10 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30. 1911 CAMAS PRAIRIE DISTRICT HAS GREAT POSSIBILITIES (rnt mueii from I'aire 1' rmllil-trt ItM .lllll' 111 IlllTl'IIHl' tt'll f .l.). Ill l 1 1 V event utuv rtt'liillllfil lt viilne ih Iim.v ir nTnUi l.uiil Is mi- !-1 1 i .t 1 iiikI, mice cultlviitei!, will lnrreiiw tin- reMUirccw of the cimtrv t a lii-ll tltfiire. At iTi'wiit ltl-Mn a tii Id 1'iiltlva 1 1 ii mlliere tii t 11 i-Uetum. l.iit any I iik it tl hi t Im t Ic.-i.U tii ii innri' re mum ruliw i r p u ill iii!i Lly nee Inn i ni. ts cut Int" Binall Ktien. ami a crop pru.lnceil tliat will pay exen M'ifer t Iim n ti e t i'Iik t'f tlniut liy tn t lie acre, a lel.l iinw entlmate'l for the drain- ace illntrlct 'I' lie Hiiceet uf the count ry fur r-tock l apparent In ltn tine liornes anil tattle, atnl It iJalry product are iiUn a l.irce Honrcenf Inconie. Now that the attention of experienced fruit men han Httracteil to the volcanic null and red allot mll of lt tlinU red hlllH. It I milte likely that apple orchtirdH will follow and when i fruit 1 added to It other product l('ama. Valley will have a combina tion cf resource and Income Ideal ! ludi-t'd from the standpoint of the ! ;irtculturlr.t. When It In taken Into coii-iderat Ion I that thU rich land, ready for the plow, can now lie bought for $." to $7. an acre, or a half wet Ion for an amount that would only luiy a ten acre orchard at Mood Kiver, it I not nurprisim: that a nuuiher of well in formed and enterprUlm; men have recently none there and liouht lure , tract. KIther a an income pro ducer or from a speculative point of view, the opportunities offered are such a can lie found In few district, even In this hg and bonanza agri cultural territory of the Northwest. I'ntll recently the Ioiik staire ride Im caused thl country to lie com comparatively little known. The fast moving automobile, however, ha penetrated to the Cn ma Valley and it ha been brought tnticli nearer outer world. VlHitiiitf tlie (.'a m as country for the first time on a duck hunting trip a year or two iijto, lturnette lnucan Uvanie interested in it (lOHslbilitie and since theu ha secured bin land holdlnt: there. Through him other Mood Kiver ineu have become inter esteil, anions them J. II. rutnain, 1'.. O. Hall. I red Wasson and N. V. ltone. The drainage ditch I ex pected to be completed this fall, n nd Messr. Hone aud luncaii are pre paring to plow a lnr;e acreage and put it under cultivation. The Hood Kiver men are enthusiastic over their Investment, and their kIowIiii; ac- MOTHER LOOK H E R E I Our School Suits Are Right! We have just received the first shipment of our School Suits for Big and Little Boys. These are made by one of the best special Boys' Suit Makers and are RIGHT in style as well as price KNICKERBOCKER SUITS of brown mixed suiting, trimmed in brown COCK braid; neat and durable gZiu J MIXED GREY STRIPE KNICKERBOCKER SUITS double breasted, good fall 09 Cf weight pJiJU NAVY BLUE SER6E SUITS, good weight, for big boys for school or OP nn dressy wear OOiUU KNICKERBOCKER SUITS for big boys in mixed gray suiting, peg 07 nn top pants OliJU JUVENILE SERGE SUITS black, navy and red, with ties, belts and OP fin sailor collars pDiUU HOSE Fine Lisle Ribbed Hose, double heels and toes, 3 Pair viw the kind otier stores get 25c for. Special this Specials