2 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 30, 1911 PORTLAND HIGHWAY FAST BECOMING FACT (j. It. llfltMOII, llKHUt.'Ult MlJH'rvlni (if the fort-xt rrxerve ilt-part ineiit liilnt; In t-hnrw I tie iim-Un.; nf ilif trHll Iniiii the Willamette Vnlley to lliioil lllvt-r, h:i the work ( ili-nr lnf that ii!iHwav In iimt:ivliu: r:i(i l.ll.v ami ttwit Knxn cohtitr tiiiiix will le ininle Ix twit ii Multnomah am I loud Hint -) ii t Ii-m The work in uuiler the niier islon iiflh-piity Siiiervlnor K. r. Mirlly. ho Iwih t hriv ere wm. ne of .i tm-n l working fruin Mt. Iljln. went, atnl twocrt'WK of men are working from Mt. Mlu eaxt to the liooil Kiver line A roa.l fix f--t whle U lielnjt Imllt from the niountaln went nml a trail in twlnj; cleared from the iiioiintaln eant. Mr. Matnon navfi the route neltK'ted for the trail that will lie widened In the future for a road nie through one of the mot H.-enle routed in t he t amade range, and he In eonlident that iiioti the completion of the high way for travel if will t tee nine a tiumt iioinilar drive. With little dillieulty ii road can Ik- luiilt from the Mood lllver Valley wettlement to connect Ith the government road that will have little over a five per cent grade It I extxH-ted Mood Kiver county will make mime appropriation to Improve the roadu that It will ulti mately connect with the government highway. It In thought that if the matter i- pro(K'rly presented nnd urged at the next Hennion of ongrefs that a lur ther appropriation can he neeured for Improving the road next cummer an It travel-new. the forest reserve for tnont of the way. Kffortn are now lielng made to have thin reserve de clared a natlot.nl park. If thin In done the road will undouhtedly se cure additional government ah) and It In not unlikely that It will lie lm pnned Into a fine highway. Next Sunday evening Mr. Mar Vreaven w ill open a nerien of nernions at the Hnptlnt church on "Supemtl tlonn, Fallacien and Ilealitlen.'" The ilifferent themen will lie treated In palm, thnn showing the two widen ."if each Miitiject. All evening Her vice w ill now open at 7:"0. Six room bungalow, corner 10th and Cascade avenue, for sale. Choice lot. See ow ner on premises. DR. F C. BROSIUS Physician and Surgeon Craidenca. Oak and Park. Office. Oak and Second Office houra, 10 to 11 a. m.. 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. lUnmi S. 4 and 5, Broaiua Block. Hood River. Ore. H. L. DUMBLE Physician and Surgeon falls promptly answered in town or country, day or night. Telephonea-Reaidence 611. Office 61J. Office in the Brosiua Building. i Ladies' Linen Suits There will be many warm days yet this season and these suits will afford a lot of comfort. All neatly tailored and will fit perfectly. Special $5.00 Suits now $1.75 G.50 44 44 1.8B 9.00 44 44 2.63 44 10.00 44 44 2.88 Suits for $2.75, $3.50, $4.50 and 5.00 Ladies' Shirt Waists Here are some extraordinary econ omies for women who need waists. These are Drummers Samples and while some are slightly soiled and mussed, you are offered these at but a fraction of their real value. We have grouped these in several differ ent lots and marked them all at the biggest kind of bargains. There is in this lot only one or two of a kind, but all sizes in the lot. Dainty Lingerie and Marquisettes with high and Dutch necks, with three quarter or kimona sleeves: trimmed with white or col ored embroidery, Valenciennes insertions, pin tucks, etc. There are waists in fancy, trimmed or tailored styles. The Tailored Waists are in the Gibson effect, pleated fronts, stiff collars and cuffs. Waists for fall and winter wear of medium and dark colors of Viols, Henriettas, Woolen, Sateen, Velvets, etc. Lot 1, your choice 75c , Lot 5, your choice... $1.43 Lot 2, your choice 98c ! Lot 6, your choice. 1.93 Lot 3, your choice.. $1.19 1 Lot 7, your choice. 2.73 Lot 4, your choice.. 1.25 ; Lot 8, your choice... 