THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. 1911 ORTLEY Mth. Kinlly K. Lane anil Hon (leonce left Frliluy for the mhool year. The exteiiHtve mlnfull on Monday will terminate the dunt for Borne time. Mrs. M. Wilder and Mth. Kby, of OreKoii 'lty, vlnlU'd OrtW-y recently. Mm, Wilder purchiiHcd orchard No, 4.'.. On hiHt Friday the titork made ltd flrHt trip to Ortley. Mr. and Mm. II Siauldlnu: are the proud parentu of a nine pound liahy jrtrl, wluin they have named "KllziilHth Ortley". ieo. I". KiiKlehart and family, of I'ortlund, who have been taking a week'n vacation at Ortley, returned on Thurxday. Mr. KnU-hurt owiw tract No. 2t. l'our carpenterH were added to the liulldliiK crew the llrHt of the week. Active pronrcHH In Ik'Ih made In the coimtructlon of anew hotel. Htore. large liarn, automolillu Karate, and two new dwelling". (iovernment liiHtriunentH, Including therm omt'terH for reglnterlng the inaxlmum and minimum tempera ture, and guage for keeping an accu rate record of the rainfall, were In mailed at Ortley Sept. Int. At ft npeclul nchool election, held AugiiHt iHtli, ly a vote of:tto "'!, the hoard of director were liiHtructed to necure fundn for the erection of a C.F.SUMNER Opposite the Post Office Hume Ihone 20 Sproy and Garden Hose Plumbing thoroughly modern ttchool building at Ortley. The building will be promptly erected. J. P. Klhin Is erecting bulldlngH for a home on orchard, No. 5!). Mr. and Mrn. Klhin and Mr. and Mm, TIioh. Mattlngly, Mrs. Kthm'g par entH, who will all renlde at Ortley, arrived from 1'ortland ltwt week. E. A. Evans and Mr. Hurder, of Chicago, were visitors of the Hood Ulver Orchard Land Company at Ortley on lout Saturday. Mr. EvanH owns a f.'W.OOO orchard three rnllen went of Hood Itlver, where he In en Joying a month's vacation. He In the owner of "The Moffat", a Htudlo In Chicago, without peer In the I'nlted States. Other recent rlHltors at Ortley are Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rohh, of Port land; It. 11. Vocgel, of Washington, I). C.;.Mr. and Mrs Ed. Vandal, of Astoria; J. A. I'ayton, of Walla Wal la. Wash.; and KnrI Shuholm, I'resl dent of the Advance Construction Company, of Portland; owner of Mo- slervlew orchard No. 23; and Fritz Shuholm, of Portland, owner of north half of orchard No. (!. Messrs Shuholm were elated over the growth of their apple trees the past three mouths. VALLEY CREST Mls Pear Wher left for Pine (Jrove Sunday. Orval Thompson Is attending school at Parkdale. Miss I.lzzle Mohr returned to Pine (Jrove Wednesday. Miss JoMcphlne Prune of The I talk's Is a guest of Mrs. Kawson. Mr. and Mrs. (Seo. Monnie went to Porkdale on business Friday. Miss Alta Thomson returned home the fore part of last week. Carl Mohr Is spending his vacation with his sister, Miss Susan, on her homestead. Miss Mohr has tccn visiting Miss S. Mohr at her mountain home for the past week. After a few days' business trip to Portland last week Mr. McKush re turned to his homestead. Valley Crest school has opened with Interi'st, the teacher having adopted new methods. MKOJ .Bargains Sugar prices are soaring but you can save money by buying from us. We are now carrying the well known The Dalles Diamond Flour-nothing belter. Coal Oil in Bulk, 15c per gal. 5 gallons 70c Pearl Oil, per can $1.10. Case 2.15 Headlight Oil, per can. 1.25. Case 2.40 Elane Oil, per can 1.G0. Case 3.15 Tea Garden Syrup, 1-gal. can 85c Tea Garden Syrup, 12-gal. can.. 45c Karo Corn Syrup, No. 10 pail 60c Karo Corn Syrup, No. 5 pail J 5c No. 7 Box MaccaronL. 