week-sizes 5 to 9 ragg Mercantile Go. or IE ZOO! HE IO F Jo) UIT p 1 c K I N G Palmer Ogburn Barnett Brunner $1.50 $1.50 $1.00 B U C K E T S Oak Splint Half Bushel Bas kets, .'i5c each, li for ... Sayres 17 oz. CI Q C Zenith 11) ozJox Hatchets. Oln-J California Fruit Picking Ladders, CrwVr-) 0, 8, 10, 12 35c per ft. 1 ply, 2 plv Tarred and Untarred ORCHARD TWINIi OE E. A. FRANZ CO. MI;AO0UARTI:R5 I'OR 0RCMARDI5TS' SUPPLIES count of the country are caunIdk many other to Uvome Interewted. From the Columbia river (or " mile up the W hite Salmon valley liltf dtrtdeit have Ixt'll iniiile lu devel oping orchard land. The Mt. Adam On-hard Coinimnv, bet ween IIumiiiu ami Cillmer, liantu-t 4K) acren to tree, while there Ik acre after acre of mi) alter holding in many direction IMc In extent, thU country adjacent to the White Salmon and Klickitat river in bler Mt ill In oMlhllltleH, aud It in therefore no online for won der that the railroad are canting covetous even on It. Apart from ltn other product. It timber iuut lu the near future become too valuable to lie left tnndin. It transloca tion problem I, therefore, but a matter of time, and with it a big riwe In land value. HOOD RIVER SCHOOL BELLS SOUND SUMMONS MONDAY (Continued From Pajre 1) J. O. MeLauuhlln, principal of high Hchool, Mat hematic; L. It. t;ibou, Knglih; J. 1'. Crite. Science; Ml liarton, (ieriiian; Ml ltruniult, Latin; Mi l'urrrow, IIltory and Mathematic; Mi Horning Dotneo tlc Science. tirade teacher Ml Stewart, 7th grade girl; Ml Knox, 8th grade girl, PA UK HTIiKKT III II.lllMi MIh Howard, principal teacher, it b grade; Ml Heath, 7tli audSth grade boy; Ml Kby, (ith grade. Ml Tldd, ."th grade; Ml Cooper, 4th grade; Ml Kvan, .'!rd grade; Ml Hick, -ml grade; Ml 1'oole, lt grade. PLEASANT VIKW HI II. PING Ml tioyette, principal teacher, 4th grade; Ml Clupp, Hrtl grade; Ml Jennie Kdglngtoa, 1'nd grade; Ml Vannett, lt grade. SPOKANE WILL HOLD ANOTHER APPLE SHOW Spokane ha decided to hold an other apple hov thl fall. The bulneH men there have ubcrlbed $:r,,(MK).00 to defray the expene. For the put three year Spokane ha doDe honor to the King of Fruit, nod the how have alwny attracted large crowd. Lat year the dipluy wa taken F.ust, follow lug tlie cloe In Spokane. Thl ven ture, however, did not prove a uc ce. Washington Shy On Publicity Work llecaue of the lat legllature' failure to allow Mitllclcnt money for publicity purpoew, Vahfngton, It I ald, i Hiifferlng today. I'eople writing to Olymplafor Information about Vahlngton, get little atl factlou. Secretary Howell admit lie I hampered. In Oregon they are much more far nlghted, with the re iilt that the Mtate I dltrlbutlng literature widely ami getting many new ettler. The railroad are do ing tnot of the publicity work for Wnhlngton thl year. Extension of Oak Street West The city Hurveyor will begin the Hiirvey of Oak Htreet, wet from Tenth treet to Thirteenth Htreet, through what 1 known a the liutchelder tract, thi week; and the tract lying between Oak Htrett, Can cade avenue, Tenth and Thirteenth Mtrevtw will l.e Hiibdlvlded Into build ing lot and put on the market. Thee lot can le bought at Hpeclal price now, but price will be ad vanced Septemlier 1.1th. For price and particular phone 214-1- or call at luiJ State Htreet. Aid Society Will Entertain The Congregational Aid will enter tain