act that It
rained nearly every dav. Over 120U
people were camped out In the tent
city which Is a growing (eature of
the state fair. Kncing events were
good but hs the track wns heavy
records were not broken.
Ketter Fruit received gratifying
words o( appreciation (or the work
1t Is doing, both (rom subserllcrs
nnd nd vertisers. Mr. Brunqulst left
Monday night to attend the Wauli
ng ton state (air at Walla Walla.
Unitarian Church News
(irent Interest Is being shown In a
series of sermons at the I'nltarlan
church. In which .Mr. McDonald Is ex
plaining the teaching" aud the mis
sion of our ileral denominations.
Next Sunday the subject will InVThe
Power of our (!ospel." Including sev
eral Instances of the transforming
power of this gospel. All are Invited.
The service Is at 11 o'clock. A new
chorus choir has lsen formed con
sisting of the following people: Mrs.
Nlorom, organist; Mrs. Sletton, di
rector; Miss Ja"ger, Mrs. Huxley,
Mrs. Sinclair, Mr. Slocom, Mr. Morri
son, Mr. Alnsworth, Mr. Osgood, Mr.
Soft Drinks for Family Use
Hood Illver Sweet Cider, Hires'
Hoot Beer, and Soda Waters of all
llavors can Ik obtained for family
use at all the confectionery and gro
cery stores at $l.(i jkt dozen, with
an allowance of ."ioc jkt dozen for the
return of the bottles to the party
from whom purchased. Keep a few
bottles In a cool place during the
warm weather.
' Hook ICivkk Al'l'I.K YlNKii.Ut Co.
Low One Wav Fares
to all Points on
'aisi uu hi jc i.i
Chicago $33.00
Cincinnati 37.90
Milwaukee 31.50
St Louis 32.00
New York 50.00
Detroit 38.00
St. Paul. 25.00
Kansas City 25.00
Omaha 25.00
DesMoines 27.85
Indianapolis 35.65
Denver 25.00
From other eastern points in
Tell your friends in the east of
this opportunity of moving west
at low rates. Direct train ser
vice via Burlington Route, Great
Northern, Northern Pacific and
"North Bank" lines. You can
deposit with me and tickets will
Ik? furnished people in the east.
Details will be furnished n re
quest. E. A. GlHERT,
Agent, White Salmon, Wash.
W. E. Cowan, General Freight
and Passenger Agent.
Diamond WJ brand
A.a Tr UraraM for OTTI-CHK-TER'S A
MattoND I kaM 1'IU.S In kra n'j
ColD Metallic .. w-alrd with blurtO)
itibon. ! tj ormi lirrfimV
mtm0mt 4 Mk r. IIM HlMf at V
latlt P I l.l.a, for lrnllxi
ymrt rriraiiir.1 hrtt. riafrat . A ' war itrllatila.
Tiui tftninntnt tuiKU
Here is a chance to get a 25c Jar of Hydro Perox
ide Cream and a 25c Bottle of Hydro Peroxide for
only 25c. Two of the most generally used prepar
ations on the market today, for the price of one.
A 25c Jar of Cream and a 25c Bottle of Per
oxide for only
We want to call your attention to our line of
Fall Millinery. It is the largest and most com
plete line in the city and we save you good money
on your Hat purchases. This department is under
the charge of one of the best Milliners in the state
and if you wish a hat made to order we can do it
for you and guarantee it to be first class in every
way. Call and see the splendid assortment we are
showing. 2nd Floor.
Men 's Shirts
We carry one of the most complete lines of Men's
Shirts, either in the soft collar or the band collar,
that you could wish for. All kinds from a percale
shirt for boys for 25c up.
shirts of percale, sateen,
shirting, khaki Funston,
In men's everyday wear
twilled shirting, cheviot
corduroy of flannel for
45c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and up
We are selling a genuine Soisette Shirt, worth
91.50 anywhere, in colors white, cream and tan,
full cut. well made in every way, a dandy
dress shirt, each
Shirt Wat'sts
For Ladies 2nd Floor. Special bargains in this
line in some Drummers' Samples that you should
not miss if you wish something good for a small
Ladies9 House Dresses
A big assortment in values up to $5.00.