40c Package Vermicella, 3 for 25c Package Spagettc, 3 for 25c Package Maccaroni, 3 for... 25 c We are Closing Out a stock of Chinaware at 5oc on the dollar. Call and look it over FH UIT JA-RT MASON Pint r.rc Quart $ .05 Half Gallon $ .85 SC1IUAM Pint 75c Quart .85 Half Gallon 1.30 ECONOMY ... Pint 85c Quart 1.10 Half Gallon 1.40 L. H. Huggins Mr. Klngdon spent a week visiting friends In the mountains, returning to Pine (Jrove Wednesday. Mrs. MlchaU returned to the lower valley last Wednesday, after a long visit with her son on his homestead Mr. I'.loggett has taken a trip to southern California. He has made large clearings on his place near China 11111. Ed Dresser came up from Portland Saturday, bringing a horse, buggy and dog with him. We are all glad to know he had a pleasant trip to the coast. MOSIER Edwin Hall arrived from the east Thursday evening to visit his father and brother. Porn, August 2Sth, at The Dalles to Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Davenport, an H pound daughter. Miss Alice Davenport came up from Portland Tuesday and aicnt several days visiting relatives. Mrs. Guy Phillips returned to her home In Hood Klver Friday, after a week's visit with her brother, W. E, Choun, and family. Guy Wilson sold his bungalow on the corner of Oregon and Third streets to W. E. Choun, who will take possession at once. John Welllterg Is enjoying a com plete rest from his hotel duties, hav lug rented the rooms to Mr. and Mrs Charles Sparling, who entered on their duties Monday morning. P. V. Hoblnson, who has been with us for the past sis months, has moved his family to Portland for the wluter, having secured employ incut there with the Pacific Light & Power Co. What was known as the old Thomas house burned to the ground during the week. E. C. Brock was occupying the house and bad goue to the neighbors for a few min utes, and on his return found the house In flames. A few articles were saved. He estimates his loss at about f i.OOO, with f 1,000 Insurance Miss Reams, of Ix'uts, Oregon, ar rived Friday and will take charge of the school In district No. 8 for a six month's term, which opened Sept 11th. School also opened Monday In llstrlct No. 52, with J. E. Johnson, principal, Mrs. Johnson, Intermedi ate teacher, and Miss Hazel Hunt ington, of The Dalles, as primary teacher. PARKDALE Mrs. Ellen Waters returned to The Dalles on the Saturday train. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Spencer took a trip to Mosler and spent Labor Day there. Mr. Clark has turned his meat bust ness over into the hands of J, It. Me Isaac. Miss Florence and Willie Wharton went to Hood Klver last week to attend school. MIhs Alta Thompson nnd Earl Newman were passengers for Hood Klver Sunday. A pretty bungalow Is ln-Ing built by Mr. Clark for Mr. Mclsnac, near the Parkdale store. The annual meeting of the Irrlgat- ng ditch company was held Satur lay at Parkdale hall. Oregon Hotel Special Dinners A special table d'hote dinner will k served at the Hotel Oregon every Sunday from 5:110 to 7:.T0 p. in. for 7." ents. An a la carte meal will also Ik' served. Music by the Mandolin lub. Dine with uh. Tumors removed. Dr. Sowerbv. A Basket of Goodness is a basket of our Fine Groceries. We guarantee the perfect purity of every article we sell, and pride ourselves upon the rep utation we have made for fair and honest dealing. We keep only the freshest and finest of Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, Butter, Eggs, Flour, etc., and challenge comparison of qualities at equal prices. If you are not already dealing here, you are robbing yourself of many sources of sat isfaction. Free delivery J. M. Wood LOOKS FOR CHEAP BARRELED APPLES The Wenatchee Republic In discuss Ing apple prices sayi: "Prices of late fall and winter ap plet are now beginning to receive some attention on the part of both growers and distributors. In about a week the government Is expected to Issue a report on apple crop con ditions September 1, and then opera tions will begin In the fruit, particu larly In the Eastern barrel districts. "The concensus of opinion now Is that there will be about as many ap ples this year as last, perhaps a little more. Of the whole the Eastern and Western barrel districts will have more, and the Pacific Northwest box districts less than last season. "About three weeks ago buyers In vaded New York State orchards and the few contracts made then were at high prices $2.50 a barrel. "Since that time, however, there has been a reaction, and the distrib utors are setting $1.50 and $1.7.") as the maximum quotations. At these Thirty Per Cent of the new business written by the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Wis consin in 1910 was received from old policy holders. Its