Friday evening, September lt, at the home ol Mr. C. A. ( hmh, !M Fugeiie St. The men will furnlh an lnteretlng program and the ladli-H will nerve refreHhmentH. All mem ber and their hubandaud friend are cordially Invited to attend and have a noclal evening. Dalles Woman Smashes Masher A man giving hi name a J. W. I'.etider Imoilted a woman on Second Htreet Monday afternoon, and In re ply he heaved a rock at hi head and Hiirreeded In hitting him on the ear. In the police court next morn ing he wan given u J0 line or ten day In Jail. - Dalle Optltnlt. fHcunt Koocl RaiCroad Time Til it No. 10, Effective April I7lh, 12:01 A. M. A.M.-Soutm NTM-P.r1. 8.00 s. or, 8.15 8.40 8.rr, 9.10 y. 20 J. 40 0.4.", Ar. I.v. Hood Hiver 3.10 Powerdale 3.05 Switchback 2.55 Van Horn 2.30 Mohra 2.25 Odell 2.15 Summit 205 Moucher 2.00 Winans 1.50 Dee Lv. 1.45 Dee Ar. 1.2T, Troutcreek 1.20 W(xk1 worth 1.05 rarkdale Lv. 1.00 10.15 10.25 10.40 10.50 Ar. Sundiyi, north bound train will run two hour late, bovt fcholulc, Uivini Pirkdilc J p. m. A. WILSON, Agent. 5 8 ip a cough befor It , - dorelopa lumelhlnf mora M Hou. f Ballard's Horenound Syrup Ii Th Rcaicdy Tkat Dea th Work. It rollevea couchtnK tmmedU ately. eases aoreneia In tba lungs, loosens phlegm and clears the bronchial tubes. It is a n )e family remedy, pleat ant to take and good (or chil dren and adults. Price SSo. 50 aad ll.OO. Buy the $100 alie. It contalna Ave times as much as the 250 slie. and you aret with each bot tle a Dr. Ilerrlck'a Red I'epper Porous Plaster (or the chest. JamesF.Ballard.Prop. St. Louis, Mo. ri 1 Stephens Eye Salve Cures Sore eyes. Sold AmoRccohhc moid Bv CI IAS. X. CLARKE 4 THIRTY PER CENT of the new business written by the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Wis consin in 1910 was received from old policy holders. Its enviable record for large div idend savings produces its exceptional Tow cost insur- surance. John Goldsbury, Hood Kiver, Oregon. A. W. ONTHANK NOTARY PUBLIC Dealer in CITY PROPERTY Legal Papers carefully drawn. Money loaned on First Mortgages Fire Insurance In best Companies. Surety Bonds of all kinds. Stenography and Typewriting. Business promptly attended to. 906 Osk Street ' Hood River W. J. BAKER . Real Estate Loans Insurance APPLE AND STRAWBERRY LAND A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited Kent & Garrabrant Confectionery, Cigars Fishing Tackle Spaulding's Sporting Goods All Kinds of Soft Drinks Oak Street, opposite Smith Block. Hood River. M. NIGUMA jfapancoc povcltiea Kutane and Tokyo Dishes. Bamboo Furniture. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Oak Street, Horner 1st Phone IbO REAL ESTATE BULLETIN - - $7500.00 -Ten acres in the best section on East Side, six miles out all in trees, 4 J acres bear ing, balance in 1 to 3 year olds new apple house. This lies close to railroad, school, church and store. This can be had on easy terms. Owner leaving for the east and must dispose of proper ty. Crop goes with the place. $200.00 per acre for 30 acres on East Side, 7 miles out. Easy clearing, no waste; easy terms. - 0. Y. E-DWARDS & CO. Office Hotel Oregon HMtf. Phone No. 1MK MIhwm Kvh mill MHillii I'rnliHt, of .Spitkiini1. NtxterM il MrM. CIhim. I,nr Hcn. nri' tin IntttT'a Kiimt nt the Mt. ildod Motel. A. C. BUCK Notary Public and Insurance Agent Room 12. Hroaius Block Huod Kiver, Oregon R. R. BARTLETT ARCHITECTS Hcilbronner Building HOOD RIVER. ORKGON l'hone 61 ALBERT SUTTON Hrcbitcct Hall Buildino Huod River, Oregon P. M. MORSE City Engineer and Surveyor CITY AND COUNTY WORK Heilbronner Building Huod River, Oregon MURRAY KAY CIVIL ENUINIiliR AND SURVEYOR Phonb 32 Hhosuis Builihno Hood River HENRY N. HACKETT Surveyor Draughtsman Kinds of Subdividing Accuracy Gimra-ntei'd Phone A I . Residence. 