2.95 Wash Dresses Splendid little garments made of best quality Ginghams, Shambrays, Percales and Linens some high, others with square or round neck, elbow kimona and long sleeves, trimmed with pretty embroidery, plain bandings or pipings. These are just the thing for school wear. Dresses for 25c, 45c, 5Cc, 75c, $1.00 and up. All ages from 2 to 1G years. Men's Shirt Specials Here are surely some big bargains in the shirt line and when you see them you'll say they are the best values' you ever have seen for 98c. Mostly Cluett and Monarch brands, made of corded madras in striped, jacquard and novelty stitched effects in self and con trasting colors, perfectly finished and full cut. Q$f All sizes, 14 to necks. Your choice ! i i Imk $M 4h Copyright Hart ctuituer 4 M' The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Good Clothes If you're enough interest ed in fine clothes to enjoy looking at them, we want you to know that we're enough interested in fine clothes to enjoy showing them. We've got them to show, too; the new fall weaves, colors and pat terns. They're so good these clothes that they don't really cost much; there's true economy in buying them. Suits $18 and up Hood River's Largest Department Store PARIS FAIR The Store that Saves You Money OREGON WOMAN HEADS W. R. G. DR. E. O. DUTRO Physician and Surgeon Office in Smith Building Hine phone. Res. 71 B; Office phone Tl Hood River. Oreffra SHAW & BRONSON Physicians and Surgeons F.liot Block Phone 34 Hood River. Oregon J. F. WATT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office. Home phone 30. Rcaidenee, 3UB Hood River. Oregon C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. Dentist Offic. Hall Building, over Butler Hanking Co. Office phone 2H. Keaidence phone 2n-B Hkm1 River. Oregon II. Dudley W. Pineo, D. D. S. Dentist Office over Kirat National Bank Ortw-e - Home phone 131. Residence- Home 131-B Hmxl River. Oregon . - - - - - DR. E. L. SCOBEE Dentist Open evening! by appointment Rooma 6 and 7. Broniua Building. I'hone .TO Hood River. Oregon lr. M. H. Bharp Hr. Kdna B. Sharp DRS. SHARP Osteopathic Physicians Crailuatea of the American S-hool of Oteopathjr. Kirkville. Mo. Office in r.lKit Building Phone- Otlice K'i. Keilen-e 1H2-B. H1 River. Oregon Dr. J. SOWERBY CHIROPRACTOR NERVE SPECIALIST Iadv Attendant - Experienced I'HONK 'Ol KKKtm.SON BLII.LHN(J. HOOD RIVER The Woiuau'n U'liif CoriH In hch- Hlnn at KuoheHttT. .V V. lf"t wt-ek ek't'teil an Its natliui'il pn-Hlilfiit Mr. 'ora M. lavii, if I nloii. )r-iin. sn clone was the content fur t lie itlk'e that four liallcitn were taken lielnre thecholce wan inaile anl then it wmh mini that Mr. Iavi hail a ninall majority over Mrn (ierahline Krisliie, if California, formerly of rnrtlaml. H hen the liallotini; lienan, nix can- (IhlateH were iiomiiiateil for the ottice, namely: Mm. ila McllrMe, Indiana; Mrw. Cora M lavin. ( )re- ifnii; .Mrn. Kiiniee .m. .Miinuer. iKia- homa: Mrn. I'.elle . I'.Iihh. i-con-nin; Mm. lieraliline '.. l-'rinlile, fall irnla, and Mm. Loin M. Knaiiff. Milo Mm. l'.llnn. Mrn. M linger. Mm. Knaiiff and Mm Mi Ki ide noon wiih drew, lea vlinr the field clear I Mm Pavin Had Mm Frlnliie. .Iude Harvey M. Tritnlilc, of III! noln, wan unanimoiinly elected ( oni mander In ( hief of the (irand Army of the Kepulilic at noon Friday, when (ieneral .lohn McKlrny. of Vanhinton, hin onniiient. ended a bitter content by wit lulr-i Iiilj from the race. On motion of I ieneral Me Klroy, the Adjutant I ieneral cant out vote for .1 mite Trimble. On recommendation of the com mittee on renolnt loan, the encamp ment endorned the Sherwood I'en nioti bill, whlih lemocratlc leader l llderwood han promined Coliirienn will pann at the fort hcominir nennlon. but the endrimemetit carrien the forthcimimr (irovlno that the bill be made til conform in chwelv an ponnl hle to t he Sulloway bill, wlirh wan pigeon holed in Conurenn. The Slier wood bill wan f,iv jred by .Indue Trimble. 