enviable record for large div idend savings produces its exceptional Tow cost insur surance. John Goldsbury, Hood River, Oregon. T. I). TWKKOY Mutual Insurance at 80 Per Cent of Old Line Kate. Fire Insurance on IluihJinffS in Course of Construction, Free. NOTARY PUBLIC) ON TUB HFlf.HTK figures there are many contracted sales. Indicating the Eastern apple deal will start low. "Such a condition would be deslr able. It would put the poor grade fruit Into Immediate consumption this year Instead of Into storage as last year. "Conrad Pose, of the Wenatchee Produce Company, expects Eastern barni apples to le cheaper this sea son than last, but he looks for no fulling off In the demand or price of Wenatchee apples. He says that winter varieties here will bring about the same price as last year." Good Health Pread-whlte, whole wheat and graham home made, you will like It. Save the coupons. Sold by Parker's. FALL OPENING OF 8 D 8 e a i On and after Sept. 15th I Dress Hats will be ready 0 for inspection. o 1 J. & L. HAWLEYS i MiOinery THE CALUMET HOTEL 150 Park Pt htwepn Morrison and Alder PORTLAND, ORE. Fireproof and Modem conveniences: free phones. hot and cold running water, etc., in all rooms. Special summer rate to families visiting Fort land. Transient rat SI per day. Business houses and theatres within live ni inn tea' walk. r ree bus or W car at Depot. FOR SALE-Non-irriRated Budded NURSERY Stock. GUARANTEED true to name. Spitzenburgs, Newtowns and Ortleys. D. CURRIER, Jr., Odell 84. R. D. 2. Cottage Hospital Hood River's Medical In stitution. Open to the public for the treatment of Medical and Surgical cases. Rates on applica tion. Address, C0TTA6E HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION i IP1 W t The Old, Reliable True-to-Name Nursery Of Hood Utecr offers to planters for fall and spring, 1911-12 their usual choice stock of all leading varieties adapted to this locality. Our 15 years' experience in the Nur sery business in Hood River, the thousands of vigor ous, prolific trees that are annually testifying to the wisdom of our methods, and the hundreds of pleased customers should be sufficient recommendation to merit your patronage. Our trees are all grown on whole roots and all buds and scions are personally selected from the best bearing trees in Hood River, which insures healthy, vigorous, early bearing trees of known parentage and above all true-to-name. We are now booking orders for fall and spring de livery. Order now before stock is exausted. Address all communications to The True-to-Name Nursery Phone 2002-K Hood River, Ore. LEADS ON THE HEIGHTS Bakery. Coilcciloncrg, fruit, ice Cream, soil Drinks, Ele. AUTO DELIVERY OF LARGE ORDERS Coma In, try our Piano, and fool at homo THE LIGHT DELIVERY AUTO $750, F. 0. B. Portland $. 5. Vcfstcrff Dlstri6utcr 1213 13 Street. JiccH Rivxtr Money to Loan On Income Producing Property In quantities from $ 1,000 to $20,000 With Interest at 7 Per Cent W. S. NICHOL 3Ae fHan Wfie Setts Crcftard JLand Basement First National Bank OUR NEW FALL PATTERNS ne HAVE BEEN RECEIVED GIVE US A TRIAL Cleaning and Pressing. Workmanship Guaranteed THE TAILOR GRAY, Third Street, HooU River, Or. DR. J. SOWERBY Nerve Specialist and Chiropractor A Relief lor All Diseases Ferguson Building Telephone 222 4th & State St. Phone Z4SK 0. P. DABNEY & SONS FURNITURE, FURNITURE, FURNITURE, STOVES AND RANGES We buy, sell and exchange everything in House Purnishings, Campers Supplies, etc. Don't forRCtthc pl.icc-Cor. fth & State 3 P. B. SNYDER B. B. POWELL : lloiid River PiumDIng Company Sanitary Plumbing and Heating. Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Repairing Promptly Attended. ESTIMATES FURNISHED CASCADE AVENUE i-ivivivivrnvivivi' S- DRAYING ExpnESS ANP Baggage Furniture and Pianos MoxJcd S All Kinds of Light and Heavy Work H Wood Yard and Feed Store in Connection S, Office Phone 20 S Residence 2J8K PI TAFT TRANSFER CO. Class Livery PhoneT Transfer and Livery Company Freight and Baggage Transfer (jKNLKAL STORAOU HOOU RIVr.R. ORLUON. II J a n a LiFor Sale Cheaps NEW LATEST MODEL a a R WHITE SEWING MACHINE 1 II u q Inquire at ffetxfj Office g unnaaa