Your choice
Then in Dress Shirts with band collars, we want
to call your attention to our excellent line of
Manhattan Shirts
acknowledged by all who know, as the best shirt
made. The colors are guaranteed not to fade and
the cut and fit are perfect. Plain or pleated fronts
in all the delicate shades and patterns. You will
find it a great satisfaction to have a shirt that will
stand the laundering and each time will come back
as fresh and bright as the day you got it from the
store. Manhat -CM rn M Pf CM 7C C0 and
tan Shirts (or. 01 1 UUl Ol.OUl 0 I f Ul 01
Other makes for 50c, 75c, 95c, $1.00 and up
Are ours in this business. There-wouldn't be much
sense in selling clothes that were not good for you;
we couldn't keep it up very long. Our idea is to
sell you clothes that are best for yoa. We know
something about quality in clothes.
Hart, Schaffner
fgl Mar jkt
Clothes are best for you because there are no let
ter clothes made. They're best for us. OAOand
H. S. & M. Suits for 01 0
Other makes for $5, $6, $8 and up.
Hugs and
Art Squares
Our new fall line of Rugs and Art Squares are
now on display we can supply you in this line at
a good saving. When you are in just look over
the assortment and see how reasonably you can be
supplied. 2nd Floor.
CoprritfLa Hirt Scbaffnrr a Mart
Hood River's Largest
Department Store
The Store that Saves
You Money
Petitions nsklug Governor Went to
call no extra session of "the legisla
ture to enact good roads legislation,
particularly the county bonding act,
have been circulated extensively In
the city and valley during the pact
fevv days and have lieeu widely
The petition I In favor of calling
the legislature together (or thin pur
pose rather than calling a special
election which many believe
would entail on the Btate a much
greater expense und be slower In Its
operation, ami also possibly place
on the statute books legislation
which would have many disagree
able features.
It Is now wild that members of the
legislature have found their failure
to pas- the needed legislation at the
last session ho unpopular that they
will. If called In extra session, enact
the laws the people want. It Is al
so Intimated that (!ov. West, has
been forced to see that In vetoing the
county bonding act he left the mat
ter In u very unsatisfactory condi
tion and Is now anxious to see meas
ures passed that will permit
Immediate progress In Improved
hlghwnys rather than delay It for
another year or two.
M. E. Church Services
Sunday school at 10 a. in.: preach
ing services at 11 a. m. and "::;o p.m.
Themes Morning, "Why am I a
."hristlan?" Fvenlng. "Christianity
In Karnest." Junior league at .'1 p.
in.; Kpworth league at (i::!0. Prayer
meeting on Thursday evening at
o'clock. All are cordially Invited
strangers will be made welcome.
William H. Young, pastor.
Allcp, Meredith Mcliane. the nix
year old daughter of Mr. ami Mrs.
.lames Mcl'.ane, died at the home of
her parents at Lyle Wednesday Sept.
l'lth. The body was brought here
and funeral services, which were con
ducted by Kev. .(. I,. Hershner. were
held In P.artmess chapel Thursday
afternoon. Sent. 14th. Interment
was In Idlcwlld cemetery.
Albert Schiller, aged :Vs years, died
at his home In the valley Monday
Sept. 11. Mr. Schiller was born at
Kock Island, 111., In and came to
Oregon In 1W. In lvj he came to
Hood lUver to live and was married
here October 1'7. 11HI7, to Marie Delia
Masiker, who survives him. Funeral
services were held at Dartmess
chapel Wednesday afternoon, Sept
M, Kev. Troy Shelly officiating, and
burial was In Idlewlld cemetery.