1'olonrl Nicholas Iav, of New York. City, wan elected neiilor vice-coin niander The election and liintallat i n of t he ollicem, and I lie nelecl ion of lon An irelen. al., for the next i iii-auipnn iit. cloned the enca tnpuieii t. Six room bungalow, corner 10th and Cascade avenue, for sale. Choice lot. See o ner on premises. UNDERWOOD Mm. Ilatnilnand Minn Unimex vis ited Mrn. Himne. lant week ami at tended the Kmbrolderv flub meet ln. W. A. U'eiidorf han the largest peaidi orchard here, about I'.'iiHI ireen. and In now nhippine; several hundred boxen daily. Hamilton's addition, platted about a year aifo, t he fimt nee t ion on tlii hill cut up into lotn, now han ix hounen, and two more are beiinr built. The K. f lioddardn. who nave npetit tli" numnier at their nlirhf I v home overlooking the folumliia Kiver, will remain until the openlni; of the l'ortland nchool. Kelly Jt I ti ltoin are now picking their peachen and early alpplen ami reiort that their main peach crop will be exceptionally line, though not (ilite no lare an in Home neam inn. Itev. II. f. l.owden In entertaiuini: hin brother, Ir. John Lowden and family In a camp adjolnim; the how. den home. Ir. Lnwili-n in recently from Mannachunettn, now pantor of a I ortland church. The fnderwood public nchool opened lant Moday. The lower uraden will be In cliarire of Minn lieiie MeAnhland. while Alfred U. Heurli k will have chari;,. ,,t the higher irraden ami the hiiih nclionl. There will be a nine moiitlm term. Alfred Hedrick'n handnoine new bungalow in completed and hin mother and ninter are now entab linhed there and ha ve forgot ten all I he discomfort of camp life endured while it wan necennary to wait for t he linlnliiug carpentry to be done. Minn (iladvn Hamilton han been vinilingat the fanh home and her frieiidn have enjoyed hearing her very Interenting accountn of high nchool and nodal life In Stevenson. Minn Hamilton moved away from here with her parents about a year ago Mr. and Mrs. iJililm, of Wallace, Idaho, have npent the month in camp on Mr. Oililm' place here . Ildgillg fl 1 I lie powder explonio'm and increased nize of HientoiiM wall on the ranch lie rained abig crop in a few weeks. Too bad they can't stay to harvest their peaches. They return home thin week. Phone Km. HT M Houra. 1(1 to 12: Ollire .".f.X H"i to 4-iiu- 7.3W to tl Other houra by apMllitment DR. E. R. CARPENTER Chiropractor: Nerve Specialist rjwefor All Ihaeane Room 17. HvillironneT lll.lg. Hood River. Ore M. E. WELCH Licensed Veterinarian TO-DAY To-day and every day, let us fill your PRESCKIITIONS. With the correct DUUGS of greatest power, a moderate equipment, and long training we surely can and do give the best results in Prescription Compounding always. Chas. N. Clarke (J LACIER PHARMACY Hood River Oregon ASK HELP TO SAVE At n ineetiny: held at I 'ark tiiange Hall Aiigunt l'."i. It w.m unanimously decided t he fira lige could not po.ni bly hold the 1'ark property any longer. 1 A committee of nix wan appointed by t lie chairman witii the full con ent of all present to dexine ways and means by which this property now commonly known an i'ark J range might be retained for the beiictit of ihe public for park pur pi men. for the benefit of strangers a brief (iescript ion of ttie property tuny In here stated. Thin 1'ark In situated about three miles went of the city of Hooil Kiver, and one-half mile south of the llelinont M. Iv church, on the eantnideoftliero.nl, and in bevolnl question the best Cultural park site on the went side of Hood Kiver cany of access. This tract of land wan purchased about four yearn pant by the lirange and has been maintained by the i iratige to t he present time. Thin property In about to pann from the people of Hood Kiver into private ownership. The proposition in now up to 1 he citizens of Hood Kiver and property -owners on the west .-jib- to save thin tiny strip of f - - I'ii- t pritucv.-i! an ;i perpetual public park for xoui.