245-K MRS. ELSIE BLOOD Hair "tef itches From your own combintrs Satisfaction guaranteed Mail Onion Filled HOOD RIVER, OREGON R. DEPEE WOOD SAWED BY 6AS0LINE POWER Oak and Slabs, 75c. Fir and Pine, 50c. Per Cord. PHONE 226-X C. G. VAN TRESS Public Stenographer AND Notary Public ELIOT BLOCK Phone 308-M The W. G. Aldred Co. CONTRACTORS EXCAVATING AND GRADING Crushed Rock and Gravel HOOD RIVER, ORUGON l'hone IfiO 14 Oak St. GARBAGEMAN YAM A &. KAWA Telephone between 7 and 10 p. m. 6 C. P. SUMNER B Opposite ths Post Office M'im Phone 20 Spray and Garden llose Plumbing i iy rv .1,1 40 Stuinitcli t rouliN-M cun-cl. Ir. Sow-prliy. FRUIT JAR Fasioje&l Mourn ftecpsfruif Perfectly: ci ran cias Admits Hhole fruit Schram Fruit Jars are just the thing to can those peaches in. We recommend their use because we have tested and sold them 3 years and there are NONE better. The Star Grocery "Good Things to Eat" Pkrigo & Son A Basket of Goodness Well X , . S ' K. ' . Ma J is a basket of our Fine Groceries. We guarantee the perfect purity of every article we sell, and pride ourselves upon the rep utation we have made for fairl and honest dealing. We keep only the freshest and finest ofl Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, Hutter, Eutfs, Flour, etc., and challenge comparison of qualities at equal prices. If you are not already dealing here, you are robbing yourself of many sources of sat isfaction. Free delivery J. M. Wood NORTH BEACH In the plctuurc haunt in this part ol the rountr I this urnmcr. Its devote rrjoie to lam that I they can now iro am) come on a mcular arhettultv i nil ien dent of tide. Thn popular cxcuraiotil tramer, "T. J. POTTER" leaves Portland Ash Street dock DAILY, l-XCHPT SATUKDAY AN)I SUNDAY, :30 A. M. SATURDAYS ONLY, 1:00 l. M. Alan the atramer "II ASSAI.O" leavinir I'wtlanrl laily, enrept Sunday, at X:(M P. M. (Saturday ai IU:(W I'. M.I Reduced Fares Prevail Prom All Points in the Northwest via the Oregon-Washington Railroad &, Navigation Co. Mnal cottatro and camp life, a magnificent bracll that U not nurpaHwd anywhere, senial and bene I flciat climate, and all the comfortn of home, wit h I out roatinir any more than if you remained at hom Call nn or write to any O-W. R. A N. atrent fo complete information; alno for copy of oua aum I mer bofik, "Outinff in Oniron." VVH. HcHURRAY, C.eneral Pannenrer Airent, O-W. R. A N. fV.. Portland, Oregon TMU CALUMliT IIOTI-I inn Park St., between Murriunn anil Aller PORTLAND, ORU. Firepmnf anrl Mtiilem eonenlenrea; free phones hft and eoM runnina water, etc., in all men Special nummer raten to famihea viaitina' P'rt land. Tranment rate ft tier rlav. Ilimlnef hmmea and thmtren w ithin Hve minntea' walk I r ree buinrw car at I topnt. ('tirlHtinii Science wrvli'i'M art held In ItfiiilliiK Hot nn. Nn. (I, DhvIiImuiI lnilldliitf. .Siitnlii.v itt 11 n. in. ami iliifHiii.v nt H p. in .siincliiy mcIihii at 10 n. in.