Dorothy Harwood Collie died
Wednesday afternoon as the result
of Injuries from being struck by an
automobile. Miss Collie was the
(laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Winfred
Collie and was born at the former
home of her parents In Illinois In
l'.Wl. Funeral services, which were
largely attended, were held at the
home of her parents on the east side
road Friday afternoon Sept. l.'ith
The services were conducted by Kev.
V.. A. Harris, l'.urlal was In Idlewlld
cemetery. ,
Woodmen to Meet
The Woodmen of the World will
hold a siH-cial meeting Friday even
ing, Sept. 12, 1H11. in I '.tn til oil's hall
opposite A. C. Staten's store. Dis
trlct Manager Shlrreff will be pres
ent. A general good time and
smoker Is promised. Come Neigh
(tors and bring your friends.
To-day and every day, let us
With the correct DRUGS of
greatest power, a moderate
equipment, and long training
we surely can and do give the
best results in Prescription
Compounding always.
Clias. N. Clarke
Hood River
The season of society functions has
opened at Hood Kiver somewhat
earlier than usual, and functions al
ready given and contemplated prom
ise the most active nnd delightful In
the realms of entertaining that
the city nnd valley have known. The
first affair was glveh by Mrs. ( has.
Cartner, mention of which was made
In last week's Issue. Following
closely on this. Mrs. Malcolm Itron
son entertained Tuesday and Wednes
day of last week, at whist, In honor
of Mrs. Kronson, senior, who has
been the house guest of Dr. and Airs,
lironson. Seven tables were put In
play. The prl.e winners on Tuesday
were Mrs. A. A. Jayne and Mrs. C. H.
Jenkins. On Wednesday Mrs. Itob
Carter took first favors and Miss
May Howard secoud. The house
decorations were very pretty, being
pink and white dahlias, and dainty
luncheons were served both days.
A double function was also given
Monday at the home of the hostess,
Mrs. W. I.. Clark, afternoon nnd
evening. Whist was the feature of
both events. Ten tables were put In
play, the affair lelng concluded by a
two course luncheon. The favors
were won by Mrs. .fames Ingalls aud
Mrs. ('has. N. Clarke. In the even
ing Mr. ami Mrs. Clark received to
gether, and eleven tables were filled
with guests who tried conclusions at
whist. The honors went to Mr.
Truman I'.utler and Mrs. C. K.
Marshall. The luncheon was elabo
rate and the decorations, which
were tlowers and Japanese lanterns,
handsome. Among the guests were
Mrs. S. C. Mabel, of Kockwood, Mo.,
and Mr. and Mrs. (irowlnskey, of
lianiboo, Wis.
Thursday afternoon Mrs. It. K.
Ilartlett, Mrs. Carl 1 'la t ti and Mrs.
lie . K. Wilbur were hostesses at the
home of Mrs. I'artlett to a party of
ladiN) that filled ten tables. The fa
vors were won by Mrs. Fred New by
ami Mrs James Ingalls, The deco
rations, which were pink and white
asters, were very elaborate and
handsome, and a two course flinch-!
eon was served. In the evening Mr. j
ami .Mrs. r.artiett were Host ami
hostess at an evening of five hun
dred. Forty guests were present,
and the fortunate ones were Mrs. W.
A. Shaffner, Mr. H. F. Davidson,
Mrs. Campbell and Mr. A - A. Jayne.
On Monday afternoon Mrs. J It
Nlckelsen entertained nt Alderbrook,
her country home, In honor of her
sister, Mrs. Win. Haynes, who Is her
house guest. The affair took the
form ff a reception nnd luncheon.
I'he decorations, which were of late
flowers, were pretty nnd tasteful.
I'hls week Mrs. W. F. Lnrawnyj
will open her handsome home on
Front street to a series of afternoon !
and evening parties.