-ehen and children. N 1 1 w coine for a id , those who love Hood Kiver. and wiio feel proud of i mi r Ii i 1 1 i i,, pin-, a ml let us save one small npol 1 1 - 1 1 luture generations may have, unmaried by the ruthless hand of r.mmerci,tlhm. one little spot an t he l i ra r or made it. The commit tee has conferred with Attorney A. A. .la.vne. who will for mul.it plans o o I details in full, pointing out to an how we may save our 1'ark The committee has called a mass meeting of t In-citizens of Hood Kiver town ami all. y, to be held in the ( otamercial I lull Hail, I'liday even ing. September 1st. lull, to discuss ami act on thin important iUestion. I Attorney A. A. .laytie will be spokes j man of t he evening, and will give In i (all the iil'ia by which we may retain I t Ills property forever for the public weal Come to thin meeting ami bring your neighbor Friday evening, Sept. 1st, at Commercial flub Hull, a t o'clock. fommiitee; Thus. I'.ishop, S. !. Oxboroiigh, :'. I Thompson. Marsh Iscnlierg. Leslie I'.iitler, Koy I). Smit n (chairman I. Six room bungalow, corner 10th and Cascade avenue, for sale. Choice lot. See owner on premises. BOAK WILL SPEAK AT PUBLIC MEETING I. I. Boak, lead Consul Commander of the W.O. V., will deliver an address at the K. of P. Hall Monday evening, Sept. 4th. to which the public is invited. v.xa ." '"M: If 4 i'v 'X . .. . 'J ' ''I i' '' A. '1 t ' . , hi ' i r i. r -1. t"V s.v. . Mr. Boak is said to be one of the best speakers on the coast. A splendid mus ical program has been arranged and members of the local lodge promise an interesting evening. Kffects from typlmH cured. Ir. Soweibv. It pays to advertise. L. A. HENDERSON Graduate Civil Engineer Furmi-rly U. S. Lanl Surveyor l'hiliiiino lIanl Two ilimrf norlli of iiostotficn. I'honn 41 INVESTIGATE CHIROPRACTIC Not Medicine. Not Surgery. Not Osteopathy. It will save you money and brinp you health. Chiropractic is the science of locating the cause of disease, which is abnor mal pressure upon nerves. It is also the art of removing said ab normal pressure, which gives ease or health. If you are sick consult a Chiro practor and relief from your ail ments. All organs of the body are cun troled by mental impulses frvm the brain. If those impulses are interfered with by pressure on nerves, we have disease. Consultation and examination free. Du. K. R. Carpkntkr, 17 Heilbronner Bldg- A. A. JAYNE Lawyer Hall Buililins Howl Wrrr. (irwa ERNEST C. SMITH LAWYER .loom 14 nnd f. Hall RuiMinir Iltwwl River. Orrtrnn STEARNS & DERBY Lawyers First National Hunk BuiMing Hood Kiver, Ort-tfon . , mt K "A . ' 1. . v , ft s '4t, See The Sunny Side of Broadway Monroe Opera House, Friday, September I ft Well Drilling Quick Successful Satisfactory ASTORIA CENTENNIAL August loth to September Qth The great event of the year. It celebrates the coming of white settlers in A splendid program for thirty doys. Historic buildings and collections, hydro-aeroplanes, army and navy evolutions, concerts, fire works, opera, agricultural exhibits and Pacific regatta. .. Special pro gram furnished on request. Daily round trip fares to Clatsop Heath on the Pacific allow stops lit Astoria. . . , $7.00 Clatsop Beach and Return LOW C0L0NI5T PARES September i5th to October i5th Low one way fares to all points on tup: north bank road Chicago St. Louis $.12; St. Paul, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver $25. I rom other points in proportion. LOW ROUND TRIPS HAST August H, 13, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 28, 20, 30. September I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Stop overs and choice of routes In each direction. Details will be furnished on application. W. Ii. COWAN, ii. A. (1ILBLRT, Agent (ien. I rt. and Pass. Agent W hite Salmon. Wsr DONE WITH A STAR WELL DRILLING OUTFIT FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS APPLE LAND & ORCHARD COMPANY HOOD RIVER, OREGON Ufa P&rRdsile HoUe! NOW OPEN ITCoWn in &very Respect ecatfl In tfut Hvarl ef tfta Uppvr Vatfry Rooms 50c and $1 Meals 35 Cents Rales by the Week I'AHKDALi; OKIXION J. M. CLARK, Proprietor -A Olflct, Mo. Oak Strut Phonal, 26 Of 2O02-I Kiver. On turn