Mrs. ('. D. Illnrlchs, who has ts-en
on nn ex tended eastern visit has re
Frank C. DethmaTi, son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. Dethmau of Hood Klver, and
Miss Annie Cooks were married Sun
day at the home of the bride's par
ents at Shedds, Oregon. The cere
mony was attended by the relatives
of the bride and groom, among
whom were the mother and father of
the groom. Mr. and Mrs Dethman
are now on a wedding trip, but will
shortly come to Hood Klver and
make their home at the country resi
dence of Mr. Dethman, senior, near
Van Horn station.
Mr. and Mrs. Marsh Isenburg have
gone to Idaho for a month or six
Miss Florence Fa Mar spent Sun
day with Mrs. John Dickinson, at
Hood Klver.
Mrs. Kay Fast man is visiting her
grandmother this week, at Philo
math, ( Iregon.
Prof. Stnbbs' little son, F.dward,
sustained a broken arm Tliiirsday
liy falling from a horse.
I.. W. Way returned last Wednes
day from the State Fair. He reports
a good poultry exhibit.
Mrs. John McCustlan was visited
by her sister and four nephews from
the Willamette valley last week.
Thi! pupils at Frankton are enjoy
ing a vacation for a few days, while
the new furnace is being Installed.
A reading club will be organi.ed
by the ladles of Frankton Thursday
afternoon at. the home of Mrs. J. K.
Mrs. ('. I!. Morton, accompanied
by her little daughter, visited her sis Mrs. Walter IsenlsTg, In Hood
Klver last week.
Mrs (ieo. Stokoe, of Wyeth, was
the guest o( her mother, Mrs. M. K.
4v '?.A I- -J
' V, You never know the right time,
enn't depend upon it for keeping
business engagements, liable to
stop any minute.
If you've that kind of a
timepiece, let us reno
vate it for you. The
cost will be trifling.
Arthur Clarke
The JetAteler
Noble, last Week, w hile Mr. Stokoe-
at tended t he Kound I'pat Pendleton.
A cloak room and porch have been
added to the Columbia schoolhouse.
It greatly Improves the appearance
of the school room to have the
wraps left outside.
I'.rnest Matirltson's oldest daugh
ter Is very 111 with bowel trouble.
Although she Is receiving the best
of care and medical attention, her
recovery Is very slow.
I'ncle Fd Calkins and wife spent
Sunday with their son Thomas, at
KlM-rsldc Farm. I'ncle Fd tells us It
was the Citli anniversary o( the bat
tle In which he lost his limb.
Mrs. John Fvnns. of M osier, has
been with her mot her, Mrs. Jim Hun
ter, for the past two weeks. In order
to be handy to medical treatment
for her little son, who Is very ill with
bowel trouble.
Kev. Parsons filled his appoint
ment at Columbia schooolliotise Sun
day afternoon, A small but appreci
ative audience greeted him. There
will be services again In two weeks,
Oct. 1st at 2 p. m. F. very body come,
for we ha ve such good, helpful services.
Digestion and Assimilation
It Is mt theiiiantity of fund taken
but t he amount digested and assimi
lated that gives strength ami vital
Ity to the system. chamberlain's
St'imach and Liver Tablets Invlgor
ate the stomach ami liver ami enable
them to perform their functions nat
urally. For sale by nil dealers.
J. R. NICKUStN, Proprietor
Breeder at S. C. W. Leghorn!. W. p. Rocks
nd S. C. Rhode Island Reds.
Indlin Runner Ducks '
A few good Cockerels for sale at SI
to 2.50. K. I. Kedn are from first
prle Cockerel Portland Show o)Q
W. P. kocks i Fished Mralni V.
l eghorns are from l. T. Carey's
trap-nested first pen at Spokane,
Kir" n.l hay Ol.l Chirkn a ft it Jan. Nt. Or
diva tknl now. I'oultry yanln I' , milm
wint of city, at t ranklnn. I'honi" X-'-X.
Star Orchard Ladders
And the t
Price V
Is Right H
Blowers Hardware Co.
turned to her home In this city.